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try. By Reynier, general of division. Translated from the French. With a map of Lower Egypt. London, 1802.

Reynolds, 97, F. The triumphs of God's revenge against the sin of murther; with his miraculous discoveries and severe punishments thereof. By John Reynolds. 4th edit. London, 1663.

729, O. Inquiries concerning the state and economy of the angeli-
cal worlds. By John Reynolds. London, 1723.

- 676, D.
don, 1769.
1707, D. The judgement of humane actions. Translated from
the French of L. Marraude, by John Reynolds. London. 1629.-P.
777, Q. The works of Sir Joshua Reynolds; with an account of the
life and writings of the author, by Edmond Malone. 2 vols. Lon-
don, 1797.

A new touch-stone for gold and silver wares. By Mr.
2d edit. with useful tables, by John Reynolds. Lon-

1217, O. Seven discourses, delivered to the students of the Royal Academy, on the distribution of the prizes. By Sir Joshua Reynolds, president. London, 1778.

---3269, O. The same.-P.

Rhodiginus, 484, F. Rhodigini lectionum antiquarum libri triginta. Gene

væ, 1620.-L.

Rhys, Ap, 654, O. An account of the most remarkable places and curiosities in Spain and Portugal. By Udal ap Rhys. London, 1749. Ribadeneyra, 745, F. The lives of saints, with other feasts of the year accord

ing to the Roman calendar.
Translated from the Spanish. St. Cmers, 1669.-P.

By the Rev. Peter Ribadeneyra.

Ricaut, 190, F. The lives of the popes, from the time of our Saviour Jesus Christ, to the reign of Sixtus the fourth. By Baptista Platina. Translated into English, and continued from the year 1471, to the present time, by Paul Ricant. London, 1688.

201, F. The royal commentaries of Peru; treating of the original of their laws, government, &c. Written in Spanish, by the Inca Garcilasso de la Vega, and translated into English, by Paul Ricaut. London.

- 236, F. The present state of the Ottoman empire; containing the maxims of the Turkish polity, &c. with plates. By Paul Ricaut. 3d edit. London, 1760.

-351, D. An account of the present state of the Greek and Armenian churches. By Paul Ricaut.

- 3575, О.

The same. Anno Christi, 1678. London, 1679.-P.
Description historique et critique de l'Italie, par M. l'Abbè
VI tomes. Digon, 1766.

Richard, 643, D.
1345, Q. A view of the civil and ecclesiastical law. By Sir Thomas
Richard. 2d edit. Oxford, 1634.-P.

1440, D. Poems. By George Richards. 2 vols. Oxford, 1804. Richardson, 1287, O. Anecdotes of the Russian empire. By W. Richardson.

London, 1784.

1389, 0. Statical estimates of the materials of brewing; with plates. By J. Richardson. London, 1784.

430, 0. The canon of the new testament vindicated, in answer to the objections of J. Toland, in his Amyntor. By John Richardson.

With a letter from the learned Mr. Dodwell, concerning the said J.
T. 3d edit London, 1719.

Richardson, 1205, O. A dissertation on the languages, literature, and manners of the eastern nations; with further remarks on a new analysis of ancient mythology; in answer to an apology addressed to the author, by Jacob Bryant. By John Richardson. Oxford, 1778.

3293, O. The works of Jonathan Richardson, consisting of, ist. The theory of painting. 2d. An essay on the art of criticism as it relates to painting. 3d. The science of a connoisseur. Lond. 1773.-P.

278, O. Explanatory notes and remarks on " Milton's paradise lost; with the life of the author, and a discourse on the poem. By J. Richardson, father and son. London, 1734.

747, D. Pamela; or virtue rewarded.

By Samuel Richardson. 12th edit. 4 vols.

In a series of letters.
London, 1785.

748, D. Essays on Shakespear's dramatic characters of Macbeth, Hamlet, Jaques, and Imogen. By William Richardson. 4th edit. London, 1785.

749, D. Clarissa; or the history of a young lady; comprehending the most important concerns of private life. By Samuel Richardson. 8 vols. London, 1785.

750, D. The history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Samuel Richardson. 7th edit. 7 vols. London, 1781. 1460, D. Samuel Richardson's correspondence; selected from the original manuscripts. With a biographical account of the author, and observations on his writings, (Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison,) by Anna Lætitia Barbauld. 6 vols. London.

Richelet, 794, F. Pierre Richelet dictionnaire de la langue Française anciens ne et moderne, &c. 3 tomes. Basle, 1735.-P.

Richelieu, 1784, D. Testament politique d'Armand du Plessis Cardinal Duc

de Richelieu. 2 tomes. Amsterdam, 1688.-P.

Richworth, 1797, D. Dialogues; or the judgment of common sense in the choice of religion. By William Richworth. Paris, 1648.-P. Ridoffi, 1235, and 1255, Q. Vita di Giacopo Robusti, detto il Tintoretto cеlebre Pittore da Carlo Ridoffi. Venetia, 1642.-P.

Riesbeck, 1610, and 3185, O. Sce Maty.

Rimius, 112, Q. Memoirs of the house of Brunswick, from the most early act count of that illustrious family, to the end of the reign of George the first. By Henry Rimius. London, 1730.

130, O. A narrative of the rise and progress of the Hernhutters, commonly called Moravians, or unitas fratrum; with a short account of their doctrines, and observations on their politics, &c. By Henry Rimius. London, 1753..

- 639, О. The history of the Moravians, from their first settlement at Herrnhaag, to the present time; with Andrew Frey's account of their conferences, casting lots, marriages, &c. By Henry Rimius. 2 vols. London, 1759.

Riollay, 1361, 0. Hippocrates's doctrines and practice in surgery and physic; with remarks. By Francis Riollay. London, 1783.

Rios, 911, Q. Tables for facilitating the calculations of nautical astronomy.

By Joseph de Mendoza Rios, Esq. London, 1801.

Riou, 660, Q. A journal of a journey from the Cape of Good Hope, undertaken in 1790 and 1791, by Jacob Van Reenen, in search of the wreck of the Grosvenor. By Captain Edward Riou. London, 1792.


Ritchie, 2721, O. The political and military memoirs of Europe, during the year 1799. By I. E. Ritchie. Part I. Edinburgh, 1800.

Ritson, 455, D. A selection of ancient English metrical romanceës. By Jo

seph Ritson. 3 vols. London, 1804.

--536, D. Bibliographia poetica; a catalogue of English poets, of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries; with a short account of their works. By Joseph Ritson. Lond. 1802. Riverius, 1643, O. Riverius reformatus sive praxis medica methodo Riveriano non absimilis. Genevæ, 1696.-L.

Riversdale, 464, D.
Rivington, 386, F.

Letters of Miss Riversdale. A novel. 3 vols. Lond. 1805. The royal gazette, from January 2, 1782, to November 29, 1783, inclusive. By James Rivington, New York. 387, F. The New York gazetteer; or the Connecticut, New Jersey, Hudson's River, and Quebec weekly advertiser, from April 22, 1775, to November 23, 1775, inclusive. By James Rivington. New York. - 388, F. The royal gazette, from January 3, 1778, to November 5,

1783. By James Rivington. New York.

Robbe, 1620, and 1621, D. Monsieur Robbe methode pour apprendre facilement la geographie, avec un traité de la navigation. 2 tomes. Paris,


Robert, 639, F. M. Robert's atlas universal, English and French. Paris, 1757.-P.

Roberts, 235 Q. An account of the discovery and natural history of Florida; By William Roberts. With a map, plans, and geographical description of that country, by F. Jeffreys. London,

2664, O. The four years voyages of captain George Roberts, to the islands of the Canaries, Cape de Verde, and Barbadoes, and to the coast of Guiney. London, 1726.

2834. O. A vindication of Christianity, in a series of letters addressed to Mr. Volney, in answer to his book, called, "Ruins, or a survey of the revolution of empires." By the Rev. Peter Roberts. Lond. 1800. 242, F. The merchant's map of commerce; handling the universal matter and manner of trade; with the coins, weights and measures of all places of traffic. By L. Roberts. 1637. Gift of Joseph Breint


Robertson, 216, Q. The history of the reign of the emperor Charles the fifth; with a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the Roman empire, to the beginning of the sixteenth century. By William Robertson. 3 vols. London, 1769.

- 313, and 351, Q. The history of South America; with plates. By William Robertson. 2 vols. London, 1777. 2d edit. Lond. 1778.

59, O. The history of Scotland, during the reign of queen Mary and king James the sixth, till his accession to the crown of England; with a review of the Scottish history previous to that period. By William Robertson. 4th edit. London, 1761.

216, Q. The same, with an appendix. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1759.-P.

985, and 986, 0. The history of the reign of Charles the fifth, emperor of Germany. By William Robertson. 3 vols, Philadelphia,


1302, O. Observations on the jail, hospital or ship fever. By Robert Robertson, M. D. London, 1783.

Robertson, 2005, O. A topographical survey of the great road from London to Bath and Bristol; with historical and descriptive accounts of the country, towns, villages, and gentlemen's seats on and adjacent to it. With plates. By Archibald Robertson. 2 vols. London, 1792.


956, P. The royal Pennsylvania gazette, from March 3d, to May 26th 1778. By James Robertson. Philadelphia.

979, and 2786, O. The elements of astronomy, deduced from observations, and demonstrated upon the principles of the Newtonian Philosophy. Translated from the French of Mr. De le Caille. By John Robertson. London, 1750.

1068, O. The elements of navigation; containing the theory and practice, with necessary tables. To which are added, additions and compendiums, for finding the latitude and longitude at sea. By J. Robertson. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1772.

1914, O. The true and ancient manner of reading Hebrew without points, and the art of the Hebrew versification deduced from it. By John Robertson. 2d edit. London, 1748. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris.

711, Q. The history of Mary queen of Scots, including an examination of the writings which were ascribed to her; with copies of those writings. By Thomas Robertson. Edinburgh.

606, and 1920, Q. An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India, and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope; with an appendix. By William Robertson. London, 1791, and Philadelphia, 1792. Gift of William Young.

1067, Q. Historical disquisition, concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India; and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. By William Robertson. London, 1791.-P.

-2489, O. The history of America. Books nine and ten, containing the history of Virginia, to the year 1688; and the history of New England, to the year 1652. By William Robertson. Published by his son. London, 1796.

1709, 0. An English and Latin phrase dictionary. By William Robertson. Cambridge, 1693.-L.

- 1764, D. Cate or door to the holy tongue opened in English. By William Robertson. London, 1653.-P.

Robinson, 669, Q. Ecclesiastical researches. By Robert Robinson. Cam

bridge, 1792.

1402, O. The new annual register; or general repository of history, politics, and literature; published by G. Robinson. 21 vols. London.

2454 and 2483, O. The proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of free-masons, illuminati, and reading societies. By John Robinson.. 3d'edit. London, and Philadelphia, 1798.

2590, O. A view of the causes and consequences of English wars, from the invasion of the country by Julius Cæsar to the present time.. By Anthony Robinson London, 1798.

2661 Poems by Mrs. M. Robinson. I.ondon, 1791.

88. Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson, written by herself; with some posthumous pieces. 4 vols. in 2. London, 1801.

Robinson, 1371, O. Saurin's sermons. Translated from the French, by Robert Robinson. 2d edit. 5 vols. London, 1784.

Robison, 3686, 0. The elements of mechanical philosophy; with plates. By

John Robison. Edinburgh, 1804.

Robson, 754, and 1507, O. An account of six years residence in Hudson's Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747; with drafts. By Joseph Robson. London, 1752.

Roche, 99, D. Children of the Abbey. A tale. By Regina Maria Roche. 4 vols. 4th edit. London, 1800.

Rochefoucault, 403, D. Moral maxims, by the duke de la Rochefoucault.
Translated from the French, with notes. London, 1749.
Rochester, 2443, O. G. A. Thomas's edition of the sermons and charges of
John Thomas, late lord bishop of Rochester; with a sketch of the life
and character of the author, by the editor. 2 vols. London, 1796.

- 900, Q. Hosea. Translated from the Hebrew; with notes, by Sa-
muel, lord bishop of Rochester. London, 1801.

941, O. See Burnet.

Rochon, 2073, O. A voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies; with a map, and a memoir on the Chinese trade. By the Abbé Rochon. Translated from the French. London, 1792.

Rocque, 137, F. A map of London, Westminster and Southwark; with the contiguous buildings; from a survey taken by John Rocque, and engraved by John Pine. London, 1746.

Rodd, 2882, O. Sce Abenhamin.

Rogeri, 1777, D. Sign. Geltio Rogeri vita di Sisto V. pontifice Romano. 2 tomi. Losanna, 1661.-P.

Rogers, 891, F. Seaven treatises on the practise of Christianitie. By Richard

Rogers. London, 1604.-P.

64, O. A concise account of North America; with a description of several nations of Indians. By Robert Rogers. London, 1765. -919, O. A cruizing voyage round the world; first to the South Seas, thence to the East Indies, and homewards by the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1708 and 1709. By captain Woodes Rogers. Lond. 1728. Rohault, 3539, O. A system of natural philosophy. By James Rohault. Illustrated with Dr. Samuel Clarke's notes, taken mostly out of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy, with additions. 2 vols. Lond. 1723.--P. 308, and 1690, 0. See Clarke.

Roland, 2296, 0. Madame Roland's appeal to impartial posterity; or a collection of tracts written by her during her confinement. Translated from the French. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1796.

2776, O. The works of Jeanne-Marie Phlipon Roland; containing her philosophical and literary essays, written previous to her marriage; and her correspondence and travels; never before published. With notes, &c. by L. A. Champagneux. Translated from the French. London, 1800.

Rollin, 155, and 541, 0. The Roman history, from the foundation of Rome to the battle of Actium; that is, to the end of the commonwealth. Translated from the French of Mr. Rollin. 2d edit. 16 vols. London, 1754.

- 164, O. and 149, D. The method of teaching and studying the belles lettres; or an introduction to languages, poetry, rhetoric, history, moral philosophy, physics, &c. with reflections on taste, and instruc

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