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awań anujań rájiniń tassa Mittawhayamádási so.
n, Siriwallabhanámancha janési tanayó tayó.
›no mahatápariháréna, pádási dharṇipati.
5kanáthawhayań Kittisirimeghassadásí só.
-iwallabhassádá Sugalawhań kumárikań.
aké mahésibandhawé rájaputté, Sihapurágaté,
pádási pachchékań wuttiń só anurúpakań.
ń árádhayanta satatań niwassińsu yathá ruchiń.
ń adá Wikkamabáhussa nijawańsaṭṭhitatthikó,
habhógéna pádási tadá bandhu hitérato.

ógasamappitó só, dayáparóṇáti janánamattha samáchareníté pathánurúpań,

ańsé "Sangahakaraṇó” náma Ekúnasaṭṭhitimó parichchhédo.

anding the respect of men, and of controling ined also to sway the regal power, by reducing foreign enemies, under the dominion of one I all prosperity."

laughter, who was the pride of his race, on the ly sued for her; and sending for a prince of the ready connected with his own, married him to his e gave birth to three sons, Mánábarano, Kitsiriler also wedded, in great pomp, Subhaddá to 1. He bestowed Ratnáwali on Mánábharano, and is remaining daughters, he bestowed the one cess Sugalá,* on Siriwallabho.

oyal princes, the relations of queen Tilókasundarí, whose names were Madhukannawo, Bhímarája, and having received them, and become favorably hem severally stations worthy of them. All these nt of royal favor, and entirely possessed of the vhere they pleased. Bent on the preservation of on (his son) Wikkamabáhu Sundiri the younger to the interests of his house, he subsequently áhu the amiable princess Líláwati, with a (suit

e utmost perfection with all regal prosperity, and on, seeking the advancement of his own con›n principles conducive to their aggrandizement.

háwanso, entitled, "the patronage (of relations,”) 1 affliction of righteous men.

aughter is here called a daughter.

A synopsis of the Roman characters used to represent the Singhalese-Páli letters, in this publication; taken almost exclusively from the scheme recently published in Bengal.

As the Páli Alphabet is nearly identical with the Déwanágari, it cannot be necessary to define the sounds of the letters composing it.

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Namó Tassa, Bhagavató, Araható, Sammá, Sambuddhassa!

Namassitwána Sambuddhań, susuddhań, suddhawańsajań; MAHAWANSAN pawakkhámi, nánunánádhikárikań.

Póráņéhi katópésó, atiwitthárító kwachi, atźwakwachi sańkhittó, anéka punaruttakó ;

Wajjitań téhi dóséhi, sukhaggahanadharanań, pasádasańwégakarań, sutitócha upagatań,

Pasádajanaké tháné, tatha sańwégakáraké, janayantań pasádancha, sanwégancha, sunátha tań.

Dipankarańhi sambuddhań passitwá nó Jinó purá, lókan dukkhá pamóchétuń, bódháya panidhiń aká.

Tato tanchéwa sambuddhań Kondannam, Mangalammuniń, Sumanań, Réwatambuddhań, Sóbhitancha mahámuniń, Anómadassińsambuddham, Paduman, Náradań jinań, Padumuttarasambuddhań, Sumédancha tath ágatań,

Sujatam-Piyadassincha, Attahadassincha náyakań, Dhammadassincha, Siddhatthań, Tissań, Phussajinan tatha,


ADORATION to him, who is the deified, the sanctified, the omniscient, supreme BUDDHO !

Having bowed down to the supreme BUDDHо, immaculate in purity, illustrious in descent; without suppression or exaggeration, I celebrate the MAHAWANSO.

That which was composed by the ancient (historians) is in some respects too concise, in others, too diffuse, abounding also in the defects of tauto. logy. Attend ye to this (Mahawanso) which, avoiding these imperfections, addresses itself to the hearer (in a strain) readily comprehended, easily remembered, and inspiring sentiments both of pleasure and of pain; giving rise to either pleasing or painful emotion, according as each inci dent may be agreeable or afflicting.

Our vanquisher (of the five deadly sins) having, in a former existence, seen the supreme Buddho DIPANKARO, formed the resolution to attain buddhohood; in order that he might redeem the world from the miseries (of sin.)

Subsequently, as in the case of that supreme Buddho, so unto KONDANNo, the sage MANGOLO, SUMANO, the Buddho REVATO, and the eminent sage SOBHITO, the suprenie Buddho ANOMADASSI, PADUMO, NARADO the vanquisher, the supreme Buddho PADUMUTTARO, and SUMEDO the deity of felicitous mission, SUJATO and PIADASSI, the supreme ATTHADASSI, DHAM


Wipassin Sikhisambuddhań, sambuddhan Wessabhúwibhuń,

Kakusandhancha sambuddhań, Konagamanaméwacha, Kassapan sugatanchémé sambuddhé chatuwisatí, árádhetwá Mahawíró, téhi bódháya wyákató.

Púretwá párami sabbá, patwa sambódhimuttamań, uttamó GoTAMO BUDDHO satte dukkha pamóchayé,

Magadhés Uruwelayań bódhimulé, Mahamuni, wisákhapunnamayan, só pattó sambódhimuttaman.

Satta hani tahin satta, só wimuttisukhań parań windantam madhurattancha dassayantó, wasi wasi.

Tató Báráṇasin gantwá, dhammachakkappawattayi ; tatha wassań wasantówa, satthin arahatań aká.

Te, dhamman désanatthaya, wissajjetwána bhikkhawó, winetwácha tató tinsa saháyé Bhaddawaggiyé.

Sahassa Jatilé Náthó winétuń Kassapádiké, hémanté Uruweláyań wasité paripáckayań.

Uruwelakassupassa mahayanné upatthité, tassattano nágamané ichchháchárań wijániya,

Uttarakurutó bhikkhań áharitwárimaddanó, Anótattadahé bhutwá, sayanhasamayé, sayań,

Pódhitó nawamé másé, phussapuṛṇamiyań, Jinó, Lańkádípań wisódhetuń, Lańkádipamupágamí.

MADASSI, SIDDHATTHO, TISSO, and, in like manner, the vanquisher PHUSSO, WIPASSI, the Supreme Buddho SIKнI, the supreme Buddho WESSA BHUWIBHU, the supreme Buddho KAKUSANDHO, in like manner KONAGAMO, and KASSAPO of felicitous advent; unto all these twenty four supreme Buddhos likewise (in their respective existences), the indefatigable struggler having vouchsafed to supplicate, by them also his admission into buddhohood was foretold.

The supreme GOTAMO BUDDHO (thus in due order) fulfilled all the probationary courses, and attained the supreme omniscient buddhohood; that he might redeem mankind from the miseries (of sin.)

At the foot of the bo tree, at Uruwelaya, in the kingdom of Magadha, on the day of the full moon of the month of wisakho, this great divine sage achieved the supreme all-perfect buddhohood. This (divine) sojourner, displaying the supreme beatitude derived by the final emancipation (from human afflictions) tarried in that neighbourhood for seven times seven days.

Proceeding from thence to Baranessi, he proclaimed the sovereign supremacy of his faith; and while yet sojourning there during the "wasso" he procured for sixty (converts) the sanctification of "arahat." Dispersing abroad these disciples for the purpose of promulgating his doctrines; and, thereafter, having himself converted thirty (princes) of the inseparably-allied tribe of Bhadda; the saviour, with the view to converting Kassapo and his thousand Jatilians, took up his abode at Uruwelaya, during the "hemanto," devoting himself to their instruction. When the period had arrived for celebrating a religious festival (in honor) of the said Kassapo of Uruwelaya, perceiving that his absence from it was wished for, the vanquisher, victorious over death, taking with him his repast from Uttarakuru, and having partaken thereof at the lake of Anotattho (before mid-day) on that very afternoon, being the ninth month of his buddhohood, at the full moon of the constellation pusso, unattended, visited Lanka, for the purpose of sanctifying Lanka.

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