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and defeats them, 260-Mánábharana assumes the sovereignty and persecutes Gaja Báhu, 263-Parákrama raises a new army and commences a second campaign, 281-Second siege and capture of Polonnaruwa, 287-Máņábharana is defeated, and put to flight, 306-Gaja Báhu's treachery, 311-He is pursued closely: but induces the priesthood to mediate, 326-And Parákrama restores to him the conquered territory,



Gaja Báhu bequeatheth the kingdom to Parákrama and dies, 1-Gaja Báhu's ministers conceal his body, and invite Máņábharana, 6-Parákrama advances to Polonnaruwa with an army, 8-Mánábharana also advances with an army, 9-Parákrama, at the request of his ministers, permits himself to be crowned king, 19-Details of the war between Mánábharana and Parákrama, 33-Description of a fortified post, 265-A fierce battle, lasting seven days, 284-Mánábharana's defeat and flight to Róhana, 310-His death, 334-An account of Parákrama's second coronation, 343.


Parákrama's high resolves, 1-He reforms and unites the priesthood, 12-He forms a large establishment for the distribution of alms, 23Description of a large hospital built by him, 34-A strange incident in connection therewith, 49-Improvements in the fortifications of Polonnaruwa, 55-Description of his palace, Véjayanta, 61-Other buildings, 71-The Dharmágára or house of worship, 74-The theatre, Sarasvati Mandapa, 82-The hall of recreation, Rájavesi Bhujanga, 87-The palace on one column, 91-The Nandana Park, 95-The Dipuyyána Park, 113Ponds and baths, 120-Mahinda, his minister, builds a temple for the tooth-relic, 124-His queen Rúpavatí; her character, and the Mahá cétiya (Mahá Séya) built by her, 136-Roads, 148-Suburbs, 151Gates, 156.


Parákrama Báhu sends a minister to repair the buildings at Anuradhapura, 1-He builds the city called Parákrama, 15-He orders the governors of provinces to recover the revenue without oppressing the people, 18He prohibits the killing of animals on póya days, 20-The disaffected chiefs of Róhana foment another rebellion headed by Sugalá, the mother of Máņábharana, 22-Parákrama despatches Rakkha Sénápati with an army to quell it, 40-The foreign and Sinhalese forces of the interior towns take advantage of the absence of the army and rebel, 44-Details of the war carried on at Róhana, 50-Parákrama's generals succeed in seizing the tooth and alms-bowl relics, 126-They are taken in great procession to Polonnaruwa, 169-The king receives them with great pomp and splendour,



Continuation of the war in Róhana, 1-Fresh reinforcements sent, 20-An amnesty proclaimed, 41-War carried into Giruwá pattu and Saparagamuwa, 67-Rakkha, the Tamil commander, 70-Council of war, 154-Final defeat of the rebels and capture of the queen Sugalá, 171-Severe punishments inflicted on the rebels, 189-Triumphant entry of Parákrama's generals into the capital, 199.


Second rebellion in Róhana, 1-Rebellion in the west, 7-Declaration of war against Rámañña (country between Arakkan and Siam), 10An expeditionary force is sent thither, 44-Accidents and misadventures, 56-Subjugation of Rámañña, 59-Its inhabitants sue for peace, which is granted, 69-Being besieged by king Kulasékhara, the king of Pandu entreats Parákrama for succour, 76-Parákrama sends an expeditionary force there under the command of his general, Laņkápura, 80-Landing of his army on the opposite coast, 88-Capture of Tamils, who are despatched to Lanká to work at the Ruwanveli Séya, 103-Grand inauguration thereof by the king, 107-Details of Lankápura's campaign in Southern India, 123-Reinforcements sent from Lanká under Jagad Vijaya Nayaka, 296Capture of the fortress of Rájiná, and Kulasékhara's flight therefrom, 319.


Continuation of the campaign, 1-Laņkápura and Jagad Vijaya Nayaka enter Madura, 2-They crown the prince Víra Pandu as king of the Pandian country, 25-Kulasékhara makes a second attempt to recover Pandu, 32-Operations of Laņkápura and Jagad Vijaya Nayaka, 45-Laņkápura leads his army into Cóļa and devastates the country, 82-He returns to Madura after a successful campaign; and coins are struck in the name of Parákrama Báhu, 103-Parákrama Báhu forms a village, and calls it Pandu Vijaya, in commemoration of the conquest of Pandu, 106.


Immorality and dissension among the various fraternities of the Order, 3-Steps taken by the king to reform and reunite them, 5-The great trial 14-Ordination of priests, 28-Description of the Jétavana vihára at Polonnaruwa, 31-Baths, 44-Aláhana Parivéna, 49-Lankátilaka imagehouse, 52-Baddhasímá Pásáda, 55-Símá or consecrated ground, 57The Pacchimáráma, 73-The Demala Mahá Séya 79-The Isipatana vihára, 82-The Kusínárá vihára, 87-The Gávuta viháras, 94-The Kapila vihára, 96-Repairs of edifices in Anuradhapura, 99.


Parks and gardens, 1-Lakkhuyyána, 4-Dípuyyána, 6-Other gardens, 7-Summarised list of religious edifices, 14-Of tanks and channels, 23Canals from the "Sea of Parákrama," 40-Jayaganga canal from Kaláveva to Anuradhapura, 59-Buildings erected at Parákrama's birthplace, 62At Róhana, 71.


Vijaya Báhu, nephew of Parákrama Báhu, ascends the throne, 1-His magnanimity, 2-Mahinda procures his death, and seizes the reins of government, 15-He is put to death by Kírti Nissanka, the sub-king, 18-Kírti Nissanka's acts, 19-Víra Báhu, 27-Vikrama Báhu, 28Códaganga, 29-Kírti and Lílávatí, 30-Sahasa Malla, 32-Áyasmanta and Kalyanavatí, 33-Áyasmanta and Dharmásóka, 42-Ánikanga, 43Camúnakka and Lílávatí, 45-Lókésvara, 47-Parákrama and Lílávatí, 49-Parákrama Pandu, 51-Mágha, 54-He lays waste the whole Island, 60-And is anointed king by his followers, 74.


The Sinhalese nobles and princes fortify themselves in different parts of the country, 1-Subha Sénápati at Yápauwa, 3-Bhuvanéka Báhu at Góvinda, 5-Sankha at Gangádóni, 7-Prince Vijaya Báhu governs the kingdom, 10-Departure of the priesthood from Polonnaruwa with the tooth and bowl-relics, of whom some proceed to India, 17-The king induces them to return, 22-He brings the relics from Kotmalé, 24-And builds the Beligala vihára for their reception, 33-He causes religious books to be written, 41-Brings the priesthood together, and holds a festival of ordination, 46-Repairs the Kelani dágoba and other religious buildings, 59-His sons Parákrama Báhu and Bhuvanéka Báhu, 64.


Parákrama Báhu II., 1-His title, 3-He brings up the tooth-relic from Beligala into Dambadeniya, 8-His solemn address before the people, 15Miracle of the tooth-relic, 41-His exultation thereat, 46-Offerings made thereto, 50.


The king becomes popular, 1-He administers justice tempered with mercy, 4-The Vannian princes are thereby brought to submission, 10— His war of extermination against the Tamils, 11-They resolve to leave the Island, 22-And depart from Polonnaruwa, with much booty, 27They are intercepted at Kaláveva and despoiled of their possessions, 30Candrabhánu, a Malay prince, invades the Island, and is defeated and put to flight by Víra Báhu, the king's nephew, 36-Dévapura or Dondra, 48.


The king carries out reforms in the countries that had been occupied by the Tamils, 1-Purifies the religion, 7-He causes the holy monk Dharmakírti of the country of Tamba to be brought hither, 11--Builds monasteries and reforms the priesthood, 17-Bhuvanéka Báhu, his brother, 29-Feasts of ordination held during the reign of the king, 32.


He builds the Mahavihára at Kandy, 1-Great festive procession with the tooth and bowl-relics from Dambadeniya to Kandy, 4-Offerings, &c., made to the relics by the people of Kandy, 33-Parákrama Báhu vihára, 47-Bhuvanéka Báhu vihára at Beligala, 59-Mahinda Báhu parivéņa at Kurunegala, 62-Kelani vihára, 64-Attanagalu vihára, 73-Bentota vihára, 78-Dondra dévála, 85-Dambadeniya, 90Portrait of Buddha, 94- Gift of kathina robes, 99-Exhibition of the tooth-relic, 109-Adam's Peak, 118.


The king appoints one of his ministers to visit different parts of the Island and to carry out improvements, 1-His mission and works, 18The road to Adam's Peak repaired, and rivers spanned by bridges, 22.


An impending famine averted, 1-The king's admonition to his sons and nephew, 14-He consults the priesthood about the succession to the throne, 39-They commend Vijaya Báhu, who is accordingly entrusted with the administration of the country, 63.


Administration of the country by prince Vijaya Báhu and his cousin Víra Báhu, 1-Candrabhanu, the Malay prince, invades the Island a second time, 62-He is routed and put to flight by the two princes, 67Prince Vijaya Báhu repairs the ruins of Anuradhapura, 79-He and prince Víra Báhu restore Polonnaruwa, 90.


Parákrama Báhu II. goes to Polonnaruwa, and is anointed king a second time, 1-Vijaya Báhu brings the tooth and alms-bowl relics in great procession to Polonnaruwa, 13-Ordination of priests at Dástota, 47Ecclesiastical dignities conferred on monks, 65.


Death of Parákrama Báhu II. and accession of Vijaya Báhu IV., who is assassinated, 1-Prince Bhuvanéka Báhu, his brother, escapes to Yapauwa, 4-Unsuccessful attempts by the traitors to gain over the Áryan army, 12-They rise in a body, and their chief Thakur slays Mitta, the traitor, who seized the throne, 23-The two armies unite in crowning prince Bhuvanéka Báhu king, 29-He enlarges and beautifies Yapauwa,

34-His other acts, 36-Invasion of the island by Árya Cakravarti, and the taking away of the tooth-relic to India, 43-Parákrama Báhu III., 48-He brings back the tooth-relic from India, 51--Bhuvanéka Báhu II., 59-Parákrama Báhu IV., 64-He builds a temple for the tooth-relic, 66-Composes a ritual for the tooth-relic, 76-And translates the Játakas into Sinhalese, 80-Improvements at Dondra temple, 94Veligama, Totagamuwa, and other temples, 96-Notice of other kings who succeeded him, 105.


Notice of two kings, Parákrama Báhu V. and Vikrama Báhu III., 1— Alagakkónára or Bhuvanéka Báhu V., 2-Kelaniya and Kótté, 5-Víra Báhu II., 14-The famous Parákrama Báhu VI. of Kótté, 15-His deeds, 17.


Jaya Báhu II. and Bhuvanéka Báhu VI., 1-Parákrama Báhu VII., 3— Parákrama Báhu VIII. and Vijaya Báhu V., 4-Bhuvanéka Báhu VII. 5-Víra Vikrama and the date of his accession, 6-He removes the bowlrelic to the Nátha dévála ground and builds a cétiya, 9-His acts, 11Pilgrimages, 16-Ordination of priests and gifts, 21.


Máyádunu, 1-Rájasinha I., 3-His persecution of the Buddhist religion, 6.


Vimala Dharma Súriya, 1-He builds a wall and towers round Kandy, 7-Brings the tooth-relic from Delgamuwa, 11-Builds a temple for the tooth-relic, 13-Ordination of priests at the Getambé ford, 15-His younger brother Senerat, 22.


Sénáratna or Senerat, 1-The Portuguese, 4-Their hostile advance towards Kandy, and retreat, 9-Division of the kingdom among Senerat's two nephews and son, Kumára Sinha, Vijaya Pála, and Rája Sinha, 19.


War with the Portuguese, and dissensions among the three princes, 1-Rája Sinha II. His character, 5-Anecdotes about him, 8-His war with the Portuguese, 12-He sends ambassadors to Holland and forms an alliance with the Dutch, 27-Expulsion of the Portuguese and establishment of the Dutch on the seacoast, 33.


Vimala Dharma Súriya II., 1-Building of the Daļadá Máligáva, 5-He celebrates a feast of ordination, 8-His pious deeds, 16-Şrí Víra Parákrama Naréndra Sinha, 23-His pious acts, 25-Builds Kundasála, 34-Improves and embellishes the Daļadá Máligáva, 37-The priest Saranankara Ganín, 49.


Şrí Vijaya Rája Sinha, 1-His queens from Madura converted to Buddhism, 4-Saranankara again, 24-The king lives outside the city, 26The tooth-relic, 27-Grand festival, 35-Improvement of the buildings of the city, 69-Persecution of the propagators of the Roman Catholic religion, 82-Mission to foreign Buddhist countries, 89.


Kittissíri Rájasíha, l-His faith and piety, 2-He adopts measures to propagate the religion and spread learning, 15-His pilgrimage to Anuradhapura and other holy places, 36-Dévála festivals, 42-Festival of the tooth-relic, 54-He resolves to follow the examples of the great kings of old, 74-And causes the Mahavansa to be compiled up to date, 78-Appoints his two younger brothers as sub-kings, 85-War with the Dutch, 110-They advance against Kandy and take it, 124-They are besieged, 134-And their forces destroyed, 140-The tooth-relic is brought back from the interior into the city, 147-The priesthood during the siege, 155-The Dutch sue for peace, 159-The king patronises the priesthood, 174.


His daily offerings to the tooth-relic, 1-His gifts thereto, 9-Dedication of the village Akarahaduwa and the festival in honour thereof, 23-He reforms the priesthood with the aid of Saranankara, 44-He sends an embassy to the court of the King of Siam and procures priests and books, 55-Their reception by him, 78-Rite of ordination conferred by them on the priests of Lanká, 92-Saranankara is appointed Sangha Rája, 102The Siamese ambassadors, 113-The king receives religious instruction from Upáli, the Siamese elder, 118-Pilgrimage of the Siamese ambassadors to the shrines, 126-Likewise of the Siamese priests, 128-A second mission of priests sent by the King of Siam, 137-Death of Upáli, the head of the first mission, 143-The king sends ambassadors with presents to the King of Siam, 150-Return presents from the King of Siam, 161-The priests of the Island placed under the tuition of those of Siam, 172-The construction of the Gangáráma vihára, 181-Of Kundasála vihára, 217Expulsion of Hindu ascetics from Adam's Peak, 221-The Madavala vihára, 231-Dévanagala vihára, 234-Madapola vihára, 236-Ridí vihára, 239-Other religious buildings, 298.


Șrí Rájádhi Rajasinha, 1-Şrí Vikrama Rájasinha, 19.

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