joys oppress'd: 405 Smit with the signs which all his doubts explain, His heart within him melts; his knees sustain Their feeble weight no more: his arms alone Support him, round the loved Ulysses thrown; He faints, he sinks, with mighty hty joys Ulysses clasps him to his eager breast. Soon as returning life regains its seat, And his breath lengthens, and his pulses beat; "Yes, I believe," he cries, "Almighty Jove! Heaven rules us yet, and gods there are above. 410 'Tis so; the suitors for their wrongs have paid; But what shall guard us, if the town invade ? If, while the news through every city flies, All Ithaca and Cephalenia rise ?" To this Ulysses: "As the gods shall please 415 Be all the rest; and set thy soul at ease. Haste to the cottage by this orchard's side, And take the banquet which our cares provide: There wait thy faithful band of rural friends, And there the young Telemachus attends." 420 Thus having said, they traced the garden o'er, And stooping enter'd at the lowly door. 425 430 "What god," he cried, " my father's form improves ? How high he treads, and how enlarged he moves!" "Oh! would to all the deathless powers on high, Pallas and Jove, and him who gilds the sky!" 435 440 Such were I now, not absent from your deed They communed thus; while homeward bent their way The swains, fatigued with labours of the day: 445 Dolius the first, the venerable man; And next his sons, a long succeeding train Call'd by the careful old Sicilian dame, 449 Who nursed the children, and now tends the sire; They see their lord, they gaze, and they admire. On chairs and beds in order seated round, They share the gladsome board; the roofs resound, While thus Ulysses to his ancient friend: 455 "Forbear your wonder, and the feast attend: And fastens kisses on his hands and face; 461 Then thus broke out: "Ohlong, oh daily mourn'd! Already is it known," the king replied, And straight resumed his seat; while round him bows 470 Each faithful youth, and breathes out ardent vows: Then all beneath their father take their place, Rank'd by their ages, and the banquet grace. Now flying Fame the swift report had spread Through all the city, of the suitors dead. 475 DD In throngs they rise, and to the palace crowd; 480 485 "Great deeds, oh friends! this wondrous man has wrought, And mighty blessings to his country brought! 490 Haste then, and ere to neighbouring Pyle he flies, 495 Or sacred Elis, to procure supplies; Here ceased he, but indignant tears let fall all. 505 When from the palace to the wondering throng "Hear me, ye peers and elders of the land, Who deem this act the work of mortal hand; As o'er the heaps of death Ulysses strode, These eyes, these eyes beheld a present god, 510 Who now before him, now beside him stood, Fought as he fought, and mark'd his way with blood: In vain old Mentor's form the god belied: 'Twas Heaven that struck, and Heaven was on his side." 515 A sudden horror all the assembly shook, When slowly rising, Halitherses spoke: (Reverend and wise, whose comprehensive view At once the present and the future knew :) "Me too, ye fathers, hear! from you proceed 520 The ills ye mourn; your own the guilty deed. Ye gave your sons, your lawless sons, the rein; (Oft warn'd by Mentor and myself in vain ;) An absent hero's bed they sought to soil, An absent hero's wealth they made their spoil; 525 Immoderate riot, and intemperate lust! The offence was great, the punishment was just. Weigh then my counsels in an equal scale, Nor rush to ruin. Justice will prevail." His moderate words some better minds persuade : They part, and join him: but the number staid. 531 They storm, they shout, with hasty phrensy fired, And second all Eupithes' rage inspired. They case their limbs in brass; to arms they run; The broad effulgence blazes in the sun. 535 Before the city, and in ample plain, Minerva thus to cloud-compelling Jove: 545 Declare thy purpose, for thy will is fate." "Is not thy thought my own!" the god replies Who rolls the thunder o'er the vaulted skies; 555 "Hath not long since thy knowing soul decreed, 565 Now sat Ulysses at the rural feast, The rage of hunger and of thirst repress'd: To watch the foe a trusty spy he sent: A son of Dolius on the message went, Stood in the way, and at a glance beheld The foe approach, embattled on the field. With backward step he hastens to the bower, And tells the news. They arm with all their power, Four friends alone Ulysses' cause embrace, And six were all the sons of Dolius' race: 570 575 580 Old Dolius too his rusted arms put on; 585 |