And part of the lot which they may purchase. and affure all or any part of the real estate belonging to the company, and to appropriate the monies arifing from the faid sales to the purposes aforesaid. It is hereby further enacted, That the Directors for the time being, may fell or let out on ground rent for ever, and by deed or deeds, under the common feal of the company, convey and affure such part of the lot they may purchase, as they may judge proper. Enacted at a general meeting, held pursuant to public notice, W. RAWLE, Secretary. At a meeting of the Directors, December 6th, 1792. Resolved, that persons indebted for fines or hire, be, in future, entirely precluded from the use of the books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia, until such fines and hire be paid. Extracted from the Minutes, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. F A Law for increasing the Price of Shares. OR the increasing the funds of the Library Company of Philadelphia, for the enlarging the collection of books, and facilitating the advancement of knowledge and literature, It is enacted by the faid Library Company of Philadelphia, That any person or persons (who shall be approved of by the Directors for the time being) shall be admitted a member or members of the faid Company as fully, to all intents and purposes, as any member now is or can be, upon paying into the hands of the faid Company's Treasurer, the sum of FORTY DOLLARS, and receiving a certificate, agreeably to the directions of a law directing the manner of admitting new members. And be it further enacted, That so much of the law, passed on the twentieth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and fixty-eight, as fixes the price of a share at ten pounds, be hereby repealed. Enacted at a general meeting, held pursuant to public notice, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. At a meeting of the Directors, on the second of January, 1794, the following report was made and adopted by the Board, to wit: The committee to whom was referred the application of the Librarian, relative to the cases of executors and administrators of deceased members, report, That it would be advisable to direct the Librarian, that no books shall be lent, in such cases, except on notes signed by all the executors or adminiftrators of the person deceased, or by fome one of them, appointed and authorized by written orders of the others-such orders to be left with the Librarian as long as any books are taken out by virtue of them. Extracted from the minutes of the Directors, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. An act to repeal so much of any law or laws of the Company, as authorizes the Directors to dispose of the real estate belonging to the Company. IT is enacted by the Library Company of Philadelphia, That so much of any law or laws as authorizes and empowers the Directors to grant or demise any part of the real estate belonging to the said Company shall be and the same is hereby repealed. Provided always nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to restrain the Directors from making leases or agreements relative to the building erected for the reception of the Loganian Library, d the cellar under the fame, and the cellar under the building in which the. Library belonging to this institution is now contained. Enacted at a general meeting held pursuant to public notice, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. At a meeting of the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia, April 17, 1795. The Secretary reported, That the following act has been passed by the Legiflature of this commonwealth, viz. "An act to authorize the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia to increase the annual payment of the Members of the said Company. W HEREAS, by the charter of the said company, the annual payments directed to be made by its respective members appear limited to the sum " of ten shillings, which, from the depreciation of money since the year one thou" sand seven hundred and forty-two, when the said charter was granted, has be"come inadequate to the purposes originally intended: And whereas, the stock"holders in the said company, at a general meeting on the sixteenth of March, " one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, instructed the Directors to petition "the Legislature to pass a law authorizing the said Directors to increase the said " payments to two dollars, and it appears reasonable that the prayer of the said " petitioners should be granted. "Section 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives " of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby "enacted by the authority of the same, That the Directors of the Library Company, "for the time being, be, and they are hereby, authorized to increase the annual "payments hereafter to be made by the members of the said company, to the sum "of two dollars from each member of the said company, any thing in the char"ter thereof to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. "GEORGE LATIMER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. "ROBERT HARE, Speaker of the Senate "Approved, April the thirteenth, 1795. "THOMAS MIFFLIN, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." Whereupon, the following resolution was agreed to, viz. Whereas by an act of the General Afssembly, passed on the thirteenth day of April inftant, the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia are authorized to increase the annual payments to be made by each member to the fum of two dollars, it is therefore Resolved, That the an nual payment to be made on each share, on the firft Monday of May next, and from and after that time, shall be, and it is hereby, increased to the sum of two dollars, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed, to demand and receive the fame from the Members, under the like penalties and forfeitures as are now in force for recovering the annual payments heretofore established. Extracted from the Minutes, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. At a meeting of the Directors, held the fixth of Auguft, 1795, the following refolution was adopted, to wit: Refolved, that every member, or other person, who shall take out a book or books on hire, fhall pay, for the ufe of the Library, the following rates weekly: For Duodecimos and Octavos two fixteenths of a dollar, Quartos three ixteenths of a dollar, and Folios four fixteenths of a dollar, and no smaller fum, although the book may be returned within the week. That for neglecting to return the book or books, fo taken out on hire, within the times specified in the rules of the Company, they shall pay to the Librarian, for the ufe aforefaid, two fixteenths of a dollar per week in addition to the hire.* Extracted from the minutes, BENJAMIN R, MORGAN, Secretary. At a meeting of the Directors held November 7, 1805, the following refolution was adopted, to wit: Books belonging to this inftitution, having in several inftances been obtained by printers, and taken to pieces for the purpose of enabling them to print new editions, and fuch practices being deemed inconfiftent with the purposes for which the Library has been established, Refolved, that in all ⚫ For the further penalties fee the rules and regulations annexed, particularly the 3d and 4k. 1 future cafes of a fimilar nature fuits fhall be brought against the parties tranfgreffing. Extracted from the minutes, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary, At a meeting of the Directors, held October 2, 1806, the llowing refolution was adopted, to wit: Refolved, that the gazettes or public newspapers belonging to this inftitution be annually valued by the labelling committee for the time being, and the said valuation placed in the hands of the Librarian, and in case the fame or any part thereof be required by any counsel or attorney as evidence in the courts of justice, the person applying for the same shall sign one of the notes ufually taken for books borrowed of the Library, which note shall be filled up in the fum at which the whole set of such papers, of which any volume or volumes are required, fhall have been last valued, and also that the fame shall be returned within one week from the time of borrowing the fame, and fifty cents per diem for each volumepaid for its use on its being returned. Extracted from the minutes, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretarys |