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" Say, happy souls ! divine Musaeus ! say, Where lives Anchises, and where lies our way To find the hero, for whose only sake We sought the dark abodes, and cross'd the bitter lake." To this the sacred poet thus replied : " In no fix'd place the happy souls... "
The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper;: Pope's Homer's ... - Page 402
edited by - 1810
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The Works of Virgil, Volume 2

Virgil - Agriculture - 1803 - 408 pages
...the dark abodes, and cross'd the bitter lake?" To this the sacred poet thus reply'd: "'In. no fix'd place the happy souls reside. In groves we live, and lie on mossy beds, 9J4By crystal streams, that murmur through the meads: But pass yon easy hill, and thence descend; The...
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The Works of Virgil, Volume 2

Virgil - Aeneas (Legendary character) - 1806 - 414 pages
...reply'd : " In no fix'd place the happy souls reside. In groves we live, and lie on mossy beds, Q 14 By crystal streams, that murmur through the meads...This said, he led them up the mountain's brow, And shews them all the shining fields below. Q19 Theywindthehill,and through the blissful meadows go. But...
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The works of Virgil, tr. into Engl. verse by mr. Dryden. Carey, Volume 3

Publius Vergilius Maro - 1806 - 328 pages
...the dark abodes, and cross'd the bitter lake?" To this the sacred poet thus reply'd : " In no fix'd place the happy souls reside. In groves we live, and lie on mossy beds, 91-t By crystal streams, that murmur through the meads: But pass yon easy hill, and thence descend...
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The poets of Great Britain complete from Chaucer to Churchill, Volume 24

John Bell - 1807 - 376 pages
...we live, and lie on mossy heds, 914 ' By crystal streams, that murmur tbro' the meads: ' But Iui-is yon easy hill, and thence descend, ' The path conducts you to your journey's end.' This said/—-he led them up the mountain's brow,} And shews them all the shining fields helow; [go.> They...
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The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes ..., Volume 14

John Dryden - English literature - 1808 - 482 pages
...dark abodes, and crossed the bitter lake?" To this the sacred poet thus replied : — " In no fixed place the happy souls reside. In groves we live, and...This said, he led them up the mountain's brow, And shews them all the shining fields below. They wind the hill, and through the blissful mea-j dows go....
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The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected ...

John Dryden, Walter Scott - English literature - 1808 - 484 pages
...dark abodes, and crossed the bitter lake?" To this the sacred poet thus replied : — " In no fixed place the happy souls reside. In groves we live, and...and thence descend ; The path conducts you to your journey s end." . This said, he led them up the mountain's brow, And shews them all the shining fields...
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The Works of John Dryden Now First Collected ...

John Dryden - 1808 - 504 pages
...path conducts you to your journey's end." This said, he led them up the mountain's brow, And shews them all the shining fields below. They wind the hill, and through the blissful mea-( dows go. But old Anchises, in a flowery vale, Reviewed his mustered race, and took the tale —...
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An English Grammar: Comprehending the Principles and Rules of the ..., Volume 2

Lindley Murray - English language - 1808 - 542 pages
...friends. Chronology is the science of computing and adjusting the periods of time. In groves we lire, and lie on mossy beds, By crystal streams, that murmur through the meads. It is a secret cowardice which induces us to compliment the vices of our superiors, to applaud the...
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Key to the Exercises Adapted to Murray's English Grammar: Calculated to ...

Lindley Murray - English language - 1814 - 190 pages
...a dereliction of friends. Chronology is the science of computing and adjusting the periods of time. In groves we live, and lie on mossy beds, By crystal streams, that murmur through the meads. It is a secret cowardice which induces us to compliment the vices of our superiors, to applaud the...
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The Works of Virgil, Translated Into English Verse, by John Dryden ..., Volume 2

Virgil - 1819 - 404 pages
...the dark abodes, and cross'd the bitter lake?" To this the sacred poet thus reply'd : " In no fix'd place the happy souls reside. In groves we live, and...This said, he led them up the mountain's brow, {And shews them all the shining fields below. They wind the hill, and through the blissful meadows go. But...
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