My own East! How nearer God we were! He glows above With scarce an intervention, presses close And palpitatingly, his soul o'er ours! We feel him, nor by painful reason know! The everlasting minute of creation Is felt there; now it is, as it was then;... Goethe's West-Easterly Divan - Page 233by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 1877 - 264 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Fashion - 470 pages
...fatal draught, and when one by one his spies and enemies are learning to believe in him : — Lur. My own East ! How nearer God we were ! He glows intervention, presses close And palpitatingly, Hra soul o'er ours 1 We feel Him, nor by painful reason know ! The everlasting minute of creation Is... | |
 | American literature - 1849 - 600 pages
...all too late — he ies ! One more passage we must cite from one of Luria's later speeches : — " My own East ! How nearer God we were ! He glows above With scrfrce an intervention, presses close And palpitatingly, His soul o'er ours ! We feel him, nor by... | |
 | 1849 - 1052 pages
...all too late—he dies !— One more passage we must cite from one of Luria's later speeches:— " My own East! How nearer God we were ! He glows above...presses close And palpitatingly, His soul o'er ours ! We feel him, nor by painful reason know ! The everlasting minute of creation Is felt there ; nom... | |
 | American periodicals - 1849 - 602 pages
...all too late — he dies ! One more passage we must cite from one of Luna's later speeches : — " turn at once to his capital -*d thus relieved himself...presence of a dangerous friend, as well as of a formid ! We feel him, nur by painful reasun know! The everlasting minute of creation Is felt there ; тис... | |
 | Robert Browning - 1850 - 436 pages
...secret sting. I am glad to have seen you wondrous Florentines, Yet.. Dom. I am here to listen. Lur. My own East ! How nearer God we were ! He glows above...presses close And palpitatingly, His soul o'er ours ! We feel Him, nor by painful reason know ! The everlasting minute of creation Is felt there ; Now... | |
 | Robert Browning - 1864 - 436 pages
...secret sting. I am glad to have seen you wondrous Florentines, Yet. . Dom. I am here to listen. IMr. My own East ! How nearer God we were ! He glows above...presses close And palpitatingly, His soul o'er ours ! We feel Him, nor by painful reason know ! The everlasting minute of creation Is felt there ; Now... | |
 | Liberalism (Religion) - 1864 - 442 pages
...thee — I — who did not love before ! " And Luria exclaims, in the play that hears his name : " My own East ! How nearer God we were ! He glows above...presses close And palpitatingly, His soul o'er ours ! We feel Him, nor by painful reason know ! The everlasting minute of creation Is felt there ; Now... | |
 | Liberalism (Religion) - 1864 - 408 pages
...— who did not love before ! " And Luria exclaims, in the play that bears his name : " My own East 1 How nearer God we were ! He glows above With scarce...presses close And palpitatingly, His soul o'er ours ! We feel Him, nor by painful reason know ! The everlasting minute of creation Is felt there ; Now... | |
 | Afternoon lectures - 1869 - 378 pages
...of God to His universe is not identical with that of the nations of the East, where God is so near "He glows above With scarce an intervention, presses close And palpitatingly, His soul o'er ours." Mr. Browning's own feeling is more complex than what is expressed in this passage, which he has put... | |
 | Art - 1869 - 386 pages
...of God to His universe is not identical with that of the nations of the East, where God is so near " He glows above With scarce an intervention, presses close And palpitatingly, His soul o'er ours. " Mr. Browning's own feeling is more complex than what is expressed in this passage, which he has put... | |
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