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Blake, 1999, O. Strictures on a new mode of brewing. By George'Blake.

London, 1791.

Blanc, Le, 370, 0. Letters on the English and French nations. By Monsieur Le Blanc. 2 vols. London, 1747.

Blancardus, 2667, O. Stephani Blancardi lexicon novum medicum Græco-latinum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1690. Gift of Mathew Carey. Blancardiere, De la, 1593, D. M. L'Abbé Courte de la Blanchardiere, nouveau

voyage fait au Perou. Paris, 1751.-P.

Bland, 488, O. A treatise of military discipline. By Humphrey Bland.

edit. London, 1740.

Elaquiere, 2771. O. The history of the thirty years war in Germany. By Frederick Schiller. Translated from the original German by Captain Blaquiere. 2 vols. London, 1799.

Blasius, 530, Q. See Bellinus.

Bligh, 596, Q. A narrative of the mutiny on board the ship Bounty, and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew, in the ship's boat, from Tofoa, to Timor. By William Bligh. London, 1790.

637, Q. Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken for the purpose of conveying the Bread-fruit tree to the West Indies; including an account of the mutiny on board the said ship; with plates. By William Bligh. London, 1792.

1018, Q. The same.-P.

Blome, 1527, O. The present state of his Britannic majesty's isles and territories in America; with maps. By Richard Blome. London, 1687. Bloomfield, 1382, D. Farmer's boy; a rural poem. By Robert Bloomfield. Philadelphia, 1801.

1402, D. Rural tales, ballads and songs; with cuts. By Robert Bloomfield. New York, 1802.

Blount, 870, F. The two first books of Philostratus, concerning the life of Apollonius Tyaneus, written originally in Greek, now published in English, with notes. By Charles Blount. London, 1680.-P. 495, F. Censura celebriorum authorum, sive tractatus in quo varia virorum doctorum de clarissimis cujusque seculi scriptoribus judicia traduntur. Authore Thomâ Pope Blount. Londini, 1690.-L.

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Bocace, 1253, D. Contes et nouvelles de Bocace Florentin. Traduction libre, accommodée au gout de ce temps. Seconde edition. 2 tomes. A Cologne, 1702. Gift of Benjamin Duffield.

Bocaccio, 2691, O. See Sotheby.

Boccace, 3438, O. Boccace's dicameron, or ten days entertainment. London,


Boccalini, 214, F. See Hughes.

Bocerus, 1106, D. Henrici Boceri icti de jurisdictione tractatus singulari studio et methodo adornatus; in scholis et foro utilissimus. Tvbingæ, 1609. Gift of John C. Redeger.

Bochius, 740, F. Joannis Bochii historica narratio, profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellæ, Austriæ archiducum. Antverpiæ, 1602.-P.

Bodaus, 469, F. Theophrasti Eresii de historia plantarum libri decem. Cum iconibus rariorum plantarum et commentariis Johannis Bodæi, Am• stelodami, 1644.-L.


Bodinus, 1543, O. Io. Bodini Andegavensis de magorum dæmonomania libri IV. Francofurti, 1590.

Bodley, 379, O. Reliquiæ Bodleiana; or some genuine remains of Sir Tho mas Bodley; containing his life; the draught of the statutes of the library at Oxford, and a collection of letters to Dr. James, &c. London, 1703. Gift of Mr. Jones.

Bochm, 217, O. Discourses and tracts for promoting the common interest of true Christianity, by Anthony William Boehm. London, 1717.

693, 0. True Christianity; wherein is contained the whole economy of God towards man; and the whole duty of man towards GOD. Translated from the High Dutch of John Arndt, by Anthony Wm. Boehm. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1720.

Boerhaave, 149, and 323, O.

ry of physic; being
comment. 2d edit.

Dr. Boerhaave's academical lectures on the theoa translation of his institutes and explanatory 6 vols. London, 1751.

389, and 1131, O. Dr. Boerhaave's aphorisms, concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases. Translated from the Latin, with explanations. 3d edit. London, 1755.

596, O. Dr. Boerhaave's medical correspondence; containing the various symptoms, and method of cure, of chronical distempers; with his practice in the hospital at Leyden, and manner of instructing his pupils. London, 1745.

225, and 310, D. A view of all the diseases incident to children; containing a translation of Dr. Harris's book upon the acute diseases of infants, and Dr. Boerhaave's treatise upon all their diseases; with an abridgement of the best authors who have written upon their diseas

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906, D. Institutiones medicæ digestæ ad Hermanno Boerhaave. Lugduni Batavorum, 727.—L.

1323, D. Hermanni Boerhaave libellus de materia medica et remediorum formulis, quæ serviunt aphorismis de cognoscendis et curandis morbis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. Gift of Mathew Carey.

375, O. See Samber.

115, and 124, Q. See Shaw.

Boethius, 1685, 0. Boethii consolationis philosophiæ, libri V. cum notis Johannis Bernartii, Theodori Sitzmani et Renati Vallini. Lugduni Batavorum, 1621.-L.

Bogatzky, 2114, O. Bogatzky's schriftmæssige beantwortung der frage. Zweiter und tritter theil. Halle, 1750. Gift of Mrs. Reedle.

Bohun, 194, F. The general history of the reformation of the church, from the year 1517, to the year 1556; by John Sleydan, L. L. D. with a continuation to the end of the council of Trent, in the year 1562, By Edmund Bohun. London, 1689.

Boiardo, 1260, Q. Orlando inamarato, composto del Signor Matteo Maria Boiardo, conte di Scandiano et reformato da Messer Ludovico Dominichi. Venetia, 1565.-P.

Boileau, 119, O. The works of Monsieur Boileau; with cuts. Made English from the last Paris edition, by several hands. To which is prefixed, an account of his life, by Monsieur Des Maizeaux. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1736.

3117, O. Memorials of human superstition, being a paraphrase and commentary on the historia Flagellantium of the Abbé Boileau. 2d edit. London, 1784-P.

Boileau, 61, D. Oeuvres de Boileau Despreaux. IV tomes. Amsterdam,


Bois, Du, 1575, D. Les livres de Ciceron, de la vieillesse et de l'amitié avec les paradoxes du même autheur; traduits en François sur l'editione Latine de Grævius, par M.. Du Bois. 2de edit. Paris, 1698.-P. Boissard, 677, D. Traité des monoyes, par M. Boissard. II tomes. Paris, 1711.

Bolingbroke, 3, D. Letters on the study and use of history. By Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. 2 vols. London, 1752.

439, O. Letters on the spirit of patriotism; on the idea of a patriot king; and on the state of parties at the accession of king George the first. By Henry St. John, lord viscount Bolingbroke. London,


495, and 967, 0. Dissertation on parties. By Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. 6th edit. London, 1743.

2512, O. Bolingbroke's letters and correspondence, public and private, during the time he was secretary of state to Queen Anne; with state papers, notes, &c. 4 vols. London, 1798.

Bolton, 1348, Q. M. Bolton's last and learned worke of the four last things, death, judgment, hell and heaven. 3d edit. London, 1635.–P. Bona, 1799, D. Guide to eternity, extracted out of the writings of the holy fathers and ancient philosophers; by John Bona. Translated from the Latin. 3d edit. London, 1688.-P.

Bonelli, 1281, Q.
Bonito, 1203, Q.

Vite de principi di Milano. Del Giovan M. Bonelli.-P. Terra tremante, overo continuatione de terremoti dalla creatione del mondo sino al tempo presente. Del D. Marcello Bonito. Napoli, 1691.-P. Œuvres d'histoire naturelle et de philosophie de Charles 18 tomes. A Neufchatel, 1783.

Bonnet, 1870, 0.


Bonneval, 778, O. Memoirs of the bashaw Count Bonneval, from his birth to his death; containing also the secret history of Europe for the best part of the current century. Written by himself. London, 1750. Bonnycastle, 1420, O. Bonnycastle's introduction to astronomy; with plates. London, 1786.

Booth, 191, F. The historical library of Diodorus, the Sicilian; containing the antiquities of Egypt, Asia, Africa, Greece, the Islands, and Europe; and a history of the affairs of the Persians, Grecians, Macedonians, and other parts of the world. Translated into English, by George Booth. 2d edit. London, 1721.

2243, O. Alf Von Deulmen; or the history of the Emperor Philip and his daughters. Translated from the German, by Miss A. E. Booth. 2 vols. London, 1794.

Bordley, 2548, and 2620, O. Essays and notes on husbandry and rural affairs; with plates. By J. B. Bordley. Philadelphia, 1799.

Borellus, 545, Q. Joh. Alphonsus Borellus de motu animalium. Lugduni

Batavorum, 1695.-L.

Borlase, 155, F. Observations on the antiquities of Cornwall; by William Borlase. Oxford, 1754.

Borrichius, 546, Q. Hermetis Ægyptiorum et chemicorum sapientia ab Hermanni Conringii animadversionibus vindicata per Oliaum Borrichium. 1696.-L.

Borroughs, 251, F. The works of Edward Borroughs. London, 1672.

Bosboom, 854, F. Cort onderwys van de vyf colomin. Door Symon Bosboom.

Amsterdam, 1676.-P.

Bosman, 276, O. A description of the coast of Guinea; containing a geographical, political and natural history of the kingdoms and countries; with an account of the rise, progress and present condition of all the European settlements upon that coast. Written in Dutch, by William Bosman, and now translated into English. 2d edit. London, 1721.

Bossu, 3025. O. See Forster.

Bossuet, 2851, 0. Select sermons and funeral orations. Translated from the French of Bossuet. With an essay on the eloquence of the pulpit in England. 3d edit. London, 1801.

- 194, and 195, O. See Elphinston.

128, O. See Spence.

Bossut, 3692, 0. A general history of mathematics, from the earliest times, to the middle of the eighteenth century. Translated from the French of John Bossut. London, 1803.

Boswell, 605, Q. The life of Samuel Johnson. Comprehending an account of his studies and numerous works; a series of his epistolary correspondence and conversations with eminent persons; and various original pieces of his composition never before published. By James Boswell. 2 vols. London, 1791.

2055, 0. The same. 3 vols. Dublin, 1792.

39, and 124. O. Account of Corsica; being the journal of a tour to that island; and memoirs of Paschal Paoli; with a map of Corsica. By James Boswell. 2d edit. London, 1768.

3330, O. The same.-P.

1414, O. Journal of a tour to the Hebrides, with Dr. Samuel Johnson; and an authentic account of the distresses and escape of the grandson of king James the second, in the year 1746. By James Boswell. London, 1785.

Bouchard, 679, F. Recueil des monuments Egyptiens, consistant en obelisques, pyramides, chambres sepulchrales, statues d'idoles et de prêtres, en momies, en grand nombres de divinities de cette nation, en bas reliefs, en sacrifices, en animaux quelle adorat, &c. Chez Bouchard & Gravin. Rome, 1791.-P.

Boucher, 2717, O. View of the causes and consequences of the American re volution; in thirteen discourses, preached in North America, between the years 1763 and 1775; with an historical preface. By Jonathan Boucher. London, 1797.

3095, 0. The same.-P.

Bougainville, 279, Q. See Forster.

Bouhours, 162, D. Ingenious thoughts of the fathers of the church; collected by Bohours, in French Translated into English. London, 1727. Bouille, De, 2456. O. Memoirs of the French revolution. By the Marquis De Bouille. Translated from the French. London, 1797.

Boulainvilliers, 1017, O. Life of Mahomet. Translated from the French of

the Count De Boulainvilliers. London, 1731.

251, D. The same. London, 1752.

- 81, O. See Forman.

Boulton, 137, O. The works of Robert Boyle epitomised; with plates. By

Richard Boulton. 4 vols. London, 1699.

Boulton, 1514, 0. A general idea of the epitomy of the works of Robert Boyle, Esquire; to which are added, general heads for the natural history of a country. By R. Boulton. London, 1700.

Bouquet, 178, and 179, Q. Bouquet's historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764; with a map and plates. Philadelphia, 1765.

Bourdaloue, 1514, D. Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, de la companie de Jesus, pour l'avent. Anvers, 1734.-P.

1515, D. Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, pour le carême. 3 vols. Anvers, 1734.-P.

- 1516, D. Exhortations et instructions Chretiennes du Pere Bourdaloue. 2 vols. Anvers, 1734.-P.

1517, D. Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, sur les Dimanches. vols. Anvers, 1734.-P.

1518, D. Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, sur les mysteres. 2 vols. Anvers, 1734.-P.

1519, D. Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, pour les fêtes des saints, et pour les vètures et professions religieuses. 2 vols. Anvers, 1734.-P. Bourgoanne, 1893, O. Travels in Spain; containing a comprehensive view of the present state of that country. By the Chevalier de Bourgoanne. To which are added, copious extracts from the essays on Spain of M. Peyron. With plates. 3 vols. London, 1789.

Bourges, De, 3568, O. Relation du voyage de Monseigneur l'Eveque de Beryle, vicaire apostolique du royaume de la Cochinchine. Par M. De Bourges. Paris, 1666.-P.

Bourne, 3371, O. Antiquitates vulgares; or the antiquities of the common people. By Henry Bourne. New Castle, 1725.-P.

1115, Q. Miscellaneous poems, consisting of originals and translations. By Vincent Bourne, London, 1772.-P.

Bourrit, 3312, 0. Nouvelle description generale et particuliere des glacieres valées de glace et glaciers qui forment la grande chaîne des Alpes de Suisse d' Italie et de Savoye. Par M. Bourrit. 3 vols. Geneve, 1785.-P.

721, D. See Davy.

Bowdler, 3406, 0. Poems and essays. By Mrs. Bowdler. 2 vols. Bath, 1786.


1363, D. Practical observations on the Revelation of St. John. By Mrs. Bowdler. Written in the year 1775. Bath, 1800.

Bowen, 2, F. A complete atlas; or distinct view of the known world, exhibited

in maps. By Emanuel Bowen. London, 1752.

31, F. A complete system of geography; being a description of all the countries, islands, cities, harbours, &c. of the known world; including the most material revolutions that have happened in every state; and an account of the government, religion, manners, &c. of the several nations; with maps. By Emanuel Bowen. 2 vols. London, 1747.

Borver, 58, Q. History of the popes, from the foundation of the see of Rome, to the present time. By Archibald Bower. 7 vols. London, 1748.

- 1087, Q. The same. 3d edit. London, 1750.-P.

Bowle, 328, F. Bowle's new general atlas London.

Bowles, 2838, 0. Reflections on the political and moral state of society, at the close of the 18th century. 2d edit. with additions. By John Bowles. London, 1801.


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