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Bentivoglio, 247, O. Letters of wit, gallantry, politics, and morality. Written by Cardinal Bentivoglio, Don Guevara, St. Jerome and others. Translated from the originals into English, by H- H-, Thomas Cheek, Mr. Savage, Mr. Boyer, &c. London, 1701. Gift of John Sober. 1710, D. Histoire generale des guerres des Flandres. Par le Cardinal Bentivoglio. Paris, 1669.-P.

1720, D.

216, F.

Relationi del Cardinal Bentivoglio. Colonia, 1646.-P. See Monmouth.

1030, D. See Loiseau.

Bentley, 1305, Q. Richard Bentley and John Harris, bishop of Chester, sermons. London, 1692.-P.

1157, O. Wotton's reflections upon ancient and modern learning. With a dissertation upon the epistles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, &c. and the fables of Æsop. By R. Bentley. 3d edit. London, 1705.

3377, 0. Dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, with an answer to the objections of the honourable Charles Boyle, Esq. By Richard Bentley. London, 1699.-P.

67, F. See Gray.

Benvenuto, 2022, O. See Nugent.

Benyowsky, 587, Q. Memoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus Count de Benyowsky; with plates. Written by himself. Translated from the original manuscript. 2 vols. London, 1790.

Bergman, 1367, O. See Cullen.
Berchtold, 1845, O.

An essay to direct and extend the inquiries of patriotic
By Leopold Berchtold. 2 vols. London, 1789.

Berenger, 278, Q. The history and art of horsemanship; with plates. By
Richard Berenger. 2 vols. London, 1771.

Beresford, 3685, O. Life of General de Zieten, colonel of the royal Prussian regiment of Hussar-lifeguards. By Madame de Blumenthal. Translated from the German, by B. Beresford. 2 vols. Berlin, 1803. Berkeley, 971, O. Philosophical reflections and inquiries concerning the virtues of tar-water. By George Berkeley. 2d edit. London, 1744. 1575, O. Treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge. By George Berkeley, M. A. London, 1734.

2035, O. Literary relics; containing original letters from king
Charles II. king James II. the queen of Bohemia, Swift, Berkeley,
Addison, Steele, Congreve, the duke of Ormond, and Bishop
Rundle; with an inquiry into the life of Swift. By George Monk
Berkeley, L. L. B. 2d edit. London, 1792.

Berkenhout, 326, Q. Biographia literaria; or a biographical history of literature; containing the lives of the English, Scottish and Irish authors, from the first dawn of letters in these kingdoms to the present time. By John Berkenhout, M. D. London, 1777.-P.

1437, O. Symptomatology. By John Berkenhout. Lond. 1784. 1996, 0. Dr. Berkenhout's letters to his son. Cambridge, 1790. 1724, D. Clavis Anglica linguæ botanicæ; or, a botanical lexicon. By John Berkenhout, M. D. London, 1764.-P.

Bernard, 99, F. A dictionary, historical and critical; containing the history of the most illustrious persons of all ages and nations. By John Peter Bernard, Thomas Birch, John Lockman, and others. 10 vols. don, 1734.


Bernard, 396, D. An historical character relating to the holy and exemplary life of lady Elizabeth Hastings, by Thomas Bernard. Leeds, 1742. Bernardi, 1499, D. Life and death of the most reverend and learned father of our church, Dr. James Usher, late archbishop of Armagh, and primate of all Ireland. By Nicholas Bernardi, D. D. London,


Bernardus, 715, F.

Bernoullus, 896, D.

Sancti Bernardi opera omnia. Parisiis, 1566.-P.
Jacobi Bernoulli dissertatio de gravitate ætheris. Am-

stelædami, 1683.-L.

Berquin, 731, D. The children's friend. Translated from the French of M.

Berquin. 6 vols. in one. London, 1783.

Beresford, 136, D. The most remarkable year in the life of Augustus Von Kotzebue; containing his exile into Syberia, and the other extraordinary events which happened to him in Russia. Translated from the German, by Benjamin Beresford. 3 vols. London, 1801.

Berrettinus, 306, F. Heroicæ virtutis imagines; quas Eques Petrus Berrettinus Cortonensis pinxit Florentiæ in ædibus Sereniss. Magni Ducis Hetruriæ in tribus cameris Jovis, Martis, et Veneris. Curâ et sumptibus Joannis Jacobi de Rubeis. Romæ, 1691.

Berthollet, 2581, O. See Hamilton.

Berton, 2741, 0. Anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it. By Robert Berton. With an account of the author. 9th edit. 2 vols.

don, 1800.


Besse, 219, and 270, F. Collection of the sufferings of the people called Qua kers, from 1650, to 1689. By Joseph Besse. 2 vols. London, 1753. Gift of the Yearly Meeting of Friends in London.

- 200, O. The life and posthumous works of Richard Claridge; being memoirs relating to his experiences and progress in religion, &c. Collected by Joseph Besse. London, 1726.

Betah, 797, O. A voyage round the world, begun in the year 1719, by William Betah. London, 1728.

Bever, 335, Q. History of the legal polity of the Roman senate; and of the rise, progress and extent of the Roman laws. By Thomas Bever, L.L.D. London, 1781.

Beveridge, 469, D. The necessity and advantage of public prayer and frequent communion. By Bishop Beveridge. London, 1709.

Bewick, 1872, O. A general history of quadrupeds. The figures engraved on wood, by T. Bewick. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1790.

-2559, O. History of British birds; the figures engraved on wood, by T. Bewick. Newcastle, 1797.

165, D. Characters of the kings and queens of England; selected from the best historians; with heads, by T. Bewick. London, 1795.

Beza, 813, F. Thomæ Bezæ novum testamentum Jesu Christi, Græcè et Latinè. 1598.-P.

-1856, D. Novum testamentum Jesu Xti, ex interpretatione Theodori Bezæ. Geneva, 1616.

Beze, De, 3235, O. See Marot.

Bianchi, 695, H. Camera ed inscrizione sepulchrali de liberti servi ed ufficiali della casa di Augusto scoperti nella via Appia. Di Franciso Bianchi, Roma, 1727.-P.


Bianchini, 659, F. Dottore Giuseppe Bianchini dei Granduchi di Toscanpa della realle casa de Medici protettori delle lettere, e delle belle ar

ti, ragionamente. Venezia, 1741.-P.

Bickham, 141, F. Penmanship in its utmost extent. Collected and engraved by George Bickham. London, 1731.

Bicknell, 1995, 0. Instances of the mutability of fortune. Selected from ancient and modern history. By A. Eicknell. London, 1792.

Biggs, 842, 0. The military history of Europe, &c. since the commencement of the war with Spain. By William Biggs. Limerick, 1749. Gift of Evan Morgan.

Bigland, 3709, 0. Letters on the modern history, and political state of Europe. By John Bigland. London, 1804.

Eillings, 974, Q. Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to
the northern parts of Russia, in the years 1785, &c. to 1794; with
plates. By Commodore Joseph Billings. London, 1802.
Bilson, 916, F.

The survey of Christ's sufferings. By Bishop Thomas
London, 1604.-P.

Bingham, 777, F. The works of the Rev. Joseph Bingham, M. A. on the antiquities of the Christian church. 2 vols. London, 1726.-P.

857, F.
The tacticks of Ætian. Englished by John Bingham.
London, 1616.-P.

Bingley, 2731, O. Tour round North Wales, performed during the summer
of 1798; containing not only the description and local history of the
country, but also, a sketch of the history of the Welsh bards, &c.
With Plates. By the Rev. William Bingley. London, 1800.
2954, O. Animal biography; or, anecdotes of the lives, manners,
and economy of the animal creation, arranged according to the system
of Linnæus. By the Rev. William Bingley. 3 vols. Lond. 1803.
Birch, 93, Q. Memoirs of the reign of queen Elizabeth, from the year 1581;
in which the secret intrigues of her court, and the conduct of the
earl of Essex are particularly illustrated. Collected from the original
papers of his intimate friend, Anthony Bacon. By Thomas Birch.


2 vols. London, 1754.

162, F. Thurloe's collection of state papers; containing authentic memorials of the English affairs, from 1638 to the restoration of Charles the second; with the life of Mr. Thurloe, by Thomas Birch. 7 vols. London, 1742.

59, Q. The history of the royal society of London, from its first rise; containing the most considerable of those papers, communicated to the society, which have not been published. By Thomas Birch. 4 vols. London, 1756.

4, O. The works of Catharine Cockburn, theological, moral, dramatic and poetical. With an account of the life of the author, by Thomas Birch. 2 vols. London, 1751.

777, O. Life of Henry, prince of Wales, son of James the first. By Thomas Birch. London, 1760.

852, O. Life of Dr. John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury. By Thomas Birch. London, 1752.

99, F. See Bernard.

Birks, 2970, 0. Arithmetical collections and improvements; being a complete system of practical arithmetic. By Anthony and John Birks. 2d edit. London, 1774.


Bishop, 1632, D. Poems on various subjects. By the Rev. Samuel Bishop.

2d edit.

Bisse, 3287, O.

2 vols in one. London, 1800.-Р.

A course of sermons on the Lord's prayer, preached at the
By Thomas Bisse, D. D. Oxon. 1740.-P.

- 3289, О. Beauty of holiness in the common prayer, as set forth in four sermons preached at the Rolls chapel. By Thomas Bisse, D. D. 8th edit. London, 1728.

Bisset, 2373, O. Sketches of democracy; by Robert Bisset. Bad is the dominion of the multitude - London, 1796.

2550, O. Life of Edmund Burke; comprehending an impartial account of his literary and political efforts, and a sketch of the conduct and character of his most eminent associates, coadjutors, and opponents. By Robert Bisset. London, 1798.

- 2994, О. Historical, biographical, literary, and scientific magazine, for 1799 and 1800. By Robert Bisset. 5 vols. London.

-3672, О. History of the reign of George III. to the termination of the late war. By Robert Bisset. 6 vols. London, 1803. Bisterfeldius, 1287, Q. Bisterfeldii, de uno Deo patre, filio, ac spiritu sancto, mysterium pietatis, contra Johannis Crellii Franci de uno Deo patre, libros duos. Lugduni Batavorum, 1639.-P.

Eitaube, 3446, 0. M. Bitaube l'Iliade d' Homer, traduction nouvelle, precedé des reflections sur Homer et suivi des remarques. Paris, 1780.-P.

3 vols.

Bizot, 736, F. Histoire metallique de la republique d' Hollande. Par M.

Bizot. Paris, 1687.-P.

Black, 1008, Q. Lectures on the elements of chemistry, delivered in the

Published from

university of Edinburgh. By Joseph Black, M. D. his manuscripts, by John Robinson: 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1803. ---1303, O. Black's historical sketch of medicine and surgery, from their origin to the present time. London, 1782.

Blacklock, 671, 878, and 901, Q. Poems, with an essay on the education of the blind. By Dr. Thomas Blacklock. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author. By Mr. Mackenzie. Edinburgh, 1793.

Blackmore, 226, F. Eliza, an epic poem. By Sir Richard Blackmore. To which is annexed, an index, explaining persons, countries, cities, rivers, &c. London, 1705.

199, D. A new version of the psalms of David. By Sir Richard Blackmore. London, 1721.

511, D. Creation, a philosophical poem. By Sir Richard Blackmore. Demonstrating the existence and providence of God. London, 1715.

Blackstone, 286, F. The great charter, and charter of the forest; with other authentic instruments. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse, containing the history of the charters. By William Blackstone. Oxford, 1759.

343, F. Reports of cases in the several courts of Westminsterhall, from the year 1746, to 1779; by William Blackstone. With a preface, containing memoirs of the author's life. 2 vols. London,


42, and 257, Q. Commentaries on the laws of England. By William Blackstone. 3 edit. 4 vols. London, 1768. Oxford, 1770.

Blackstone, 834, 0. Law tracts. By William Blackstone. 2 vols. Lond. 1746. 835, O. An analysis of the laws of England. To which is prefixed, an introductory disccurse of the study of law. By William Blackstone. 5th edit Oxford, 1762.

3155, 0. Commentaries on the laws of England. By William Blackstone. 4 vols. Oxford, 1775.-P.

1431. D. Specimen botanicum, quo plantarum plurium rariorum, Angliæ indigenarum loci natales illustrantur. Authore I. Blackstone. Londini, 1746.—P.

Blackwall, 1241, Q. Sacred classics defended and illustrated, or an essay humbly offered towards proving the purity, propriety and true eloquence of the writers of the new testament. By Anthony Blackwall. London, 1725.-P.

114, and 223, D. The same. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1737. 1599, D. Introduction to the classics. By Anthony Blackwall. 4th edit. London, 1728.-P.

Elackwell, 247, Q. Memoirs of the court of Augustus. By Thomas Blackwell. 3d edit. 3 vols. London, 1764.

581, F.

Herbal; containing five hundred coloured cuts of the most useful plants which are now used in the practice of physic; with a short description of the plants, and their common uses in physic. By Elizabeth Blackwell. 2 vols. London, 1739.

Blaeu, 654, F. Le theatre du monde, ou nouvel atlas, contenant les chartes et descriptions de tous les païs de la terre; mis en lumiere par G. et I. Blaeu. 4 vols. Amsterdam, 1645.-P.

Blagdon, 1412, D. Travels in Africa, performed during the years 1785, 1786 and 1787, in the western countries of that continent; with plates. By Silv. Meinard Xavier Golberry, Fsq. Translated from the French, by Francis Blagdon. 2 vols. London, 1802.

475, D. See Prevost,

Blainville, De, 98, Q. Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, but especially Italy; with maps. By Monsieur De Blainville. 3 vols. London, 1757.

1166, Q. The same —P.

Blair, 340, Q. Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres. By Hugh Blair. 2 vols. London, 1783.

1212, O. Sermons. By Hugh Blair. 11th edit. 5 vols. London, 1781.
279, O. Botanic essays; with figures. By Patrick Blair, M. D. Lon-
don, 1720.

3038. O. Anthropology; or the natural history of man; with a com-
parative view of the structure and functions of animated beings in ge-
neral. By William Blair, A. M. London, 1803.
736, D. The history of geography. By the Rev. Thomas Blair, a. M.
London, 1784.

1342, D. The soldier's friend; or the means of preserving the health
of military men; addressed to the officers of the British army. By
William Blair, A M. London, 1798.

6, F. The chronology and history of the world; from the creation to the year of Christ, 1753. By John Blair. London, 1754.

176, O. Miscellaneous observations in the practice of physic, anatomy and surgery; with curious remarks in botany. To which is prefixed, a letter to Doctor Baynard; with improvements in the use of the coldbath. By Patrick Blair. London, 1718.

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