Homer, Volume 3Harper & Bros., 1836 - Epic poetry, Greek |
From inside the book
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Page 68
... haste forsook the pleasing shore , Or , the charm tasted , had return'd no more . Now placed in order on their banks , they sweep 115 The sea's smooth face , and cleave the hoary deep ; With heavy hearts we labour through the tide , To ...
... haste forsook the pleasing shore , Or , the charm tasted , had return'd no more . Now placed in order on their banks , they sweep 115 The sea's smooth face , and cleave the hoary deep ; With heavy hearts we labour through the tide , To ...
Page 70
... haste our fellows to the ships repair , For arms and weapons of the sylvan war ; Straight in three squadrons all our crew we part , And bend the bow , or wing the missile dart : The bounteous gods afford a copious prey , And nine fat ...
... haste our fellows to the ships repair , For arms and weapons of the sylvan war ; Straight in three squadrons all our crew we part , And bend the bow , or wing the missile dart : The bounteous gods afford a copious prey , And nine fat ...
Page 78
... haste assembled , at his well - known roar , Inquire the cause , and crowd the cavern door . 475 " " What hurts thee , Polypheme ? what strange affright 479 Thus breaks our slumbers , and disturbs the night ? Does any mortal , in the ...
... haste assembled , at his well - known roar , Inquire the cause , and crowd the cavern door . 475 " " What hurts thee , Polypheme ? what strange affright 479 Thus breaks our slumbers , and disturbs the night ? Does any mortal , in the ...
Page 80
... haste they heave the wealthy sheep , And snatch their oars , and rush into the deep . " Now off at sea , and from the shallows clear , 555 As far as human voice could reach the ear , With taunts the distant giant I accost . ' Hear me ...
... haste they heave the wealthy sheep , And snatch their oars , and rush into the deep . " Now off at sea , and from the shallows clear , 555 As far as human voice could reach the ear , With taunts the distant giant I accost . ' Hear me ...
Page 87
... haste my frighted sailors press , While kindling transports glow'd at our success ; But the sad fate that did our friends destroy Cool'd every breast , and damp'd the rising joy . " Now dropp'd our anchors in the Eæan bay , Where Circe ...
... haste my frighted sailors press , While kindling transports glow'd at our success ; But the sad fate that did our friends destroy Cool'd every breast , and damp'd the rising joy . " Now dropp'd our anchors in the Eæan bay , Where Circe ...
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Common terms and phrases
address'd Agelaus Alcinous Amphinomus Anticlea Antinous arms Atrides attend bear behold bend beneath bless'd blood bold bower brave breast breath Calypso coast cries crown'd Cyclop death decreed descends dire divine dome dreadful Dulichium Eumæus Euryclea Eurylochus Eurymachus Eurynome Ev'n eyes fair falchion fame fate feast fierce flies friends goddess gods grace guest hand haste hear heart Heaven hero Homer honours Iliad instant Jove king labours Laertes land Laodamas lord maid Melanthius mighty mind monarch mortal native Nausicaa Neptune night nymph o'er palace Pallas pass'd peers pensive press'd prey prince Pylos queen race rage rejoin'd replies rise roll'd round royal sacred sails shade shining shore sire skies soft soul spoke spread stranger suitors swain Swift tears Telemachus thee Theoclymenus thou throne thunder Tiresias toils touch'd train Ulysses vengeance vessel wandering waves wine woes wretch youth
Popular passages
Page 8 - The birds of broadest wing their mansion form, The chough, the seamew, the loquacious crow, And scream aloft, and skim the deeps below. Depending vines the shelving cavern screen, With purple clusters blushing through the green. Four limpid fountains from the clefts distil...
Page 212 - Jove fix'd it certain, that whatever day Makes man a slave, takes half his worth away.
Page 130 - Oh stay, O pride of Greece! Ulysses, stay! Oh cease thy course, and listen to our lay ! Blest is the man ordain'd our voice to hear, The song instructs the soul, and charms the ear. Approach! thy soul shall into raptures rise! Approach! and learn new wisdom from the wise!
Page 144 - To whom the father of th' immortal powers, Who swells the clouds, and gladdens earth with showers. Can mighty Neptune thus of man complain? Neptune, tremendous o'er the boundless main ! Rever'd and awful e'en in heaven's abodes, Ancient and great! a god above the gods! If that low race offend thy power divine, (Weak, daring creatures ! ) is not vengeance thine ? Go then, the guilty at thy will chastise.
Page 94 - She faints, she falls; she lifts her weeping eyes. 'What art thou? say ! from whence, from whom you came? O more than human ! tell thy race, thy name. Amazing strength, these poisons to sustain! Not mortal thou, nor mortal is thy brain.
Page 54 - In fighting fields as far the spear I throw As flies an arrow from the well-drawn bow. Sole in the race the contest I decline, Stiff are my weary joints, and I resign ; By storms and hunger worn : age well may fail, When storms and hunger both at once assail.
Page 131 - Dire Scylla there a scene of horror forms, And here Charybdis fills the deep with storms. When the tide rushes from her rumbling caves The rough rock roars ; tumultuous boil the waves...
Page 324 - Longinus is so far from finding any defect in these, that he rather taxes Homer with painting them too minutely. As to the narrations, although they are more numerous as the occasions...
Page 142 - Phorcys' power, whose name it bears : Two craggy rocks projecting to the main, The roaring wind's tempestuous rage restrain ; Within the waves in softer murmurs glide, And ships secure without their halsers ride.
Page 68 - They went and found a hospitable race; Not prone to ill, nor strange to foreign guest, They eat, they drink, and nature gives the feast; The trees around them, all their fruit produce; Lotos, the name; divine nectareous juice!