They will ask thee concerning wine and lots. Answer, In both there is great sin, and also some things of use unto men; but their sinfulness is greater than their use. Goethe's West-Easterly Divan - Page 247by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 1877 - 264 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Thomas Paine - Bible - 1810 - 504 pages
...Chap. l,\. vol. ii. p. 438. GENERAL PRECEPTS. They will ask thee concerning wine and lots: answer, in both there is great sin, and also some things but their sinfulness is greater than their use. They will ask thee also what they shall bestow in alms: answer, what ye have to spare. Thus God sheweth... | |
 | Samuel Morewood - Science - 1824 - 406 pages
...The words are in vol. i. chap. ii. p. 37. " They will ask you concerning wine and lots ; " answer, in both there is great sin, and also some " things...but their sinfulness is " greater than their use." Again, in vol. ii. chap. xvi. p. 81. "And of the fruit of palm-trees, " and of grapes, ye obtain an... | |
 | 1825 - 538 pages
...of GOD ; for GOD is gracious and merciful. They will ask thee concerning wine'1 and lots": Answer, In both there is great sin, and also some things of use unto menf : but their sinfulness is greater than their use. They will ask thee also what they shall bestow... | |
 | Child rearing - 1832 - 280 pages
...of games of chance to his followers. " They will ask of wine and lots. Answer, In both these there is great sin, and ..also some things of use...but their sinfulness is greater than their use."* The occasion -of this prohibition seems to have been the prophet's witnessing their bad effects in... | |
 | George Bush - 1833 - 286 pages
...and of games of chance to his followers. " They will ask thee of wine and lots. Answer, In both these there is great sin, and also some things of use unto men ; hut their sinfulness is greater than their use."* The occasion of this prohibition seems to have... | |
 | Lucius Manlius Sargent, M. L. V. - License system - 1833 - 290 pages
...reason may be found on the face of the Koran—" they will ask thee concerning wine and lots: answer, in both there is great sin and also some things of use to men; but their sinfulness is greater than their use." 6 For a full and fair account of the drunkenness... | |
 | Samuel Morewood - Alcoholic beverages - 1838 - 768 pages
...two passages in the same work. The words are, " They will ask you concerning wine and lots ; answer, in both there is great sin, and also some things of...unto men ; but their sinfulness is greater than their iwe."t Again, " And of the fruit of palm trees, and of grapes, ye obtain an inebriating liquor and... | |
 | Samuel Morewood - Alcoholic beverages - 1838 - 778 pages
...two passages in the same work. The words are, " They will ask you concerning wine and lots ; answer, in both there is great sin, and also some things of use unto men ; but their sinftilness is greater than their nse."f Again, " And of the fruit of palm trees, and of grapes, ye... | |
 | Beaumont Square Chapel, Mile End (LONDON), John Thomas Barber Beaumont - 1840 - 204 pages
...military and manly labours. MAHOMET (the Koran).—They will ask thee concerning wine H and lots; answer, in both there is great sin, and also some things of...; but their sinfulness is greater than their use. They will ask thee, also, what they shall bestow in alms; answer, what ye have to spare. Thus God sheweth... | |
 | Frederick Walpole - Assassins (Ismailites) - 1851 - 1342 pages
...; so lie says in the Koran ; " They will ask you concerning wine ami lots ; answer, in both tltero is great sin, and also some things of use unto men...; but their sinfulness is greater than their use." Perhaps he saw the actual necessity of this to the existence of a race in such a climate as his own... | |
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