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Borvies, 1094, D. Memoirs of William Augustus Bowles, ambassador from the united nations of Creeks and Cherokees, to the court of London.

London, 1791.

Bowyer, 353, Q. Critical conjectures and observations on the new testament. By W. Bowyer. 3d edit. London, 1782.

668, Q. Bowyer's miscellaneous tracts, with those of several of his friends. Collected by John Nichols. London, 1785.

Boyd, 2730, 0. Boyd's miscellaneous works; with an account of his life and writings, by Lawrence Dundas Campbell. 2 vols. London, 1800. 742, D. Translation of the Inferno of Dante Alighieri in English verse; with notes, the life of Dante, and a specimen of a new translation of the Orlando Furioso of Ariosto. By Henry Boyd, a. M. 2 vols. London, 1785.

2873, 0. Translation into English verse, of the Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri; consisting of the Inferno-Purgatorio-and Paradiso; with preliminary essays and notes. By the Rev. Henry Boyd. 3 vols. London, 1802.

2556, O. See Campbell.

Boydell, 553, F. History of the principal rivers of Great Britain; with plates. By John and Josiah Boydell. 2 vols. London, 1794.

Boyer, 539, Q. French and English dictionary. By M. A. Boyer. London, 1699.-L.

1143, Q. Royal dictionary, French and English, and English and French. By M. A. Boyer. London, 1729.-P.

3160, O. Dictionnaire Royal Francois Anglois & Anglois Francois. Par M. A. Boyer. 2 vols. Lyon, 1768.-P.

622, D. French grammar. By M. A. Boyer.

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Boyle, 259, F. The works of Robert Boyle. To which is prefixed, the life of the author. 5 vols. London, 1744.

147, Q. The philosophical works of Robert Boyle; abridged and methodized under the heads of physic, statics, pneumatics, natural history, chemistry, and medicine; with notes, by Peter Shaw. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1738.

547, Q. Considerations on the vsesvinesse of experimental and natural philosophy. By Robert Boyle. 2d edit. Oxford, 1664.-L..

950, O. Discourse against swearing. By Robert Boyle. London, 1695. 3437, O. Examination of Dr. Bentley's dissertations on the epistles of Phalaris, and the fables of Æsop. By the Hon. Charles Boyle, Esq. London, 1698.-P.

124, D. Voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world; with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his escape from Barbary, and the history of the Italian captive, &c. London, 1787.

478, D. Love and religion demonstrated in the martyrdom of Theodore and of Didymus. By Robert Boyle. 2d edit. London, 1702.

1003, D. New experiments, physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air, and its effects. By Robert Boyle. Oxford, 1660. Gift of Benjamin Paschall.

1818, D. Fashionable court guide, or town visiting directory for the year 1792. By P. Boyle. 2d edit. London, 1792.-P.

137, O. See Boulton.

Boys, 1339, Q. Eneas, his descent into Hell. By John Boys. Lond. 1661.-P. Braam, Van, 2524, O. Authentic account of the embassy of the Dutch East

India company, to the court of the emperor of China, in the years 1794 and 1795; containing a description of several parts of the Chinese empire, unknown to the Europeans. By Andre Everard Van Braam. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1798.

Bracken, 419, D. Farriery improved; or a complete treatise upon the art of farriery. By Henry Bracken. 7th edit. London, 1752.

Brackenridge, 1090, and 1169, D. Modern chivalry; containing the adventures of captain John Farrago and Teague Oregan, his servant. By Hugh H. Brackenridge. 3 vols. in 2. Philadelphia, 1792, 1793. No. 1169, Gift of the Author.

Bradford, 178, F. The Pennsylvania journal; or weekly advertiser, from January 5, 1747-8, to the present time. By William and Thomas Bradford. 18 vols. Philadelphia. The firt six volumes the gift of the heirs of Evan Morgan.

179, F. The American weekly mercury, from December 22, 1719, to January 1, 1746. By Andrew Bradford, William Bradford, Isaiah Warner and Cornelia Bradford. 6 vols. Philadelphia. Gift of Mr. Hopkinson.

1962, O. An inquiry how far the punishment of death is necessary in Pennsylvania, with notes and illustrations. By William Bradford. To which is added, an account of the gaol and penitentiary house of Philadelphia, and the interior management thereof, by Caleb Lownes. Philadelphia, 1793. Gift of William Bradford.

Bradley, 268, Q. A philosophical account of the works of nature; with cuts. By Richard Bradley, F. R. S. London, 1771.

707, 0. A general treatise of husbandry and gardening; containing a new system of vegetation; with many experiments. By R. Bradley. 2 vols. London, 1725.

Brady, 3475, 0. Virgil's Æneis, translated into English blank verse. By Nicholas Brady, D. D. 4 vols. London, 1716.-P.

3605, 0. Fourteen sermons preached upon several occasions. By Ni. cholas Brady, D. D. London, 1704.-P.

Brailsford, 1628, 0. An experimental dissertation on the chemical and medical properties of the Nicotiana Tabacum of Linnæus, commonly known by the name of Tobacco; with a coloured plate. By Edward Brailsford. Philadelphia, 1799. Gift of the Author.

Brainerd, 202, 0. An account of the rise and progress of a remarkable work of grace, amongst a number of Indians in New Jersey and Pennsylvania; with some general remarks. By David Brainerd. Philadelphia. 449, D. An abridgement of David Brainerd's journal among the Indians; or the rise and progress of a remarkable work of grace among a number of Indians in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. By David Brainerd. London, 1748.

Braithwaite, 205, and 355, 0. The history of the revolutions in the empire of Morocco, upon the death of the late emperor Muley Ishmael; with observations, natural, moral and political, relating to that country and people. By John Braithwaite. London, 1729.

1353, Q. The English gentlewoman. By Richard Braithwait. Lon don, 1631.-P.

--1346, Q. The English gentleman. By Richard Braithwaite. Ap ancient book.-P.

Branagan, 1852, D. An essay on the oppression of the exiled sons of Africa.

By Thomas Branagan. Philadelphia, 1804..

Brand, 1273, O. Select dissertations from the amœnitates academicæ ; being a supplement to Stillingfleet's tracts relating to natural history. Translated by F. J. Brand, M. A. London, 1781.

Brandt, 108, F. The history of the reformation, in and about the Low

Countries. By Gerard Brandt. 4 vols. 1720.

Bray, 470, D. A short discourse upon the doctrine of our baptismal covenant.

By Thomas Bray. London, 1700.

Brererwood, 1729, O. Inquiries touching the diversity of languages and reiigions, through the chief parts of the world. By Edward Brerewood. London, 1674.-L.

1501, D. The same.-P.

Breval, 702, F. Remarks on several parts of Europe, (with maps) relating chiefly to the history and antiquities of those countries through which the author has travelled. By 1. Breval. 4 vols. in 3. Lond. 1726.-P. - 802, 0. The history of the house of Nassau, from its origin to the present time; with an account of the houses of Baux and Chalons. By John Breval. London, 1734.

Brevint, 3267, O. Saul and Samuel at Endor; or the new waies of salvation and service, which usually tempt men to Rome and detain them there, truly represented and refuted. By Daniel Brevint, D. D. Oxford, 1674.-P.

Brewster, 2750, O. The meditations of a recluse : chiefly on religious subjects. By John Brewster, A. Μ. London, 1800.

3033, O. A secular essay; containing a retrospective view of events, connected with the ecclesiastical history of England, during the 18th century. By John Brewster, A. м. London, 1802.

Briani, 214, F. See Hughes.

Brice, 285, F. A universal geographical dictionary; or grand gazetteer; describing especially the British dominions and settlements throughout the world; with maps. By Andrew Brice. 2 vols. London, 1759. -Brice, 1611, D. Description de la ville de Paris. Par Germain Brice. 7tieme

edit. 3 tomes. Paris, 1717.-P.

Brietius, 157, Q. Parallela geographiæ veteris et novæ, auctore Philippo Brietio. Parisiis, 1648.

Brissot, 1620, O. Examen critique des voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale de M. le Marquis de Chastellux par J. P. Brissot de Warville. Londres, 1786.

1753, O. Theorie des loix criminelles. Par J. P. Brissot de Warville. 2 tomes. A Berlin, 1781. Gift of the author.

1754, O. Bibliotheque philosophique du legislateur, du politique, du jurisconsulte sur la legislation criminelle. Par J. P. Brissot de Warville. 10 tomes. A Berlin, 1782. Gift of the author.

1756, O. The miscellaneous works of J. P. Brissot de Warville.. (French.) 3 vols. Paris, 1784. Gift of the author.

-1755, 0. De la vérité ou meditations sur les moyens de parvenir à la vérité dans toutes les connoissances humaines. Par J. P. Brissot de Warville. A Neuchatel, 1782. Gift of the author.

1861, 0. A critical examination of the Marquis de Chatellux's travels in North America. Translated from the French of J. P. Brissot de Warville. Philadelphia, 1788. Gift of Joseph Sansom.

Brissol, 1972, O. Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. Par J. P. Brissot de Warville. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1791. Gift of the author.

1757, O. Considerations on the relative situation of France and the
United States of America. Translated from the French of Etienne
Claviere, and J. P. Brissot de Warville. London, 1788. Gift of J.
P. Brissot de Warville.

2159, O. Travels in the United States of America; including considerations on the commerce of America with Europe; particularly with France and Great Britain. By J.P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French. To which is added, a sketch of the life of J. P. Brissot, and an appendix, by the translator. 2 vols. London, 1794. Bristed, 3022, O. A pedestrian tour through part of the highlands of Scotland, in 1801. By John Bristed. 2 vols. London, 1803.

Britton, 2931, 0. The beauties of Wiltshire, displayed in statistical, historical, and descriptive sketches; with plates, and anecdotes of the arts. By John Britton. 2 vols. London, 1801.

Broca, Du, 1418, D. Interesting anecdotes of the heroic conduct of women, during the French revolution. Translated from the French of M. du Broca. Baltimore, 1804.

Brockwell, 111, 0. The political and natural history of Portugal, from its first erection into a kingdom, anno 1090, to the present time; with the history of Brazil, and all other dominions subject to Portugal, in Asia, Africa and America. By Charles Brockwell, junr. London, 1726. Broderick, 17, 0. A complete history of the late war in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Spain; with an abstract of the treaty of Utrecht, and plans of battles, &c. By Thomas Broderick. 2d edit. London,


Brome, 529, F. The Observator, from January 16, 1683, to August 28, 1689. By Charles Brome. London. Gift of John Carey.

Bromley, 252, O. The way to the sabbath of rest; or the soul's progress in the work of the new-birth. By Thomas Bromley. With a discourse on mistakes concerning religion, enthusiasm, &c. By Thomas Hartley. Germantown, 1759.

2036, 0. Collection of original royal letters, written by king Charles the first and second, king James the second, and the king and queen of Bohemia; with original letters by prince Rupert, count Palatine, the dutchess of Hanover, and several other distinguished persons, from 1619 to 1665, with plates. By Sir George Bromley, Bart. London,


3109, 0. The same.-P.

Brook, 996, Q. Experiments and remarks on electricity, the air pump, and the barometer; with plates. By A. Brook Norwich, 1789.

Brooke, 638, D. Juliet Grenville; or the history of the human heart. By Mr. Brooke. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1774.

1350, D. The Fool of quality; or the history of Henry Earl of Moreland. By Mr. Brooke. 5 vols. London, 1778.

Brookes, 1079, Q. Reliques of Irish poetry, consisting of heroic poems, odes, elegies and songs; translated into English verse, with notes, explanatory and historical, and the originals of the Irish character; to which is subjoined an Irish tale. By Miss Brookes. Dublin, 1789.-P. 1568, D. Natural history of vegetables, foreign and indigenous, uses, properties, &c. with the method of cultivation. By R. Brookes, M. D. London, 1763.-P.

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Broome, 604, O. Poems on several occasions. By William Broome. 2d edit.

London, 1750. Broomley, 1104, Q. Philosophical and critical history of the fine arts, painting, sculpture and architecture, in four parts, with occasional observations

upon the progress of engraving. By the Rev. A. R. Broomley. 2 vols. London, 1793.-P.

Broughan, 2960, 0. An inquiry into the colonial policy of the European powers. By Henry Broughan, junr. F. H. S. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1803. Broughton, 109, F. An historical dictionary of all religions, from the creation to the present time. By Thomas Broughton. 2 vols. London, 1742.

1394, Q. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean, performed in the years 1795, 1796, 1797, and 1798. By William Robert Broughton. London, 1804.

Brown, 566, F. The Federal gazette, and Philadelphia advertiser, from October 1st. 1788, to the present time. By Andrew Brown, continued by Samuel Relf. 20 vols. including 1805. Philadelphia, 1788, &c. 314, Q. Travels into Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli; with figures. By Edward Brown, M. D. London, 1673.

678, Q. New illustrations of zoology, containing plates of non-descript birds, quadrupeds, reptiles and insects. By Peter Brown. London,


338, O. The travels and adventures of Edward Brown, Esquire; con-
taining his observations on France and Italy; his voyage to the Le-
vant; his account of the isle of Malta; his remarks in his journey
through Lower and Upper Egypt; with a brief description of the
Abyssinian empire. London, 1739.

2712, O. A dictionary of the Holy Bible; containing an historical ac-
count of the persons; a geographical account of the places; a literal
and critical description of other objects, and the explication of the
appellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Tes-
tament. By the Rev. John Brown. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1797.
3713, O. The literary magazine, and American register, from Octo-
ber, 1803, to the present time. By Charles Brown. 3 vols. Phila-
delphia, 1803, &c.

933, O. An apology; or defence of the Christians against the accusa-
tions of the Gentiles. By Tertullian. Translated into English, by
Henry Brown. London, 1755.

91, O. Essays on the characteristics of the earl of Shaftsbury. By John Brown. 4th edit. London, 1755.

2401, O. The elements of medicine; by John Brown; with a biographical preface, by Thomas Beddoes. 2 vols. London, 1795. 3263, O. Essays on the characteristics. By John Brown. London, 1752.-P.

1134, D. An essay on the natural equality of men; on the rights that result from it, and on the duties which it imposes. By William Lawrence Brown, D. D. 2d edit. London, 1794.

2574, 0. Observations on the Zoonomia of Erasmus Darwin. By Thomas Brown. Edinburgh, 1798.

299, D. The comical works of M. Scarron; containing his romance of a company of stage-players; and his novels, histories, select letters, characters, &c. Translated by Mr. Brown and others. 7th edit. 2 vols. London, 1759.

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