Style and Action.— Action not yet an Art.-In Rhetoric, Action preferred to Style, and Style to Thought. Causes of these Errors. The perfection of Style, where- in it consists. Euripides one of its best models. — Ordi- nary and appropriate Terms. - Plain and Primitive Ones. - Well chosen Metaphors. The frigid and nauseous Style. Causes thereof. Purity of Style, wherein it consists. Amplification and Compression.-Impassioned Oratory. Harmony, how to be attained. Style linked or periodic. Antithesis. Urbanity and Elegance, how attained. Energy and Animation. - Compositions to be read and to be rehearsed or spoken. — Their dif- ferences. The parts essential in Demonstrative Oratory In the Judicial - In the Deliberative. · Narrative, how rendered Moral And Pathetic. The Proof in Judicial Pleadings. The sources of Amplification in Eulogy. The respective Occasions for employing Ex- amples and Arguments. How the Order of Argumenta- Aristotle's Rhetoric, a model for philosophical treatises on the Arts Compared with other works on that subject. -Longinus on the Sublime - His character and merits - How explained by modern Philosophers.- Fine writ- ing, according to Aristotle According to Longinus and his followers. Mr. Knight's Source of the Sublime Page ERRATA. 5. line 2. from bottom, read "either” and “its.” 23. line 2. in note, read "princeps tenebrarum," and line 3. read "Geryon et bestia." 55. line 4. for "proposition," read " propositions." 91. line 8. from the bottom, for " belongs" read "belong." 135. in note, line 4. for "exists" read "exist.” 189. in note, read " τῳ μειζονος ποιητικῳ ειναι. 192. line 7. from bottom, insert "to." 256. line 17. from bottom, dele the comma, and for "that" read " than." 391. middle, for "discoure" read "discourse.” 401. after the note, insert, "Vid. Poetic, cap. xxii, edit. Buhle." Upper Seymour Street, NEW EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING WORKS BY DR. GILLIES, HAVE BEEN LATELY PUBLISHED BY T. CADELL, STRAND, LONDON. ARISTOTLE'S ETHICS AND POLITICS; comprising his Practical Philosophy. Translated from the Greek. IIlustrated by Introductions and Notes; the Critical History of his Life, and a New Analysis of his Speculative Works. To which is added a Supplement, containing an Account of the Interpreters and Corrupters of Aristotle's Philosophy, in Connection with the History of the Times in which they respectively flourished. The Third Edition. 2 Vols. 8vo. Price 1. 1s. in Boards. THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT GREECE, its Colonies and Conquests. Part II. Embracing the History of the Ancient World, from the Dominion of Alexander to that of Augustus; with a preliminary Survey of preceding Periods. New Edition. 4 Vols. 8vo. Price 21. 2s. in Boards. THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT GREECE, its Colonies and Conquests. Part I. From the earliest Accounts to the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East. Including the History of Literature, Philosophy, and the Fine Arts. Sixth Edition. 4 Vols. 8vo. Price 17. 16s. in Boards. INTRODUCTION ΤΟ ARISTOTLE'S RHETORIC. CHAP. I. Motives to this Work.-Growing degeneracy of Literature. -State of public Criticism.-Aristotle's Rhetoric.Its importance as a work of taste, criticism, and history. -Analysis thereof. Its connection with his other writings.― General diffusion of these writings.-History of their reception in Asia and in Europe. - Fanciful appendages joined to them.—Corrupted by the Popish Scholastics.-Mistaken and vilified by the first Reformers. - Subsequent objections made to them. These objections answered.-The difficulties of the Greek text obviated.Aristotle's consistency and accuracy vindicated. I. ABOVE thirty years ago, being in company with CHAP. men of learning and knowledge of the world, decided enemies to what has been called the Occasion new or French philosophy, they regretted that Work. of this works well calculated to counteract this speculative folly, which had then begun to mount into madness,' should not be brought before the public in a shape less repulsive than that in which 1 Insanientis sapientiæ. B CHAP. they had hitherto appeared. They alluded to I. the ethics and politics of Aristotle, of which we had been speaking, and of which Locke, in his letter to King, says, "to proceed orderly in politics, the foundation should be laid in inquiring into the nature and ground of civil society, and how it is formed into different models of government, and what are the several species of it. Aristotle is allowed to be a master of this science." All present pronounced the encomium to be just, but all doubted the possibility of rendering the Greek works in question, popular, or even readable in English: I was inclined, however, to make the experiment, and for a reason that appeared to myself of considerable weight. At a time when so many random opinions were afloat, originating in transient but headstrong passions, there would be much propriety, at least, in interposing the sentiments of a great master of reason, widely remote both in time and place, from the concerns and the feelings of the present day. The remark made an impression; and I was encouraged to undertake an useful and arduous, rather than a very promising task. I began with the "Politics," but delayed printing my translation of it, till I had finished that of the ethics; because, in Aristotle, the two subjects are inseparably connected, and treated simultaneously as integral parts of one and the same work. In this delay, I was sensible of sacrificing a certain portion of popularity; but |