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Wright, 9, Q. An introduction to the antiquities of Ireland, representing the principal ruins, curiosities and ancient dwellings in the county of Lowth; with plates. By Thomas Wright. 2d edit. London, 1758. 1156, Q. Observations made in travelling through France, Italy, &c. in the years 1720, 1721 and 1722. By Edward Wright. 2 vols. in 1. London, 1730.-P.


- 1484, D. A compendious view of the late tumults and troubles in this kingdom, by way of annals, for seven years: viz. from the beginning of the 30th, to the end of the 36th year of the reign of his late Majesty Charles II. By James Wright, Londen, 1685.-P. 447, O. The American negociator; or the various currencies of the British colonies in America, and in the islands, reduced to English money. By John Wright. 3d edit. 1765. Gift of Benjamin Condy.

1083, 0. The elements of trigonometry, plane and spherical. By John Wright. Edinburgh, 1772.

2406, and 2543, O. A voyage to St. Domingo, in the years 1788, 1789 and 1790. By the Baron de Stanislaus. Translated into English, by J. Wright. London, 1797.

- 6, Q. Clavis cœlestis; being the explication of a diagram, entitled, "A synopsis of the universe; or the visible world epitomized." By Thomas Wright. London, 1742.

196, Q. See Rutty..

Würtzer, 1157, D. Briefe eines schlesischen Grafen an einen Kurländischen Edelmann. Den adel betreffend. Herausgegeben von Heinrich Würtzer. Altona, 1795. Gift of C. Burghausen.

Wyndham, 390, Q. A tour through Monmouthshire and Wales; made in the years 1774 and 1777; with plates. By Henry Penruddock Wyndham. 2d edit. Salisbury, 1781.

3197, O. A diary of the late George Dubb Dodington, Baron of Melcombe Regis, from March 8, 1749, to February 6, 1761. By Henry Penruddock Wyndham. Salisbury, 1784.-P.

Wynn, 542, F. The life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, ambassador and plenipotentiary for the general peace at Cologn and Nimeguen, and secretary of state to Charles II. with a series of letters, containing the most remarkable transactions of his time. By William Wynn, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1724.

Wynne, 1033, and 1760, O. A history of the British empire in America; containing an historical, political and commercial view of the English settlements in North America and the West Indies. By Mr. Wynne. 2 vols. London, 1770.

- 3650, O. A short introduction to geography, with an abridgment to astronomy. By Richard Wynne. Translated into French and italian, by Catharine Wynne. London, 1787.-P.

Wyvill, 2164, O. Political papers, chiefly respecting the attempt, commenced in 1779, and continued during several years, to effect a reforma tion of the parliament of Great Britain, 3 vols. York.


XENOPHON, 498, F. Xenophontis imperatoris et philosophi omnia quæ

extant opera. Græcè et Latinè. Joanne Lewenklaio interprete. Basiliæ, 1669.-L.

3346, 0. Xenophontis memorabilium, Socratis dictorum, libri IV. Græcè et Latinè. Edit. 5ta. Oxonii, 1780.-P.

3467, and 3468, 0. Joannis Leunclavii Amellurni, Xenophontis de Cyri institutione libri octo; Græcè cum Latina interpreta-, tione. Londini, 1713.-P.

524, and 3366, O. See Ashley.

204, 0. See Bysshe.

1026, and 3114, O. See Fielding.

1169, Q. See Smith.

504, 507, and 3228, O. See Spelman


YARRANTON, ARRANTON, 2139, O. England's improvement by sea and land. To outdo the Dutch without fighting; to pay debts without money ;. to set at work all the poor of England with the growth of our own lands, &c. by Andrew Yarranton. London, 1677.

Yates, 2576, O. View of the science of life; on the principles established in "the elements of medicine," by the late John Brown; with an attempt to correct some important errors of that work, by William Yates and Charles Maclean. 1797.

Yearsley, 1393, O. Poems on several occasions. By Ann Yearsley, the Clifton milk-woman. To which are prefixed, fugitive pieces, by another hand. London, 1785.

Yorke, 1310, Q. Sermons of the most reverend father in God, Edwin archbishop of Yorke. London, 1616.—P.

2820, and 2933, O. Elements of civil knowledge. By Henry Redhead Yorke. Dorchester, 1800.

3684, O. Annals of public economy, containing reports of the state of agriculture, commerce and manufactures, in the different nations of Europe, for the year 1802. By Henry Redhead Yorke. 2 vols London, 1803.

Young, 1260, and 1614, O. The spirit of Athens; being a political and philosophical investigation of the history of that republic. By William Young, Esq. London, 1777.

2362, 0. An inquiry into the principal phænomena of sounds and mu sical strings. By Matthew Young, B. D. London, 1784.

248, Q. A course of experimental agriculture. By Arthur Young. 2 vols. London, 1770.

640, Q. Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789; undertaken to ascertain the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity of the kingdom of France; with maps. By Arthur Young. Bury St. Edmunds, 1792.

1014, Q. A tour in Ireland; with observations on the state of that kingdom; made in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, and 1779. By Arthur Young. London, 1780.

1795, O. A six weeks tour through the southern counties of England
and Wales; describing the present state of agriculture, manufactures,
&c. By Arthur Young. London, 1768.

1796, 0. Annals of agriculture, and other useful arts; with plates.
Collected and published by Arthur Young, 35 vols. London.
2327, 0. Example of France, a warning to Great Britain. By Arthur
Young. 4th edit. London, 1794.

3187, O. A collection of annals of agriculture and other useful arts,
By Arthur Young. 6 vols. London, 1784.-P.

3691, 0. A view of the agriculture of the county of Lincoln; with plates. By Arthur Young. London, 1799.

781, O. The poetical works of the reverend Edward Young. 2 vols. London, 1741.

284, D. The complaint; or night-thoughts on life, death and immortality. To which is added, a paraphrase of the book of Job. By Edward Young. London, 1755.

288, D. Centaur not fabulous; in six letters to a friend on the life in vogue. By Edward Young. 3d edit. London, 1755.

607, O. A treatise on opium, founded upon practical observations. By Doctor George Young. London, 1753.

1959, O. D'Anville's compendium of ancient geography; with plates. Translated from the French, by John Young. London, 1791. Gift of Mrs. Furguson.

3030, 0. Analysis of the principles of natural philosophy; with plates. By Mathew Young. London, 1803.

2846, 0. Syllabus of a course of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy. By Thomas Young. London, 1802.

1359, D. An essay on humanity to animals. By Thomas Young. London, 1798,


ZEISBERGER, 817, D. An essay of a Delaware-Indian and English spelling-book. By David Zeisberger. Philadelphia, 1776.

Zenger, 230, F. The trial of John Peter Zenger, printer of the New York

weekly journal. Gift of Henry Pratt.

Zimmermann, 1944, O. Solitude considered with respect to its influence upon the mind and the heart. Written originally in German by M. Zimmermann. Translated from the French of J. B. Mercier. 2d edit. London, 1791.

2665, O. Conversations with the late king of Prussia, by M. Zimmermann when he attended him in his last illness, a little before his death. London, 1796.

2688, 0. Reflections on men and things. By M. Zimmermann. Translated from the French. London, 1799.

85, D. Zimmermann on solitude; with notes and a copious index. 2 vols. London, 1799.

1099, D. See Neumann.

2410, O. See Wilcocke.

Zollikofer, 2921, O. See Tooke.

Zouch, 41, D. An attempt to illustrate some of the prophecies of the old and

new testaments, By Thomas Zouch. Wakefield.

Zschokke, 3028, 0. The history of the invasion of Switzerland by the French, republics of Schwitz, Uri, and Translated from the French

and the destruction of the democratical
Unterwalden. By Henry Zschokke.
of T. B. Briatte. London, 1802.

Zunica, 873, F. See Ercilla, De.







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