Page images
[blocks in formation]

8. Medals. Silver medal on the founding of Pennsylvania. Head of






Reverse. William Penn and an Indian Chief. Legend



SETTLED, 1681.

Small metal medal on the repeal of the Stamp Act
Copper medal struck in Paris on the Declaration of In-
dependence, July 4, 1776.

Silver medal struck in Paris on the capture of Stony
Point, 15th July, 1779.

Medal of General Washington.

[blocks in formation]

Copper. Pice.


18. China.

Three. Cаха.







Which from their value or scarcity, are not to be taken out of the Library, and of those that may be taken out under certain restrictions.


Books that are not to be taken out.


LL Newspapers-Maps, Charts, Plans, and Manuscripts. Acts of Assembly, 399, F. The acts of the Assembly of the state of Pennsy

vania, from November 28, 1776, to April 1, 1784.


Ælian, 857, F. The tacticks of Ælian englished by John Bingham, London, Angelo, 651, F. Engravings from the paintings of Michael Angelo, of the day of judgment.-P.

Angeloni, 810, F. Angeloni historia Augusta da Guilio Cessare infino a Constantino il magno. Roma, 1641.

Anglica, 869, F. Heroologia Anglica. London, 1620.

Anville, D' 624, F. A complete body of ancient geography. By Monse

DAnville. London, 1777.-P.

Antoninus, 648, F. Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto Dicata ejus rebus gestis in Germanica atque sarmatica expeditione angliphice insculptæ. Romæ, 1704.-P.

Architecture, 687, F. Parrallele de l'architecture antique et de la moderne, Paris. P.

Arrowsmith, 570, F. Arrowsmith's chart of the pacific ocean; drawn from a number of printed and manuscript journals, on ten plates. Lond. 1798.

Astle, 1039, Q. Astle's origin and progress of writing. London, 1784. Avenuto, 642, F. Istoria de Fenomeni del tremoto Avenuto nelle calabrie e nell vall demone nell anno 1783, Posta in Luce d'alla reale Academica delle scienze di Napoli. 2 vols. Napoli, 1784.

4 H


BALBEC, 134, 330, and 332, P. A description of the ruins of Balbec, other

wise Heliopolis, in Cælosyria. London, 1757.

Bartoli, 802, F. Le antiche lucerne sepolchrali figurate, designate da P. S. Bartoli con l'osservationi di G. P. Bellori. Roma, 1691.

649, F. Colonna Trajana eretta dal senato e populo Romano all' imperatore Trajano Augusto. Da Pietro Santi Bartoli.-P.

Bellorius, 665, F. Bellorii, veteres arcus Augustorum triumphis insignes ex reliquiis quæ Romæ adhuc supersunt. Romæ, 1690.

771, F. Petri Bellorii veterum illustrium philosophorum, poetarum, rhetorum, et oratorum imagines. Romæ, 1685.

787, F. Le pitture antiche del sepolchro de Nasonii designate da P. S. Bartolie descritte da G. P. Beliori. Roma, 1702.

Beaumont, 758, F. Beaumont and Fletcher's fifty comedies and tragedies. London, 1679.

Bentham, 1016, Q. Bentham's history of the cathedral church of Ely. Cam bridge, 1771.

Berrettinus, 306, F. Heroicæ virtutis imagines; quas Eques Petrus Berrettinus Cortonensis pinxit Florentiæ in ædibus Serenissimi magni ducis Hetruriæ in tribes cameris Jovis, Martis, et Veneris. Curâ, et sumptibus Joannis Jacobi de Rubeis. Romæ, 1691.

Bianchi, 695, F. Camera ed inscrizione sepulchrali de liberti servi ed ufficiali della casa di Augusto scoperti nella via Appia. Di Francisco Bianchi. Roma, 1727.

Bianchini, 659, F. Bianchini dei Granduchi de Toscana della realle casa de Medici ragionamente. Venezia, 1741.-P.

Bible, 65, F. The holy bible. Black letter. London, 1541.

-2396, 0. Y bibl cyssegr lan; sef, pr hen Destament a'r newydd. Llundain, 1752.

Bizot, 736, F. Bizot histoire metallique de la republique d' Hollande. Paris,


Blacu, 654, F. Le theatre du monde, ou nouvel atlas. Par G. and J. Blaeu.

4 vols. Amsterdam, 1645.-P.

Bochius, 740, P. Bochii historica narratio, profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellæ, Austriæ archiducum. Antverpiæ, 1602.

Bosboom, 854, F. Cort onderwys van de vyf Colomin. Door Symon Bosboom.
Amsterdam. 1676.
Bouchard, 679, F. Bouchard et Gravier recueils des monuments Egyptiens.
Rome, 1791.

Boydell, 553, F. Boydell's history of the principal rivers of Great Britain; with vol 1 and 2. London, 1794, &c.

plates. Breval, 702, F. 3 vols. Brotun, 678, Q.

Breval's remarks on the history and antiquities of Europe.
London, 1726.
Brown's new illustrations of zoology, containing plates of non-

descript birds, quadrupeds, reptiles and insects. London, 1776.

Bruyn, Le 271, F.
Britannica, 764, F.
Burton, 852, F.

Butler, 1077, Q.

Le Bruyn's voyage to the Levant. London, 1702.
Biographia Britannica. 7 vols. London, 1747.
Burton's anatomy of melancholy. London, 1676.
Butler's Hudibras. 2 vols. London, 1793.


CÆSAR, 983, D. The eyght bookes of Caius Julius Cæsar. Translated oute of Latin into English. By Arthur Goldinge. London, 1565.

Camden, 684, F. Camden's Britannia. 2 vols. London, 1772.Р. Campo, 712, F. Antonio Campo historia di Cremona fidelissima et noblissima citta. Cremona, 1583.

Carracci, 698, F. Ludovico Carracci claustro di St. Michele in bosco di Bologna. Bologna, 1694.

— 634, F. Imagines Farnesiani cubiculi cum ipsarum monocromatibus et ornamentis Romæ ædibus sereniss. ducis Parmensis, ab Annibale Caracio. Romæ -P.

Annibal Caraci l'arti pervia di Bologna. Roma, 1660.-P.
Annibal Caraci argumento della galeria Farnese depinta da

686, F.
694, F.
Roma, 1657.

Castell, 637, F. Robert Castell's villas of the ancients illustrated. London, 1728.-P.

Catesby, 289, F. Catesby's natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama islands. 2 vols. London, 1771.

Censors, 516, F. A journal of the council of censors, from November 10, 1783.

to September 25, 1784. Philadelphia, 1784.

Chaucer, 580, F. The works of Geffrey Chaucer, the famous English poet. By Thomas Occleue, who lived in his time, and was his scholar. London, 1565. Gift of Henry Cox.

Congress, 1596, O. The journals of congress; containing an account of their proceedings from September 5, 1774, to the adoption of the present constitution. 13 vols. Philadelphia.

Convention, 525, F. Minutes of the convention of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which commenced at Philadelphia, November 24, 1789, for the purpose of reviewing, altering and amending the constitution of this state. Philadelphia, 1789 and 1790.

Cook, 630, P. Plates to Cook's last voyage.-P.

Cortonensi, 774, F. Museum Cortonensi in quo vetera monumenta complec

tuntur. Romæ, 1750.

Curtis, 663, F. Curtis flora Londiniensis. Svols. London, 1777.


DICTIONAIRE, 697, F. Dictionaire historique et critique. 5 vols. Am

sterdam, 1734.

Dillenius, 1030, Q. Dillenius historia muscorum. London, 1768.

Dryden, 751, F. Dryden's fables translated from Homer, Ovid, &e. Lond. 1700, Ducarel, 667, F. Ducarel's Anglo Norman antiquities considered. London,


Dugdale, 795, F. Dugdale's history of St. Paul's cathedral. 1658.
Duhalde, 726, F. Maps and plates to Duhalde's description of China. 1734.


EDMONDSON, 379, F. Edmondson's complete body of heraldry. 2 vols

in one. London, 1780.

Edwards, 220, Q. Edwards's ornithologia nova; or a natural history of uncommon birds, and of some other rare and undescribed animals. 7 vols. London, 1750.

England, 1015, Q. Medallic history of England. London, 1790.
Engravings, 619, F. Various engravings by several inasters. 5 vols.-P.
Eusebius, 708, F. Divi Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis opera omnia quæ ex.

tant. 4 vols. Paris, 1546.

Evelyn, 821, F. Evelyn's discourse of medals ancient and modern, London, 1697.-P.

1023, Q. Evelyn's silva. York, 1776.


FALDA, 643, F. Li Giardini di Roma con le loro piante alzate e vedute in prospettiva dissegnate ed intagliate da Gio Battista Falda. In Roma,


Felibien, 700, F. Felibien histoire de l'abbaye royale de St. Denys en France.
Paris, 1706.-P.

Ferrarius, 765, F. Ferrarii Hesperides. Romæ, 1646.-P.
Fidanza, 631, F. Paul Fidanza recueil des fêtes choisies des personnages il-
lustres dans les lettres et dans les armes. A Rome, 1708.-P.
Florence, 647, F. Tableaux, statues, bas reliefs, &c. de la galerie de Florence,

et du palais Pitti, 1698.-P. Folke, 1055, Q. Folke's tables of English coins. London, 1763. Fontana, 675, F. Fontana templum Vaticanum. Romæ, 1694. --640, F. L'anfiteatro Flavio descritto e delineato dal Carlo Fontana. 1728.-P.

France, 2342, O. Dresses of the representatives of the people of France, and of the executive directory, &c.; with an historical description, translated from the French. London, 1796.

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