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1.18 in. by 46 in.; weight 44 grains.


Within a flat border, above the level of which the design does not rise,1 a full-length figure of deity, wider at the hips than shoulders, facing f. A thin oval circlet round and over head, springing from the shoulders. Feet turned half outwards. The arms hang down, 1. hand appearing to grasp an upright bar at border, and r. holding a curved stem, at the top of which is a trumpet-shaped flower or a cornucopia with a circular flower over it, and leaves or buds above. At each side, near border, is a thin upright line. One anklet on each leg and a bangle above r. wrist.

R. In the upper third a Swastika, turned r. with stem prolonged downwards to middle of lowest third of coin, where it springs from a slightly curved horizontal line. Two short equidistant vertical lines of the length of the arms of the Swastika rise from the base line, on each side of central stem. Below base line and separated from it by a well-marked channel there is a parallel line, beneath which is a broad flat border line. Between the Swastika and basal uprights there are raised marks on each side of the central stem, but what they represent is uncertain. Col. Mus.


1.22 in. by 50 in.; weight 41 grains.

O. Below a flat border line outside which is a sunk channel, a standing deity, facing f. Thick circlet from shoulders round head. Four anklets on each leg and perhaps bangle on r. wrist. Arms hang down, hands grasping on each side a curved line which may be a flower-stem, that on r. having a side view of a trumpet-mouth at level of shoulder, above which may be an open flower and buds, as in No. 2. Stem on 1. may also end in flowers and leaves. Below the feet a horizontal row of beads consisting of three thin upright ones in the centre and two larger round ones at each side.

R. The same Swastika, with thick lines, turned r.; base

1 This style of false relief is a distinct characteristic of Sinhalese art, whether of early or later date, and is also seen in Southern India. Dr. Dresser, unaware of this, stated his belief that it was 'not practised by any other peoples than the Egyptians and the Japanese.' Japan, its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures, p. 341.

line nearly straight. Below it two slightly bent flat parallel bars separated from each other and the base by deep wide flat-bottomed channels. At sides of central pole are raised marks of uncertain character.

4. 1.20 in. by 55 in.; weight 35 grains.

Col. Mus.

O. Broad flat border along top and upper part of r. side. Standing deity, facing f., with irregular circlet over head and resting on shoulders; above the head a flat horizontal bar separated by a channel from the border. Feet turned halfoutwards, and clearly and accurately represented, with heel, instep, and side view of toes. A large anklet on each leg. Arms hang down, and hold at each side near border a thin curved line which may be a flower stem, ending at shoulder level in indistinct flowers and leaves. Above them two beads on each side, near circlet.

R. Swastika as before, turned 1., on thick winding base, below which and separated from it by a wide flat channel are two similar raised parallel bars, with narrow channel between them. On both sides of central pole are faint raised designs, that on 1. resembling an early letter Ke. Col. Mus.

5. About half only, from Sittrawila near Tissa, 54 in. by *49 in. wide.

O. Lower half of standing deity. An upright line to r. R. In opposite direction to O. Swastika, turned r.

H. Parker.

Lower half of standing deity

6. Over half, from Sittrawila, 66 in. by 50 in. wide. O. Flat border at bottom. with hanging arms; 1. hand grasps an upright line. R. Indistinct. Lower part of Swastika symbol, with raised marks in side spaces.


H. P.

These coins are also oblongs of beaten copper, wider than those of Tissa; they are all of one type which differs in some respects from that of the Tissa coins. Each has the standing deity on O., and the peculiar Swastika symbol on R.; but all are characterised by having in the space under the arm of the Swastika and usually on the right side of the central pole, a

recumbent humped bull, sometimes kneeling on one knee, and on the opposite side a vase out of which grows a plant. The flat border of the Tissa coins is absent, as well as the line under the base of the Swastika, and sometimes the circlet over the head of the deity. These coins cannot have been long in circulation, the edges being sharp as though freshly cut; but on several of them the design is quite faint.

7. 1.16 in. by 64 in.; weight 49 grains.

O. Standing deity, facing f., with legs slightly apart. Arms hang down, and hands grasp two upright lines at level of hips. That on 1. has a boss on it below shoulder level; opposite the neck it divides into two arms which are at first horizontal and then vertical, forming a bident. The other seems to be similar. From top of inner prongs of bident an arched band rises over the head. Beginning above the shoulders and extending round the head are seven clearly defined beads, and another is on each side close to the hips. Bangles on both wrists and an anklet on 1. leg; the other ankle and both feet cannot be distinguished.

R. Opposed to O. Swastika symbol, turned r., on straight base. In space to r. of central pole and facing Swastika a recumbent humped bull. In space to 1. a round-bodied object, a vase with plant; one stem has three leaves. Mouth of vase faces Swastika. H. P.

8. 1.03 in. by 61 in.; weight 44 grains.

O. Narrow-waisted standing deity, facing f., with legs well apart and arms hanging down. The 1. one grasps a strong upright pole, which at level of neck becomes a bident or trident, only one prong being recognisable. A bead above each shoulder and traces of two others above them. If a circlet of beads passed round head they may have been only five in number. Feet and r. hand indistinguishable.

R. Opposed to O. Broad-stemmed Swastika symbol, turned r., with pointed arms. Recumbent humped bull facing it on r.; a vase with indistinct plant on 1., turned towards Swastika. H. P.

9. 1.12 in. by 72 in.; weight 32 grains.

O. Standing deity, facing f., with two large anklets on each

leg. Arms hang down and hands grasp two upright poles near sides of coin, of which that on 1. becomes a wide bident above level of neck, 1. prong ending in a barbed point. A bead above each shoulder, and some kind of covering or headdress on head, extending beyond it laterally.

R. Opposed to O. Raised Swastika, turned 1. Facing it on r., the recumbent humped bull. Vase on 1. with plant, facing Swastika.

10. 1-20 in. by 70 in.; weight 38 grains.

H. P.

O. Standing deity, facing f., very narrow-waisted, with bangle on 1. wrist. Side uprights barely distinguishable; that on r. appears to end in bident opposite neck. A circlet of beads extends from shoulders and round head, on each side of which three are visible.

R. Opposed to O. Raised Swastika, turned 1., with arms and basal uprights pointed. Indistinct symbols below it; that on r. may be the recumbent bull facing it.

H. P. 11. 1.14 in. by 66 in.; weight 46 grains. About onetenth of the coin has been cut off r. upper corner; allowing for this, the full weight would be about 50 grains. Design is in higher relief.


O. Standing deity, facing f., with wider waist. hold upright poles or stems near sides of coin. Arched line over head with lower edge scalloped. A bead above each shoulder, and another over it on 1.; there may have been seven round the head. There are indications of flowers on stems on each side of the legs.

R. Raised Swastika, turned r. Base straight; short side uprights resting on it are pointed at ends. In space to r. a kneeling humped bull, with r. fore-foot on ground. Tail is curled back on 1. quarter, its end being on the ground. The bull is tied to the Swastika by a halter. Two points on its neck may indicate two collars. On 1. a wide vase on a flat base; tree grows out of it, an upright stem, from which branch four side shoots, ending in leaves or flowers. H. P.

12. 1.12 in. by 65 in.; weight 51 grains. O. Standing deity, facing f., indistinct. Hands hold uprights near edge; that on r. may end in bident. A bead

on each side above shoulders, and anklet on r. leg. Transverse bar below feet bent downward in middle.

R. Opposed to O. Raised Swastika on strong stem, turned r. Recumbent humped bull on 1. facing Swastika, with hanging ears and dewlap. On r. a round-bodied vase out of which grow probably three stems, two only being visible, each ending in a leaf or flower.

13. 1.04 in. by 60 in.; weight 29 grains.

H. P.

O. Standing deity, facing f. Anklet on left leg; lower part of other leg indistinguishable. Upright pole on r. appears above shoulder to curl round towards head in a rough circle, which may possibly be a large trumpet-mouthed flower.

R. Opposed to O. Raised Swastika, turned 1. The only two basal uprights which are distinguishable end in points. To r., recumbent humped bull facing Swastika. To l., vase with wide mouth facing Swastika; r. shoot from it ends in a broad pointed leaf. No transverse bar under base line of Swastika, this being the only coin which shows clearly that this special feature of the Tissa coins is omitted from those found at Mulleittivu. H. P.

14. 1.18 in. by 66 in.; weight 56 grains.

O. Standing deity in relief, facing f., feet turned half outwards; holds upright pole at each side. That on r. becomes a bident at level of chin, with horizontal base and prongs sloping slightly outwards. A broad circlet passes from inner prongs over the head, and on the under side has a scalloped edge. There are seven beads round the head, the two lowest being close to shoulders. On r. wrist two bangles, and anklet on r. leg. To 1. between leg and pole, a raised symbol, the side view of a lotus leaf on an upright stem. To r. a thin curved stem ending in large flower. A fold of the dress hangs down between the legs. Three cuts across r. foot indicate a shoe or slipper.

R. Opposed to O. Raised Swastika, with thick arms turned r., two short thin bars cross the ends of its arms and of the basal uprights. To r. recumbent humped bull facing Swastika, to which it is tied by a halter. To 1., a wide heartshaped vase, pointed at bottom and having a high neck and

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