Rebecca's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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I started this book for my university work but I wanted to talk about it because it is such a good book that I feel like I should share it with anyone who will pay attention. I really want to walk around with this book, shoving it into people’s hands and telling them to read it as it will really blow their minds. Unless of course, you have a degree in psychology, then you probably won’t be surprised.
I feel like this book has practically everything, it talks statistics, psychology, philosophy, economics, almost everything you could think of.
Daniel Kahneman provides a narrative that sucks you in from the first page and from there it keeps flowing in such a way that pages just fly by. It’s a non-fiction book that almost feels like a fictional novel.
I find Thinking, Fast and Slow to be quite intriguing as it discusses how people think in two systems, a fast, automatic response and a slower more logical response. The book has examples for people to try out and it’s surprising just how many of the things I think I don’t do but that my responses to the examples showed I thought the same way for a lot of things.
This is definitely something different to what I would normally read but I would definitely encourage everyone to read it because it is highly insightful and is written in such a way that keeps you engaged right up until the very end.
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Reading Progress

July 31, 2013 – Started Reading
July 31, 2013 – Shelved
August 19, 2013 – Finished Reading

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