1800 Anuradhapura 1 67 Kumára Dhátuséna Son 1058 515 900 do. Immolated himself. S. Kumáradása. Sk. Kírtiséna .. Maternal uncle 1067 524 0025 do. do. S. Medi Sivu. S. Mugalan. 68 Kittiséna S. Kitsen. 69 Síva 70 Upatissa III. Brother-in-law 1068 525 160 do. S. Lemeni Upatissa. 1166 623 060 do. Defeated in battle and deposed. 80 Siláméghavanna or Asiggá- Son of Dalla Moggallána's 1157 Sk. Aşiggráhaka Şilámégha. Sk. Agrabódhi. S. Akbó or Sirisangabó. Son of Sanghatissa (No. 78) 1166 623 060 do. S. Lemeni Katusara or Detutissa. Committed suicide in the field of battle. 81 Aggabódhi III. or Sirisangha- Son 81 Aggabódhi III. or Sirisangha- No. 81 1167 624 16 00 do. .. Recovered the kingdom, and resumed possession of the S. Sirisangabó. Brother of Sirisanghabódhi 1195 (Nos. 81, 83). 652 900 do. S. Pęsulu Kasub or Kasubu, or Kasup. haka S. Salamevan. general bódhi II. 82 Jetthatissa bódhi II. 83 Dáthópatissa I. 47-08 Duration of reign not given in the Mahavansa. The Pújávali gives 35 years. S. Valpiți Datta. A member of the Royal 1232 689 200 family do. 89 Unhanágara Hatthadátha Not stated.. 1234 691 060 do. Decollated. S. Hunannaru Riyandala. 88 Datta 90 Mánavamma Son of Kassapa II. (No.84) 1234 691 35 00 do. 91 Aggabódhi V... Sk. Agrabódhi. Son (?) .. 1269 726 600 do. 92 Kassapa III. Sk. Kásyapa. S. Kasub or Sulu Kasubu. S. Mihindu. Brother 94 Aggabódhi VI., surnamed do. Silámégha Sk. Aggrabódhi. S. Akbo Salamevan. 95 Aggabódhi VII. Sk. Agrabódhi. .. Brother S. Kudá Akbó or Deveni Kudá Akbó. 96 Mahinda II., surnamed Silá- Nephew 93 Mahinda I. mégha 1324 781 600 Polonnaruwa do. .. 1355 812 400 do. Son Cousin .. 1359 816 11 00 do. |