Staunton, 565, and 626, F. Plates of sir George Staunton's authentic account of an embassy from the king of Great Britain to the emperor of China. London, 1797. Strutt, 1134, Q. Strutt's regal and ecclesiastical antiquities of England. London, 1717. Strutt, 1036, Q. Strutt's biographical dictionary. 2 vols. T. TASSIE, 1028, Q. Tassie's descriptive catalogue of ancient and modern gems, cameos, &c. 2 vols. London, 1721. Terentius, 713, F. Pub. Terentii comediæ, nunc primum Italicis versibus red ditæ. Urbini, 1736. Testamento, 1137, Q. Historia del testamento vecchio depinta in Roma. 1760. Tortebat, 727, F. Francois Tortebat abregé d'anatomie accommodè aux arts de peinture et de sculpture. Paris. Tableaux, 641, F. Tableaux topographiques, pittoresques et historiques de la Suisse. 5 vols. A Paris, 1780.-P. Turc, 652, F. Habillements des Turcs, en gravures.-P. V. VANCOUVER, 571, and 633, F. Plates belonging to Vancouver's voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean, and round the world. London, 1798. Urbino, 690, F. Memorie concernenti la citta di Urbino. Roma, 1724.-P. W. WALPOLIANA, 1057, Q. Ædes Walpolianæ. London, 1747. Watts, 1117, Q. Watts's views of the seats of the nobility and gentry. 1747. Westminster Abbey, 696, F. Plates of tombs, &c. at Canterbury, and West minster Abbey. London, 1720. White, 677, Q. White's journal of a voyage to New South Wales; with plates of non-descript animals, birds, lizards, serpents, curious cones of trees and other natural productions. London. : Wiclif, 710, F. Wiclif's translation of the new testament, from the Latin vulgate. London, 1731. Woide, 661, F. Woide novum testamentum Græcum e codice. M. S, Alexandrino. Londini, 1786, To procure either of the following Books, it will be necessary to obtain an order from two of the Directors. A. ADAM, 595, F. Ruins of the palace of the emperor Diocletian. By R Adam. Adams, 1107, Q. Adams's essays on the microscope. London, 1787. Albinus, 307, F. Aanatomy; or anatomical tables of the human skeleton. By B. S. Albinus. London, 1748. Armachanus, 366, F. Annales veteris testamenti, Jacobo Usserio Armachano Ashmore, 723, Q. Views in Ashmore. Plates. London, 1793. of the Russians. By Atkinson and Walker. London, 1804. Avenant, D' 863, F. D'Avenant's Gondibert, a poem. London, 1672. B. BACON, 1042, Q. Bacon's works. 5 vols. London, 1765. Bailey, 589, F. Bailey's 106 plates of mechanical machines. Lond. 1782. Barbut, 35.7, Q. Barbut on the genera vermium. London, 1783. year 1784; with plates. London, 1792. -551, F. Albanis Beaumont's select views of the antiquities and harbours in the south of France; with plates. London, 1794. 596, F. Beaumont's travels through the Lepontine Alps. Lond. The great charter, and charter of the forest; with other authentic instruments. By William Blackstone. Oxford. Blackstone, 286, F. Bligh, 1018, Q. Bligh's voyage to the South sea. London, 1792. Burney, 1056, Q. Burney's history of musick. 4 vols. London, 1776. C. CÆSAR, 298, F. The commentaries of Cæsar. Translated into English. By William Duncan. London, 1753.. 864, F. Edmond's Cæsar's commentaries. Savoy, 1677. Campbell, 4, F. Virtruvius Britannicus; or the British architect. By Colin Campbell. 2 vols. in one. Cardonnel, 3651, 0. Cardonnel's antiquities of Scotland. London, 1788. Carter, 3170, O. Carter's journey to Malaga. London, 1780. Chambers, 373, F. Cyclopædia; or an universal dictionary of arts and scien- 707, F. Clarendon's history of the rebellion and civil wars in England. 3 vols. Clavigero, 1066, Q. Clavigero's history of Mexico. 2 vols. London, 1787. Crusca, Della, 683, F. Vocabolario degli academici della Crusca in Nap. 1756. Cogan, 2156, O. Cogan's Rhine ; or a journey from Utrecht to Frankfort; chiefly by the borders of the Rhine, and the passage down the river from Mentz to Bonn; with plates. 2 vols. London, 1794. Collins, 647, Q. Collins's English peerage; or a view of the ancient and pre- Coxe's tour in Monmouthshire. 2 vols. London, 1801. - 1060, Q. D. DALLAWAY, 1099, Q. Dallaway's Constantinople. London, 1797. De Foe, 2059, 0. The life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe ; to which is added, the life of Daniel de Foe. By George Chalmers; with plates. 2 vols. London, 1790. Dillon, 1059, Q. Dillon's travels in Spain. London, 1780. Dirom, 1073, Q. Dodd, 1026, Q. Dirom's narrative of the campaign in India. Lond. 1794. Dodd's hymns of Callimachus. London, 1755. Douglass, 240, Q. The case of Archibald Douglass, Esquire, and his guardians, against the duke of Hamilton, and others. London. Ε. EDEN, 931, 0. The history of Trauayle in the VVest and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the Moluccaes; with a discourse on the north west passage. Gathered in parte and done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden, and finished by Richarde VVilles. Encyclopedia, 448, Q. Encyclopædia Britannica; or a dictionary of arts and sciences, &c. 10 vols. Edinburgh, 1778. F. FENN, 1082, Q. Fenn's original letters. 2 vols, London, 1787: Fox, 755, F. Fox's ecclesiastical history. 3 vols. London, 1641. G. GARDNOR, 837, Q. Gardnor's views, taken on and near the river Rhine, at Aix la Chapelle, and on the river Maese. Engraved in aqua tinta. By J. Gardnor and Richard Gardnor, junior. Garnett, 877, Q. Garnett's tour to the Hebrides. 2 vols. London, 1800. Gessner, 682, Q. The death of Abel. By Gessner. London, 1776. James Gibbs's book of architecture; containing designs of buildings and ornaments. London, 1793. Grew, 825, F. Grose, 388, Q. - 609, Q. - 610, Q. Grew's anatomy of plants. London, 1682. Grose's antiquities of England and Wales. 4 vols. London, The antiquities of Scotland; with plates. By Francis Grose. Military antiquities respecting a history of the English army, from the conquest to the present time; with plates. By Francis Grose. 2 vols. London, 1786. - 611, Q. A treatise on ancient armour and weapons; with plates. By Francis Grose. London, 1786. H. HASTED, 677, F. Hasted's history of Kent. 4 vols. Canterbury, 1778. Hawkesworth, 874, Q. The adventures of Telemachus. Translated by Hawkesworth. London, 1797. 1 Hayley, 1074, Q. Hayley's essay on painting. London, 1781. I. IONIA, 594, F. Ionian antiquities. London, 1769. Ireland, 2017, O. Ireland's picturesque views on the river Thames; with plates and observations on the works of art in its vicinity. 2 vols. 1958, O. Ireland's illustration of the prints of William Hogarth; with plates. 2 vols. London, 1790. - 2018, O. Ireland's picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France; made in 1789; with plates. 2 vols. London, 1790. 2140, O. Samuel Ireland's picturesque views on the river Medway, from the Nore to the vicinity of its source in Sussex; with observations on the public buildings and other works of art in its neighbourhood. London, 1793. Ireland, 2520, 0. Samuel Ireland's picturesque views on the river Wye; with observations on the public buildings, and other works of art in its vicinity. London, 1797. Irwin, 1083, Q. Irwin's voyage up the Red sea, and occasional epistles. Lond. J. JONES, 544, and 789, F. Jones's relicks of the Welsh bards. London, 521, F. The designs of Inigo Jones, consisting of plans and elevations for public and private buildings. Published by William Kent, with some additional designs. London, 1770. Josephus, 703, F. Whiston's Josephus. London, 1737. 582, F. Clarke's Josephus. London, 1794. Κ. KEATE, 1035, Q. Keate's account of the Pelew islands. London, 1788. Kippis, 704, F. Kippis's biographia Britannica. 4 vols. London, 1778. L. LAVATER, 435, Q. Essai sur la physiognomy. Par Jean Gaspard Lavater. Deux tomes. A la Haye. Liturgie, 415, Q. Relation des mesures prises pour introduire la liturgie Anglicane dans de Roiaume le Prusse et dans l'Electorat de Hanover. Lyson, 1076, Q. Lyson's environs of London. 4 vols. London, 1792. Μ. MAJOR, 135, F. A description of the ruins of Pæstum, otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Græcia. By Thomas Major. London, 1768. Martiniere, 688, F. Dictionaire historique et critique. Par M. De la Martiniere. Martyn, 2558, O. Martyn's 38 coloured plates of vegetables. London, 1794. Maton, 2539, O. Maton's observations relative chiefly to the natural history, picturesque scenery, and antiquities of the western counties of England, made in the years 1794 and 1796, with aqua tinta views by Alken. 2 vols. Salisbury, 1797. Meares, 1037, Q. Meare's voyages. London, 1792. Histoire des chenes de l'Amerique. Par Michaux. A Paris. 998, Q. Milton, 1032, Q. Monaldini, 680, F. Miller's illustration of Linnæus. 2 vols. London, 1777. is. Italico versu reddita. 3 Tomi. Romæ, 1763. Mudge, 1031, Q. 1052, Q. |