ADVERTISEMENT. 1 A CATALOGUE of the books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia, was published in the year 1789. Since that period, a considerable number of books has been added by donations and purchases, and also, a great and valuable addition of more than twentyfive hundred volumes of scarce and costly works, made to the Library, by the liberal bequest of the late Reverend Samuel Preston, Rector of Chevening in the county of Kent, Great-Britain. The list was thus rendered in a great degree useless, and a desire having been expressed, by many of the members, that another should be published; the Directors have therefore prepared a com. plete Catalogue of the Books now belonging to the Institution. To obviate objections often made to the plan of the former Catalogue, they have been induced to publish the present one, comprehending books of all sizes, in an alphabetical form so far as the names of Authors and Editors could be used. The anonymous books constitute by themselves an Appendix, and are classed scientifically, each under its proper size. The numerous pamphlets and small tracts, which it was not thought expedient to include in the alphabetical arrangement, appear by themselves, and form a second appendix. A copious Index is subjoined, to facilitate the inquiry after any book belonging to the Library. The present Catalogue may perhaps be liable to some objections, but the Directors apprehend it will be easily understood by every class of Readers, and prove on the whole useful and convenient. EXPLANATION. The Italic capitals which immediately follow the num. ber of the books, refer to the size, thus: L. At the end of the title indicates that the work belongs to the donation of the late William Logan. P. In a similar situation, that the work forms part of the bequest of the late Rev. Samuel Preston. Annexed to the Catalogue of Books is a description of the Coins and Medals belonging to the Library Company; the gift of individuals at different periods. Their number, however, being too small to form a collection of any great importance, it has been thought sufficient, in order to give the classical or historical student the best aid they can furnish, to arrange them as they are now done, inserting the inscriptions of the ancient coins only, or of such modern medals or coins as claim particular attention. These medals and coins will be shewn on application to the Librarian. |