Brown, 1301, D. Miscellaneous sketches; or hints for essays. By Arthur Brown. 2 vols. London, 1798. 269, and 471, Q. Pseudodoxia epidemica; or enquiries into many tenets and commonly received truths. To which are added, religio medici; a discourse of sepulchral urnes lately found in Norfolk; and the garden of Cyrus. By Thomas Brown. London, 1659. 926, F. The same. London, 1650.-P. Browne, 878, F. Ars pictoria, or an academy of drawing, painting, &c. with 31 copper-plates. By Alexander Browne. 2d edit. London, 1675, -P. 104, F. The civil and natural history of Jamaica; with plates. By Patrick Browne, M. D London, 1756. - 346, D. Sunday thoughts; adapted to the various parts of the Christian sabbath, and its different duties. By Moses Browne. 408, D. Religio medici; by Thomas Browne; with notes. To which is added, the life of the author; and the observations of Kennelm Digby. London, 1736. --858, Q. Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria, from the year 1792 to 1798; with plates. By G. W. Browne. London, 1799. - 1096, Q. The same.-P. 1163, O. A defence of the religion of nature, and the Christian reve lation. By Simon Browne. London, 1732. Brownrigg, 84, O. The art of making common salt. By William Brownrigg. London, 1748. Bruce, 384, Q. Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, a military officer; containing an account of his travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, the West Indies, &c. London, 1782. 584, Q Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773; with plates. By James Bruce. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1790. Gift of Robert Barclay, of Lond, 1921, O. The same. 6 vols. Dublin, 1791. 707, D. The first principles of philosophy. By John Bruce, л. м. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1781. Brucioli, 1779, D. Il neuovo testamento di Græco nouamente tradotte in lingua Toscana. Par Antonio Brucioli. 1638.-P. Brucker, 626, and 1092, Q. See Enfield. Bruiere, 1576, D. Les caracteres de Theopraste, traduit du Grec, avec les caracteres ou les mœurs de ce siecle; par M. de la Bruiere. 3 vols. Amsterdam, 1726.-P. Brun, Le, 674, Q. Dictionnaire universel François et Latin. Par le R. P. Le Brun. A Paris, 1770. Brunnemannus, 949, F. D. Joannis Brunnemanni Jurisconsulti, commentarius in duodecim libros codicis Justiniani. Lugd. 1669. Brutus, 422, O. See Middleton. Bruyere, 1542, O. Apologie de M. de la Bruyere ou reponse à la critique des caracteres de Theophraste. Paris, 1701. 2603, 0. The works of Monsieur de la Bruyere; with an account of the life of the author by Monsieur Coste. 6th edit. with an original chapter-of the manner of living with great men, by N. Rowe. 2 vols. London, 1713. - 175, and 3369, O. See Rowe. Bruyn, Le, 271, F. A voyage to the Levant; or travels in the principal parts of Asia Minor, the islands of Scio, Rhodes, Cyprus, &c. and an account of the most considerable cities of Egypt, Syria and the Holy Land; with plates. By M. Corneille Le Bruyn. Translated into English, by J. W. London, 1702. 381, F. Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East Indies; containing a description of whatever is remarkable in those countries; with plates. By M. Corneille Le Bruyn. Also an account of the journey of Mr. Isbrants, through Russia and Tartary to China; with remarks on the travels of Sir John Chardin and Mr. Kæmpfer. 2 vols. London, 1737. Bryan, 2635, O. A compendious system of astronomy, in a course of familiar lectures. By Margaret Bryan. 2 edit. London, 1799. Bryant, 288, Q. An analysis of ancient mythology, wherein an attempt is made to divest tradition of fables, &c. By Jacob Bryant. 2 vols. London, 1774. 993, Q. Observations upon some passages in scripture, which the enemies to religion have thought most obnoxious, and attended with difficulties not to be surmounted. By Jacob Bryant. London, 1803. -1259, 0. Flora diætetica; or history of esculent plants. By Charles Bryant. London, 1783. 1998, O. A treatise upon the authenticity of the scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion. By Jacob Bryant. London, 1792. - 2569, О. The sentiments of Philo-Judeus concerning the Word of Gon; with extracts from his writings compared with the scriptures on other essential doctrines of the Christian religion. By Jacob Bryant. Cambridge, 1797. - 2170, Ο. Observations upon the plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians; with a prefatory discourse concerning the Grecian colonies from Egypt. By Jacob Bryant. London, 1794. 3087, 0. The same.-P. Brydone, 1361, D. A tour through Sicily and Malta. By Patrick Brydone. A new edit. 2 vols. Perth, 1799. Buchan, 2326, and 2458, O. Essays on the lives and writings of Fletcher of Saltoun, and the poet Thomson; with some pieces of Thomson's never before published. By the Earl of Buchan. London, 1792. 1243, O. Domestic medicine. By William Buchan. Philadelphia, 1784. Gift of Joseph Crukshank. Buchanan, 623, and 805, 0. The history of Scotland; from Fergus the founder of the Scottish monarchy, to the reign of James the sixth of Scotland and first of England; with plates. By George Buchanan. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1733. 1252, O. A regular English syntax. By James Buchanan. 20 edit. Philadelphia, 1780. Gift of Steiner and Cist. 2027, and 2158, O. Travels in the western Hebrides; from 1782 to 1790. By the Rev. John Lane Buchanan. London, 1793. Buchananus, 1672, O. Rerum Scoticarum historia, auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Accessit de jure regni apud Scotos dialogus. Amstelodami, 1643.-L. 948, D. Georgii Buchanani poemata quæ extant. Amstelodami, 1676.-L. Buchanus, 1825, D. Georgii Buchani Scoti poemata paraphrasis, in librum psalmorum. Amstelodami, 1687.-P. Buchlerus, 882, D. M. Joannis Buchleri thesaurus poeticus à Baxio auctus juxta seriem alphabeticam.-L. Buck, 2972, O. A theological dictionary; containing definitions of all religious terms, and an account of all the principal denominations which have subsisted in the religious world, from the birth of Christ to the present day. By Charles Buck. 2 vols. London, 1802. 1417, D. Anecdotes, religious, moral, and entertaining; with a variety of useful observations. By Charles Buck. 2d edit. London, 1799. Buffon, 446, O. The natural history of the horse; with that of the ass, bull, cow, ox, sheep, goat and swine; and directions for breeding and improving those animals. By Count De Buffon. Translated from the French. London, 1762. 1182, O. Natural history, general and particular; by Count De Buffon. With plates, and occasional observations by the translator. 9 vols. London, 1781. - 3213, O. Natural history, general and particular, by Count De Buffon. Translated into English, with three hundred and one copperplates, and occasional notes and observations. 8 vols. London, 1781.-P. - 2386, O. The natural history of birds; with plates. By Count De Buffon. Translated from the French, with notes. 9 vols. London, 1793. 1567, D. A treatise on the manner of raising forest trees, &c. In a letter of Mr. Buffon, on repairing forests and the culture of forests; to which is added, two memoirs. Translated from the French. Edinburgh, 1761.-P. 2385, O. See Smellie. Bugg, 1554, O. The picture of Quakerism. By Francis Bugg. London, 1714 Bulkeley, 934, O. A voyage to the South Seas in the year 1740-1; containing a narrative of the loss of the ship Wager, on a desolate island, &c. by John Bulkeley and John Cummins. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1757. Gift of Moses Foster. Bull, 1756, D. Corruptions of the church of Rome. By the Rev. Dr. Bull. 2d edit. London, 1707.-P. Bullus, 355, F. Georgii Bulli opera omnia. Londini, 1703. Gift of Gran ville Sharp. 1269, Q. Harmonia apostolica seu binæ dissertationes, auct. Georgio Bullo. Londini, 1670.-P. 1 Bulteel, 217, F. Mezeray's general chronological history of France; beginning before the reign of king Pharamond, and ending with the reign of king Henry the fourth. Translated by John Bulteel. London, 1683. Bundy, 63, F. The Roman history; with plates. By the Rev. Fathers Catrou and Rouelle. Translated by R. Bundy. 6 vols. London, 1728. Bunyan, 501, D. The holy war; made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, for regaining the metropolis of the world; or the losing and taking again of the town of Mansoul. By John Bunyan. Glasgow, 1721. 527, D. Grace abounding to the chief of sinners; or a brief relation of the mercy of GOD in CHRIST, to John Bunyan. Belfast, 1714. 1251, D. The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come; delivered under the similitude of a dream; with the life and death of the author. By John Bunyan. London, 1794. Gift of Joseph Crukshank, Buonamici, 513, O. See Wishort. G Burchet, 228, F. A complete naval history, from the earliest accounts to the present time; with sea charts. By Josiah Burchet. London, 1720. Burder, 2894, O. Oriental customs; or an illustration of the sacred Scriptures; with observations on many difficult and obscure texts. By Samuel Burder. London, 1802. Burges, 1326, 0. Considerations on the law of insolvency; with a proposal for a reform. By James Bland Burges. London, 1783. 2759, 0. Richard the first; a poem in eighteen books. By Sir James Bland Burges, Bart. 2 vols. in one. London, 1801. Burgendicius, 908, D. Burgendicii institutionum logicarum libri duo. Canta brigiæ, 1680.-L. Burgersdicius, 362, D. Monitio logica; or an abstract and translation of Burgersdicius's logic. By a person of quality. London, 1697. Gift of Benjamin Franklin. Burgh, 45, 0. The dignity of human nature; or an account of the means for attaining the true end of our existence. By James Burgh. 2 vols. London, 1767. -1127, O. Political disquisitions. By James Burgh. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1775. Burigny, De, 287, O. The life of Hugo Grotius. Written originally in French. By M. De Burigny. London, 1754. Burke, 681, Q. The works of Edmund Burke. 4 vols. London, 1792. - 1888, Ο. Reflections on the revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London, relative to that event. By Edmund Burke. 6th edit. London, 1790. 2459, O. Two letters on the conduct of our domestic parties, with regard to French politics; including observations on the conduct of the minority, in the session of 1793. By Edmund Burke. Lond. 1797. -2551, 0. The beauties of the late Edmund Burke, selected from the writings, &c. of that extraordinary man, alphabetically arranged; with a sketch of the life, and some original anecdotes of Mr. Burke. 2 vols. London, 1798. -1527, D. Recherches philosophiques sur l'origine des idées que nous avons du beau et du sublime; precedées d'une dissertation sur le gout, par M. Burke. Traduit de l' Anglois. 2 tomes. Londres, 1765.-P. - 2550, O. See Bisset. Burlamaqui, 694, Q. Abrégé du droit naturel par J. J. Burlamaqui. 2 tomes. A Geneve, 1750. Manuscript. Gift of Mrs. Penn. 77, and 85, O. See Nugent. Burn, 1256, O. The justice of the peace, and parish officer. By Richard Burn, L. L. D. 14th edit. 4 vols. London, 1780. Burnet, 206, F. The history of the reformation of the church of England. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. 3 vols. London, 1679. 172, F. Bishop Burnet's history of his own time; from the restorati- 1724.-P. 98, O. The sacred theory of the earth; containing an account of its original creation, &c. with memoirs of the author's life. By Thomas Burnet. 7th edit. 2 vols. London, 1749. Burnet, 172, D. The sacred theory of the earth; containing an account of all the general changes which it hath undergone; or is to undergo, 2 vols. - 941, О. Some passages of the life and death of John, earl of Rochester. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. London, 1680. 1806, 0. Practical sermons on various subjects. By Gilbert Burnet. 2 vols. London, 1747. Gift of George S. Moore. 1579, D. Some passages of the life and death of the Right Honourable John Earl of Rochester, who died 26th July, 1680. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. London, 1680.-P. 290, D. The abridgment of the history of the reformation of the church of England. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. 6th edit. 2 vols. London, 1728. - 286, D. Bishop Burnet's travels through France, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland; with an appendix, containing remarks on Switzerland and Italy, by a person of quality. London, 1750. 1259, D. Utopia; containing an impartial history of the manners, customs, polity, government, &c. of that island. Translated into English, by Gilbert Burnet. With an account of the life and trial of Sir Thomas More. Oxford, 1751. 1508, D. Some letters containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in travelling through Switzerland, Italy, some parts of Germany, &c. in the years 1685, and 1686. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. Rotterdam, 1687.-P. 1717, D. The life and death of Sir Matthew Hale, knight, sometime lord chief justice of his majesty's court of king's bench. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. London, 1682.-P. Burney, 341, Q. A general history of music, from the earliest ages to the present period; with plates. To which is prefixed, a dissertation on the music of the ancients. By Charles Burney. 3 vols. London, 1776. 1056, Q. The same. 4 vols.-P. 670, Q. An account of the musical performance in Westminster Abbey, and the Pantheon, in commemoration of Handel. With plates. By Charles Burney. London, 1785. 1001, Q. A chronological history of the discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. Part I. with charts, by James Burney. Lond. 1803. - 2050, O. Present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands, the United Provinces, France and Italy; or a tour through those countries, undertaken to collect materials for a general history of music. By Charles Burney. 3 vols. 2d edit. London, 1773, and 1775. 3220, 0. The same.-P. 2297, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Abate Metastatio, in which are incorporated translations of his principal letters. By Charles Burney. 3 vols. London, 1796. 3139, O. The same.-P. Burnham, 694, O. Pious memorials; or the power of religion upon the mind in sickness and death; exemplified in the experience of many entinent persons at those seasons. By Richard Burnham. With a preface by Mr. Hervey. 2d edit. London, 1754. Burns, 3158, O. The justice of the peace and parish officer. By Richard Burns, L. L. D. 4 vols. London, 1772.-P. |