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Bacon, 241, F.

Natural history of Sir Francis Bacon; with his history natural and experimental, of life and death. London, 1658. Gift of Francis Richardson.

146, Q. The philosophical works of Francis Bacon.

Methodized and

made English from the originals; with notes, by Peter Shaw.
London, 1733.

3 vols.

167, Q. The works of Francis Bacon. 5 vols. London, 1765. Gift of Stephen Boardley.

1042, Q. The same.-P.

296, Q. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall, of Sir Francis Bacon; with a table of the colours of good and evill. London, 1639.

1358, Q. Two books of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human, to the king. By Sir Francis Bacon. Oxford, 1633.-P.

774, 0. The essays or counsels, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon; with a table of the colours of good and evil, a discourse of the wisdom of the ancients, and the character of queen Elizabeth. London, 1718. Gift of William Govett.

2624, O. Elements of the common laws of England. By Sir Francis Bacon. London, 1636. Gift of Henry Cox.

129, D. Essays, moral, economical, and political. By Francis Bacon. London, 1801.

131, D. Miscellaneous writings including philosophy, morality, and religion. By Francis Bacon. London, 1802.

with a table of the colours of good And a preliminary discourse, conLondon, 1663.

832, D. Essays, civil and moral;
and evil. By Sir Francis Bacon.
taining memoirs of the author.
1795, D. Franc. Baconis, novum organum scientiarum. Lugduni
Batavorum. 1650.-P.

1824, D. Moral essaies of Sir Francis Bacon, knight. Lond. 1613.-P.
184, D. Francisci Baconis, de sapientia veterum, liber. Edit. 4ta. Lon-
dini, 1634.-P.

929, D. Fr. Baconis de Verulamio sylva sylvarum sive historia naturalis et novus atlas. Amstelodami, 1648-L.

1101, Q. Liber regis vel thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum, with an appendix. By John Bacon. London, 1786.-P.

61, Q. Historical and political discourses of the laws and government of England, from the earliest times to the end of the reign of queen Elizabeth. Collected from the notes of John Selden, by Nathaniel Bacon. 5th edit. London, 1760.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Badcock, 676, D.

Baddam, 302. 0.

See Reynolds.

Memoirs of the Royal Society; or a new abridgement of the philosophical transactions; from the year 1665, to 1740. By Mr. Baddam. 2d edit. 10 vols. London, 1745.

Badius, 823, D. Le nouveau testament, Latin et Francois. De l'imprimerie

de Badius. 1554.

Baglivi, 1151, O. Practice of physic. By George Baglivi, M. D. London,


1738, O. Georgii Baglivi specimen quatuor librorum de fibra motrice et morbosa. Ultrajecti, 1703.-L..

Bagnal, 3088, 0. Translation of Telemachus, in English verse. By Gibbons Bagnall. 2 vols. Hereford, 1790.-P.

Bailey, 344, F. The freeman's journal; or the North American intelligencer, from April 25, 1781, to the present time. By Francis Bailey. 4 vols. Philadelphia.

106, F. Dictionarium Britannicum; or a complete universal etymological dictionary. By Nathaniel Bailey. London, 1738.

299, F. Advancement of arts, manufactures and commerce; or descriptions of the useful machines and models contained in the repository of the society for the encouragement of arts, &c. and an account of the several discoveries and improvements promoted by the society; with a volume of plates. By William Bailey. London, 1772.

389, F. A hundred and six copperplates of mechanical machines, and implements of husbandry, approved and adopted by the society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce; with a particular description of each instrument. By Alexander M. Bailey. 2 vols. in one. London, 1782.

Baillet, 314, D. Jugemens des scavans sur les principaux ouvrages des auteurs. Par Adrien Baillet. 17 tomes. A Amsterdam, 1725.

Baillie, 3697, O. Miscellaneous plays. By Joanna Baillie. London, 1804. Baker, 2428, and 2762, O. Livius's history of Rome. Translated from the original, with notes, by George Baker. 6 vols. London, 1797. 380, F. A chronicle of the kings of England, from the time of the Roman government, to the reign of George the first. By Sir Richard Baker, knt. London, 1730.

498, O. Attempt towards a natural history of the polype; with figures. By Henry Baker, F. R. S. London, 1743.

571, 0. Employment for the microscope; containing an examination of salts and saline substances, and an account of various animalcules, &c. with plates. By Henry Baker, F. x. S.

525, and 773, 0. The microscope made easy; or the nature, uses and magnifying powers of microscopes, explained; with plates. By Henry Baker, F. R. S. 4th edit. London, 1754.

2225, O. Microscopes, and the discoveries made thereby; with plates. By Henry Baker, F. R. S. A new edition. 2 vols. London, 1785. 1313, Q. Meditations and disquisitions upon the Lord's prayer. By Sir Richard Baker. London, 1637.-P.

Baldwin, 1451, 0. Airopaidia; containing the narrative of a balloon excursion from Chester, September 8, 1785; hints on the improvement of balloons; with plates, extensive tables, and various philosophical observations and conjectures, serving as an introduction to aerial navigation. By Thomas Baldwin. Chester, 1786.

2844, O. Political recollections relative to Egypt; with a narrative of the ever memorable British campaign in the spring of 1801. By George Baldwin. London, 1801.

Balguy, 1424, O. Discourses on various subjects. By Thomas Balguy, D. D. Winchester, 1785.

Ball, 112, 0. Antiquities of Constantinople, with a description of its situati on, &c. with cuts. By Petrus Gyllius. Translated from the Latin, by John Ball. London, 1729.

Ballard, 97, Q. Memoirs of several ladies of Great Britain, who have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the learned languages, arts and sciences, By George Ballard. Oxford, 1752.

Baltazar, 1606, D. Le parfait courtisan du comte Baltazar Castillonois, Italien et François. Paris, 1585.-P.

Balzac, 1542, D. New epistles, translated from the French. By Mr. Balzac.

London, 1638.-P.

Bancroft, 2365, O. Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours, and the best means of producing them, by dying, callico printing, &c. By Edward Bancroft, M. D. London, 1794. Bunier, 318, and 1762, O. The mythology and fables of the ancients, explained from history. By the Abbé Banier. Translated from the French. 4 vols. London, 1739.

Banks, 3172, 0. Letters on Iceland, during a voyage taken in the year 1772, by Joseph Banks, Esq. assisted by Dr. Solander, Dr. I. Lind, Dr. Uno Van Troil, and several other literary and ingenious gentlemen. London, 1780.-P.

759, D. Review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell. By John
Banks, Esq. 5th edit. London, 1769.

Baptista, 295, O. Letters on the English nation. Translated from the original
Italian of Angeloni Baptista. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1756.
Barba, 235, D. Collection of scarce treatises upon metals, mines and
minerals. Translated from the Spanish of Alonso A. Barba. 2d edit.
London, 1740.

Barbauld, 2248, 0. Poems. By Anne Lætitia Barbauld. A new edit. London, 1792.

- 2247, О. See Aikin.

Barbeyrac, 258, F. Puffendorf on the law of nature and nations; with the notes of Mr. Barbeyrac. To which is prefixed, Mr. Barbeyrac's historical and critical account of the science of morality, and the progress it has made in the world. London, 1729.

Barber, 2980, 0. Tour throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire; with plates. By J. T. Barber, F. R. S. London, 1803.

Barbut, 356, Q. The genera insectorum of Linnæus; exemplified by various specimens of English insects; with plates. By James Barbut. London, 1781.

357, Q. The genera vermium, exemplified by various specimens of the animals contained in the orders of the intestina et molusca Linnæi; with plates. By James Barbut. London, 1783.

Barclaius, 950, D. Euphormionis Lusinini sive Joannis Barclaii satyricon. Amstelodami, 1664.-I..

1832. D. Jo. Barclaii Argenis, editio novissima, cum clave, hoc est, nominum propriorum elucidatione hactenus nondum edita. Lugd.

Batav. 1630.-P.

1668, O. Jo. Barclaii Argenis. Lugduni Batavorum et Roterodami, 1664.-L.

1167, 0. Roberti Barclaii theologiæ verè Christianæ apologia. Editio secunda Londini, 1729. Gift of John effernan.

646, Q. Apology for the true Christian divinity; being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers. By Robert Barclay. 8th edit. Birmingham, 1765. Gift of the Yearly Meeting of Friends in London.

27, 51 and 206, O. Parclay's apology. 7th edit. London, 1765. Dublin, 1737. London, 1736. No. 27, the gift of the yearl, meeting of Friends in London. No. 51, the gift of Thomas Richardson. No. 206, the gift of Peter Collinson of London.

Barclay, 3517, O. Barclay's apology. 4th edit. London, 1701.-P. 1519, O. Apologie de la veritable theologie Chretienne. Par Robert Barclay. A Londres, 1702.

1521, O. Apologia de la verdadera theologia Christiana. Por Ro-
berto Barclay. A Londres, 1710.

2110, O. Barclay's apology, in German. 1740.
473, D.
A catechism and confession of faith.
8th edit. Philadelphia, 1753.

Gift of Mrs. Reedle.

By Robert Barclay.

42, F. The universal traveller; or a complete account of the most remarkable voyages and travels of eminent men of our own, and other nations. By Patrick Barclay. London, 1735.

Barcroft, 487, D. A brief narrative of the life, and labours in the work of the ministry of John Barcroft. Dublin, 1730.

Baretti, 635, O. The Italian library; containing an account of the lives and works of the most valuabie authors of Italy; with a preface exhibiting the changes of the Tuscan language, from the barbarous ages to the present time. By Giuseppe Baretti. London, 1757.

1041, O. Journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain and France. By Joseph Baretti. 3d edit. 4 vols. London, 1770.

2219, O. Account of the manners and customs of Italy; with notes and an appendix. By Joseph Baretti. 2 vols. London, 1769.

1154, Q. Dictionary of the English and Italian languages; and an English and Italian grammar. By Joseph Baretti. Lond. 1760.-P. Barlow, 855, D. The vision of Columbus, a poem. By Joel Barlow. London, 1787.

2009, O. Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Eu-
rope. By Joel Barlow. 2d edit. London, 1792.
3569, O. Several miscellaneous
learnedly and judiciously resolved.

and weighty cases of conscience By Thomas Barlow. London,

Barnes, 805, F. Josua Barnes Euripidis Tragædea, Græcè et Latinè. Can

tabrigiæ, 1694.-P.

919, F. See Tyndall.

Barnwell, 2912, 0. Physical investigations and deductions relative to the caus es, nature and remedies of the diseases of a warm and vitiated atmosphere. By William Barnwell, M. D. Philadelphia, 1802. Gift of the author.

Barre, De la, 361, F. Tertulliani opera. Studio et labore R. L. De la Barre. Parisiis, 1580. Gift of Granville Sharp.

Barrow, 154, and 506, F. The works of Isaac Barrow. Published by archbi shop Tillotson. 5th edit. 3 vols. in two. Lond. 1741, and 1683.-L. 781, F. English works on divinity. By Isaac Barrow, D. D. 5th edit. 2 vols. London, 1741.-P.

531, Q. Archimedis opera, Apollonii Pergæi conicorum libri IV.
Theodosii sphærica. Per Is. Barrow. Londini, 1675.-L.
663, O. The usefulness of mathematical learning, demonstrated; be-
ing mathematical lectures read in the public schools at the university
of Cambridge. By Isaac Barrow. London, 1734.

884, Q. Account of travels into the interior of Southern Africa, in the
years 1797 and 1798. By John Barrow. 2 vols. London, 1801.


Barrow, 1395, Q. Travels in China; containing descriptions and observations, made during a short residence at the imperial palace, and on a journey from Pekin to Canton; with plates. By John Barrow. London, 1804.

2566, O.

Sermons on various subjects, selected from the works of the Rev. Isaac Barrow, D. D. Oxford, 1798.

1410, D. Essay on education; in which are particularly considered the merits and the defects of the discipline and instruction in our academies. By William Barrow, L. L. D. 2 vols. London, 1802. Barruel, 2153, 0. History of the clergy during the French revolution. By the Abbé Barruel. Dedicated to the English nation. London, 1794. 2434, O. Memoirs, illustrating the history of Jacobinism. By the Abbé Barruel. Translated from the French. 3 vols. London, 1798. Barry, 1088, Q. Observations, historical, critical and medical, on the wines of the ancients, and the analogy between them and the modern wines. By Sir Edward Barry. London, 1775.-P.

2309, O. Theological, philosophical and moral essays. By Edward Barry, M. D. London.

3268, O. Inquiry into the real and imaginary obstructions to the acquisition of the arts in England. By James Barry. London, 1775.-P. Barrymore, 2325, O. Review of the life of the Earl of Barrymore. London, 1793. Barthelemi, 615, Q. Maps, plans, views and coins, illustrative of the travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the Christian æra. London, 1791.

1916, 0. Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the Christian æra. By the Abbé Barthelemi. Translated from the French. In seven volumes, and an eighth in quarto, containing maps, plans, views and coins. London, 1791.

-3175, O. The same.-P.

Barthelemy, 2884, O. Travels in Italy, in a series of letters written to count Caylus; with an appendix, containing several pieces never before published. By the Abbé Barthelemy. Translated from the French. London, 1892.

Bartholinus, 1715, O. Thomæ Bartholini anatomia ex omnium veterum recentiorumque observationibus imprimis institutionibus Caspari Bartholini ad circulationem Harvejanam et vasa lymphatica renovata cum iconibus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1673.-L.

1913, O. Thomæ Bartholini Casp. Fil. anatomia, ex Caspari Bartholini parentis institutionibus, omniumque recentiorum & propriis observationibus tertium ad sanguinis circulationem reformata cum iconibus no is accuratissimis. Accessit huic postremæ editioni Th. Bartholini appendix de lacteis, thoracicis & vasis lymphaticis. Hage Comitis, 1660. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris.

Bartlet, 668, D. The gentleman farrier's repository of approved remedies for the diseases of horses. By J. Bartlet. 3d edit. Philadelphia, 1775. Gift of Joseph Cruckshank.

1473, D. The same.

10th edit. London, 1782.-P.

Bartoli, 1256, Q. Vita di Roberto cardinal Bellarmino, arcivescovo di Capua. Dal Padre Daniello Bartoli. Roma, 1678.-P.

649, F. Colonna Trajana eretta dal senato é populo Romano all' imperatore Trajano Augusto, nell suo foro in Roma, scolpita con l'historie

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