| Thomas Sherlock - Sermons, English - 1812 - 538 pages
...this difficulty : 1 delight, fays he, in the law of God after the inward man : but I fee another laiv in my members warring againft the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of Jin, which is in my members. 0 wretched man that I am ! who Jhall deliver... | |
| Missions - 1803 - 504 pages
...evil is prefent with me ; for I delight in the law of God, after the inward man ; but I fee another law in my members, warring againft the law of my mind,...captivity to the law of fin, which is in my members. So then, with my mind, I myfelf ferve the law of God ; but with the flefh, the law of fin."— In all... | |
| New manual - 1815 - 488 pages
....to be free from the Bondage and Dominion of Sin ! but alas! lama weak and feeble Creature : I find a Law in my Members warring againft the Law of my Mind, which, without the Affiftance of thy Holy Spirit, will bring me into Captivity to the Law of Sin :... | |
| Thomas Ken (bp. of Bath and Wells.) - 1852 - 178 pages
...flefh dwelleth no good thing ; for when I would do good, evil is prefent with me, and I fee a Rom. vii. Law in my members warring againft the Law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of Sin. Lord have mercy upon me, and deliver me from this body of Death,... | |
| Johannes Tauler - Church year sermons - 1857 - 468 pages
...hour. As St. Paul fays : " For I delight in the law of God after " the inward man : but I lee another law in my " members, warring againft the law of my...captivity to the law of fin which " is in my members." Wherefore, " the good that I " would, I do not ; but the evil which I would not, " that I do." Thus... | |
| Sursum - 1859 - 418 pages
...GOD, that in my flefh dwelleth no good thing ; for when I would do good, evil is prefent with me, and I fee a law in my members warring againft the law...and bringing me into captivity to the law of fin. LORD, have mercy upon me, and deliver me from this body of death, from this tyranny of fin. Alas! alas,... | |
| Francis Quarles - 1859 - 298 pages
...Emblem 1 . My foul hath coveted to defire thy judgments. — PSALM cxix. ROM. vil. 23. / fee another law in my members warring againft the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of Jin. OHOW my will is hurried to and fro, And how my unrefolv'd refolves... | |
| Thomas Ken (bp. of Bath and Wells.) - 1869 - 194 pages
...God, that in my fkfh dwelleth no good thing; for when I would do good, evil is prefent with me, and I fee a Law in my members warring againft the Law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the Law of Sin. Lord have mercy upon me, and deliver me from this body of Death,... | |
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