1859 3 Two academical exercises on subjects bearing the following titles; millenium, last novelties. Published by Morgan Edwards. Philadelphia, 1788. 4 Lectures on moral philosophy. By John Macpherson. Philad. 1791. 5 An essay upon the propagation of the gospel. By Charles Crawford. Philadelphia, 1799. 6 A short essay; or scriptural instructions for the times. By John, Ralling. Philadelphia, 180 1862 1 Observations on the government and laws of the United States of America. Translated from the French of the Abbé de Mably. London, 1784. 2 A new system of stenography or short hand. By Thomas Rees. London, 1798. ADDENDA. BOURNISSEAUX, 3756, 0. An historical sketch of the civil war in the Vendée, from its origin to the peace concluded at La Jannaie. Translated from the French of P. Y. I. Berthre De Bournisseaux, (of Thonan.) Paris, 1802. Charnock, 3750, O. Biographical memoirs of Lord Viscount Nelson. By John Charnock. New York, 1806. Carr, 3752, O. The stranger in Ireland, or a tour in the southern and western parts of that country in the year 1805. By John Carr. Philad. 1806. Cumberland, 3751, O. Memoirs of Richard Cumberland. Written by himself. Philadelphia, 1806. Johnson, 3754, 0. Rural economy: containing a treatise on pisè buildingon buildings in general on the culture of the vine, and on turnpike roads. With plates. By S. W. Johnson. New Brunswick, 1806. The life of Lamoignon Malesherbes. Translated from the French. By Edward Mangin. New York, 1806. Nelson, 3551, 0. Companion for the festivals and fasts of the church of England. By Robert Nelson. 14th edit. London, 1728. Mangin, 1865, D. Planta, 876, O. Planta's history of the Helvetic confederacy. 2 vols. London, 1800. Ricketson, 1863, D. Means of preserving health and preventing diseases. By Shadrach Ricketson, M. D. New York, 1806. Gift of the author. Thiebault, 3749, O. Original anecdotes of Frederick the Great, king of Prussia. Translated from the French of Dieudonni Thiebault. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1806. Williams, 1052, D. Letters from France. By Helen Maria Williams. 2d, 3d and 4th vols. ΑΝΟΝΥΜOUS BOOKS. 969 GAZETTE FOLIO. AZETTE nationale ou le moniteur universal. 15 vols. QUARTO. 1012 The port folio. 5th vol. OCTAVO. 3753 Sketches of trials in Ireland for high treason &c. including the speeches of Mr. Curran at length, &c. Baltimore, 1805. PAMPHLETS. 1085 5 L OCTAVO. ETTRE addressé aux habitans oprimes de la province de Quebec, de la part du congrés général de la Amerique Septentrionalis, tenee à Philadelphie. 3755 1 Reflections on the commerce of the Mediterranean. By John Jackson, Esq. New York, 1806. 2 An inquiry into the effects of the foreign carrying trade, by Columella. New York, 1806. 3 An inquiry into the present state of the foreign relations of the union, as affected by the late measures of the administration. Philad. 1806. DUODECIMO. 1864 1 The life and campaigns of Victor Moreau. Translated from the French. By John Davis. New York, 1806. 2 Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas in the year 1802. Translated from the French, with notes, by John Davis. New York, 1806. |