Anquetil, 2709, O. Summary of universal history; exhibiting the rise, decline, and revolutions of the different nations of the world, from the creation to the present time. Translated from the French of M. Anquetil 9 vols. London, 1800. Anson, 2757, O. A voyage round the world, in the years 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743 and 1744. By George Anson. Compiled from his papers by Richard Walter, M. A. 15th edit. London, 1780. - 486 and 766, O. See Anson. Anstruther, 2560, 0. Remarks on the drill husbandry, by which the superior advantages of that mode of cultivation are pointed out; also a comparison of it with the most approved methods of broad cast husbandry. By Sir John Anstruther, Bart. London, 1796. Antes, 889, Q. Observations on the manners and customs of the Egyptians, the overflowing of the Nile and its effects; with remarks on the plague, and other subjects. By John Antes, Esq. London, 1800. Anthing, 2739, O. The history of the campaigns of Count Alexander Suworow Rymnikski; with a preliminary sketch of his private life and character. Translated from the German of Frederick Anthing. 2 vols. London, 1799. Antonini, 1144, Q. Dizionario Italiano, Latino, e Francese. Dall' Abbate Annibale. Antonini. Lione, 1770. 2 vols.-P. Antoninus, 1697, O. Marci Antonini imperatoris eorum quæ ad seipsum libri XII. Oxoniæ, 1704.-L. Anvers, D', 355, D. The craftsman. By Caleb D'Anvers, Esquire. 14 vols. London, 1731. Anville, D', 624, F. Complete body of ancient geography. By Mons. D'Anville. London, 1777.-P. - 1959, O. See Young. Apligny, D', 1858, O. See Hellot. Apollonius, 531, Q. See Barrow. Appian, 85, F. Appian's history of the Punic, Syrian, Parthian, Mithridatick, Illyrian, Spanish, and Hannibalick wars, and the civil wars of Rome. London, 1679. - 818, F. The same. 2d edit. London, 1692.-P. Appianus, 1648, O. Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum historiarum pars altera, continens bellorum civilium libros V. Amstelodami, 1670.-L. 1674, O. See Tollius. Apthorp, 1374, 0. Discourses on prophecy. By East Apthorp, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1786. Apulius, 1559, D. Les metamorphoses, ou l'ane d'or d'Apulée, philosophe Platonicien, avec le demon de Socrates, traduit en François avec des remarques. 2 vols. Paris, 1707.-P. Arbiter, 1555, D. See Addison. Arbuthnot, 1049, Q. Tables of ancient coins, weights and measures. By Charles Arbuthnot. London, 1727.-P. Arbuthnot, 90, O. Practical rules of diet, in the various diseases of human bodies. By John Arbuthnot. London, 1732.-P. 810, 0. An essay concerning the nature of aliments, and the choice of them, according to the different constitutions of human bodies; with practical rules of diet in the various diseases. By John Arbuthnot. 4th edit. London, 1756. - 311, D. The miscellaneous works of the late Doctor Arbuthnot. Archenholtz, D', 1148, D. Picture of England; containing a description of the laws, customs and manners of England, translated from the French. By M. D'Archenholz. 2 vols. London, 1789. 1860, D. L'Anglais aux Indes, d'apris orme. Par I. W. Archenholtz. Lausanne, 1794. 3 tomes. Gift of Moreau de St. Mery. 1057, D. See Trapp. Archimedes, 531, Q. See Barrow. 893, D. See Taquet. Argens, D', 3, D. The Jewish spy; being a philosophical, historical and critical correspondence, by letters which lately passed between certain Jews in Turkey, Italy, France, &c. Translated into French from the originals, by the Marquis D'Argens; and now done into English. 5 vols. London, 1766. 134, D. The memoirs of the Marquis D'Argens; being a critical inquiry into the nature of friendship and happiness; and essays on other subjects. 2 vols. London, 1747. 281, D. Chinese letters; being a philosophical, historical, and critical correspondence between a Chinese traveller at Paris, and his countrymen in China, Muscovy, Persia and Japan. Translated from the originals into French, by the Marquis D'Argens, and now done into English. London, 1741. - 380, D. The impartial philosopher; or the philosophy of common sense; containing dissertations upon the uncertainty of human knowledge. Written in French, by the Marquis D'Argens. To which is added, a dissertation upon gravity, &c. by Monsieur Maupertuis. Translated from the French into English. 2 vols. London, 1749. 1669, D. Ocellus Lucanus, en Grec et en François, avec des dissertations sur les principals questions de la metaphysique, de la physique et de la morale des anciens. Par le Marquis D'Argens. Berlin, 1762.-Р. Argenson, D', 1841, O. Essays, civil, moral, literary and political, after the manner of M. De Montaigne, by the Marquis D'Argenson. Translated from the French. London, 1789. 3148, O. The same.-P. Ariosto, 1174, Q. Orlando Furioso of Ariosto, Italian and English. 2 vols.-P. 1600, D. Satires of Ludovico Ariosto. London, 1759.—P. 1163, Q. See Croker. 1102, 1263, and 3146, O. See Hoole. 1619, D. See Tressan. Aristophanes, 923, D. Aristophanis comœdiæ undecim, Græcè et Latine, cum emendationibus Josephi Scaligeri. Lugduni Batavorum, 1624.-L. Aristophanes, 466, F. See Frischlinus. Aristoteles, 728, F. Aristotelis opera Stagiritæ philosophorum omnium longè principis. Græcè et Latinè. 2 vols. Aurele Allobrogum, 1605.-P. 544, Q. Aristotelis de optimo statu reipublica, libri octo. Parisiis, 1556.-L. 1234, Q. Aristotelis de rhetorica seu arte dicendi, libri tres, Gre co-lat. Londini, 1696.-P. 1550, D. Aristotelis de anima, libri tres, Græcè et Latinè. Franckforti, 1621.-P. Aristotle, 1570, D. Aristotle's rhetoric, or the true grounds and principles of oratory. London, 1686-P. 1111, Q. See Ellis. 806, Q. See Gillies. Armachanus, 366, F. Annales veteris testamenti, Jacobo Usserio Armachano digestore. Londini, 1650. Gift of Granville Sharp. Armstrong, 642, O. History of the island of Minorca. By John Armstrong Esq. London, 1751. 3291, O. The same. 2d edit. London, 1756.-P. 1152, D. Art of preserving health; by John Armstrong. With a critical essay on the poem, by J. Aikin. London, 1795. 1815, D. The poetical works of I. Armstrong and Edmund Smith. Edinburgh, 1781.-P. Arnay, D', 266, D. Private life of the Romans. of M. D'Arnay. Edinburgh, 1761. 1536, D. The same. 2 vols.-P. Arndt, 693, O. See Boehm. Translated from the French Arnold, 546, F. Gottfried Arnold's unpartheyishe kirchen und ketzer historien, vom anfang des Neuen Testaments bisz auf das jahr Christi 1688. Drey theil. Schaffhausen, 1740. Gift of Mrs. Reedle. -690, Q. Gottfried Arnold's wahre abbildung der ersten Christen nach ihrem lebendigen glauben und heiligen leben. Sechsten auflage. Leipzig, 1740. Gift of Mrs. Reedle. Arnot, 753, Q. The history of Edinburgh. By Hugo Arnot. London, 1779. Arrianus, 483, F. See Gronovius. Arrian, 800, and 3428, O. See Rooke. -770, Q. See Vincent. Arrowsmith, 570, F. Arrowsmith's chart of the Pacific ocean, drawn from a number of printed and manuscript journals; on ten plates. London, 1798. Arscot, 497, D. Considerations relating to the present state of the Christian religion; wherein the nature, design and truth of it are explained and recommended. By Alexander Arscot. Philadelphia, 1732. Artemonius, 322, O. Initium evangelii S. Joannis apostoli ex antiquitate ecclesiastica restitutum per L. M. Artemonium, A. D. 1726. Gift of Josepn Crellius. Arthur, 3065, 0. Discourses on theological and literary subjects; by the Rev. Archibald Arthur, M. A. With an account of the life and character of the author, by William Richardson. Glasgow, 1803. Arthur, M, 2822, and 3072, 0. Financial and political facts of the eighteenth century; with comparative estimates of the revenue, expenditure, debts, manufactures, and commerce of Great Britain. By John M'Arthur, Esq. 3d edit. London, 1801. Arvieux, D', 317, D. See Abulfeda. Ascham, 1686, D. Confusions and revolutions of governments. By Ant. Ascham. London, 1649.-P. Ash, 1241, O. A new dictionary of the English language; with a compre hensive grammar. By John Ash. 2 vols 2445, 0. The same. 2d edit. London, 1795. London, 1775. - 777, D. Grammatical institutes; or an easy introduction to Doctor London, 1786, Ashley, 524, 0. Cyropædia; or the institution of Cyrus, by Xenophon. Translated from the Greek, by Maurice Ashley. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1728. Lowth's English grammar. By John Ash, L. L. D. Assigny, D', 199, O. The Christian's defence against the fears of death; written in French, by C. Drelincourt, and translated into English, by Marius D'Assigny. London. Astersall, 922, P. Commentarie upon the epistle of St. Paul to Philemon. By William Astersall. London, 1612.-P. Astle, 397, Q. The origin and progress of writing, illustrated by engravings. Also some account of the origin and progress of printing. By Thomas Astle. London, 1784. -1039, Q. The same -P. Athenaus, 489, F. Athenæi Deipnosophistarum, libri XV. Græcè et Latinè, cum Isaaci Casauboni auctionibus et recensionibus. A. D. 1597.-L. Atkinson, 946, F. A picturesque representation of the manners, customs and amusements of the Russians, in a hundred coloured plates. By John Augustus Atkinson, and James Walker. 3 vols. in one. London, 1.803. 343, O. Epitome of the art of navigation; or an easy and methodical way to become a complete navigator; by James Atkinson. Revised and corrected, by William Mountanie. London, 1749. Atterbury, 369, O. Sermons and discourses on several subjects and occasions. By Francis Atterbury, bishop of Rochester. 4th edit. 4 vols. London, 1735. 767, O. Sermons on select subjects. By Lewis Atterbury. With a brief account of the author. By Edward Yardley. 2 vols. London, 1743. 1271, 0. The epistolary correspondence, visitation charges, speeches, and miscellanies of Francis Atterbury; with historical notes. 3 vols. London, 1783. Atwood, 1352, 0. A treatise on the rectilinear motion and rotation of bodies; and a description of original experiments relative to the subject; with plates. By George Atwood, Cambridge, 1784. 1933, O. The natural and civil history of the island of Dominica. By Thomas Atwood. London, 1791. Auberteuil, L', 1511, O. Essais historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Ameri cains. Par M. Williard L'Auberteuil. Brussels, 1781. Avenant, D', 863, R. Gondebert, an heroick poem. By Sir William D'Avenant. London, 1672.-P. Avenant, 1027, O. See Whitworth. Aventinus, 473, F. Joh. Aventini annalium Boiorum libri septem cum notis Nicolai Cisneri. Basileæ, 1615.-L. Aufrere, 2315, 0. Travels through various provinces of the kingdom of Naples, in the year 1789. By Charles Ulysses. Translated from the German, by Anthony Aufrere; with plates. London, 1795. 3183, O. The same.-P. Augustine, 898, F. St. Augustine, of the city of God, with the comments of Aurelianus, 513, Q. Cælius Aurelianus de morbis acutis et chronicis cum notis Joh. Conradi Anman. et Theodori Janss. ab Almeloveen. Amstelædami, 1709.-L. Aurelius, 1838, D. Aurelii Prudentii Clementis V. C. opera. Amsteledami, 1631.-P. Ausonius, 977, D. Ausonii Burdigalensis opera à Josepho Scaligero emendata. Lugduni, 1575.-L. Auteroche, D', 225, Q. A journey into Siberia, in the year 1761; with plates. By M. D'Auteroche. Translated from the French. London, 1770. Ayliffe, 564, F. Parergon juris canonici Anglicani; or, a commentary, by way of supplement to the canons and constitutions of the church of England. By John Ayliffe, L. L. D. 2d edit. London, 1734. -3390, O. Ancient and present state of the university of Oxford, with an appendix and index. By John Ayliffe. 2 vols. London, 1714.-P. Ayrr, 16, D. Memoirs of the life and writings of Alexander Pope. By William Ayrr, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1745. Ayscough, 768, Q. A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the British museum, hitherto undescribed. By Samuel Ayscough. 2 vols. London, 1782. 1394, O. General index to the monthly review, from its commencement, to the end of the seventieth volume. By Samuel Ayscough. 3 vols. London, 1786. B. BABINGTON, 893, Q. A new system of mineralogy, in the form of a catalogue, after the manner of Baron Born's systematic catalogue. By William Babington, M. D. London, 1799. Bacci, 1270, Q. Andrea Bacci, medico et filosofo, libri tre del Tevere. Venetia, 1576.-P. Bache, 524, F. The general advertiser, and political, commercial, agricultural and literary journal. From October 1, 1790, to 1805. By Benjamin Franklin Bache and William Duane. 16 vols. Philadelphia. Bachmair, 1066, 0. A complete German grammar. By John James Bachmair. Philadelphia, 1772. Gift of Henry Miller. Backus, 1493, and 1752, O. History of New England, from the year 1690, to 1784. By Isaac Backus. 2 vols. of the former, and one of the latter number. No. 1493, the gift of the author. |