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" O mortals, blind in fate, who never know To bear high fortune, or endure the low! The time shall come, when Turnus, but in vain, Shall wish untouch'd the trophies of the slain; Shall wish the fatal belt were far away, And curse the dire remembrance of... "
The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper - Page 436
edited by - 1810
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The Art of English Poetry Containing: Rules for making verses. A collection ...

Edward Bysshe - English language - 1710 - 624 pages
...Shooes and Fortunes fure are much ally'd, We limp in ftrait, and ftumble in the wide. Staff. Hor. O Mortals ! blind in Fate, who never know To, bear high Fortune, or endure the low ! Dryif. Pleafure has besa the Bus?nefs of my Life, And every Change of Fortune eafy to me, Becaufe...
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Poetical Miscellanies: Consisting of Original Poems and Translations

English poetry - 1714 - 528 pages
...Ind. QJJ. --- — — . But brave Minds At word can dare their Fate. - - Dryd. D. Seb. O Man, ftill blind in Fate, who never know To bear high Fortune, or endure the low ! Laud. Virg. , Inexorable Fate is deaf to Pray'r. Dryd. D. Seb.. Fate, and the dooming Gods, are deaf...
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The Works of Virgil:: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and Aeneis, Volume 3

Virgil - 1721 - 408 pages
...'Etsrytioris artful Hands had made: Where fifty fetal Brides, exprefs'd to fight, All, in the compafs of one mournful Night, Depriv'd their Bridegrooms of returning Light. In an ill Hour infulting Tarnus tore Thofc Golden Spoils, and in a worfe ke wore. O Mortals! blind in Fate, who never...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical ..., Volumes 17-19

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 1130 pages
...returning light. 695 J In an ill hour infulting Turnus tore Thofe golden fpoils, and in a worfe he wore. O mortals ! blind in fate, who never know To bear high fortune, or endure the low ! The time fhall come, when Turnus, but in vain, 700 Shail wifh untouch'd the trophies of the (lain : Shall vvifli...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 23

English poets - 1790 - 374 pages
...returning light. 695 In an ill hour infulting Turnus tore Thofe golden fpoils, and in a worfe he wore. O mortals ! blind in fate, who never know To bear high fortune, or endure the low ! The time fhall come, when Tumus, but in vain, 700 Shall wifh untouch'd the trophies of the flain : Shall wifh...
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The Works of Virgil, Volume 3

Virgil - Agriculture - 1803 - 352 pages inlaid -«• The belt Eurytion's artful hands had made, Where fifty fatal brides, express'd to sight, All, in the compass of one mournful night, Depriv'd their bridegrooms of returning light. 695 In an ill hour insulting Turnus tore Those golden spoils, and in a worse he wore. O mortals ! blind...
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The works of Virgil, tr. into Engl. verse by mr. Dryden. Carey, Volume 4

Publius Vergilius Maro - 1806 - 312 pages
...with gold inlaid — The belt Eurytion's artful hands had made, Where fifty fatal brides, express'd to sight, All in the compass of one mournful night, Depriv'd their bridegrooms of returning light. 695 In an ill hour insulting Turnus tore Those golden spoils, and in a worse he wore. O mortals! blind...
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The poets of Great Britain complete from Chaucer to Churchill, Volume 24

John Bell - 1807 - 376 pages
...inlaid; The helt Eurytion's artful hands had made ; Where fifty fetal brides, express'd to sight, /Ml, in the compass of one mournful night, Depriv'd their...returning light. In an ill hour insulting Turnus tore li06 Those golden spoils, and in a worse he wore. 'i mortals! blind of fate, who never know To hear...
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The new encyclopędia; or, Universal dictionary of arts and sciences

Encyclopaedia Perthensis - 1807 - 794 pages
...Elevated in rank or condition : as, high prieft. He wooes both high and low, both rich and poor. Shah O mortals ! blind in fate, who never know To bear high fortune, or endure the low. Drjd. 5. Exalted in fentiment. — Solomon liv'd at cafe, nor aim'd beyond Higher defign than to enjoy...
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The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets, Volume 11, Parts 3-4

Greek literature - 1813 - 430 pages
...returning light. J In an ill hour insulting Turuns tore Those golden spoils, and in a worse he wore. O mortals! blind in fate, who never know To bear high fortune, or endure the low ! Tin' time shall come, when Turuns, but in vain, Shall wish untonch'd the trophies of the slain —...
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