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Estrange, L', 145 and 210, O. The fables of Esop, and other eminent my. thologists; with morals and reflections. By Sir Roger L'Estrange. 8th edit. London, 1738.

529, O. Seneca's morals. To which is added, a discourse, entitled, "An after-thought." By Sir Roger L'Estrange. 13th edit. London, 1729.

3453, O. Abstract of Seneca's morals. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, 12th edit. London, 1722.-P.

3483, O. Erasmus's twenty-two select colloquies, translated by Sir Roger L'Estrange, representing several superstitious levities that were crept into the church of Rome, in his days. London, 1725.-P. Etmullerus, 1164, O. Etmullerus abridged; or a complete system of the theory and practice of physic. 2d edit. London, 1703.

Eton, 2532, O. A survey of the Turkish empire; in which are considered, its governments, finances, military and naval force, religion, history, arts, sciences, manners, commerce, population, &c. By W. Eton, Esq. London, 1798.

Evans, 2845, 0. A tour through part of North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times. By the Rev. John Evans, B. A. London, 1800. 9, and 1426, D. A sketch of the denominations of the Christian world; with an account of atheism, deism, theophilanthropism, Judaism, Mahometanism, and Christianity, adapted to the present times John Evans. 5th edit. Lond. 1801, and 8th edit. Lond. 1803. 291, D. An epitome of geography. By John Evans, A. M. 2d edit. London, 1802.


1057 and 1058, O. Poems on several occasions; with some other compositions. By Nathaniel Evans. Philadelphia, 1772.

2119, O. The young mill-wright, and miller's guide; with plates. By Oliver Evans. Philadelphia, 1795.

[blocks in formation]

Evelyn, 320 and 507, F. Sylva; or a discourse of forest and fruit trees, and the making of cyder; with the gardener's almanack. By John Eve lyn. London, 1679.-L.

850, F. The same.-P.

1023, Q. The same. York, 1776.—P.

821, F. A discourse of medals ancient and modern: together with some account of heads and effigies of illustrious and famous persons. By James Evelyn. London, 1697.-P.

Everard, 197, Q. Gospel treasures, discovered in several sermons, preached at Kensington and elsewhere. By John Everard. Germantown, 1757. Gift of Anthony Morris.

Everhard, 385, D. Stereometry; or the art of gauging made easy, by the help of a sliding rule; with an appendix of conic sections. By Thomas Everhard. 11th edit. with an addition of excise tables, &c. London, 1750.

Euler, 2172, O. See Hunter.

Evremond, St. 1028, D. Œuvres de Monsieur de Saint Evremond, publiées sur les manuscripts, avec la vie de l'auteur. Par Mr. Des Maizeaux. Quatriéme edit. Enrichie de figures. 7 tomes. A Amsterdam, 1726.


Evremond, St. 1287, D.
Evremond and
Evremont, St. 2204, O.

Letters supposed to have passed between M. De St.
Mr. Waller. 2 vols. London, 1779.
The works of St. Evremont.

Translated from the

French. 2 vols. London, 1700. Euripides, 452, F. Euripidis opera quæ extant omnia. Cantab. 1694.-L.

[blocks in formation]

- 3104, O. Euripides select tragedies selected from the original Greek. London, 1780.-P.

805, F. Sce Barnes.

807, Q. See Egerton.

3354, O. See Morell.

- 354,796 and 1112, Q. See Potter.

3089, 0. See Woodhull.

Eusebius, 708, F.

Divi Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis, opera omnia quæ

extant. Tomi IV. Paris, 1546.-P.

965, and 3368, O. See Cumberland.

Eustachius, 435, F. See Lancisius.

Eustathius, 45', F. Eustathii archiepiscopi Thessaloniæ in Homeri Iliadis et Odyssæ libros parekbolai. Tomi II. Basiliæ, 1560.-L.

Eutropius, 3485, O. See Thomas.

Ewes, D', 150, F. A complete journal of the votes, speeches and debates of the house of lords and house of commons, throughout the reign of queen Elizabeth. Collected by Sir Simonds D'Ewes, and published by Paul Bowes. London, 1693.

Ewing, 635, D. A synopsis of practical mathematics; containing plain trigonometry, mensuration of heights, &c. By Alexander Ewing. Edinburgh, 1771.

Eyssonius, 1110, D. Henrici Eyssonii, de ossibus infantis, cognoscendis, conservandis et curandis. Groningæ, 1659. Gift of John C. Redeger.


FABER, 655, 0. Horæ Mosaice; or a view of the Mosaical records, with respect to their coincidence with profane antiquity; their internal credibility; and their connection with Christianity. By George Stanley Faber, л. м. 2 vols. Oxford 1801.

2976, O. A dissertation on the mysteries of the Cabiri; or the great gods of Phenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy, and Crete. By George Stanley Faber, A. M. 2 vols. Oxford, 1803.

Fabert, De, 1693, D. Histoire des dues de Bourgogne. Par M. De Fabert. Cologne, 1687.-Р.

Fabretti, 1193, Q. Ralph Fabretti de aquis et aquæductibus veteris Romæ

dissertationes. Romæ, 1680.-P.

Fabricius, 1272, Q. J. Alberti Fabricii bibliographia antiquaria. Editio 2da.
Hamburgi et Lipsiæ, 1716.-P.

1274, Q. Alberti Fabricii bibliotheca Latina, sive notitia auc-
torum veterum Latinorum. Tomi 2. Venetiis, 1728.-P.
1275, Q. Alberti Fabricii bibliotheca Græca, sive notitia scriptorum
veterum Græcorum. Tomi 14. in 13. Hamburgi, 1718.-P.

Fabricius, 450, 0. Letters to Charles the twelfth, king of Sweden; interspersed with many singular particulars relating to that northern hero, during his residence in Turkey. By Albert Fabricius. Lond. 1761. 1716, O. Joh. Alberti Fabricii bibliotheca Latina, sive notitia veterum Latinorum quorumcunque scripta ad nos pervenerunt. Londini, 1703.-L.

1732, O. Supplementa et observationes ad Vossium de historicis Græcis et Latinis. Bernardo à Mallincrot, Lud. Nogarolæ, Christophoro Sandis, et Joh. Hallervordo auctoribus. Cum præfatione Joh. Alb. Fabricii. Hamburgi, 1709.-L.

- 1488, D. Joh. Alberti Fabricii bibliotheca Latina, mediæ et in fimæ ætatis. Tomi VL. Hamburgi, 1734.--Р.

Fabrini, 1294, Q. Giovanni Fabrini opere d'oratio poeta lirico comentate. Venetia, 1581.-P.

Fairfax, 1178, Q. Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the recovery of Jerusalem, done into English verse. By Edward Fairfax. London, 1600.—Р. 3355, O. A translation of Tasso's Jerusalem delivered, or Godfrey of Bulloign. An heroic poem. By Edward Fairfax. 4th edit. London, 1749.—Р.

Falconbridge, 1141, O. Two voyages to Sierra Leone, during the years 1791, 1792, and 1793. By Anna Maria Falconbridge. 3d edit. London,


Falconer, 365, Q. Remarks on the influence of climate, situation, nature of country, population, &c. upon mankind. By William Falconer, M. D. London, 1781.

706, Q. Miscellaneous tracts and collections relating to natural history, selected from the principal writers of antiquity on that subject. By William Falconer. Cambridge, 1793.

250, Q. An universal dictionary of the marine; or an explanation of the technical terms and phrases used in the construction and operations of a ship; with original designs of shipping. By William Falconer. 2d edit. London, 1771.

Falda, 643, F. Li Giardini di Roma con le loro piante alzate e vedute in prospettiva dissegnate ed intagliate da Gio Battista Falda. In Roma.-P.

Falle, 1580, D. An account of the isle of Jersey. By Philip Falle. London,


Farell, 1328, O. D'Ivernois' history and political view of the constitution and revolutions of Geneva, in the eighteenth century. Translated from the French, by John Farell. London, 1784.

Farley, 1458, O. The London art of cookery, and housekeeper's complete assistant; with plates. By John Farley. 3d edit. London, 1785. Farneworth, 113, F. The life of pope Sixtus the fifth; including the state of England, France, Spain, &c. at that time. Translated from the Italian of Gregorio Leti with preface, notes, and appendix, by Ellis Farneworth, M. A. London, 1754.

120, Q. Machiavel's works. Translated from the originals, and iliustrated with notes, anecdotes, &c. and the life of the author, with plans on the art of war, by Ellis Farneworth. 2 vols London, 1762.

143 and 144, Q. Davila's history of the civil wars of France; during the reigns of Francis the second, Charles the ninth, Henry the third, and Henry the fourth. Translated from the Italian, by Ellis Farneworth. 2 vols. London, 1758.

Farr, 85, Q. Hippocrates's history of epidemics.

Translated from the

Greek into English, with notes and observations, and a preliminary dissertation on the nature and cause of infection, by Samuel Farr. London, 1780.

Farrer, 2836, O. Sermons on the parables. By John Farrer, M. A. Lond. 1801. Farro, 14, D. The royal universal British grammar and vocabulary. By D, Farro. 3d edit. London, 1754.

Fasona, 808, F. Lo Tasso Napolitano zoe la Gierosalemme libberata de lo sio Torquato Tasso, votata a llengua nosta da Gabriele Fasona. Napole,


Faudresi, 1247, Q. Descriptione della Greca di Pausania, tradotte dal Greco da A. B. Faudresi. Mantoua, 1554.-P.

Fawcett, 2652, 0. Sermons, delivered at the Sunday evening lecture, for the winter season, at the old Jewry. By Joseph Fawcett. 2 vols. London, 1795.

Fawke, 316, 0. Argonautics of Apollonius Rhodius in 4 Books, with notes and a translation of Coluthus's Greek poem. By Francis Fawke. London, 1780.-P.

3105, O. Idylliums, translated from the original Greek, with notes historical and explanatory. By Francis Fawke. London, 1769.-P. Febure, Le, 311, Q. A complete body of chemistry. By Nicasius Le Febure. London, 1670.

Felibien, 700, F.

Histoire de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denys en France. Par Michel Felibien. Paris, 1706.—P.

Felix, 919, D. Marci Minucii Felicis de idolorum vanitate et Julius Fermicus de profana ac vera religione, cum notis. Oxonii, 1662.-L.

1792, D. See James.

Fell, 554, 0. A tour through the Batavian republic, during the latter part of the year 1800, containing an account of the revolution and recent events in that country. By R. Fell. London, 1801.

Felltham, 96, F. Resolves; divine, moral and political; with additions, in prose and verse. By Owen Felltham. London, 1696.

Feltham, 2534, F. A tour through the island of Mann, in 1797 and 1798; with plates. By John Feltham. Bath, 1798.

1428, D.
A popular view of the structure and economy of the human
body; with reflections, moral, practical, and miscellaneous. By
John Feltham. London, 1803.

Felton, 155, D. A dissertation on reading the classics, and forming a

style. By Henry Felton. 4th edit. London, 1730.


Fenelon, 352, 0. Tales and fables of Fenelon, in French and English. To which is prefixed, an account of the author's life. London, 1736. 750, O. A dissertation on pure love. By the Archbishop Fenelon ; with an account of the life and writings of the lady, for whose sake the archbishop was banished from court. Dublin, 1739.

212, D. A demonstration of the existence and attributes of God; drawn from the knowledge of nature, and from the idea of the Infinite himself. By Mr. Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray. 2d edit. London, 1720.

325, D. The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. Writ
ten by the archbishop of Cambray. A new translation, revised by M.
Des Maizeux. 2 vols. London, 1742.

1520, D.
Les aventures de Telemaque. Par F. de Salignac de la
Motte Fenelon. Rotterdami, 1736.-P.

Fenelon, 1578, D. Histoire de la vie de Mons. François de Salignac de la MotteFenelon, archevêque duc de Cambray. A la Haye, 1723.-P.

40 and 874, Q. See Hawkesworth.

216, D. Sce Hickes.

704, O. See Stevenson.

Fenn, 454, Q. Original letters, written during the reigns of Henry the sixth, Edward the fourth, and Richard the third; with plates. By John Fenn. 4 vols. London, 1787.

1082, Q. The same. 2 vols.-P.

Fennell, 2494, O. A description of the principles and plan of proposed establishments of salt-works; for the purpose of supplying the United States with home-made salt. By James Fennell. Philadelphia, 1798. Gift of the author.

Fenning, 122, D. A new and easy guide to the use of the globes, and the rudiments of geography; with cuts. By Daniel Fenning. 2d edit.

London, 1760.

349, D. The young algebraist's companion; or a new and easy guide to algebra; with an appendix on the rudiments of quadratic equations. By Daniel Fenning. 3d edit. London, 1759.

Fenno, 567, F. Gazette of the United States. From January 1st, 1791,


vols. including 1805. By John W. Fenno, and others. Philadelphia. Fenton, 1817, D. Poetical works. By Elijah Fenton. Edinb. 1779.-P. Fenwick, 2133 and 2155, O. Memoirs of general Dumouriez. Written by himself. Translated by John Fenwick. 2 vols. London, 1794.

Ferber, 3231, 0. Travels through Italy, in the years 1771 and 1772, described in a series of letters to Baron Born; on the natural history, particularly, the mountains and volcanoes of that country. By John James Ferber. Translated from the German. London, 1776.-P. 1191, O. See Raspe.

Ferdinandus, 746, F. See Matthiolus.

Ferguson, 344. Q. A history of the progress and termination of the Roman republic; with maps. By Adam Ferguson. 3 vols. London, 1783.

651, Q. Principles of moral and political science. By Adam Ferguson. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1792.

43, Q. An essay on the history of civil society. By Adam Ferguson. 2d edit. London, 1768.

26 and 223, Q. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics; with plates. By James Ferguson. 2d edit. London, 1757. 3d edit. London, 1764.

91, Q. Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics and optics; with the use of the globes; the art of dialling, and the calculation of the mean times of new and full moons, and eclipses; with plates. By James Ferguson. London, 1764.

92, Q. A supplement to the lectures on select subjects; with plates. By James Ferguson. London, 1767.

973 and 1009, 0. Tables and tracts, relative to several arts and sciences; with plates. By James Ferguson. London, 1767.

974, O. An easy introduction to astronomy; with plates. By
James Ferguson. 2d edit. London, 1769.

Ferishta, 718, Q. See Scott.
Fermicus, 919, D. See Felix.

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