The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper, Volume 19Alexander Chalmers J. Johnson, 1810 - English poetry |
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Page 14
... sacred fane , Or fed the flames with fat of oxen slain ; God of the silver bow ! thy shafts employ , Avenge thy servant , and the Greeks destroy . " [ tends , Thus Chryses pray'd : the favouring power at- And from Olympus ' lofty tops ...
... sacred fane , Or fed the flames with fat of oxen slain ; God of the silver bow ! thy shafts employ , Avenge thy servant , and the Greeks destroy . " [ tends , Thus Chryses pray'd : the favouring power at- And from Olympus ' lofty tops ...
Page 16
... sacred rites engag'd , Atrides still with deep resentment rag'd . To wait his will , two sacred heralds stood , Talthybius and Eurybates the good . " Haste to the fierce Achiles ' tent , " he cries , " Thence bear Briseis as our royal ...
... sacred rites engag'd , Atrides still with deep resentment rag'd . To wait his will , two sacred heralds stood , Talthybius and Eurybates the good . " Haste to the fierce Achiles ' tent , " he cries , " Thence bear Briseis as our royal ...
Page 17
... sacred to Apollo's name , ( Action's realm ) our conquering army came , With treasure loaded and triumphant spoils , Whose just division crown'd the soldier's toils ; But bright Chryseïs , heavenly prize ! was led , By vote selected ...
... sacred to Apollo's name , ( Action's realm ) our conquering army came , With treasure loaded and triumphant spoils , Whose just division crown'd the soldier's toils ; But bright Chryseïs , heavenly prize ! was led , By vote selected ...
Page 18
... sacred councils of his breast conceal'd . Not so repuls'd , the goddess closer prest , Still grasp'd his knees , and urg`d the de ar request : " O sire of gods and men ! thy suppliant hear ; Refuse , or grant ; for what has Jove to fear ...
... sacred councils of his breast conceal'd . Not so repuls'd , the goddess closer prest , Still grasp'd his knees , and urg`d the de ar request : " O sire of gods and men ! thy suppliant hear ; Refuse , or grant ; for what has Jove to fear ...
Page 23
... sacred offering of the salted cake . When thus the king prefers his solemn prayer : " Oa thou ! whose thunder rends the clouded air , Who in the Heaven of Heavens has fix'd thy throne , Supreme of gods ! unbounded and alone ! Hear ! and ...
... sacred offering of the salted cake . When thus the king prefers his solemn prayer : " Oa thou ! whose thunder rends the clouded air , Who in the Heaven of Heavens has fix'd thy throne , Supreme of gods ! unbounded and alone ! Hear ! and ...
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Common terms and phrases
Achilles Æneas Ajax Alcinous Anchises arms Atrides band bear behold beneath blood bold brave breast breath chariot chief command coursers cries crown'd dart dead death descends dire divine dreadful Earth Euryclea Eurymachus Ev'n eyes fair falchion fame fate father fear feast field fierce fight fire fix'd flames flies flood force fury glory goddess gods grace Grecian Greece Greeks ground hand haste heart Heaven Hector hero honours host Idomeneus Iliad Ilion javelin Jove king labours lance land Latian Lycian maid mighty Mnestheus mortal Neptune night numbers o'er Pallas Patroclus Peleus plain poet Priam prince proud queen race rage rising roll'd sacred shade shield shining ships shore sire skies slain soul spear spoke stand steeds stood Swift sword tears Telemachus thee thou thunder toils train trembling Trojan troops Troy Turnus Ulysses Virgil walls warrior winds woes wound wretched youth
Popular passages
Page 388 - Let him for succour sue from place to place, Torn from his subjects, and his son's embrace. First let him see his friends in battle slain, And their untimely fate lament in vain: And when at length the cruel war shall cease, On hard conditions may he buy his peace: Nor let him then enjoy supreme command ; But fall, untimely, by some hostile hand, And lie unburied on the barren sand!
Page 369 - O goddess-born ! escape by timely flight, The flames and horrors of this fatal night. The foes already have possess'd the wall : Troy nods from high, and totters to her fall. Enough is paid to Priam's royal name, More than enough to duty and to fame. If by a mortal hand my father's throne Could be defended, 'twas by mine alone, Now Troy to thee commends her future state, And gives her gods companions of thy fate : From their assistance happier walls expect, Which, wand'ring long, at last thou shalt...
Page 248 - Jove fix'd it certain, that whatever day Makes man a slave takes half his worth away.
Page 52 - Like leaves on trees the race of man is found, Now green in youth, now withering on the ground...
Page 86 - Could all our care elude the gloomy grave, Which claims no less the fearful than the brave, For lust of fame I should not vainly dare In fighting fields, nor urge thy soul to war. But since, alas ! ignoble age must come, Disease, and death's inexorable doom, The life, which others pay, let us bestow, And give to fame what we to nature owe ; Brave though we fall, and honour'd if we live, Or let us glory gain, or glory give!
Page 315 - The fiery courser, when he hears from far The sprightly trumpets, and the shouts of war, Pricks up his ears ; and, trembling with delight, Shifts place, and paws, and hopes the promised fight.
Page 402 - Obscure in shades, and with a doubtful view, (Doubtful as he who sees, through dusky night, Or thinks he sees the moon's uncertain light) With tears he first approach'd the sullen shade ; And as his love inspir'd him, thus he said : " Unhappy queen ! then is the common breath Of rumour true, in your reported death, And I. alas ! the cause ? — By heaven, I vow, And all the powers that rule the realms below, Unwilling I forsook your friendly state.
Page 450 - She said, and, sailing on the winged wind, Left the sad nymph suspended in her mind. And now in pomp the peaceful kings appear : Four steeds the chariot of Latinus bear; Twelve golden beams around his temples play, To mark his lineage from the God of Day. Two snowy coursers Turnus...
Page 369 - Who thought us Grecians newly come to land. 'From whence,' said he, 'my friends, this long delay? You loiter, while the spoils are borne away: Our ships are laden with the Trojan store; And you, like truants, come too late ashore.
Page 436 - O mortals, blind in fate, who never know To bear high fortune, or endure the low! The time shall come, when Turnus, but in vain, Shall wish untouch'd the trophies of the slain; Shall wish the fatal belt were far away, And curse the dire remembrance of the day. The sad Arcadians, from th...