MEDALS AND COINS. Table I. ROMAN, Silver. 1. METELLUS, Head. Q. METELL. SCIPIO. IMP. 2. Clodius. 3. Augustus. 4. Vespasian. 5. Domitian. 6. Antoninus. Reverse. TERTIVS. LEG. F. G. Head. C. CLODIVS. P. Reverse. A female figure. VESTALVS. Head. Legend defaced. Reverse. Figure of Jupiter. PONTF. MAXIM. Head. IMP. TITVS. CAES. VESPASIAN. AVG. P. M. Head. IMP. CAES. DOMIT. AVG. GERMANNI. REX. Reverse. IMP. XXI. COS. XV. GENSPEΙ. Head. IMP. ANTONINVS. AVG. Reverse Figure of Ceres. PROVID. DEORVM. 7 Julia Domna. Head. IVLIA. DOMNA. AVG. 8. Geta. 9. Gordianus. 10. Same. 1. Agrippa. 2. Antonia. 3. Vespasian. Reverse. Figure of Venus. VENERI. VICTR. Reverse. Defaced. Head. IMP. CAES. M. ANT. GORDIANVS. AVG. Reverse. P. M. T. R. P. II. COS. P. P. Table II. ROMAN, Brass and Copper. Fine Head of Agrippa. M. AGRIPPA.LV. F. COS :: III. Reverse. A figure. CLAVDIVS. C. S. С. Reverse. A female figure. Legend partly defaced. 4. Trajan. 5. Antoninus. 6. Faustina. 7. Same. 8. Commodus. Head. IMP. CAES. NERVA. TRAIANO. AVG. GER. Reverse. A figure. FELICITAS. AVGVSTI. Head. Legend partly defaced. ANTONINVS. Reverse. A female figure. Legend defaced. AVG. PII. AVG. FAVSTINA. Head. Legend partly defaced. IMP. A. CAES. COMMO DVS. Reverse. A female figure. IMP. III. COS. II.P.P. 9. M. Antoninus. Head. IMP. M. ANTONINVS. AVG. TER. XXV. 10. Same. 11. Gordianus. 12. Same. 13. Same. 14. Philippus. 15. Valerian. 16. Same. 17 to 30. 31. Gallienus. 32. Posthumus. Reverse. A female figure. Legend defaced. Head. IMP. M. ANTONINVS. Partly defaced. Reverse. A figure. VIRTVS. AVG. Head. IMP. GORDIANUS. Defaced. Reverse. Sitting figure. Legend defaced. Head. IMP. GORDIANVS. PIVS. FEL. AVG. Head. IMP. M. IVL. PHILIPPVS. AVG. Head. IMP. CAES. ::: VALERIAINO. AVG. GER. Reverse. OPTIMO. PRINCIPI. Head. Similar to the above and the same legend much defaced. Fourteen coins illegible. Head. GALLI. Defaced. Reverse. Defaced. Head. 33. M. A.Claudius. Head. 34. Same. 35. Aurelian. IMP. C. POSTHVMVS. PII. AVG. Reverse. Figure of Jupiter. IOVI. VICTORI. IMP. AVRELIANVS. AVG. 36. Maximienus. Head. MAXIMIENVS. NOBIL. CAES. 37 to 51. Constantine. Fifteen coins of Constantine. 52 to 57. Gratian. Six coins of GRATIANUS. Mostly defaced. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Silesia. 16. Anhalt. 17. Saxony. 18. 19. Brunswick. Lunenburg 20. Osnaburg. 21. 22. Bavaria. 23. 24. Saltzburg. 25. Nuremberg. 26. Leipsig. 27. Unknown. 28. 29. Poland. 30. 31. 22. Prussia. 33. Sweden. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Denmark. 41. Medals. On the coronation of Charles VI. 1711, large. On death of Charles VII. 1745. Large medal on the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle Oct. 1748 Small, on the same event. On the same, 1748. On the death of Geo. Wilm. Dux. Sil. 1765. On the death of Leopold. P. Anhalt. Ap. 9, 1747. Coins. Crown of Johan. George. D. G. Dux. Sax. Jul. Cliv Monti, 1625. Small coin of Joh. Geo. II. 1674. Same of the duke of Brunswick and Lun. Name illegible, 1692. Of Ernest. August. D. G. E. P. Osn. D. B. R. et Lu nen. 1690. Small coin of Georg. Lud. D. G. D. B. and L. S. R. I. Coin of Leopoldus, D. G. P. R. U. E. T. Bav. Μ. Small coin of same. Crown of Jo. Ernest. I. D. G. Archiep. Sal. 1694. 1694. Small coin, II. Marien Gross, 1759. Small coin. Fredericus. D. G. M. B. D. P. N. Same. Johan. Frederick. Dux. Bel. 1674. Medal. Large medal on the coronation of Augustus. III. 1734, Coins. Crown of Fred. Augustus, 1741. Small coin of same, no date. Same of Frederick, 1784.. Medal. Large, on the death of Charles XII. Coins. Small engraved coin of Gustavus Adolphus, 1604. Same of Charles XI. 1674. Same, 1675. Same, 1692. Same, name unknown, 1742. Same, of Gustavus III. 1779. Tolf. Skilling, Danske. 1711. XVI. Skilling, 1716. 42. 43. XII. Skilling, 1716. Same, 1720. 44. Denmark. Coins. Same, for de, Dansk. Amerci. Insuler. 1740. 2. 3. BARNEVELT. IOHANNES. AB. OLDEN. Reverse. Heads. CORNELIVS ET IOIHAN DE WIT. Large metal medal of Barnevelt. Reverse. An inscription in Dutch. Large medal of the United provinces SÆVIS. TRAN- Reverse. The arms of each of the seven Provinces LVC- Smaller medal. Figure of Neptune. MOTVS. PRES- Small medal on the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Orange, June 4, 1768. 4. 5. 6. 1.7. 18. One guilder piece, of Gueld, 1721. Six stiver piece One piece of 2 stivers. HOLLAND, &c. Copper. Medals. Twenty six small medals of the United provinces, struck on different events, during their wars with Spain and France. 1565. A ship. INCERTVM. QUO. FATA.FERVNT. 1574. LAPIS. REIECTVS. CAPVT. ANGVLI. Reverse. DNS. FECIT. HOC. ET. FV. MI. IN. OC. H. |