To learn my doom: for, toss'd from wo to wo, fled, 206 210 Say, what distemper gave thee to the dead? 220 "Thus I, and thus the parent-shade returns : Thee, ever thee, thy faithful consort mourns: Whether the night descends or day prevails, Thee she by night, and thee by day bewails. Thee in Telemachus thy realm obeys; In sacred groves celestial rites he pays, And shares the banquet in superior state, Graced with such honours as become the great. 225 Thy sire in solitude foments his care: The court is joyless, for thou art not there! No costly carpets raise his hoary head, No rich embroidery shines to grace his bed; Ev'n when keen winter freezes in the skies, Rank'd with his slaves, on earth the monarch lies: Deep are his sighs, his visage pale, his dress The garb of wo and habit of distress. 230 And when the autumn takes his annual round, 235 Regardless of his years, abroad he lies, 240 "For thee, my son, I wept my life away; For thee through hell's eternal dungeons stray: Nor came my fate by lingering pains and slow, Nor bent the silver-shafted queen her bow; Nor dire disease bereaved me of my breath; Thou, thou, my son, wert my disease and death; Unkindly with my love my son conspired, 246 For thee I lived, for absent thee expired." 250 "Thrice in my arms I strove her shade to bind, Thrice through my arms she slipp'd like empty wind, Or dreams, the vain illusions of the mind. Wild with despair, I shed a copious tide Of flowing tears, and thus with sighs replied: ""Fliest thou, loved shade, while I thus fondly mourn ? Turn to my arms, to my embraces turn! 255 260 265 270 "Thus while she spoke, in swarms hell's empress brings 274 Daughters and wives of heroes and of kings; Thick and more thick they gather round the blood, Ghost throned on ghost, a dire assembly, stood! Dauntless my sword I seize; the airy crew, "Tyro began, whom great Salmoneous bred; 286 290 The royal partner of famed Cretheus' bed. Nor dare the secret of a god reveal : 295 For know, thou Neptune view'st! and at my nod Earth trembles, and the waves confess their god.' 300 304 310 "He added not, but mounting spurn'd the plain, Then plunged into the chambers of the main. "Now in the time's full process forth she brings Jove's dread vicegerents in two future kings; O'er proud Iolcos Pelias stretch'd his reign, And godlike Neleus ruled the Pylian plain : Then, fruitful, to her Cretheus' royal bed She gallant Pheres and famed Æson bred : 315 From the same fountain Amythaon rose, "Sullen and sour with discontented mien Jocasta frown'd, the incestuous Theban queen; 330 With her own son she join'd in nuptial bands, Though father's blood imbrued his murderous hands: The gods and men the dire offence detest, The gods with all their furies rend his breast; In lofty Thebes he wore the imperial crown, A pompous wretch! accursed upon a throne. The wife self-murder'd from a beam depends, And her foul soul to blackest hell descends; 335 Thence to her son the choicest plagues she brings, And the fiends haunt him with a thousand stings. " And now the beauteous Chloris I descry, A lovely shade, Amphion's youngest joy! 341 345 350 To him alone the beauteous prize he yields, The steadfast purpose of th' Almighty will. 355 360 "With graceful port advancing now I spied 365 Leda the fair, the godlike Tyndar's bride: Hence Pollux sprung, who wields with furious sway The deathful gauntlet, matchless in the fray; And Castor glorious on th' embattled plain Curbs the proud steeds, reluctant to the rein : 370 By turns they visit this ethereal sky, And live alternate, and alternate die: "There Ephimedia trod the gloomy plain, Who charm'd the monarch of the boundless main; Hence Ephialtes, hence stern Otus sprung, More fierce than giants, more than giants strong; The earth o'erburden'd groan'd beneath their weight, None but Orion e'er surpass'd their height: The wondrous youths had scarce nine winters told, When high in air, tremendous to behold, Nine ells aloft they rear'd their towering head, And full nine cubits broad their shoulders spread. Proud of their strength, and more than mortal size, The gods they challenge, and affect the skies: 386 Heaved on Olympus tottering Ossa stood; On Ossa, Pelion nods with all his wood. 375 380 Such were they youths! had they to manhood grown, Almighty Jove had trembled on his throne: 390 |