2032 The secret history of the armed neutrality. With memoirs, official letters and state-papers, illustrative of that celebrated confederacy. Translated from the French. London, 1792. 2033 Athenian letters; or, the epistolary correspondence of an agent of the king of Persia, residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian war; containing the history of the times. 2 vols. London, 1792. 2034 Roman conversations; or, a short description of the antiquities of Rome, and the characters of many eminent Romans. 2 vols. London, 1792. 2079 An impartial history of the revolution in France, from its commencement to the death of the queen and the execution of the deputies of the Gironde party. 2 vols. London, 1794. 2081 The history of the great plague in London, in the year 1665, by a citizen who lived the whole time in London. With a journal of the plague at Marseilles, in the year 1720. London, 1754. 2098 History of the political life and public services as a senator and a statesman, of Charles James Fox. London, 1783. 2115 Helden statts und lebens geschichte Friederichs II. koenigs in Preussen, &c. Zweiter theil. Mit kupfern. Tuebingen, 1760. Gift of Mrs. Reedle. 2132 British India analyzed. The provincial and revenue establishments of Tippoo Sultan and of Mahomedan and British conquerors in Hindostan, stated and considered. 3 vols. London, 1795. 2136 Domestic anecdotes of the French nation, during the last thirty years. Indicative of the French revolution. London, 1795. 2146 A collection of state papers, relative to the war against France, now carrying on by Great Britain and other European powers. 11 vols. London, 1794. 2167 The history of Poland, from its origin as a nation to the commencement of the year 1795. To which is prefixed, an account of the geography and government of that country, and the customs and manners of its inhabitants. London, 1795. 2218 An account of the colony of Sierra Leone, from its first establishment in 1793. Published by order of the directors. London, 1795. 2308 Anecdotes, historical and literary; or a miscellaneous selection of passages from eminent modern authors. London, 1796. 2347 Political state of Europe, from December, 1791, to December 1795; containing an authentic narrative of every military operation of the belligerent powers; every state paper, declaration, manifesto, &c. with a translation of the debates and proceedings of the national convention of France, and a survey of the politics and conduct of the neutral nations. 10 vols. London, 1793, &c. 2356 Letters from Scandinavia, on the past and present state of the northern nations of Europe. 2 vols. London, 1796. 2417 History of the campaign of 1796, in Germany and Italy. London, 1797. 2418 Memoirs of the war in Asia, from 1780 to 1784, including a narrative of the imprisonment and sufferings of the British officers and soldiers. 2d edit. London, 1789. 2430 Biographical, literary, and political anecdotes, of several eminent persons of the present age; with an appendix, consisting of original explanatory papers. 3 vols. London, 1797. 2432 Literary memoirs of living authors of Great Britain, including a list of their works; with occasional opinions upon their literary character. 2 vols. London, 1798. 2461 A descriptive history of the ancient and present state of Liverpool; with an account of the true causes of its extensive African trade. 2d edit. Liverpool, 1797. 2501 Journal of the senate of the United States of America; from December 7, 1795, to July 10, 1797. Philadelphia, 1795. Gift of Samuel A. Otis. 2535 Observations on the manners and customs of Italy; with remarks on the importance of British commerce on that continent; and particulars of the explosion of Mount Vesuvius, in June 1794. Bath, 1798. 2549 Introduction to the literary history of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. London, 1798. 2592 Copies of original letters from the army of General Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the fleet under the command of Admiral lord Nelson; with an English translation. 4th edit London, 1798. 2606 and 2607 Journal of the house of representatives of the United States, from the thirteenth of November, 1797, to the third of March, 1799. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1797, &c. Gift of Jonathan W. Condy. 2674 The annual necrology, for 1797-8; including, also, various articles of neglected biography. London, 1800. 2675 Public characters of 1799-1800. 4 vols. London, 1799. 2677 Historical and philosophical memoirs of Pius the sixth, and his pontificate, down to the period of his retirement into Tuscany. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1799. 2687 Rise, progress and consequences of the new opinions and principles lately introduced into France; with observations. Edinburgh, 1799. 2701 Asiatic researches; or transactions of the society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences and literature of Asia; with plates. 7 vols. London, 1798. 2713 Memoirs relative to Egypt, written in that country during the campaigns of General Bonaparte, in the years 1798 and 1799, by the learned and scientific men who accompanied the French expedition. London, 1800. 2794 Secret memoirs of the court of Petersburg, particularly towards the end of the reign of Catharine II. and the commencement of that of Paul I. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1800. 2819 The senator; or chronicle of the proceedings and debates of the imperial parliament, held in the year 1801. 5 vols. London. 2826 A collection of public acts and papers, relating to the principles of the armed neutrality, brought forward in the years 1780 and 1781. London, 1801. 2858 Washingtoniana; containing a sketch of the life and death of the late General George Washington; with a collection of elegant eulogies, orations, poems, &c. sacred to his memory. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1802. 2885 Travels in the Crimea. A history of the embassy from Petersburg to Constantinople, in 1793. By the secretary to the Russian embassy. London, 1802. 2915 History of king Pritapaditya. In the Bengalee language. Serampore, 1801. Gift of Dr. W'm. Rogers. 2916 The naval chronicle, from January 1, 1799, to the present time; with plates. 8 vols. London, 1799, &c. 2947 Journals of the royal institution of Great Britain. London, 1802. 3008 Public characters; or memoirs of celebrated personages in Great Britain. Baltimore, 1803. 3093 Historical sketch of Gibraltar; with an account of the siege which that fortress stood against the combined forces of France and Spain, including a minute and circumstantial detail of the sortie made by the garri. son on the morning of November 27th 1781. London, 1792.-P. 3161 Roman conversations, or a short description of the antiquities of Rome, and the characters of many eminent Romans, &c. 2 vols. London, 1792.-P. 3205 Sketches, relating to the history, religion, learning and manners of the Hindoos. London, 1790.-P. 3264 Poetical register; or the lives and characters of all the English poets, with an account of their writings. 2 vols. London, 1723.-P. 3272 The constitutions of the several independent states of America; the declaration of independence; and the articles of confederation between the said states. Philadelphia printed. London, reprinted, 1782.-P. 3286 Lives of those eminent antiquaries, John Leland, Thomas Hearne and Anthony a Wood, with several engravings of antiquity. 2 vols. Oxford, 1772.-P. 3305 Memoirs of the secret services of John Mackey, Esq. during the reigns of king William, queen Anne, and king George I. Lond. 1733.-P. 3306 Manners and customs of the Romans, translated from the French. London, 1740.-P. 3344, and 3386 A treatise of the revenue and false money of the Romans; translated from the original printed at Paris in 1740. Lond. 1741.-P. 3383 Account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. London, 1694.-P. 3387 An account of Switzerland, written in the year 1714. London, 1714.—P, 3420 Account of Sweden, together with an extract of the history of that kingdom. London, 1694.-P. 3423 The British empire in America, containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress and present state of all the British colonies on the continent and islands of America. 2 vols. London, 1708.-P. 3514 Histoire de la revolution de 1789, et de l'etablissement d'une constitution en France, par deux amis de la liberté. 7 tomes. Paris, 1790.-P. 3529 An apology for the conduct of Mrs. Constantia Phillips, more particularly that part of it which relates to her marriage with an eminent Dutch merchant. 2d edit. 3 vols. London.-P. 3625 Il nepotismo di Roma: or the history of the popes' nephews, from the time of Sixtus IV. to Alexander VII. from the Italian. Lond. 1669.-P. 3704 Bonaparte, and the French people under his consulate. Translated from the German. 2d edit. London, 1804. 3723 Supplement to the new Cyropedia. London, 1729. 3731 The English baronetage. 4 vols. in 5. London, 1741. DUODECIMO. 17 A catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England; with a list of their works. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1759. 24 The secret history of Persia, and the most considerable states of Asia. Translated from the French; with a key and notes. London, 1745. 25, and 101 The life of Charles, prince of Lorrain; including the history of that illustrious house, with a short account of the princes thereof, from Charles the Bold, to the present emperor of Germany. London, 1746. 42 The winter evening's companion; being a collection of entertaining relations from the best histories; with plates. 3 vols. London, 1753. 48 A short account of the life of Julian the apostate; with a comparison of popery and paganism. London, 1662. Gift of John Smith. 56, and 111 The naval history of Great-Britain; with the lives of the most illustrious admirals, &c. from the reign of queen Elizabeth. 4 vols. London, 1758. 65, and 66 The history of the life and reign of Lewis the fourteenth; extracted from the best writers of the French and other nations. S vols. London, 1742. 89 Letters on the present affairs of the Jesuits in France. London. Gift of William Gallagher. 102 Biographical anecdotes of the founders of the French republic, and of other eminent characters who have distinguished themselves during the progress of the revolution. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1799. 116 The military history of Germany and of England, from the year 1631, to the year 1648. Edinburgh, 1759. 137 An historical, genealogical and classical dictionary; containing the lives of all the illustrious personages in the several ages and nations of the world; with an abstract of the system of Heathen mythology. 2 vols. London, 1743. 139 The history of Francis Eugene, prince of Savoy; containing the military transactions of above thirty campaigns. London, 1754. 169, and 143 An history of the life and reign of William Henry, prince of Orange, king of England, &c. with a dissertation on the government of Holland, and a brief account of the house of Orange. 4 vols. Lond. 1747. 176 The history of the Buccaniers of America. 5th edit. Dublin, 1741. 192 The history of the life and reign of William the third, king of England, &c. containing a series of memorable efforts, military and political, from the year 1672, to the end of 1701. London, 1764. 202 The history of Maurice, count Saxe; containing an account of all the wars of Europe, since the treaty of Utrecht, in which he was concerned. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1753. 206 The history of Hungaria and Transylvaniaa, deduced from the year 461 to the year 1664. London, 1664. 210 Memoirs for the history of Madame de Maintenon, and of the last age. Translated from the French. 5 vols. London, 1757. 232 The Roman history, by question and answer, extracted from ancient and modern authors. 4th edit. London, 1754. 270 The companion to the play-house; or an historical account of all the dramatic writers, and their works that have appeared in Great-Britain and Ireland, from the commencement of our theatrical exhibitions, to the year 1764. 2 vols. London, 1764. 283 The history of Thamas Kouli Khan, afterwards Shah Nadir, late sovereign of Persia. Translated from the French. London. 315 The history of the revolutions of Genoa, from its establishment to the conclusion of the peace in 1748. 3 vols. London, 1751. 428 The debates between the house of lords and house of commons, at the free conference in 1688. London, 1695. 485 A collection of the acts, memorials, &c. that passed in the negotiation of the peace; with the treaties of peace concluded at Nimeguen. London, 1679. 308 Memoirs of the antiquities of Great-Britain, relating to the reformation, &c. London, 1723. 543 An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. 5th edit. Glasgow, 1745. 348 The British compendium; or rudiments of honour; containing the genealogies of all the nobility of England; with plates. 7th edit. 2 vols. London, 1732. 552 The memoirs of the life and ministerial conduct of the late lord viscount Bolingbroke. London, 1722. 357 A critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell. 2d edit. London, 1742. 574 A short history of Barbadoes, from its first discovery and settlement, to the end of the year 1767. London, 1768. 580 The life and heroic actions of Balbe Berton, chevalier de Grillon. Translated from the French, by a lady. 2 vols. London. 633 The history of Cræsus, king of Lydia. Edinburgh, 1755. 738 History of Ayder Ali Khan, Nabob-bahader; or new memoirs concerning the East Indies. 2 vols. London, 1784. 757 An essay on medals. London, 1784. 807 Memoires de Brantome. Tomes VII. Leyden, 1699. 1 844 The British and Irish compendium; or rudiments of honour; containing the genealogies of the nobility; with plates. 8th edit. 4 vols. London, 1738. 936 De principatibus Italiæ tractatus varii. Lugduni Batavorum, 1627.-L. 938 Helvetiorum respublica. Diversis autoribus. Lugd. Batav. 1627.-L. 943 Respublica Lutzenburgensis, Hannoniæ et Namurcensis. Amsterdami, 1635.-L. 1024 Anecdotes of Henry IV. of France; with several of his letters, never before published. Translated from the French. London, 1787. 1038 Dictionnaire d'anecdotes, de traits singuliers et caractéristiques, histoirettes, bons mots, naivetès, saillies, &c. Nouvelle edition. 2 tomes. A Lille, 1781. 1102 Anecdotes of Henry the fourth of France. 2 vols. London, 1793. 1155 Comparative sketch of England and Italy ; with disquisitions on national advantages. 2 vols. London. 1156 Sethos, histoire ou vie tirée des monumens anecdotes de l'ancienne Egypte. 2 tomes. A Amsterdam, 1732. Gift of J. Philips. 1167 Peter Porcupine's bloody buoy; or a faithful relation of a multitude of acts of horrid barbarity, such as the imagination never conceived until the commencement of the French revolution; with an instructive essay, tracing these dreadful effects to their real causes. With plates. Philadelphia, 1796. 1199 Selections from the French Anas; containing remarks of eminent scholars on men and books; with anecdotes and apophthegms of illustrious persons. 2 vols. Oxford, 1797. 1222 Memoirs of the life and reign of Catharine II. empress of all the Russias. 2d edit. London, 1797. 1242 History of the buchaniers of America. 5th edit. 2 vols. Lond. 1771. 1268 Biographical anecdotes of the founders of the French republic, and of other characters who have distinguished themselves in the progress of the revolution. 2 vols. London, 1797. Tt |