Darwin, 654, Q. Botanic garden, a poem; containing the economy of vegetation, and the loves of the plants; with philosophical notes, and plates. By Erasmus Darwin, M. D. London, 1791. 1080, Q. The same.-P. 715, Q. Zoonomia; or, the laws of organic life. By Erasmus Darwin. 2 vols. London, 1794. 879. Q. Phytologia, or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening; with the theory of draining morasses, and an improved construction of the drill plough. By Erasmus Darwin, M. D. London, 1800. 987, Q. Temple of nature; or the origin of society. A poem with notes and plates. By Erasmus Darwin. London, 1803. Daventer, 201, Q. Henrici à Daventer operationis chirurgica novum lumen.. Lugduni Batavorum, 1701. David, 2370, 0. The history of the campaigns of general Pichegru, from March 1794, to March 1795; with memoirs of generals Pichegru, Jourdan, Moreau, Macdonald, &c. By Citizen David. Translated from the French. London, 1796. David's, St. 2784, O. Tracts in controversy with Dr. Priestley upon the historical question of the belief of the first ages in our Lord's divinity, by Samuel, Lord Bishop of St. David's. Glocester, 1789. Davis, 681, and 740, D, Memoirs of the life of Garrick; comprehending an history of the stage for 36 years. By Thomas Davie. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1784. 3512, and 3513, O. The same -P. 741, D. Dramatic miscellanies; consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakespear. By Thomas Davie. 3 vols. London, 1785. 3415, O. The same. London, 1784.-P. Davies, 1329, Q. Discovery of the true state of Ireland, with the true causes why that kingdom was never entirely subdued until the beginning of his Majesty's reign. By Sir John Davies. London, 1613.-P. 1133, D. An account of the city of Philadelphia, of its civil and religious institutions, population, trade and government. By Benjamin Davies. Philadelphia, 1794. Gift of the author. 1733, D. The original nature and immortality of the soul, a poem, with an introduction concerning human knowledge. By Sir John Davies. 2d edit, London, 1714.-P. 1785, D. Life and philosophy of Epictetus, with the embleme of human life, by Cebes. By John Davies. London, 1670.-P. 587, F. See Havers. Davila, 143, and 144, Q. See Farnesworth. Davis, 447, D. Captain Smith and princess Pocahontas, an Indian tale. By John Davis. Philadelphia, 1805. 2583, 0. Complete treatise of land surveying, by the chain, cross, and offset staffs only. By William Davis. London, 1798. 872, Q. See Turner. Davy, 721, D. Bourrit's relation of a journey to the Glaciers in the dutchy of Savoy; with plates. Translated from the French, by Charles and Frederick Davy. 2d edit. London, 1776. Dawson, 86, F. Origo legum; or a treatise of the origin of laws. By George Dawson. London, 1694. Dearborn, 1204, D. Columbian grammar; or an essay for reducing a grammatical knowledge of the English language to a degree of sim plicity, which will render it easy for the instructor to teach, and for the pupil to learn. By Benjamin Dearborn. Boston, 1795. Gift of the author. Debrett, 2415, 0. The parliamentary register; or, history of the proceedings. and debates of the house of commons; containing the most interesting speeches and motions, &c. from the commencement of the first session of the eighteenth parliament. By J. Debrett. 19 vols. London, 1797. Degges, 1503, D. Parson's councellor, with the law of tithes or tithing, in two books. By Sir Simon Degges. London, 1676.—P. Dekkers, 533, Q. Frederici Dekkers exercitationes practicæ circa medendi methodum, figuris illustratæ. Lugduni Batavorum, 1695.-L. Delafond, 319, D. Delany, 3360, O. 2 vols. Delfinato, 1265, Q. Delafond's dictionary of the wonders of nature. Lond. 1803. Navigationi et viaggi nella Tuschia. Par Nicólo de Nicolai del Delfinato. Anversa, 1576.-P. Delille, 132, D. See Maunde. Demosthenes, 423, F. Demosthenis et Eubinis opera Græcè et Latinè cum notis H. Wolfi. Frankofurti, 1504.-L. 3442, O. Henrici Brooke Demosthenis de falsa legatione oratio, et Eschinis de falsa legatione oratio, Græcè. Oxonii, 1721.—P. 158, D. The orations of Demosthenes, exciting the Athenians to oppose the power of Philip, king of Macedon; with a preface, con taining a short view of the history of Greece and the life of Demosthenes. London, 1744. 1541, D. The same,-P. 3491, O. See Eschines. 102 and 1064, Q. and 676, O. See Leland. 3194, O. See Mounteney. Denham, 854, O. The poems and translations of Sir John Denham; with the Sophy, a tragedy. 5th edit. London, 1709. 1816, D. The poetical works of Sir John Denham. Edinburgh, 1779.-P. Denon, 2925, 0. See Aikin. Deodati, 1582, D. Lettere d'una Peruviana tradotte dal Francése in Italiano dal Signor Deodati. Neuva edizione. Londra, 1774.-P. Derham, 177, 0. Physico-theology; or a demonstration of the being and attributes of GOD, from his works of creation; with notes and observations, By William Derham. 8th edit. London, 1732. 3384, O. The same. 9th edit. London, 1737.-P. 2737, O. The same. New edit. 2 vols. London, 1798. 499 and 736, O. Astro-theology; or a demonstration of the being and attributes of GOD, from a survey of the heavens; with plates. By William Derham. 6th edit. London, 1731. 3211, O. The select remains of the learned John Ray, M. A. &c, with his life. By William Derham. London, 1760.-P. Derrick, 458, D. Letters written from Liverpool, Chester, Cork, &c. by Sa muel Derrick. 2 vols. London, 1767. Desaguliers, 114, Q. The mathematical elements of natural philosophy, con firmed by experiments; or an introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy; with plates. By James Gravesande. Translated from the Latin into English, by J. T. Desaguliers. 6th edit. 2 vols. London, 1747. 169, 0. The same. 4th edit. London, 1731. 130 and 195, Q. A course of experimental philosophy; with a description of the air-pump, and the different species of barometers, &c. By J. T. Desaguliers. To which are added, Sir Isaac Newton's colours; the description of the condensing engine, and Rowley's horary; with plates. London, 1719. 167, O. Cursus mathematicus; or a complete course of the mathematics; with plates. Written in French by Monsieur Ozanam, and translated into English, with improvements and additions, by J. T. Desaguliers, and others. 5 vols. London, 1725. 399, O. Fires improved; or a new method of building chimneys. Translated from the French of Monsieur Gauger, by J. T. Desaguliers. 2d edit. with an appendix, containing several farther improvements. London, 1736. Gift of Mr. Grace. Descartes, 542, Q. Renati Descartes principia philosophiæ. Amstelodami, 1672.-L. 554, Q. See Beaune. Desham, 1505, D. Hydrologia Philosophica, or an account of Ilmington waters in Warwickshire. By Samuel Desham. Oxford, 1685.-P. Deslandes, 534, O. An essay on maritime power and commerce; particularly those of France. By Monsieur Deslandes. London, 1743. Dervsbury, 200, Q. The testimony of William Dewsbury; in his books, epistles and writings. London, 1688. Deyron, 1282, Q. Antiquités de la ville de Nismes. Par Le Sieur Deyron. Nismes, 1663.-P. Diaz, Bernal, 894, Q. See Keatinge. Dicey, 153, and 565, D. An historical account of Guernsey, from its first settlement to the present time; with remarks on Jersey and the other islands belonging to Great Britain, on the French coast. By Thomas Dicey. London, 1751. Dickinson, 1067, O. An account of the remarkable deliverance of Robert Barrow, &c. when ship-wrecked among the canibals of Florida. By Jonathan Dickinson. 4th edit. Philadelphia, 1751. Gift of Thomas Bradford. - 825, D. A display of God's special grace; in a familiar dialogue. By Jonathan Dickinson. Philadelphia, 1743. - 3000, O. The political writings of John Dickinson. 2 vols. Wilmington (Delaware) 1801. Dickson, 1008, O. A treatise of agriculture. By Adam Dickson. 2d edit. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1765. 2565, O. Masillon's serinons. Selected and translated by William Dickson. 3 vols. London, 1797. Dicsonus, 505, Q. Therapeutica sacra, seu, de curandis casibus conscientiæ circa regenerationem, libri tres. Authore Davide Dicsono. Edinburgi, 1656. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, jun. Dietericus, 1319, D. Conradi Dieterici institutiones catecheticæ. Jenæ, 168 S Gift of Matthew Carey. Dictys, 1859, D. Dictys Cretensis de bello Trojano, et Dares Phrygius de, excidio Troja. Amstelodami, 1638.-P. Diderot, $290, O. Le pere de famille, comedie en cinq actes, et en prose, avec un discours sur la poésie dramatique. Par M. Diderot. Amsterdam, 1758-P. 1191, D. James the fatalist and his master. Translated from the French of Diderot. 3 vols. London, 1797. 682, Q. See Hooper. Digby, 544, F. Wicquefort's ambassador and his functions; with an historical discourse concerning the election of the emperor and the electors. Translated into English by John Digby. London. 86, D. Quintus Curtius's history of the wars of Alexander; with Freinshimius's supplement. Translated by John Digby. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1726. 1574, D. The same.-P. Digge, 1989, 0. Digge's geometrical practice, diuided into three bookes, longimetra, planimetra and stereometria. London, 1571. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. Dillenius, 244, Q. Historia muscorum; or a general history of mosses and corals; with plates. By John Dillenius. London. 255, Q. Historia muscorum Ioh. Dillenii. Oxonii, 1741. Gift of John Bartram. 1030, Q. Historia muscorum, a general history of land and water, &c. mosses and corals; containing all the known species, exhibited by about 1000 figures on 85 large Royal 4to copperplates. London, 1768.-P. Dillon, 333, Q. Travels through Spain, with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that kingdom, &c. with plates. By John Talbot Dillon. London, 1780. 598, Q. Memoirs of the general revolution in France, in the year 1789; from the opening of the States General, on the 25th of April, till the framing of the constitution, on the 6th of August following. By John Talbot Dillon. London, 1790. 1853, O. The history of the reign of Peter the Cruel, king of Castille and Leon. By John Talbot Dillon. 2 vols. London, 1788. Dilworth, 415, D. The schoolmaster's assistant; being a compendium of arithmetic, both practical and theoretical. By Thomas Dilworth. Dublin, 1745. Dimsdale, 1277, 0. Tracts, by T. Dimsdale; containing his method of inoculating for the small pox. London, 1781. Dinsdale, 319, O. The orations and epistles of Isocrates. Translated from the Greek, by Joshua Dinsdale. London, 1752. Diodati, 807, F. Giovanni Diodati la sacra biblia. Tradotte in lingua Italiana. 1641.-P. Diodorus, 456, F. Diodori Siculi bibliothecæ historicæ libri quindecim de quadraginta. A. D. 1559.-L. 191, F. See Booth. Diogenes, 478, F. Diogenis Laertii de vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus clarorum philosophorum, libri decem. Amstelædami, 1698.-L. Diogenes, 1667, 0. Diogenis Laertii de vitis, dogmatis et apophthegmatis clarorum philosophorum, libri X. Geneva, 1617. 780, F. Laertii Diogenis de vitis, dogmatis et apophthegmatis eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt, libri decem, cum commentariis H. Stephani, &c. Græcè et Latinè London, 1664.-P. - 912, 0. The lives, opinions, and remarkable sayings of the most ancient philosophers, by Diogenes Laertius. Translated from the Greek by several hands. London, 1688. -3635, О. The same. 2 vols. London, 1696.-P. Dion Cassius, 441, F. Dionis Cassii Romanarum historiarum libri XXV. Græcè et Latinè. A. D. 1592.-L. 277, 856, 3303, 3452, O. See Manning. Dionis, 1158, O. A course of chirurgical operations; with plates. By M. Dionis. Translated from the French. London, 1710. Dionysius, 514, Q. Dionysii Alex. et Pomponii Melæ situs orbis descriptio. Ethici cosmographia. C. T. Solini Polyistor. Cum annotationibus Henrici Stephani et aliorum. Excusum anno 1577.-L. 19 and 1133, Q. See Spelman. 446, F. See Sylburgius. Dirom, 758, Q. An inquiry into the corn laws and corn trade of Great Britain, and their influence on the prosperity of the kingdom; with suggestions for their improvement. By Alexander Dirom. To which is added, a supplement, bringing down the consideration of the subject to the present time, by William Mackie. Edinburgh, 1796. - 782, Q. A narrative of the campaign in India, which terminated the war with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792; with plates. By Major Dirom. 2d edit. London, 1794. 1073, Q. The same.-P. Disney, 1964, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of Arthur Ashley Sykes. Ditton, 1706, 0. An institution of fluxions; containing the first principles of that admirable method. By Humphrey Ditton. 2d edit. London, 1726.-L. Dobbs, 2767, O. A concise view, from history and prophecy, of the great predictions in the sacred writings, that have been fulfilled; also of those that are now fulfilling, and that remain to be accomplished. By Francis Dobbs, Esq. In letters to his son. London, 1800. -113, Q. An account of the countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay; containing a description of their lakes and rivers, the nature of the soil and climate, and their methods of commerce; with abstracts of letters, journals, &c. intending to shew the great probability of a north-west passage. By Arthur Dobbs. London, 1744. Dobson, 1145, Q. Joannis Miltoni paradisus amissus Latinè redditus a Gulielmo Dobson. Latin and English. Oxonii, 1750.-P. 1172, Q. Matthei Prior Solomon de mundi vanitate, poema Latinė redditum per G. Dobson. Latin and English. Oxonii, 1734 -P. - 720, O. Chronological annals of the war, from its beginning to the present time. By John Dobson. Oxford, 1703. 1184, O. The life of Petrarch. Collected from "Memoires pour la vie de Petrarch." By Mrs. Dobson. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1776. |