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1588 8 A letter to the Roman catholics of the city of Worcester. Philadel

phia, 1784.

1595 7 Observations sur la societé des quakers ou trembleurs. Par Antoine

Benezet. Philadelphia, 1780.

1628 1 Jupiter Hammon's address to the negroes in the state of New York. Philadelphia, 1787.

4 Clarke on the prophetic numbers of Daniel and John. Charleston, (South Carolina,) 1759.

6 Magaw's sermon, preached before the free-masons of the state of
Delaware, December 27, 1779.

8 Jones's sermon on defensive war.
the gift of Zachariah Poulsen, jun.

Philadelphia, 1771. This volume

1630 1 A draught of an overture, prepared and published by a committee of the associate reformed synod, for the purpose of illustrating and defending the doctrines of the Westminster confession of faith. Philadelphia, 1787. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, jun.

2 Reader's remarks on the three first chapters of the revelation of St. John; with four letters to the reverend Thomas Charles, on the number of the beasts, &c. Taunton, 1785.

4 Reader's sermon on popery; with an appendix respecting the duty of the civil magistrates in matters of religion. London, 1781. This and the preceding pamphlet the gift of the author.

1632 6 Remarks on the practice of inoculation for the small pox. 2d edit. London, 1767. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, jun.

1639 6 The abolition of the slave-trade considered in a religious point of view.

A sermon, by William Agutter. London, 1788.

7 Justice and mercy recommended, particularly with reference to the slave trade. A sermon, by P. Peckard. With the report of a committee of the society instituted in London, for the purpose of effecting the abolition of the slave trade. Cambridge, 1788.

8 A sermon on the subject of the slave trade, by Joseph Priestley. Birmingham, 1788.

9 An occasional discourse on the subject of the African slave trade. By W. Mason. York, 1788. This volume the gift of the Philadelphia society for promoting the abolition of slavery.

1772 5 A sermon, preached at the anniversary meeting of the planters' society, on Great Pe-dee. August 17, 1769. Charlestown, 1769.

1976 1 Letters to Dr. William Cleaver, bishop of Chester; comprehending a vindication of the late bishop Hoadley. London, 1790.

3 Observations on the homilies of the church of England. Lond. 1790. 4 Frend's addresses to the members of the church of England, and to protestant trinitarians in general. 2d edit. London, 1788.

6 Remarks on Balguy's sermon. London, 1775.

8 Disney's reasons for quitting the church of England. 2d edit. London, 1783.

9 Hints on the subject of non-conformity. London, 1773.

10 Dialogue between a common unitarian Christian and an Athanasian. 2d edit. London, 1787.

11 Remarks on bishop Hurd's charge to the clergy of Litchfield and Coventry, in 1775 and 1776. London, 1777.

1982 5 Letter to the archbishop of Canterbury on the present opposition to any further reformation. London, 1774.

1984 1 Hart's sermon, on thanksgiving day, November 26, 1789. Philadel

phia, 1791.

2 Smith's sermon, on temporal and spiritual salvation. Philad. 1790. 3 Disney's sermon, on the beauty of holiness. London, 1773.

4 Disney's sermon on general fast-day, February 8, 1782. Lond. 1782.
5 Smith's sermon, on the present situation of American affairs. Phila-
delphia, 1775.

6 Montgomery's sermon, on fast-day, July 20, 1775. Philad. 1775.
7 Batwell's sermon, on fast-day, July 20, 1775. Philadelphia, 1775.
8 Bishop of St. Asaph's sermon, preached before the society for the
propagation of the gospel. February 19, 1773. New York, 1773.
9 Witherspoon's sermon on the dominion of Providence over the passi-
ons of men. Philadelphia, 1776.

10 Chandler's sermon, preached before the corporation for the relief of
the widows and children of episcopal clergymen. Burlington, 1771.

11 Duché's sermon on the death of Richard Penn, Esq. Philad. 1771. 12 Zubly's sermon on the law of liberty. Philadelphia, 1775.

2104 1 Dissertation on national churches; or the happy influences of society in its improved state. London, 1726.

2 Pastoral letter from the bishop of Meaux. London, 1686.

3 Answers to the reasons of dissent, from the sentence of the general assembly of presbyterians. Edinburgh, 1752.

4 Memorial of the presbyterians. London, 1706.

5 Case concerning the power of suspension from the sacrament stated. London, 1694.

6 Sage's principles of the Ciprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction. London, 1695.

7 Answer to the memorial of the church of England. London, 1705.

8 Warning for the church of England. London, 1706.

9 Articles of inquiry exhibited by the bishop of St. Asaph. Lond. 1710.

12 Claims of the clergy, to a divine right of maintenance, considered.

London, 1736.

13 Character of the English clergy, by the dean of Winchester. Lon

don, 1742.

14 Letter to a bishop, concerning lectureships, 2d edit. London, 1769. 15 Case of Easter offerings stated and considered. London, 1777.

16 Remarks on Mr. Gilbert's bill, for promoting the residence of the pa

rochial clergy. London, 1777.

2265 2 Dwight's discourse on the genuineness and authenticity of the new testament. Delivered at New-Haven September 10, 1795. New York, 1794.

2266 11 Richards's reflections on French atheism and on English Christianity, 3d edit. Philadelphia, 1796.

2382 2 Leycester's observations on the inconvenience of the ten commandments. Oxford, 1795.

2395 3 William Smith's sermon on temporal and spiritual salvation, deliver

ed July 5th, 1790. Philadelphia.

$395 5 Magaw's sermon, delivered May 28th, 1787, at the first ordination held by the bishop of the protestant episcopal church in the state of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1787.


6 Hawtayne's sermon, preached before the royal humane society, March 13, 1796. London, 1796. Gift of Thomas Parke.

2496 4 Abercrombie's sermon, preached in Christ church, Philadelphia, on Wednesday the ninth of May, 1798, being the day appointed by the president as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer. Philadelphia, 1798. Gift of the author.

24973 John Murray's vindication of universalism; being observations on the revelation of the unbounded love of God towards mankind. Charles




ton, 1797.

5 Charles H. Wharton's inquiry into the proofs of the divinity of Jesus
Christ; in which the opinion of Dr. Priestley, concerning Christ, is
considered. Philadelphia, 1796.

1 A short treatise on Christianity; with notes. London, 1798.
2 Naylor's sermons on the inanity and mischief of vulgar superstitions;
with an account of the witches of Warboys. Cambridge, 1795.

2 Shepherd's sermons on a future state.


1 Bishop White's sermon on the duty of civil obedience, as required in scripture, delivered in Christ church, on the twenty-fifth of April, 1799, being a day of general humiliation. Philadelphia, 1799. 2625 2 Morse's sermon, preached at Charlestown, November 29, 1798, on the anniversary thanksgiving in Massachusetts; with an appendix, illustrating some parts of the discourse, and exhibiting proofs of the early existence, progress, and deleterious effects of French intrigue and influence in the United States. 2d edit. Boston, 1799.

2693 1 Letters to William Wilberforce, on the doctrine of hereditary depravity. By a Layman. London, 1799.


2 Robert Hall's consideration of modern infidelity with respect to its
influence on society; in a sermon, preached at the baptist meeting,
Cambridge. 2d edit. Cambridge, 1800.

3 Charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of London, in the years
1798 and 1799. By the lord bishop of that diocese. Lond. 1799.
2 Jamiesons's remarks on the Rev. Rowland Hill's journal, &c. including
reflections on itinerant and lay preaching. 2d edit. Edinburgh,


2743 2 Swedenborg's hieroglyphic key to natural and spiritual mysteries, by way of representations and correspondencies. Translated from the Latin. London, 1792.

2852 3 Hill's apology for Sunday schools; being the substance of a sermon preached at Surry chapel. February 22, 1801. London.




7 Crawford's essay upon the eleventh chapter of the revelation of St. John. Philadelphia, 1800. Gift of the author.

1 Connections of various passages in the English version of the old testament. By W. H. Roberts, D.D. London, 1794.-P.

2 Discourses on the four gospels. By Thomas Townson, D. D. 2d edit. London, 1788.-P.

1 Jacob Bryant's treatise upon the authenticity of the scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion. 2d edit. Cambridge, 1793.—P.

$129 2 Thomas Townson's discourse on the evangelical history, from the interment to the ascension of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Oxford, 1793.-P.

3358 1 A view of Lord Bolingbroke's philosophy. London, 1755.-P.

2 Warburton's charity sermon, preached at the Abbey church, October
24th, 1742.-P.

3 William Dodwell's free answer to Dr. Middleton's free inquiry into the
miraculous powers of the primitive church. London, 1749.-P.
4 The trial of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus. London,

5 Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul. London,


3391 Collection of sermons, from 1707 to 1723.

$404 1 The Christian religion founded on reason; or two essays on natural

and revealed religion. London, 1729.-P.

2 The infidel convicted, or a brief defence of the Christian revelation. London, 1721.-P.

3 The bishop of London's second pastoral letter to the people of his diocese. London, 1730.-P.

3610 Collection of sermons, from 1707 to 1709.

6611 Collection of sermons, from 1705 to 1719.

3653 Collection of sermons, from 1678 to 1746.

3667 4 Leaming's evidences for the truth of Christianity. New-Haven, 1785. 3670 3 Excellence of the holy scriptures an argument for their more general dispersion at home and abroad. 2d edit. London, 1803.

3712 5 William Frend's animadversions on the elements of Christian theology, by the Rev. George Pretyman. London, 1800.


394 2 Stevenson's cordial for old and young Christians.

602 4 Forbes's reflections on the sources of incredulity with regard to religi

on. Edinburgh, 1752.

663 1 An appeal to matter of fact and common sense; or a rational demon

stration of man's corrupt estate. Bristol, 1773.

2 An address to the serious reader who inquires, what must I do to be saved? This volume the gift of John Wesley.

664 1 A vindication of the reverend Mr. Wesley's last minutes, occasioned by a circular letter inviting such persons who disapprove of those minutes to oppose them. 3d edit. Bristol, 1772,

2 Logica genevensis; or a fourth check to Antinomianism. 2d edit. Bristol, 1772. This volume the gift of John Wesley.

715 1 Considerations on war, slavery, and the nature and bad effects of spirituous liquors. By Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia, 1778.

2 The folly and vanity of a life spent in the pursuit of worldly profit. Philadelphia, 1770.

778 3 A looking-glass for the Jews. By George Fox. Philadelphia, 1784. Gift of Charles Crawford.

4 and 985-1 Observations upon the downfall of the papal power, and the consequent events. By Charles Crawford. 2d edit. Philadel phia, 1788. Gift of the author,

787 1 The curse of cowardice; a sermon. By Mr. Davies. London,


2 Linn's military discourse, delivered in Carlisle. Philadelphia, 1776. 3 A Connecticut thanksgiving sermon. Hartford, 1778.

4 Brackenridge's six political discourses, founded on scripture. Lan


5 Clark's remarks on swearing. Lancaster, 1755.

6 Reasons why human compositions ought not to be used in the praises of God; with an address concerning family government. Albany,


7 A warning by the associated presbytery in Pennsylvania, to the people of the United States. Lancaster, 1778.

9 Leslie's method with the deists. Philadelphia, 1783.

10 Marshall's catechism, agreeably to the doctrines of the Westminster confession of faith. Philadelphia, 1784.

788 1 A narrative of the extraordinary work at Cambuslang, in Scotland. Philadelphia, 1742.


2 Blair's animadversions on the reasons which induced Alexander Creag head to recede from the presbyterian church. Philadelphia, 1742. 3 Davenport's letter to Jonathan Barber. 1743-4.

4 Old Mr. Dod's sayings.

5 Finley's refutation of Mr. Thompson's sermon on the doctrine of convictions. Philadelphia, 1743.

6 Whitefield's remarks on a pamphlet, entitled, "the enthusiasm of methodists and papists compared." Philadelphia, 1749.

7 A religious discourse.

& Garden's two sermons, preached in Charleston. New York, 1742:

9 Anne Dutton's letter to George Whitefield. Philadelphia.

10 Whitefield's observations on some fatal mistakes, in a book, entitled,

"the doctrine of grace, &c." Philadelphia, 1763.

11 A declaration of what God has done for our souls. By some baptist people called Quakers, in Connecticut. 1760.

89 1 Tennent's sermon, preached at Philadelphia, December 23, 1744.


2 Tennent's sermon, preached at Philadelphia, December 30, 1744 Philadelphia.

3 Tennent's sermon on the success of the expedition against Louisburgh, on cape Breton. Philadelphia, 1745.

4 An address to the people of New England; occasioned by the preaching of certain destructive doctrines. By James Macsparran. New Port, 1753.

5 Blair's narrative of the revival of religion in several parts of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1744.

6 Whitefield's account of God's dealings with him; with an account of the orphan-house of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1746.

8 Whitefield's letter to Doctor Chauncey. Philadelphia, 1745.

9 Arthur's sermon at the ordination of Daniel Thane, at Connecticutfarms, in New Jersey; with an exhortation, by C. Smith. New York, 1750.

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