Hence lies the town, as far as to the ear 360 370 "Arrived, advance, impatient of delay, And to the lofty palace bend thy way: The lofty palace overlooks the town, From every dome by pomp superior known; A child may point the way. With earnest gait 365 Seek thou the queen along the rooms of state; Her royal hand a wondrous work designs, Around a circle of bright damsels shines, Part twist the threads, and part the wool dispose, While with the purple orb the spindle glows. High on a throne, amid the Scherian powers, My royal father shares the genial hours; But to the queen thy mournful tale disclose, With the prevailing eloquence of woes: So shalt thou view with joy thy natal shore, Though mountains rise between, and oceans roar." She added not, but waving as she wheel'd The silver scourge, it glitter'd o'er the field : With skill the virgin guides the embroider'd rein, Slow rolls the car before the attending train. Now whirling down the heavens, the golden day Shot through the western clouds a dewy ray; The grove they reach, where from the sacred shade To Pallas thus the pensive hero pray'd : 375 380 384 "Daughter of Jove! whose arms in thunder wield The avenging bolt, and shake the dreadful shield; Forsook by thee, in vain I sought thy aid When booming billows closed above my head; Attend, unconquer'd maid! accord my vows, Bid the Great hear, and pitying heal my woes." 390 This heard Minerva, but forbore to fly (By Neptune awed) apparent from the sky; Stern god! who raged with vengeance unrestrain'd, Till great Ulysses hail'd his native land. BOOK VII. ARGUMENT. The Court of Alcinous. THE Princess Nausicaa returns to the city, and Ulysses soon after follows thither-He is met by Pallas in the form of a young virgin, who guides him to the palace, and directs him in what manner to address the Queen Arete-She then involves him in a mist, which causes him to pass invisible-The palace and gardens of Alcinous described-Ulysses falling at the feet of the queen, the mist disperses, the Phæacians admire, and receive him with respect-The queen inquiring by what means he had the garments he then wore, he relates to her and Alcinous his departure from Calypso, and his arrival on their dominions.-[The same day continues, and the book ends with the night.] While the slow mules draw on the imperial maid: 5 10 The rising fire supplies with busy care, 15 Now from the sacred thicket where he lay, 20 25 35 "Show me, fair daughter," thus the chief demands, "The house of him who rules these happy lands. 30 Through many woes and wanderings, lo! I come To good Alcinous' hospitable dome. Far from my native coast, I rove alone, A wretched stranger, and of all unknown !" ; The goddess answer'd: "Father, I obey, And point the wandering traveller his way: Well known to me the palace you inquire, For fast beside it dwells my honour'd sire : But silent march, nor greet the common train With question needless, or inquiry vain : A race of rugged mariners are these; Unpolish'd men, and boisterous as their seas; The native islanders alone their care, And hateful he who breathes a foreign air. These did the ruler of the deep ordain To build proud navies and command the main ; On canvass wings to cut the watery way; No bird so light, no thought so swift as they." 40 45 Thus having spoke, the unknown celestial leads : The footsteps of the deity he treads, 50 56 The chief with wonder sees the extended streets, 60 66 Appears before you; enter, and admire. 70 75 And Peribœa, beautiful and young, Produced a monarch that his people bless'd, The first by Phœbus' burning arrows fired, No son survived: Arete heir'd his state, In equal tenderness her sons conspire, And all the children emulate their sire. 80 85 When through the street she gracious deigns to move, (The public wonder and the public love,) 90 The tongues of all with transport sound her praise, The eyes of all, as on a goddess, gaze. She feels the triumph of a generous breast; 95 100 With that the goddess deign'd no longer stay, But o'er the world of waters wing'd her way: Forsaking Scheria's ever-pleasing shore, The winds to Marathon the virgin bore; Thence, where proud Athens rears her towery head, With opening streets and shining structures spread, She pass'd, delighted with the well-known seats; And to Erectheus' sacred dome retreats. 106 Meanwhile Ulysses at the palace waits, The pillars silver, on a brazen base; 115 120 And still to live beyond the power of years. |