Elianus, 3644, O. Æliani (C. L.) sophistæ variæ historiæ. Libri XIV. Græcè et Latinė. 1713.-P. 1482. D. Idem, cum notis Johannis Schefferi; &c. 1685.-P. 1707, O. Idem, cum versione Justi Valteji et Perizonii commentario. Lugduni in Batavis, 1701.-L. 1571, D. See Stanley. 952, D. See Helvetius. Æmilius, 1714, 0. Pauli Æmilii Veronensis de rebus gestis Francorum, libri X. Chronicon de iisdem regibus, à Pharamundo usque ad Henricum II. Parisiis, 1548.-L. Æschines, 3491, Ο. Æschinis in Ctesiphontem oratio, et Demosthenis de corona oratio, Græcè, interpretatione Latina. 4ta Edit. Oxonii, 1746.-P. 1064, Q. See Leland. 3111, 0. See Portal. 3442, O. See Demosthenes. Æschylus, 371, and 1109, Q. and 3168, O. See Potter. 527, Q. See Victorius. Escoso, 1751, D. 1766. Le pitture de Bologna dell Escoso. 5th edit. Bologna. Esopus, 968, D. Esopi et aliorum fabulæ.-L. 1736, D. Fabulæ Æsopi. Græco-Latinè. 2da edit. London 1709.-P. Etian, 857, F. See Bingham. Aglionby, 209, Q. Lives of the most eminent painters, from Cimabue to the time of Raphael and Michael Angelo; with observations upon painting, and an explanation of the difficult terms. By William Aglionby. London, 1685. Sce Sada. Agostini, 803, F. Agricola, 317, F. Agricolæ de re metallica libri XII. Basiliæ, 1657. Henrie Cornelius Agrippa, of the vanitie and uncertaintie of arts and sciences. London, 1575. Agrippa, 317, Q. 481, Q. Three books of occult philosophy. Written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa. Translated from the Latin by J. F. London, 1651. 1529, O. La philosophie occulte de Henr. Corn. Agrippa, traduite du Latin. A la Haye, 1727. 847, D. Henr. Cornelii Agrippæ de vanitate artium et scientiarum, de nobilitate et præcellentia fœminei sexus et de matrimonio, libri. 1609. 1809, D. Henr. Cornelii Agrippæ de incertitudine et vanitate omnium scientiarum et artium, liber. 1622.-P. Aikin, 735, D. Calendar of nature. By John Aikin. 2d edit. London, 1785. 767, Q. Description of the country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester; with plates. By John Aikin. London, 1795. -851, Q. General biography; or lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions. 5 vols. By John Aikin and others. London, 1799.. 2089, 0. Delineation of England; or a geographical description of every county in England and Wales: with maps and a concise account of its most important products, natural and artificial. 2d edit. By John Aikin. London, 1790. Aikin, 2195, Ο. Aikin's letters to his son, on various topics, relative to literature and the conduct of life. Written in the years 1792 and 1793. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1794. 1211, and 2316, O. Biographical memoirs of medicine in Great Britain, from the revival of literature, to the time of Harvey. By John Aikin. London, 1780. 2422, O. Journal of a tour through North Wales and part of Shropshire; with observations in mineralogy, and other branches of natural history. By Arthur Aikin. London, 1797. 1 2336, O. Essay on the application of natural history to poetry. By Arthur Aikin. Warrington, 1777. - 2925, O. Denon's travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, in company with several divisions of the French army, during the campaigns of General Bonaparte in that country; with plates. Translated by Arthur Aikin. 3 vols. London, 1803. —3011, 0. Annual review; and history of literature. By Arthur' Aikin. 4 vols. London, 1806. Aikin, 1273, D. Natural history of the year; being an enlargement of Dr. Aikin's "Calendar of Nature " By Arthur Aikin. London, 1798. -232, and 405, Q. An experimental history of the materia medica. London, 1761. 3d edit. with additions. By John Aikin. London, 1784. 1200, O. The treatise of Tacitus on the situation, manners, and inhabitants of Germany; and the life of Agricola. Translated into English, by John Aikin. With notes, and a map of ancient Germany. Warrington, 1777. 1337, D. D'Alembert's select eulogies on the members of the 150, D. Poetry for children. By Lucy Aikin. London, 1801. 1791, O. The principles of anatomy and physiology; with plates. 282, Q. Poems. By Anna Lætitia Aikin. London, 1773. 2053, O. View of the character and public services of the late John Howard. By John Aikin. London, 1792 - 3505, О. The same.-P. Ainsworth, 814, F. On the five books of Moses, the Psalms and the Canticles. By Henry Ainsworth. London, 1639.-P. —- 1347, D. New Testament; with the book of psalms, and annotations by Henry Ainsworth. Amsterdam, 1644. Gift of Francis Shallus. 189, Q. A compendious dictionary of the Latin tongue. By Robert Ainsworth. London, 1736. Aitken, 1117, 1506, and 1767, O. The Pennsylvania magazine; or American monthly museum, from January, 1775. to July, 1776, inclusive; with plates. By Robert Aitken. 2 vols. Philadelphia. Aiton, 1850, O. Hortus Kewensis; or a catalogue of the plants cultivated in the royal botanic garden at Kew; with plates. By William Aiton. 3 vols. London, 1789. Gift of Robert Larclay, of London.. Akenside, 1150, D. Pleasures of imagination, by Mark Akenside; with a critical essay on the poem, by Mrs. Barbauld. London, 1795. Alanson, 1308, 0. Practical observations on amputation, and the after-treatment; illustrated by cases. By Edward Alanson. 2d edit. London, 1782. Alberoni, 362, O. The political testament of cardinal Julius Alberoni; exhibiting a general view of the politics and interests of the several courts of Europe; with a short account of the cardinal's life. Translated from the Italian. London, 1753. Alberti, 842, F. Descriptione de tutta Italia di Leandro Alberti. 1550.-P. Bologna, Albinus, 307, F. Anatomy; or anatomical tables of the human skeleton; with explanations. By Bernard Siegfried Albinus. London, 1748. Alciatus, 848, D. And. Alciati emblemata. Aldini, 991, Q. Account of the late improvements in Galvanism; with a series of experiments. By John Aldini. London, 1803. Alembert, D', 1337, D. See Aiken. Alessandrino, 1237, Q. See Russelli. Alexander, 464, F. Alexandri ab Alexandro Jurisperiti Neapolitani genialium dierum, libri sex. Francofurti, 1594.-L. 1681, O. Idem. Lugduni, 1616.-L. 453, Q. History of women, from the earliest antiquity to the present time. By William Alexander. 2 vols. London, 1779. 1664, O. Synopsis Algebraica, opus posthumum Johannis Alexandri. Londini, 1693.-L. Alexandrinus, 362, F. Clementis Alexandrini opera, Græcè et Latinè, quæ extant. Lutetiæ, A. D. 1629. Algarotti, 1208, 0. Letters military and political. Translated from the Italian of Count Algarotti. London, 1782. 3092, O. The same.-P. 429, D. An essay on painting. Written in Italian, by Count Algarotti. London, 1764. 592, D. Letters; containing the state of the trade, marine, revenues, and forces of the Russian empire. By Count Algarotti. 2 vols. London, 1769. Ali, 396, 0. The History of Timurbec, emperor of the Moguls and Tartars; being an historical journal of his conquests in Asia and Europe. By Cherefeddin Ali. Translated from the Persian. 2 vols. Lond. 1723. Alison, 972, Q. Essays on the nature and principles of taste. By Archibald Alison. Edinburgh, 1790. Alken, 2402, and 2539, O. See Maton. Allen, 537, O. A summary view of the whole practice of physic; being the sentiments of the most celebrated authors in all ages, relating to diseases, their causes and cures; with cases in surgery and midwifery. By John Allen. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1749. Allestyd, 860, F. Eighteen sermons. By Richard Allestyd. Lond. 1669.-P. Allinson, 312, F. The acts of the assembly of the province of New Jersey, from the 17th day of April, 1702, to the 14th day of January, 1776. Revised by Samuel Allinson. Burlington, 1776. Allwood, 885, Q. Literary antiquities of Greece; as developed in an attempt to ascertain principles for a new analysis of the Greek tongue, &c. By Philip Allwood. London, 1799. Alpinus, 1162, O. See James. soviorum, 1632.-L. Altieri, 133, Q. A dictionary, Italian and English, and English and Italian. By F. Altieri. 2 vols. London, 1727. Alves, 2476, O. Sketches of a history of literature: containing lives and characters of the most eminent writers in different languages, ancient and modern, and critical remarks on their works. With several literary essays. By Robert Alves. Edinburgh, 1794. Ames, 449, Q. See Herbert. Amesius, 922, D. Medulla theologiæ per Gulielmum Amesium. Londini, 1630.-L. 974, D. Bellarminus enervatus sive disputationes antibellarminianæ. A Gulielmo Amesio, tomus tertius. Amstelodami, 1628.-L. Amner, 2568, O. Considerations on the doctrines of a future state, and the resurrection; with strictures on the prophecies of Isaiah. By Richard Amner. London, 1797. Amour, De St. 183, F. An historical account of the Romish state and court, and the transactions concerning the five famous propositions, controverted between the Jansenists and the Molinists. Written in French by Mons. de St. Amour, and translated into English. London, 1670. Anacreon, 615, D. The works of Anacreon and Sappho; also pieces from ancient authors, and occasional essays; with notes. To which is prefixed, the Classic, a poem. London, 1768. 1544, D. The works of Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musæus, translated into English. London, 1760.-P. - 3714, О. See Moore. Anburey, 1878, O. Travels through the interior parts of America; with plates. By Thomas Anburey. 2 vols. London, 1789. Anderson, 12, F. Historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce, from the earliest accounts to the present time; with an appendix, containing the modern politico-commercial geography of the several countries of Europe. By A. Anderson. 2 vols. London, 1764. 360, Q. Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of nationa industry. By James Anderson. Edinburgh, 1777. 1284, O. Essays relating to agriculture and rural affairs; with plates. By James Anderson. Edinburgh, 1775. 1413, O. Account of the present state of the Hebrides, and the Western coasts of Scotland. By James Anderson. Edinburgh, 1785. 2738, O. Recreations in agriculture, natural history, arts, and miscellaneous literature. By James Anderson. 6 vols. London, 1799. 2186, and 2317, O. Dr. Pallas's account of the different kinds of sheep found in the Russian dominions, and among the Tartar hordes of Asia; with plates. To which is added, five appendixes tending to illustrate the natural and economical history of sheep and other domestic animals. By James Anderson. Edinburgh, 1794. 2872, O. Essays relating to agriculture and rural affairs. 5th edit. with additions. By James Anderson. 3 vols. London, 1800. - 1139, D. The Bee; or, literary weekly intelligencer. Consisting of original pieces, and selections from performances of merit, foreign and domestic. By James Anderson. 18 vols. Edinburgh, 1790, &c. Anderson, 979, Q. Journal of the forces which sailed from the Downs, in April 1800, on a secret expedition; &c. with a particular account of Malta, during the time it was subject to the British government; with plates. By Æneas Anderson. London, 1802. 701, Q. Narrative of a British embassy to China, in the years 1792, 2281, O. An edition of the works of the British poets, with prefaces, 13 3707, O. The Life of Tobias Smollett; with critical observations on his works, by Robert Anderson. 4th edit. Edinburgh, 1803. 607, Q. The philosophy of ancient Greece investigated, in its origin and progress in the Ionian, Italic and Athenian schools; with remarks on the systems of their founders and accounts of their lives and characters, and those of their most eminent disciples. By Walter Anderson. Edinburgh, 1791. 75, F. See Horrebow. Andilly, D', 1295, D. Histoire des Juifs, ecrite par Flavius Joseph, sous le titre de Antiquitez Judaiques, traduite sur l'original Grec revu sur divers manuscrits, par Arnauld D'Andilly. Tome premier. A Brucelles, 1701. Gift of Joshua Cresson. Andreini, 1267, Q. Ragionamenti fantastici di Francesco Andreini da Pistoia. Venetia, 1612.-P. Andrews, 1237, O. Remarks on the French and English ladies. By John Andrews. London, 1783. 1403, O. History of the war with America, France, Spain, and Holland, commencing in 1775; with plates, maps and charts. 4 vols. By John Andrews. London, 1786. - 2025 and 1324, O. Letters; containing a survey of Paris, and a review of French literature; with rules for travellers. By John Andrews. London, 1784. - 737, Q. History of Great Britain, connected with the chronology of 740, Q. Andrews' plans of the capital cities in Europe, and some 2538, O. History of the revolutions of Denmark, with an account 1828, D. Manuel of private devotions and meditations, with a manuel of directions for the sick. By Lancelot Andrews. London, 1670.-P. Angelo, 651, F. Engravings from the paintings of Michael Angelo of the day of judgment.-P. Angeloni, 810, F. Francisco Angeloni la historia augusta da Guilio Cessare infino a Constantino il magno, illustrata con la verita delle antiche medaglie. Roma, 1641.-P. |