• 1416 Collectanea: or an assemblage of anecdotes, aphorisms, and bon-mots. London, 1802. 1 1446 The picture of London, for 1804; being a correct guide to all the curiosities and remarkable objects in and near London; with plates. London. 1804. 1478 The five days debate at Cicero's house in Tusculum, upon various subjects, between master and sophister. London, 1683.-P. 1615 The tatler. By Isaac Bickerstaff. London, 1710.-P. 1617 The guardian. 2 vols. 6th edit. London, 1734.-P. London, 1726.-P. 1618 The spectator. 8 vols. 8th edit. 1662 Parecbolæ sive excerpta è corpore statutorum universitatis Oxoniensis; accedunt articuli religionis XXXIX in ecclesia Anglicana recepti; nec non juramenta fidelitatis et suprematûs. Oxoniæ, 1710.-P. 1731 Parecbolæ sive excerpta è corpore statutorum universitatis Oxoniensis. Oxoniæ, 1729.-P. 1810 The court and city register, for the years 1748, 1753, 1775, 1780, 1786, 1788, 1791, 1794 and 1797. 9 vols. London.-P. 1821 Sententiæ variorum authorum.-P. A CATALOGUE OF PAMPHLETS, &c. &c. 463 8 M Ecclesiastical History. QUARTO. INUTES of the baptist association, held at Philadelphia, Octo ber 1774. Philadelphia, 1782. 478 9 An account of the society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts. London, 1706. 559 1 Godwyn's Moses and Aaron; being an account of the ecclesiastical and civil rites used by the ancient Hebrews. 7th edit. London, 1655.-L. 1306 1 Passages on Dr. Whitby's paraphrase and annotations on the new testament. London, 1706.-P. 2 J. Roe's certainty of a future state, or an occasional letter, concerning apparitions. London, 1698.-P. 3 Cotton Mather's account of the trial of several witches in New England. London, 1693.-P. 4 An account of the late persecutions of the protestants, in the valley of Piedmont. Oxford, 1688.-P. 5 An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the protestants in France. 1686.-P. 6 The case of the present afflicted clergy in Scotland, truly represented. 1690.-P. 7 A collection of papers relating to the practice of the rabble at Glasgow.-P. 8 Account of the sufferings of the church of Scotland. Lond. 1690.-P. 9 Counsellors plea for the divorce of G. D. and Mrs. F. London, 1715.-P. OCTAVO. 230 1 Virginia's cure, an advisive narrative concerning Virginia; discovering the true ground of that churche's unhappiness. London, 1662, 7 A true declaration of the estate of the colonie in Virginia. London, 1610. 468 3 and 15651 Rimius's narrative of the rise and progress of the herrnhuters, commonly called Moravians. Philadelphia, 1753. 798 2 Mosheim's memoirs of the Christian church in China; being a series of facts to evidence the causes of the declension of Christianity in that empire. Translated from the German. London, 1750. 932 1 Godwyn's Moses and Aaron; being an account of the ecclesiastical Lond. 1631, and civil rites used by the ancient Hebrews. 4th edit 1347 1 Remarks on a catalogue of the sacred vessels restored by Cyrus, and the chief Jews returned from captivity. By Granville Sharp. 2d edit. Londen, 1775. Gift of the author. 1628 7 Journal of a convention of the protestant episcopal church, in the United States of America, held at Philadelphia, June 1786. Philadelphia, 1786. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, jun. 1976 3 Account of some late proceedings of "The society for promoting Christian knowledge." London, 1789. 7 Catalogue of the publications which have appeared on the subject of the toleration of protestant dissenting ministers, from 1772 to 1790. London, 1790. 2695 1 Hill's journal of a tour through the north of England and parts of Scotland; with remarks on the present state of the established church of Scotland, &c. London, 1799. 3395 1 The miseries and great hardships of the inferior clergy in and about London, by a clergyman of the church of England. 1722.-P. 2 The contempt of the clergy considered, in a letter to a friend. Dublin, 1739.-P. 3 Dissertation on the 17th article of the church of England. Oxford, 1773.-P. DUODECIMO. 187 8 Taylor's narrative of the principles, conduct and character of the people known by the name of Shakers. Worcester, Mass. 1782. 791 4 Benezet's account of the people called quakers. 2d edit. Philad. 1086 4 Observations sur l'origine, les principes et l'establissement en Amerique, de la societe de quakers ou trembleurs. Par Antoine Benezet. A Philadelphie, 1780. : : Civil History, including Biography, Antiquities, Military and Naval History and Civil History, properly so called. FOLIO. 407 1 A TRE TREATY held at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, by the lieutenantgovernor of the said province, and the commissioners of Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the six nations, in June, 1744. Philadelphia, 1744. 2 A council held at Philadelphia, August, 1744, with the deputies of the Delaware Indians. 3. An account of the treaty held at Albany, in the province of New York, by the governor of that province and the commissioners of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, with the Indians of the six nations, in October, 1745. Philadelphia, 1746. 4 A journal of the proceedings of the commissioners appointed for managing a treaty of peace, at Falmouth, September 29, 1749; with the eastern Indians. Boston. 5 A journal of the proceedings of the commissioners, October 13, 1752, appointed to treat with the eastern Indians, to confirm a general peace. Boston, 1752. 6 A journal of the proceedings at two conferences, held at Falmouth, June, 1754, between the governor of Massachusetts-bay and the chiefs of the Norridgwalk and Penobscot Indians. Boston, 1754. 7. A treaty between the government of New Jersey, and the Indians inhabiting the several parts of said province, held at Croswicks, in the county of Burlington, January 1756. Philadelphia. 9 A treaty with the Shawanese and Delaware Indians, negociated at fort Johnson, by Sir William Johnson. New York, 1757. 10 A treaty held with the Ohio Indians, at Carlisle, in October, 1753.. Philadelphia, 1753. 11 Minutes of conferences, held with the Indians at Harris's ferry, and at Lancaster, in March, April and May, 1757. Philadelphia, 1757. 12 Proceedings and treaty with the Shawanese, Nanticokes and Mohikander Indians, negociated at fort Johnson, by Sir William Johnson. New York, 1757. 13 and 514 1 Minutes of conferences. held with the Indians, at Easton, in July and August, 1757. Philadelphia, 1757. No.514 1 the gift of Pierre Du Simitiere. 14 and 514 2 Minutes of conferences, held at Easton, in October, 1758, 15 Minutes of conferences, held at Easton, in August, 1761, with the 407 17 and 514 4 Minutes of conferences, held at Fort-Pitt, in April and May, 1768, with the chiefs and warriors of the Ohio and other western Indians. Philadelphia, 1769. 579 1 Monson's account of the last seventeen years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, both military and civil. London, 1682. Gift of Henry Cox. 2 Townsend's historical collections; or an account of the proceedings of the four last parliaments of Queen Elizabeth. London, 1680. Gift of Henry Cox. 3 A declaration of the horrible treasons practised by William Parry, against the queen's Majesty, and of his conviction and execution for the same, the second of March, 1584. London. Gift of Henry Cox. QUARTо. 104 3 A review of the military operations in North America; from the commencement of the French hostilities on the frontiers of Virginia, in the year 1753, to the surrender of Oswego, on the fourteenth of August, 1756. In a letter to a nobleman. 258 6 Jeffrey's map of the seat of war, on the coast of Choromandel, with an explanation thereof, and an account of the war. London, 1754. 2 Pittman's state of the European settlements on the Mississippi ; with a geographical description of that river, illustrated by plans and draughts. London, 1770. 456 1 Samwell's narrative of the death of captain James Cook. Lond. 1786. 462 9 An account of the first settlement of Virginia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, by the English; with a map of Maryland. London, 1735. 15 and 16 An historical memorial of the negociation of France and England, from the twenty-sixth of March, 1761, to the twentieth of September. London, 1761. 20 A narrative of the proceedings of the people of South Carolina, in the year 1719. London, 1720. 465 12 Patent for Plymouth in New England; with extracts from the records of that colony. Boston, 1751. 15 An account of the imperial proceedings against the Turks. London, 1685. 466 14 A speech of general Monck, at Whitehall, February 21, 1659. London, 1659. 469 5 An historical account of Bouquet's expedition against the Ohio Indians, in 1764; with military papers, a map and plates. Philadelphia, 1765. 478 2 Underhill's news from America; containing a relation of their warlike proceedings. London, 1638. 3 and 4 Thorowgood's Jewes in America; or conjectures concerning the origin of the American Indians. London, 1650. 5 L'Estrange's Americans no Jewes; or an answer to Thorowgood's conjectures. London, 1652. 559 2 Romanæ historiæ anthologia; being an English exposition of the Roman antiquities. London, 1655.-L. |