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Thinking, fast and slow (summary)

Daniel Kahneman (Author)
GetAbstract Summary: Get the key points from this book in less than 10 minutes. The topics that Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman addresses are both complex and integral to the human mind: He asks you to think about thinking by considering how your mind habitually contradicts itself, distorts data and misleads you. His prose is lucid, his reasoning rigorous and his honesty refreshing - more than once Kahneman illustrates conflicted thinking with examples from his own life. The result is a fairly slow read, but an ultimately rewarding experience. getAbstract recommends this book to anyone interested in neuroscience and neuroeconomics, and to all those who want to improve their thinking about thinking. Book Publisher:FSG
eBook, English, 2012
GetAbstract, Luzern, 2012
1 online resource