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della guerra Dacica la prima e la seconda expeditione e vittoria contro

el re Decebalo. Da Pietro Santi Eartoli.-P. “

Bartoli, 802, F. Le antiche lucerne sepolchrali figurate raccolte della cave sotterrance e grotte di Roma designate da P. S. Bartoli con l'osservationi di G. P. Bellori. Roma, 1691.-P.

787, F. Le pitture antiche del sepolchro de'Nasonii nella via Flaminia designate da P. S. Bartolie descritte da G. P. Bellori. Roma, 1702.—P. Bartolomeo, 2681 and 2932, O. See Johnston.

Barton, 1705, D. New Italian grammar. By the Rev. Mr. Barton. Lon don, 1719.-P.

Bartram, 1925, 0. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee country, the territories of the Muscoguiges, or Creek confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws; containing, an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions, with observations on the manners of the Indians, with plates. By William Bartram. Philadelphia, 1791.

3208, O. The same.-P.

Barwick, 3256, O.

Vita Johannis Barwick, S. T. P. Londinensis duani. Londini, 1721.-P.

Baselus, 639, D. Jacobi Baseli Sulpitius Belgicus, sive historia religionis instauratæ, corruptæ et reformatæ in Belgio et à Belgis à nato Christo ad annum 1500. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1656.

Basnage, 53, F. See Taylor.

Bassus, 1691, O. Geoponicorum, sive de re rustica, libri XX. Cassiano Basso collectore. Cantabrigiæ, 1704.-L.

Bate, 473, Q. The mysteries of nature and art; with cuts. By John Bate. 2d. edit. London, 1635.

Bates, 2969, O. Rural philosophy; or reflections on knowledge, virtue and happiness, chiefly in reference to a life of retirement in the country. By Ely Bates, Esq. London, 1803.

1263, D. Cursory view of civil government; chiefly in relation to virtue and happiness. By Ely Bates, Esq. London, 1797.

[blocks in formation]

Bauhinus, 541, Q. Caspari Bauhini theatrum botanicum. Basileæ, 1671.-L. Baumgarten, 272, D. A new theory of human nature; with a correspondent system of education. Translated from the German of Nathaniel Baumgarten. London, 1755.

Baxter, 560, F. The practical works of Richard Baxter; with some account of the author. 4 vols. London, 1707.

Bayle, 100, F. Dictionary, historical and critical. By M. Bayle. 2d edit. With the life of the author, by Mr. Des Maizeaux. 5 vols. Lon. don, 1734.

957, F. Dictionnaire historique et critique. Par M. Pierre Bayle. 4 tomes. Rotterdam, 1697.

697, F. The same. 5th edit. 5 vols. Amsterdam, 1734.-P.

374, D. An historical discourse on the life of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden. By M. Bayle. Translated from the French. 2d edit. Glasgow, 1757.

Bayle, 1539, D. See Massey.

Bayley, 522, 0. An introduction to languages, literary and philosophical; especially to the English, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew; exhibiting at one

view, their grammar, rationale, analogy, and idiom. By Anselm Bayly. London, 1758.

Baynard, 221, O. History of cold-bathing, both ancient and modern. By Edward Baynard. 6th edit. London, 1732.

Bean, Mac, 1053, O. Phocion's conversations, on the relation between morality and politics. Translated from a Greek manuscript of Nicoles, by Abbé Mably; with notes, by William Mac Bean. London, 1769.

Beatson, 875, Q. View of the origin and conduct of the war with Tippoo Sultan; comprising a narrative of the operations of the army under the command of Lieutenant-General George Harris, and of the siege of Seringapatam; with plates. By Alexander Beatson, Esq. London, 1800.

1917, 0. Naval and military memoirs of Great Britain, from the year 1727, to the present time. By R Beatson. 3 vols. London, 1790. Beattie, 2040, 0. Elements of moral science, By James Beattie, L. L. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1790.

773, D. Evidences of the Christian religion. By James Beattie, L.L.D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1786.

379, Q. Dissertations, moral and critical. By James Beattie. London, 1783.

1209, Q. Essays, on poetry and music, as they affect the mind; on laughter and ludicrous composition; and on the utility of classical learning. By James Beattie. Edinburgh, 1778.

1430, O. The minstrel; with other poems. By James Beattie. London, 1784.

1346, D. The minstrel; with some other poems, by James Beattie. To which are added, miscellanies by James Hay Beattie, with an account of his life and character. 2 vols. London, 1799.

Beau, Le, 1077, O. History of the Lower Empire, from Constantine the Great. By M. Le Beau, Translated from the French. London, 1770.

Beaver, 1398, Q. African memoranda, relative to an attempt to establish a British settlement on the island of Balama, on the western coast of Africa, in 1792. By Capt. Philip Beaver. London, 1805.

Beaumont, 531, F. Travels through the Rhætian Alps in the year 1784; with plates. By Albanis Beaumont. London, 1792.

596, F. Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps;
or an itinerary of the road from Lyons to Turin, by the way of the
Pays-de-Vaud, the Vallais, and across the monts Great St. Bernard,
Simplon, and St. Gothard; with topographical and historical descrip-
tions. With plates. By Albanis Beaumont. London, 1800.
551, F. Select views of the antiquities and harbours in the south
of France; with topographical and historical descriptions.
plates. By Albanis Beaumont. London, 1794.


562, O. The works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher; collated with all the former editions, and corrected. With notes. By Messrs. Theobald, Seward and Simpson. 10 vols. London, 1750.

758, F. Fifty comedies and tragedies. By Beaumont and Fletcher. London, 1679.-P.

269, D. Young ladies magazine; or dialogues between a governess and several young ladies. By M. Le Prince de Beaumont. 2 vols. London, 1780.

Beaumont, 249, F. Psyche; or love's mysterie; displaying the intercourse betwixt CHRIST and the soule. By Joseph Beaumont. London, 1648.

Beaune, 554, Q. Geometria à Renato des Cartes anno 1637 Gallicè edita; in Latinam linguam à Florimondo de Beaune versa cum illius et Francisci à Schooten notis illustrata. Amstelodami, 1683.-L

Beawes, 57, F. Lex mercatoria rediviva; or the merchant's directory. By Windham Beawes. 2d edit. London, 1761.

Beccaria, 350, Q. A treatise upon artificial electricity; with an essay on the mild and slow electricity which prevails in the atmosphere during serene weather; with plates. Translated from the Italian of Father Giambatista Beccaria. London, 1776.

122, O. An essay on crimes and punishments. Translated from the Italian of the Marquis Beccaria; with a commentary, attributed to Monsieur De Voltaire, translated from the French. London, 1767. Beccherus, 309, Q. Johannis Ioachimi Beccheri physica subterranea. Lipsiæ,


Beckford, 1852, O. A descriptive account of the island of Jamaica; with remarks upon the cultivation of the Sugar-cane, and reflections upon what would probably be the consequences of an abolition of the slave trade. By William Beckford. 2 vols. London, 1790.

- 2154, О. History of France, from the most early records, to the death of Louis the 16th. By William Beckford. 4 vols. Lond. 1794. Beckman, 2400, O, See Johnston,

Beckwith, 1329, O. Blount's fragmenta antiquitatis; or ancient tenures of land, and jocular customs of some manors. With notes, and an index of the obsolete difficult words, by Josiah Beckwith. York, 1784.

Becon, 252, F. The works of Thomas Becon. London, 1563. Gift of William Hudson.

Beda, 497, F. Historiæ ecclesiasticæ gentis Anglorum libri V. A venerabili

Beda Presbytero scripti. Cantabrigiæ, 1643.-L.

1812, D. The same. 1601.-P.

Beddocs, 2187, O. Observations on the nature of demonstrative evidence; with an explanation of certain difficulties occurring in the elements of geometry; and reflections on language. By Thomas Beddoes, M. D. London, 1793.

- 2700, O. Essay on the causes, early signs, and prevention of pulmonary consumption, for the use of parents and preceptors. By Thomas Beddoes, M. D. Bristol, 1799.

- 2936, O. Hygeia; or essays, moral and medical, on the causes affecting the personal state of our middling and affluent classes. By Thomas Beddoes, м. р. 3 vols. Bristol, 1802.

Beiler, 855, O. A new German grammar; with several useful dialogues. By Benedictus Beiler. 2d edit. London, 1736.

Belidor, 245, Q. Architecture hydraulique, ou l'art de conduire, d'elever et de menager les eaux. Par M. Belidor. 5 tomes. A Paris, 1737.

Belknap, 1807, O. The history of New Hampshire; comprehending the events of one complete century from the discovery of the river Pascataqua. By Jeremy Belknap. Philadelphia, 1784.

3052, O. American biography; or, an historical account of those persons who have been distinguished in America. By Jeremy Belknap. 2 vols. Boston, 1794.

Bell, 110 and 111, Q. Travels from St. Petersburgh, in Russia, to divers parts of Asia. By John Bell. 2 vols Glasgow, 1763. No. 110, the gift of the late proprietaries of Pennsylvania.

1406, O. A system of surgery; with plates. By Benjamin Bell. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1786.

1409, O. Treatise on the theory and management of ulcers; with a dissertation on white swellings of the joints, &c. By Benjamin Bell. 3d edit. Edinburgh, 1784.

1071, D. Bell's edition of the poets of Great Britain; containing the works of Chaucer, Spencer, Donne, Waller, Milton, Cowley, Dryden, King, Philips, Lansdowne, Parnell, Tickell, Somervile, and Churchill. 50 vols. London, 1783.

Bellamy, 1012, D. An apology for the life of George Anne Bellamy, late of Covent-garden theatre. Written by herself. To which is annexed, her original letter to John Calcraft. 4th edit. 5 vols. London, 1786. Bellarminus, 440, F. Disputationes Roberti Bellarmini. Tom. 3. Lutetiæ

Parisiorum, 1620.-L.

219, D. De arte bene moriendi. Avctore Roberto Card. Bellarmino. Coloniæ Aggrippinæ, 1620. Gift of Mathew Carey.

1842, D. Roberti Card. Bellarmini, s. R. E. de septem verbis

a Christo in cruce prolatis, libri duo. Coloniæ, 1626.—P.

Bellegarde, De, 1108, D. Reflexions sur le ridicule et sur les moyens de l'eviter. Par M. l'Abbe de Bellegarde. A Amst. 1707. Gift of John C. Redeger.

1800, D. Mr. l'Abbé de Bellegarde les regles de la vie civile, avec des traits d'histoire pour former l'esprit d'un jeune prince. Amsterdam, 1707.—P,

Bellers, 155, Q. A delineation of universal law. By Fettiplace Bellers. London, 1750. 3d edit. London, 1754.

Bellicard, 330, and 2102, 0. Observations upon the antiquities of the town of Herculaneum, discovered at the foot of mount Vesuvius; with a short description of the antiquities of Naples. By Mr. Bellicard. With plates. London, 1753.

Bellinus, 530, Q. Laurentii Bellini exercitationes anatomicæ de structura et usu renum ut et de gustus organo: accedunt quædam renum monstrosorum exempla, per Garhardum Brasium collecta. Lugduni Batavorum, 1711.-L.

552, Q. Laurentii Bellini opuscula aliquot de motu cordis in et extra uterum, de motu bilis et liquidorum, de fermentis et glandulis, &c. Lugduni Batavorum, 1696.-L.

Bellori, 832, F. Descrizzione delle imagini dipinte da Rafaelle d'Urbino nelle camera Vaticana. Di Pietro Bellori. Roma, 1695.—P.

787, F. See Bartolie.

Bellorius, 665, F. J. Petri Bellorii veteres arcus Augustorum triumphis insignes ex reliquiis quæ Romæ adhuc supersunt, cum imaginibus triumphalibus restituti, antiquis nummis notisque. Romæ, 1690.-P. 771, F. Petri Bellorii veterum illustrium philosophorum, poetarum, rhetorum et oratorum imagines. Romæ, 1685.—P.

Beloe, 1897, 0. The history of Herodotus. notes, by William Beloe. 4 vols.

3223, O. The same.-P.

Translated from the Greek, with
London, 1791.

2184, O. Translation of the Attic nights of Aulus Gellius. By William

Beloe. 3 vols. London, 1795.

3218, O. The same.-P.

Beloe, 1166, D. Miscellanies; consisting of poems, classical extracts and oriental apologues. By William Beloe. 3 vols. London, 1795. Belsham, 792, 0. Elements of the philosophy of the mind, and of moral philosophy; with a compendium of logic. By Thomas Belsham. Lond. 1801. 1840, O. Belsham's essays, philosophical, historical, and literary. 2 vols. London, 1789, and 1791.

2165, O. Memoirs of the kings of Great Britain, of the house of Brunswic-Lunenburg. By W. Belsham. 2 vols. London, 1793. 2166, 0. Memoirs of the reign of George the third, to the session of parliament ending in 1793. By W. Belsham. 2d edit. 6 vols. London, 1795.

2514, O. Review of Mr. Wilberforce's treatise, entitled, "A practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed Christians, &c." By Thomas Belsham. London, 1798.

Bembus, 1207, Q. Petri Bembi Cardinalis rerum Venetarum historiæ, libri XII. Lutetiæ, 1551.-P.

Benci, 940, F. Storia della citta di Montepulciano. Di Marcello Benci. Florenza, 164.-P.

Benezet, 3590, 0. Historical account of Guinea, with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade. By Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia, 1771. London, 1772.-P.

598, 599, 600, and 601, D. An historical account of Guinea; its situation, produce, and the general disposition of its inhabitants. By Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia, 1771. Gift of the author.

Bennet, 256, D. Treasury of wit. By H. Bennet. 2 vols. London, 1786. 384. D. Christian oratory; or the devotion of the closet displayed. By Benjamin Bennet. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1747.

58, D. A new translation of the morals of Seneca. To which is prefixed, some account of his life; with the opinions of the ancients concerning his writings. By George Bennet. London, 1745.

3579, O. Confutation of quakerism. By Thomas Bennet. Cambrige, 1705.-P.

Bennett, 1348, D. The beggar girl and her benefactors. By Mrs. Bennett. 5 vols. London, 1800.

Bent, 1429, O. A general catalogue of books in all languages, arts, and sciences, printed in Great Britain, and published in London, from the year 1700, to 1786. By W. Bent. London, 1786.

-2825, O. Meteorological journals of the years 1793 to 1800, kept in London; with observations on the diseases in the city and its vicinity. By William Bent. London, 1801.

Bentham, 731, Q. Introduction to the principles of morals and legislation. By
Jeremy Bentham. London, 1789.

1016, Q. History and antiquities of the conventual and cathedral
church of Ely, from the foundation of the monastery, 673, to the
year 1771. By James Bentham. Cambridge, 1771.-P.
1074, D. Defence of usury; shewing the impolicy of the present le-
gal restraints on the terms of pecuniary bargains. With a letter to
Adam Smith. By Jeremy Bentham, Esq. London, 1787.
2337, 0. Protest against law taxes, shewing the peculiar mis-
chievousness of all such impositions as add to the expense of appeal
to justice. By Jeremy Bentham, Esq. London, 1795.

Bentham, 1103, 0. See Warten.

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