For Pyle or Elis bound: but tempests toss'd A hapless exile on a foreign shore." 320 325 Thus while he spoke, the blue-eyed maid began With pleasing smiles to view the godlike man: Then changed her form: and now, divinely bright, Jove's heavenly daughter stood confess'd to sight; Like a fair virgin in her beauty's bloom, Skill'd in the illustrious labours of the loom. 331 335 "Oh still the same Ulysses!" she rejoin'd, "In useful craft successfully refined! Artful in speech, in action, and in mind! Sufficed it not, that, thy long labours pass'd, Secure thou seest thy native shore at last? But this to me? who, like thyself, excel In arts of counsel, and dissembling well; To me? whose wit exceeds the powers divine, 340 No less than mortals are surpass'd by thine. Know'st thou not me? who made thy life my care, Through ten years' wandering, and through ten years' war; Who taught thee arts, Alcinous to persuade, 345 The pride of fools, and slaves' insulting scorn. 350 Yield to the force of unresisted fate, And bear unmoved the wrongs of base mankind, The last, and hardest, conquest of the mind." "Goddess of wisdom!" Ithacus replies, "He who discerns thee must be truly wise, So seldom view'd, and ever in disguise! When the bold Argives led their warring powers Against proud Ilion's well-defended towers, Ulysses was thy care, celestial maid! Graced with thy sight, and favour'd with thy aid. But when the Trojan piles in ashes lay, And bound for Greece we plough'd the watery way, Our fleet dispersed and driven from coast to coast, 355 360 Thy sacred presence from that hour I lost; 365 370 Divide this coast from distant Ithaca; Thus he. The blue-eyed goddess thus replies: 380 His subjects' faith and queen's suspected love: 384 390 Behold the port of Phorcys! fenced around 395 400 405 So spake the goddess; and the prospect clear'd, The mists dispersed, and all the coast appear'd. The king with joy confess'd his place of birth, And on his knees salutes his mother earth: Then, with his suppliant hands upheld in air, Thus to the sea-green sisters sends his prayer: "All hail! ye virgin daughters of the main! Ye streams, beyond my hopes beheld again! To you once more your own Ulysses bows; Attend his transports, and receive his vows! If Jove prolong my days, and Pallas crown The growing virtues of my youthful son, To you shall rites divine be ever paid, And grateful offerings on your altars laid." 410 414 Thus then Minerva: "From that anxious breast Dismiss those cares, and leave to Heaven the rest. Our task be now thy treasured stores to save, Deep in the close recesses of the cave: Then future means consult." She spoke, and trod The shady grot, that brighten'd with the god. The closest caverns of the grot she sought; The gold, the brass, the robes, Ulysses brought; These in the secret gloom the chief disposed; The entrance with a rock the goddess closed. Now, seated in the olive's sacred shade, Confer the hero and the martial maid. The goddess of the azure eyes began: 66 Son of Laertes muc much-experienced man! The suitor train thy early care demand, Of that luxurious race to rid the land: 420 425 430 Three years thy house their lawless rule has seen, 435 To this Ulysses: "Oh celestial maid! Praised be thy counsel, and thy timely aid: Else had I seen my native walls in vain, Like great Atrides, just restored and slain. Vouchsafe the means of vengeance to debate, And plan with all thy arts the scene of fate. Then, then be present, and my soul inspire, As when we wrapp'd Troy's heaven-built walls in 440 fire. Though leagued against me hundred heroes stand, Hundreds shall fall, if Pallas aid my hand." 446 She answered: "In the dreadful day of fight, It fits thee now to wear a dark disguise, Disfigure every limb with coarse attire, "Go first the master of thy herds to find, 451 455 460 465 At the Coracian rock he now resides, 470 475 480 485 At this the father, with a father's care : "Must he too suffer? he, oh goddess! bear Of wanderings and of woes a wretched share? Through the wild ocean plough the dangerous way, And leave his fortunes and his house a prey ? Why wouldst not thou, oh all-enlightened mind! Inform him certain, and protect him, kind?" To whom Minerva: "Be thy soul at rest; And know, whatever Heaven ordains is best. To fame I sent him, to acquire renown; To other regions is his virtue known: Secure he sits, near great Atrides placed; With friendships strengthen'd, and with honours graced. 490 But lo! an ambush waits his passage o'er; wand; The skin shrunk up, and wither'd at her hand. 500 A stag's torn hide is lapp'd around his reins, A rugged staff his trembling hand sustains; 505 |