R. RABAUT, 2023, O. See White. Rabelais, 1728, D. Works of Francis Rabelais, M. D. 1701.-P. 1688, D. See Urwhart. 4 vols. London, Rabener, 593, D. Satirical letters. Translated from the German of G. W Rabener. 2 vols. London, 1757. Racine, 913, D. 999, D. Oeuvres de Racine. 2 tomes. A Amsterdam, 1709.-L. Les tragedies de M. Racine. A Paris, 1670. Rack, 1214, O. Essays, letters and poems By Edmund Rack. Bath, 1781. Radcliffe, 708, Q. A journey, in the summer of 1794, through Holland and the western frontiers of Germany, with a return down the Rhine; to which are added, observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland. By Ann Radcliffe. London, 1795. 1142, D. Mysteries of Udolpho, a romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By Ann Radcliffe. 2d edit. 4 vols. Lond. 1794. 1192, D. Italian; or the confessional of the black penitents: a romance. By Ann Radcliffe. 3 vols. London, 1797. 1254, D. Romance of the forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By Ann Radcliffe. 2 vols. in one. Boston, 1795. 1345, D. Female advocate; or an attempt to recover the rights of women from male usurpation. By Mary Anne Radcliffe. London, 1799. 1827, O. A journey through Sweden, containing an account of its population, agriculture, commerce and finances; to which is added, an abridged history of the kingdom, and of the different forms of government, from the accession of Gustavus Vasa in 1523; with some particulars relating to the history of Denmark. Translated from the French, by William Radcliffe London, 1789. 1828, O. The natural history of East Tartary; traced through the three kingdoms of nature. Published at Petersburgh by the Academy of Sciences. Translated into English from the French translation, by William Radcliffe London, 1789. Raffaello, 1137, Q. Historia del testamento vecchio dipinta in Roma, nell vaticano da Raffaelle di Urbino et intagliata in rame da sisto Badalochi et Giovanne Lanfranchi. Roma, 1614.-P. Raius, 430, F. Joannis Raii historia plantarum. Tomi 3. Londini, 1686.-L. - 437, F. Francisci Willughbeii historia piscium. Editore Johanne Raio, cum figuris. Oxoniæ, 1686-L. 1656, O. Joannis Raii synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum. Cum iconibus. Tomi II. Londini, 1724.-L. - 1669, O. Joannis Raíí synopsis methodica avium et piscium, opus posthumum. Londini, 1713.-L. -- 1670, O. Joannis Raii methodus plantarum emendata et aucta, accedit methodus graminum, juncorum, et cyperorum specialis. Londini 1703-L. Raleigh, 392, 0. An abridgment of Sir Walter Raleigh's history of the world; his premonition to princes, and some remains of that learned knight; with the author's life, trial and death. 3d edit. London, 1702. Gift of John Smith. - 1063, D. An introduction to a breviary of the history of England: with the reign of William 1. By Sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1693., Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. - 1765, D. Cabinet council; containing the chief arts of empire and mysteries of state. By Sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1658.-P. 257, F. See Oldys. Ralph, 543, F. Ralph's history of England, during the reigns of king Wil. liam, queen Mary, and king George I. with an introductory review of the reigns of the royal brothers, Charles and James. 2 vols. London, 1744. Ralphson, 962, O. Universal arithmetic; or a treatise of arithmetical composition and resolution; with Doctor Halley's method of finding the roots of equations arithmetically. By Sir Isaac Newton. Translated by Mr. Ralphson, and corrected by Mr. Cunn. 2d edit. Lond. 1738. Ramazzini, 870, O. A treatise of the diseases of tradesmen; shewing the influence of particular trades upon the state of health; with the best methods to avoid it. Translated from the Latin of Bern. Ramazzini. London, 1705. Rambach, 2205, O. See Collier. Ramsay, 203, Q. The philosophical principles of natural and revealed religion; unfolded in a geometrical order, by the chevalier Ramsay. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1748. 257, O. The travels of Cyrus, by the chevalier Ramsey. To which is annexed his discourse upon the theology and mythology of the ancients. Sd edit. 2 vols. London, 1728. 1292, 0. An essay on the treatment and conversation of African slaves in the British sugar colonies. By the Rev. James Ramsay. London, 1785. 324, D. The travels of Cyrus; with a discourse upon the theology and mythology of the Pagans, by the chevalier Ramsay. 8th edit, London, 1752. 1395, O. An history of the revolution of South Carolina, from a British province to an independent state. By David Ramsay. 2 vols. Trenton, 1785. 3256, O. The same.-P. 1879, O. The history of the American revolution. By David Ramsay. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1789, 3188, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1793.-P. 2733, O. The poems of Allen Ramsay. A new edition, corrected, and enlarged; with a life of the author, and remarks on his poems. 2 vols. London, 1800. Randall, 184, O. The Semi-Virgilian husbandry; or an essay towards a new course of national farming; with the philosophy of agriculture. By I. Randall. London, 1764. Randolph, 1350, Q. Poems, with the muses looking-glass. By Thomas Randolph. Oxford, 1638.-P. • Ranken, 2805, 0. The history of France, from the time of its conquest, A. D. 486. By the Rev. Alexander Ranken. 2 vols. London, 1801. Raper, 659, O. A dissertation on the gipsies; being an historical inquiry concerning their manner of life, economy, &c. and their origin. Translated from the German of Henrick Moritz Gottleib Grellman; by Matthew Raper. London, 1787. Raphael, 618, P. Loggie di Raphaele nel Vaticano.-P. Rapin, 198, D. Reflections on Aristotle's treatise of poesie; containing the necessary rules for epic, dramatic, and the other sorts of poetry; with reflections on the works of the ancient and modern poets. By M. Rapin. London, 1674. 705, F. The history of England. Translated from the French of M. Rapin. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1732.-P. 293, O. See Kennet. - 97, and 542, O. See Tindall. Raspe, 1191, 0. Travels through Italy, in the years 1771 and 1772; describe ing the natural history, particularly the mountains and volcanoes of that country. Translated from the German of John James Ferber; with notes, and a preface on the present state and future improvement of mineralogy, by R. E. Raspe. London, 1776. Rastall, 676, Q. The history of the antiquities of the town and church of Southwell, in the county of Nottingham. By W. Dickinson Rastall. With plates. London, 1787. Ravizzotti, 1049, O. A new Italian grammar. By Gaettano Ravizzotti. London, 1799. Rawley, 877, F. Resuscitatio, or bringing into public light several pieces of the works of the right honourable Francis Bacon. By William Rawley. 3 edit. London, 1671.-P. Rawlinson, 103, O. A new method of studying history, geography and chronology, with a catalogue of the chief historians of all nations, the best edition of their works, and characters of them. Translated from the French of M. Fresnoy. With a variety of improvements, by Richard Rawlinson. To which is added, a dissertation concerning the use of inscriptions and medals, by count Scipio Maffei. 2 vols. London, 1730. Raxo, 3716, 0. F. F. Raxo, de cometis et prodigiosis eorum portentis, libri quatuor. Madriti, 1578. Ray, 173, O. Travels through the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France; with curious observations, and a catalogue of plants, found spontaneously growing in those parts, with an account of their virtues. By John Ray. Also an account of the travels of Francis Willoughby, through great part of Spain. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1737. - 3630, O. Observations, topographical, moral and philological, made in a journey through part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France. London, 1673.-P. 683, O. Physico-theological discourses, concerning the primitive chaos and creation of the world; the general deluge, its causes and effects; and the dissolution of the world, and future conflagration. By John Ray. 4th edit. London, 1732. 3515, 0. Three physico-theological discourses; concerning chaos, the deluge, and the world's dissolution. By John Ray. 3d edit. London, 1713.-P. - 82, and 151, D. The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation. In two parts. By John Ray. Edinburgh, 1798. 11th edit. Glasgow, 1744. 3537, O. The same. 5th edit. London, 1709.-P. Ray, 1486, D. Miscellaneous discourses, concerning the dissolution and changes of the world. By John Ray. London, 1692.-P. 3211, O. See Derham. Raymond, 1001, 0. The history of Gustavus Ericson, king of Sweden; with an introductory history of Sweden, from the middle of the twelfth century. By Henry Augustus Raymond, Esq. London, 1761. Raynal, 1170, 0. See Justamond. Read, 565, Q. An explanation of the map of the city and liberties of Philadelphia. By John Read. Philadelphia, 1774. 2086, O. A summary view of the spontaneous electricity of the earth and atmosphere; wherein the causes of lightning and thunder, &c. are explained. To which is subjoined the atmospherico-electrical journal, kept during two years. By John Read. London, 1793. 2792, O. An abridgment of the laws of Pennsylvania, being a complete digest of all such acts of assembly as concern the commonwealth at large. By Collinson Read, Esq. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1801. 324, F. See Wecker. · Reader, 1489, O. Remarks on the prophetic part of the revelation of St. John. By Thomas Reader. London, 1778. Gift of the author. Reaumur, De, 727. The art of hatching and bringing up domestic fowls of all kinds. By M. De Reaumur. London, 1750. Record, 1336, D. sixth. Record's system of arithmeticke, dedicated to Edward the Gift of Edward J. Coale. 2d Rede, 2755, 0. Anecdotes and biography, including many modern characters in the circles of fashionable and official life. By L. T. Rede. ed t. London, 1799. Rees, 373, F. Cyclopædia; or an universal dictionary of arts and sciences; with plates. By E. Chambers. With the supplement, and modern improvements, incorporated in one alphabet. By Abraham Rees. 5 vols. London, 1786. Recve, 1476, D. The school for widows. By Clara Reeve. 3 vols. London, 1791.-P. Reeves, 3045, O. The holy bible, containing the old testament and the new. Translated out of the original tongues, with notes. Published by John Reeves. 10 vols. London, 1802. $476, O. Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minutius Felix, in defence of the Christian religion, with the commonitory of Vincentius Lirinensis. By William Reeves. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1716 —P. Regnier, 1545, D. M. l'Abbé Regnier traduction des deux livres de la divination de Ciceron. Paris, 1710.—P. Reiche, 1043, D. Fifteen discourses on the marvellous works in nature, delivered by a father to his children. By Charles Christopher Reiche. Philadelphia, 1791. Gift of Joseph Sansom. Reid, 425, Q. Essays on the intellectual powers of man. By Thomas Reid. Edinburgh, 1785. 1306, 0. An essay on the nature and cure of the phthisis pulmonalis. By Thomas Reid. London, 1782. 992, O. An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense. By Thomas Reid. London, 1769. Reide, 1283, D. A treatise on the duty of the infantry officers and the present system of British military discipline; with an appendix. By Thomas Reide. London, 1798. Reilly, 419, F. The weekly oracle; or universal library, for the year 1735. By R. Reilly. Dublin. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, jun. Reina, 1214, Q. Prediche Quaresimali di Tomoso Reina Milanese, della com pagnia di Giesce. Roma, 1649.-P. Relandus, 1184, Q. Hadriani Relandi Palestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata. Tomi II. Trajecti Batavorum, 1714.-P. Renaudot, 966, 0. Ancient accounts of India and China, by two Mahomme dan travellers in the ninth century. Translated from the Arabic, with notes, by Eusebius Renaudot. London, 1733. Render, 2878, O. A tour through Germany. By the Rev. Dr. Render. 2 vols. London, 1801. 119, D. The Armenian; or the ghost seer. A history founded on fact. Translated from the German of Schiller, by W. Render. 4 vols. London, 1800. Rennell, 528, F. A Bengal atlas; containing maps of the theatre of war and commerce. 1 vol. and a quarto pamphlet. By James Rennell. London, 1781. 630, Q. Memoir of a map of Hindoostan; or the Mogul empire; with an introduction, illustrative of the geography and present division of that country, and a map of the countries situated between the heads of the Indian rivers and the Caspian sea. By James Rennell. 2d edit. London, 1792. 912, Q. A comparison of the geographical system of Herodotus, with those of other ancient authors, and with modern geography; with maps. By James Rennell. London, 1801. 1085, Q. Memoir of a map of Hindoostan, or the Mogul empire, with an introduction illustrative of the geography and present division of that empire. By James Rennell. London, 1788.-P. - 1094, Q. Memoir of a map of Hindoostan, or the Mogul empire. 3d edit. with a second supplementary map. By James Rennell. London, 1793.-Р. 627, F. A map of Hindoostan, or the Mogul empire. By James Rennell. 1788.-P. 1095, Q. The geographical system of Herodotus examined and explained, by a comparison with those of other ancient authors, and with modern geography. By James Rennell. London, 1800.-P. 710, 0. Discourses on various subjects. By James Rennell. London, 1801. Repton, 1000, Q. Observations on the theory and practice of landscape gardening; including remarks on Grecian and Gothic architecture; with plates. By Humphrey Repton. London, 1803. 1454, D. Odd whims and miscellanies. By Humphrey Repton. 2 vols. London, 1804. Retz, De, 167, D. Memoirs of the Cardinal De Retz, containing the particulars of his own life, with the most secret transactions at the French court, during the administration of Cardinal Mazarin. Translated from the French. 4 vols. London, 1723. Revett, 594, F. See Chandler. 131, F. See Stuart. Reynier, 2880, O. The state of Egypt, after the battle of Heliopolis; preceded by observations on the physical and political character of the coun |