| Edward Harwood - Classical biography - 1778 - 400 pages
...Impetuofity, Virgil leads us with an attractive Majefty. Homer fcatters with a generous Profufion, Virgil beftows with a careful Magnificence. Homer* like the Nile, pours out his Riches with a fudden Overflow ; Virgil, like a River full to its Banks, with a gentle and conftant Stream. When we... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 460 pages
...attraftive majefty i Homer fcatters with a generous profufion, Virgil beftows with a careful magnificence i Homer, like the Nile, pours out his riches with a...like a river in its banks, with a gentle and conftant fiream. When we behold their battles, methinks the two poets refemble the heroes they celebrate i Homer,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 396 pages
...Homer fcatters with a generous profuf:on, Virgil beftows with a careful magnificence : Homer, l:ke the Nile, pours out his riches with a boundlefs overflow...Virgil, like a river in its banks, with a gentle and ccnftant ftream. When we behold their battles, methinks the two poets refemble the heroes they celebrate... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1787 - 334 pages
...iwpetuofity ; Virgil leads us with an attractive majefty : Homer fcatters with a generous profufion ; Virgil beftows with a careful magnificence : Homer,...When we behold their battles, methinks the two poets refemble the Heroes they celebrate : Homer, boundlefs and irrefiftible as Achilles, bears all before... | |
| Hugh Blair - English language - 1787 - 482 pages
...leads us " with an attractive majefty. Homer fcat" ters with a generous profufion ; Virgil be(c ftows with a careful magnificence. Homer, " like the Nile, pours out his riches with a " fudden overflow ; Virgil, like a river in its " banks, with a conftant ftream. And " when we look... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1797 - 472 pages
...impetuofity ; Virgil leads us with an attraftive majefty : Homer fcatters with a generous profufion; Virgil beftows with a careful magnificence : Homer,...like a river in its banks, with a gentle and conftant flream. When we behold their battles, methinks the two Poets refemble the Heroes they celebrate : Homer,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1800 - 496 pages
...Virgil leads us with an attractive majefty : Homer fcatttrs with a generous profufion, Virgil beftowi with a careful magnificence: Homer, like the Nile,...like a river in its banks, with a gentle and conftant rtream. When we behold their battles, methinks the two poets refemble the heroes they celebrate: Homer,... | |
| Hugh Blair - English language - 1802 - 416 pages
...impetuofity ; Virgil leads us with an attractive " majefty. Homer fcatters with a generous profufion ; Virgil *' beftows with a careful magnificence. Homer, like the Nile, " pours out his riches with a fudden overflow ; Virgil, like " a rirer in its banks, with a conftant ftream. And when we " look upon... | |
| Hugh Blair - English language - 1802 - 328 pages
...leads. us with an attractive majefty. Homer • " fcatters with a generous profufion ; Virgil beflows " with a careful magnificence. Homer, like the Nile, "pours out his riches with a fudden overflow ; Virgil, " like a river in its banks, with a conftant ftream. " When we look upon... | |
| David Irving - English language - 1803 - 262 pages
...impetuofity i. Virgil leads us with an attractive majefly. Homer fcatters with a generous profufion ; Virgil beftows with a careful magnificence. Homer, like the Nile, pours out his richei with a fudden overflow ; Virgil, like a river in its b,i»k?> with aconftant ftream. Pope's... | |
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