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TACITUS, 158, F. Taciti opera omnia quæ extant, cum notis Lipsii. Ant

verpiæ, 1648.

1803, D. C. Cornelius Tacitus cum optimis exemplaribus collatus. Amsteledami, 1701.-P.

3433, O. The annals and history of Cornelius Tacitus, being his account of the ancient Germans, and the life of Agricola. 3 vols. London, 1698.-P.

1200, 0. See Aikin.

1187, Q. See Canini.

171, F. 679, and 3302, O, and 1561, D. See Gordon.

982, D. See Grotius.

1052, and 650, Q. See Murphy.

Tacquet, 481, F. Andreæ Tacquet optica tribus libris exposita.-L.

-893, D. Elementa geometriæ planæ ac solidæ, quibus accedunt seleċta ex Archimede theoremata. Auctore Andrea Tacquet. Antverpiæ, 1672.-L.

1124, D. The same. Amst. 1701. Gift of Edmund Hogan.

Tailfer, 948, O. An historical narrative of the colony of Georgia in America, from the first settlement thereof. By Patrick Tailfer, Hugh Anderson, Da. Douglas and others. Charlestown, 1741. Gift of Isaiah Warner.

Talleyrand, De, 689, Q. Rapport sur l'instruction publique, fait au nom du comité de constitution a l'assemblée nationale, les 10, 11, et 19 Septembre, 1791. Par M. De Talleyrand Périgord. A Paris, 1791, Gift of the author.

Talma, 2253, O. A chronological account of the events of the French revolution, from the opening of the general states, in May, 1789, to the death of the dauphin, in June, 1795. By J. Talma. 2d edit. London.

Tansillo, 817, Q.
Taplin, 1951, O.

See Roscoe.

The gentleman's stable directory; or, modern system of farriery. By William Taplin. 2 vols. London, 1791. Tapsel, 197, F. The history of four-footed beasts and serpents; collected out of the writings of Conrad Gesner, and other authors, by Edward Tapsel. With the theatre of insects, by T. Muffet. London, 1658.

Tarleton, 461, Q. A history of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the southern provinces of North-America; with maps. By Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton. London, 1787.

Tasker, 1145, D. Select odes of Pindar and Horace, with his original miscellaneous poems, and a series of letters. With notes. Translated by William Tasker. 2d edit. 2 vols. Exeter, 1790 and 1792.

Tassic, 1028, Q. Descriptive catalogue of a general collection of ancient and modern engraved gems, cameos, as well as intaglios, taken from the most celebrated cabinets in Europe; illustrated with copper-plates. French and English. By James Tassie. 2 vols. London, 1791.—P. Tasso, 1215, Q. Opere del Torquato Tasso publicate da M. A. Foppa. 2 tomes. Roma, 1666.-P.

1608, D. Aminta, a pastoral comedy in Italian and English. By Torquato Tasso. 2d edit. Oxford.-P.

3355, O. See Fairfax.

808, F. See Fazona.

2049, O, and 96 and 1562, D. See Hoole.

Tatham, 2085, 0. The chart and scale of truth, by which to find the cause of error. By Edward Tatham. 2 vols. Oxford, 1790.

2783, O. An historical and practical essay on the culture and commerce of tobacco. By William Tatham. London, 1800.

- 2828, O. National irrigation; or the various methods of watering meadows. By William Tatham. London, 1801.

Tatischeff, 1051, Q. Grand instructions to the commissioners appointed to frame a new code of laws for the Russian empire, composed by her imperial Majesty Catharine II. empress of all the Russias. By Michael Tatischeff. London, 1768.-P.

Tattershall, 1118, Q. Improved psalmody. By Dechair Wm. Tattershall.-P. Taylor, 112, F. The history of the life and death of the Holy Jesus; with the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of his apostles; with plates. By Jeremiah Taylor. London, 1742.

- 733, О. Bishop Taylor's rule and exercises of holy living; with prayers, containing the whole duty of a Christian. 25th edit. London,


867, Q. Designs for shop-fronts and door-cases. Printed for J. J. Tay lor. London.

- 888, Q. Letters on India, political, commercial and military, relative to subjects important to the British interests in the East. By Colonel Taylor. London, 1800.

592, F. Tables of logarithms of all numbers, from 1 to 101000, and of the sines and tangents to every second of the quadrant. By Michael Taylor. With a preface and precepts for the explanation and use of the same, by Nevil Maskelyne. London, 1792.

- 997, Q. Sexagesimal tables. By Michael Taylor. London, 1780. Gift of Capt. William Vicary.

-- 2658, and 2680, O. Travels from England to India, in the year 1789, by the way of the Tyrol, Venice, Scandaroon, Aleppo, and over the great desart to Bussora; with instructions for travellers. By Major John Taylor. 2 vols. London, 1799.

-747, F. Ductor dubitantium; or the rule of conscience, in all her general measures, serving as a great instrument for the determination of cases of conscience. By Jeremy Taylor. London, 1671.-P. --770, F. Discourse of the liberty of prophecying, with its just limits and temper. By Jeremiah Taylor. 3d edit. London.-P.

882, F. Course of sermons for all the Sundays of the year. By Jere. miah Taylor, D. D. 2d edit. London, 1655.-P.

- 457, О. The history of the travels and adventures of the chevalier John Taylor. Written by himself. 3 vols. London, 1761.

- 53, F. The history of the Jews, from Jesus Christ to the present time; containing an account of their antiquities, religion, rites, &c. being a Mm

continuation of the history of Josephus. Written in French by M. Basnage, and translated into English by Thomas Taylor Lond. 1708. Taylor, 3115, O. Cratylus, Phædo, Parmenides and Tumæus of Plato. Translated from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor. London, 1793-P. Teignmouth, 1388, Q. The memoirs of the life, writings, and correspondence of Sir William Jones. By Lord Teignmouth. London, 1804. Temple, 1219,0. Moral and political memoirs. By Mr. Temple. London,


168, F. The works of Sir William Temple; to which is prefixed,
some account of the life and writings of the author. 2 vois. Lon-
don, 1731.

172, 0. The works of Sir William Temple. To which is prefixed,
an account of the life and character of the author. 4 vols.
don, 1757.


3538, 0. Miscellanea, political, medical and literary. By Sir William Temple. London, 1701.---P.

1485, D. Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. By Sir William Temple. London, 1673.-P.

1493, D. An introduction to the history of England. By Sir William Temple. London, 1695.—P.

Templeman, 3, F. Travels in Egypt and Nubia; with plates. By Frederick Lewis Norden. Translated from the original, and enlarged with observations from ancient and modern authors that have written on the antiquities of Egypt, by Dr. Peter Templeman. 2 vols. Lon

don, 1757.

576, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1757.

-1090, O. Remarks in physic, anatomy, chirurgery, chemistry, botany, and medicine; extracted from "The memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris," by Doctor Peter Templeman. 2 vols. London, 1753.

Tench, 2312, O. Letters, written in France between November, 1794, and May, 1795. By Major Tench. London, 1796.

Tenhove, 794, Q. See Clayton.

consisting chiefly of strictures on of the Mahomedans and Hindoos. 2 vols. London, 1804.

Tennant, 3681, 0. Indian recreations; the domestic and rural economy By William Tennant. 2d edit. Tennent, 935, 0. Sermons on important subjects. By Gilbert Tennent. Phi ladelphia, 1758. Gift of Mrs. Bullock.

818, D. The examiner examined; or Gilbert Tennent harmonious; in answer to a pamphlet, entitled, "The examiner; or Gilbert against Tennent." By Gilbert Tennent. Philadelphia, 1743.

Terence, 3646, O. Terence's plays, in English, with the Latin text. Lon don, 1641.-P.

65, and 3347. O. See Colman.

1752, D. See Echard.

S340, O. See Patrick.

3583, O. Fublii Terentii, comedia sex; post optimas editiones, emendatæ ; accedunt Œlii Donati commentarius integer, &c. Lugd. Batavorum, 1644.-P.

1708, 0. M. Terentii omnia quæ extant cum notis Josephi Scaligeri et aliorum. His accedunt tabulæ naufragii seu fragmenta ejusdem. Durdrechti, 1619.-L.

Terentius, 713, F. Pub. Terentii comœdiæ, nunc primum Italicis versibus

[blocks in formation]

1699, O. Publii Terentii comœdiæ sex, Ælii Donati commentarius, cum selectis Guieti et variorum notis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1662.-L. 915, D. Publii Terentii comœdiæ sex. Londini, 1713.-L. 954, D.

Tertullianus, 791, F.

361, F.

933, O.

Theocritus, 1653, O. cibus opera.

- 3461, O.

Publii Terentii comœdiæ. Cantabrigiæ, 1701.-L.
Q. Septimii Tertulliani Florentis opera. Basil. 1550.-P.
See Barre, De la.

ni, 1729.-P.

See Brorun.

Theocriti quæ extant cum Græcis scholiis, notis et indi-
Græcè et Latinè. Oxoniæ, 1699.-L.

Theocriti quæ extant, cum Græcis scholiis. Londi

1703, D. See Creech.

Theodoretus, 538, Q. Iamblichi Chalcidensis de vita Pythagoræ et protreptica orationes ad philosophiam, lib. duo. Græcè et Latinè. Johanne Arcerio Theodoreto interprete. In Bibliopolo Commeliniano, 1598.-L.

Theodosius, 531, Q. See Barrow.

Theophrastus, 1731, F. Theophrasti notationes morum.

Isaacus Casaubonus

recensuit. Græcè et Latinè. Lugduni, 1617.-L.

1540, O. Les characteres de Theophraste traduits du Grec, avec

les caracteres ou les moeurs de ce siecle. A Paris, 1699.

1692, D. Theophrasti characteres ethici; Græc. Lat. et An glicè. Glasguæ, 1743.-P.

1576, D. Sce Bruiere.

154, and 3090, 0. See Hill.

3338, O. See Newton.

Theophylactus, 762, F. Theophylacti in Pauli epistolas commentarii. Londi

ni, 1636.-P.

Thicknesse, 1816, Q. Memoirs and anecdotes of Philip Thicknesse. 3 vols.


1274, O. A year's journey through France and part of Spain; with plates. By Philip Thicknesse. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lond. 1778. 1428, O. A journey through the Austrian Netherlands; with plates. By Philip Thicknesse. 2d edit. London, 1786.

Thiebault, 3749, O. Original anecdotes of Frederick the Great, king of Prussia. Translated from the French of Dieudonné Thiebault. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1806.

Thomas, 3485, 0. Eutropii historiæ Romanæ breviarium, &c. with an English translation, notes and index. By Mr. Thomas. Lond. 1760.-P. 2958, O. The modern practice of physic. By Robert Thomas, M. D. vols. London, 1802.

816, D. An historical and geographical account of Pennsylvania and New-Jersey; with a map. By Gabriel Thomas. London, 1698.

- 1079, D. An essay towards an instruction for the Indians; explaining the most essential doctrines of Christianity. By Thomas, Bishop of Sodor and Man. London, 1740.

-246, Ο. A journal of a voyage to the South Seas and round the globe, in his Majesty's ship Centurion, under the command of commodore George Anson. By Pascoe Thomas, teacher of the mathematics on board the Centurion, London, 1745,

637, D. See Russel.

Thomasi, 1807, D. Thomas Thomasi la vie de Cæsar Borgia, appellé du depuis Le Duc de Valentinois; traduit de l'Italien. Monte Chiaro, 1671.—P ̧ Thompson, 1027, Q. Description of the royal palace and monastery of St. Laurence, called the Escurial, &c. with plates. Translated from the Spanish of F. Francisco de los Santos, by George Thompson. London, 1760.--P.

1309, D. Ildegerte, queen of Norway.

Translated from the Ger

man of Augustus Von Kotzebue, by Benjamin Thompson. 2 vols. London, 1798.

1396, D. Select translations from the works of Homer and Horace ; with original poems. By Gilbert Thompson. London, 1801.

Thomson, 154, Q. Liberty, a poem. By James Thomson. London, 1735. 174, D. The seasons; with plates. By James Thomson. Edinburgh, 1761.

By James Thomson. A new

3365, O. A poem on the seasons. edit. with plates. London, 1792.-P. -277, D. The works of James Thomson; with his last additions and improvements. 4 vols. London, 1757.

992, D. The works of James Thomson. 2 vols. London, 1550. 381, Q. See Whitehead.

3466, O. Commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus. Translated from the original Greek, by James Thomson. Lond. 1747.-P. 2174, and 2298, O. Philosophical dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese. Translated from the French of M. De Paw, by James Thomson. 2 vols. London, 1795 and 1796.

1376, D. Pictures of poetry; historical, biographical, and critical. By Alexander Thomson. Edinburgh, 1799.

3675, O. A system of chemistry. By Thomas Thomson. 2d edit. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1804.

494, Q. The history of Great Britain; from the year 1688, to the accession of George the first. By Alexander Cunningham. Translated from the Latin; with an introduction, containing an account of the author and his writings, by William Thomson. 2 vols. London, 1787.

2326, and 2458, O. See Buchan.

Thorley, 619, O. Female monarchy; being an inquiry into the nature, order and government of bees; with a method of preserving their lives; with plates. By John Thorley. London, 1744.

Thorndike, 897, F. An ipilogue to the tragedy of the church of England; being a consideration of the chief controversies that divide the western church. London, 1659.-P.

Thornton, 520, F. The new and universal history description and survey of London, Westminster, Southwark, and the parts adjacent; with maps and plates. Compiled by a society of gentlemen, and revised and improved, by William Thornton. London.

2107, O. Cadmus ; or, a treatise on the elements of written language; with an essay on the mode of teaching the surd or deaf, and consequently dumb, to speak. By William Thornton. Philadelphia, 1793. Gift of the author.

3106, 0, Comedies of Plautus translated into familiar blank verse.. By Bonnell Thornton, 4 vols. London, 1767.

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