default. the time being, the sum of ten shillings, on the first Monday in May, in every year for ever; and those who neglect so to do, shall pay such greater sum or sums in lieu thereof, at such times, within twelve months then next following, as by the laws of Forfeit on the faid company shall be appointed: And that in default of these payments, every delinquent shall forfeit his share in the books and estate of the said company, and be no longer a member. In testimony whereof, we have caused the Great Seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS GEORGE THOMAS, Esq. lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief of the said province and counties, at Philadelphia, the twenty-fifth day of March, in the fifteenth year of the reign of our fovereign lord king GEORGE the second, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-two, by virtue of certain powers and authorities to him for this purpose (inter alia) granted by the faid proprietaries. GEORGE THOMAS. THE LAW S. I A Law directing the manner of admitting new members, T IS ENACTED by the Library Company of Philadelphia, That no person who shall hereafter become possessed of a share in the books and effects of the said company, shall be thereby entitled to a vote in any of their affairs, or be deemed a member, without first being approved of by the Directors for the time being; nor shall any person, other than the heirs, executors, or assigns of a member of the faid company, be entitled to a share the books, eftate and effects of the said company, without paying into the hands of the said company's Treasurer, so much money as in the judgment of the said Directors a share shall then be worth. None to without bein ing first ap. be admitted, proved, &c. And it is further enacted, That upon approbation of the Directors, and payment of the faid money, the party paying it, shall receive of the Freasurer a certificate under his hand, and the feal of the company, containing the name of the person and the sum Treasurer paid, the time when, and the account or use for which he paid it: certificate, of all which a record shall be made in the records of the said company. Which certificate shall entitle the person therein mentioned, be to a share in the company's books, estate and effects, and to be deemed a member. to give Record to No member A Law for preferving a just equality among the members, and to prevent the inconveniences that may arife by any persons holding more than one share. I T IS ENACTED, for the preservation of a just equality among the members of the Library Company, That no person shall tell his being a member, and holding a share in the library &c. shall ther mem- grant, fell, or convey to any other member, or accept of a grant, to ano ber, &c. bargain, fale, or other conveyance or affurance from any other member, of any share or shares in the books, estate, and effects of Penalty. the faid company; on penalty of forfeiting to the company such share or shares, so purchased, fold, granted, or conveyed. No member to have логе one &c. vote, AND if any member, as executor or administrator of another, than or by any other means, come to have in his hands a plurality of shares, he shall not thereby be entitled to more than one vote at elections, or on any other occasion, nor have a right to take out more books at one time than any other member. A Law for regulating elections of officers, and declaring their truft F tion and management of the monies, library and effects of the Members to faid company, IT IS ENACTED, That the members of the first Monday fard company shall, in person, or by proxy, annually attend at meet on the In May. and ten Directors the place of election in the city of Philadelphia, on the first Monday of the month of May, in every year; and that as many as so meet, and appear to be duly qualified, shall proceed to the Treasurer choice of a person of the company, to be the company's Treasurer, to and ten other perfons of the company, to be Directors for the year next ensuing, and so from year to year. The place of election to be agreed on by the Directors of the current year, and be chosen. notified by their Secretary, twenty days at least before the The choice election, by printed advertisements. The electors to choose by to be made written tickets, each containing the names of the ten persons tickets. voted Directors, and the name of the person voted Treasurer; by written and those who shall thereupon appear to have a majority of votes, shall be the company's Treasurer, and the Directors, respectively, appoint a Se shall collect votes, for the year enfuing. That the said Directors shall, and are Directors to hereby required and empowered, to nominate some fit person of cretary, who the company to be their Secretary for the year ensuing, who the shall preside and collect the votes at the election aforesaid, and &c. shall faithfully enter, in a book to be kept for that purpose, the names of the said electors, and the number of the names of the candidates, according to the tickets. to appoint tary, &c. THAT it shall and may be lawful to and for the electors Electors aforesaid, when so met, to appoint persons to assist the Secretary assistants to in gathering the votes, and entering and numbering the names of the Secrethe electors and persons voted for, and other service appertaining to the election, and to appoint and direct any method and rule in proceeding to and making the said election, so as they appoint or direct nothing to prejudice the right of any member, or infringe the charter or laws of the company. fusing to act, nate THAT if any person elected Director, shall refuse to act, Director reor shall happen to die or depart this province, so as to be absent &c. the rest for the space of two months, in any of the first ten months of my nomithe year for which he shall be elected Director; or if within the ther. same year, or term of his office, he shall be confined by sickness, or otherwise rendered incapable of executing the office of a Director, according to the true meaning hereof, the rest of the Directors, as often as occasion shall require, in any of the cafes aforesaid, shall proceed in their duty and office without him, or, if they think fit, they shall nominate some other fuitable person to supply his place of a Director, until the then next ensuing election. Treasurer neglecting may be dis THAT if any person so elected Treasurer, shall absent himself from his faid office for the space of thirty days, or shall other- his duty, &e. wife be rendered incapable, or neglect his office or duty of placed, cc. Treasurer, in the judgment of the Directors for the time being, it shall and may be lawful for the Directors to displace him from any longer continuance in his faid office: and the Directors caufing their Secretary to make a minute for the purpose, containing their reasons for displacing him, he shall thereupon, and from thenceforth cease to be the Treasurer aforesaid; and shall, upon notice thereof, adjust and fettle with the Directors, and pay and deliver the company's money and effects in his hands, to such perfon as the Directors shall order and appoint: and in that cafe, and so often, and also if the Treasurer shall depar cancy is to How the vas this life, the person who at the last election had the greatest be supplied. number of votes, next the highest (if alive, willing and capable) shall be substituted Treasurer, to fupply the place of fuch deceased or displaced Treasurer; for which purpose the Secretaries prefiding at elections shall preferve the votes: but if the said person cannot, or will not, serve, the Directors shall nominate another person of the company, but not of their own number, to be Treasurer until the next annual election. THAT every person so chofen to be the company's Treasurer, immediately upon entering into his office, shall receive of the preceding Treasurer, his heirs, executors or administrators, the company's cash and books of accounts, giving his receipt for the Treasurer fame; and shall enter into an obligation, with one fufficient to enter in to oblige. furety, in double the value that doth, or probably may come tion, &c. into his hands during the continuance of his office, as near as can be estimated by the Directors, unto the Library Company of Philadelphia, conditioned that he will once a month, or oftener, if required, well and truly adjust, account and settle with them, for and concerning all monies that are or shall come into his hands, belonging to the faid company; and that he will well and truly deliver up and pay the balance of the monies remaining in his hands, together with the books of accounts concerning the fame, and the company's papers in his keeping, unto his successor in the faid office, or fuch other person or service as the Directors, for the time being, shall order and appoint, and not otherwife; and that he will observe, do, and execute all other things as the company's Treasurer aforefaid, according to the sense and true meaning of this law. to Directors THAT all officers and fervants belonging to the company, choose other than their Treasurer, shall be in the choice, and under the officers, &c. order and direction of the Directors, who shall be accountable for the other their fidelity, and may displace them, and appoint others, as often Directors, as they shall think fit: which Directors shall have the power and du- of calling general meetings, when they judge it necessary for their pow er ty. the interest of the company, and shall cause due and public notice to be given of the occasion and design or purpose of such meetings; and shall nominate some discreet member to preside therein, and regulate the debates thereof: they shall alfo have the disposal of the monies paid to the Treasurer to and for the |