| James Ferguson - 1764 - 322 pages
...MECHANICS, o HYDROSTATICS, JN PNEU MAT 1C S, AND OPTICS. WI T"H The USE of the GLOBES, The ART of DIALING, AND The Calculation of the Mean Times of NEW and FULL MOONS and ECLIPSES* r By JAMES FERGUSON, FRS Pkilofofbla mater omnium bonarum ertium eft. CICERO, i. Tufc. 9 LONDON, Printed... | |
| Duhamel du Monceau (M.) - Naval architecture - 1764 - 236 pages
...Mechanicks, Hydroftaticks, Pncumaticks, and Opticks ; with the Ufe of the Globes ; the Art of Dialing, and the Calculation of the Mean Times of new and full •Moons and Eclipfes. The 2d Edition Corrected. The above two by James Ptrgufo*. FR S, 12. Some Obfervations made... | |
| Andrew Baxter - Cosmology - 1765 - 370 pages
...SeleŁt Subjefts in Mechanics, Hydroftatks, Pneumatics, and Optics; with the Ufe of the Globes, the Artof Dialling, and the Calculation of the mean Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipfes. By James Fergufon. Second Edition. 6. An Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul 5 wherein... | |
| Library company of Philadelphia - 1770 - 438 pages
...(James] Lefftires on felecl Suljefls in Mechanics, Hydroftatics, Pneumatics and Optics ; with the ufe of the globes ; the art of dialling, and the calculation of the mean times of new and full moons and eclipfes. London, 1764. ^42 Ferdinand, Duke of Brunfwick, &c. (The Operations of the allied Army, under... | |
| Henry Saint-John Bolingbroke - 1775 - 326 pages
...4$. LeCtures on SeleCt SubjeCis, in Mechanics, Hydroftatics, Pneumatics, and Optics ; with the Ufe of the Globes, the Art of Dialling, and the Calculation of the Mean Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipfes. 75. 6d. SeleCt Mechanical Exercifes, Qjewing how to conftruCt different Clocks, Orreries,... | |
| Richard Price - Apologetics - 1777 - 554 pages
...4$. Lectures on Select Subjects, in Mechanics, Hydroftatics, Pneumatics, and Optics ; with the Ufe of the Globes, the Art of Dialling, and the Calculation of the Mean Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipfcs. 7s. 6d. . Select Mechanical Exercifes, fhewing how to conftiuS different Clocks, Orreries,... | |
| Robert Lowth - Bishops - 1777 - 444 pages
...Plates. 45. Lectures on Select Subjects, in Mechanics, Hydroftatics, Pneumatics, and Optics; with the Ufe of the Globes, the Art of Dialling, and the Calculation of the Mean Tinses of New and Full Moons and Eclipfes. 73. 6d. Seleft Mechanical Exercifes, (hewing how to conftruct... | |
| Sir Joshua Reynolds - Art - 1778 - 360 pages
...45. Lectures on Select Subjects, in Mechanics, Hydrofta-; tics, Pneumatics, and Optics ; with the Ufe of the Globes, the Art of Dialling, and the Calculation of the Mean Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipfes. 7s. 6d. Select Mechanical Exercifes, (hewing how to conftruct different Clocks, Orreries,... | |
| James Ferguson - Drawing - 1778 - 164 pages
...s. 5. Leflures on Seleft Subjects in Mechanics, Hydroftatics, Pneumatics, and Optics ; with the Ufe of the Globes, the Art of Dialling, and the Calculation of the Mean Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipfes. 75. 6 d. 6. Scleft Mechanical Exercifes, fhewing how to conftruft different Clocks, Orreries,... | |
| John Moore - Character sketches - 1781 - 542 pages
...48. Lectures on Select Subjefls, in Mechanics. Hydroftatlcs, Pneumatics, and Optics ; with the Ufe of the Globes, the Art of Dialling, and the Calculation of the Mean Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipfes. 75. 6d. Select Mechanical Exercifes, (hewing how to conftruct different Clocks, Orreries,... | |
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