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"Now, valiant Lycomede! exert your might,
And, brave Oileus, prove your force in fight?
To you I trust the fortune of the field,
Till by this arin the foe shall be repell'd;
That done, expect me to complete the day❞—
Then, with his seven-fold shield, he strode away.
With equal steps bold Teucer press'd the shore,
Whose fatal bow the strong Pandion bore.

High on the walls appear'd the Lycian powers, Like some black tempest gathering round the towers;

The Greeks, oppress'd, their utmost force unite,
Prepar'd to labour in th' unequal fight;

The war renews, mix'd shouts and groans arise; Tumultuous clamour mounts, and thickens in the skies.

Fierce Ajax first th' advancing host invades,
And sends the brave Epicles to the shades,
Sarpedon's friend; across the warrior's way,
Rent from the walls, a rocky fragment lay;
In modern ages not the strongest swain

Could heave th' unwieldy burthen from the plain.
He pois'd, and swung it round; then, toss'd on high,
It flew with force, and labour'd up the sky;
Full on the Lycian's helmet thundering down,
The ponderous ruin crush'd his batter'd crown.
As skilful divers from some airy steep,
Headlong descend, and shoot into the deep,
So falls Epicles; then in groans expires,
And murmuring to the shades the soul retires.
While to the ramparts daring Glaucus drew,
From Tencer's hand a winged arrow flow;
The bearded shaft the destin'd passage found,
And on his naked arm inflicts a wound.
The chief, who fear'd some foe's insulting boast
Might stop the progress of his warlike host,
Conceal'd the wound, and, leaping from his height,
Retir'd reluctant from th' unfinish'd fight.
Divine Sarpedon with regret beheld
Disabled Glaucus slowly quit the field;
His beating breast with generous ardour glows,
He springs to fight, and flies upon the foes.
Alemaon first was doom'd his force to feel;
Deep in his breast he plung'd the pointed steel;
Then, from the yawning wound with fury tore
The spear, pursued by gushing streams of gore;
Down sinks the warrior with a thundering sound,
His brazen armour rings against the ground.
Swift to the battlement the victor flies,
Tugs with full force, and every nerve applies;
It shakes; the ponderous stones disjointed yield;
The rolling ruins smoke along the field.
A mighty breach appears, the walls lie bare;
And, like a deluge, rushes in the war.

At once bold Teucer draws the twanging bow,
And Ajax sends h's javelin at the foe:
Fix'd in his belt the feather'd weapon stood,
And thro' his buckler drove the trembling wood;
But Jove was present in the dire debate,
To shield his offspring, and avert his fate.
The prince gave back, not meditating flight,
But urging vengeance, and severer fight;
Then, rais'd with hope, and fir'd with glory's charms,
His fainting squadrons to new fury warms:
"O where, ye Lycians! is the strength you boast?
Your former fame and ancient virtue lost!

The breach lies open, but your chief in vain Attempts alone the guarded pass to gain; Unite, and soon that hostile fleet shall fall; The force of powerful union conquers all."

This just rebuke inflam'd the Lycian crew, They join, they thicken, and th' assault renew: Unmov'd th' embodied Greeks their fury dare, And, fix'd, support the weight of all the war; Nor could the Greeks repel the Lycian powers, Nor the bold Lycians force the Grecian towers. As, on the confines of adjoining grounds, Two stubborn swains with blows dispute their bounds;

They tug, they sweat; but neither gain or yield,
One foot, one inch, of the contended field:
Thus obstinate to death they fight, they fall;
Nor these can keep, nor those can win, the wall.
Their manly breasts are pierc'd with many a wound,
Loud strokes are heard, and rattling arms resound,
The copious slaughter covers all the shore,
And the high ramparts drop with human gore.

As when two scales are charg'd with doubtful loads,

From side to side the trembling balance nods,
(While some laborious matron, just and poor,
With nice exactness weighs her woolly store)
Till, pois'd aloft, the resting beam suspends
Each equal weight, nor this, nor that, descends:
So stood the war, till Hector's matchless might,
With fates prevailing, turn'd the scale of fight.
Fierce as a whirlwind up the walls he flies,
And fires his host with loud repeated cries:
"Advance, ye 'Trojans! lend your valiant hands,
Haste to the fleet, and toss the blazing brands!"
They hear, they run; and, gathering at his call,
Raise scaling-engines, and ascend the wall:
Around the works a wood of glittering spears
Shoots up, and all the rising host appears.
A ponderous stone bold Hector heav'd to throw,
Pointed above, and rough and gross below:
Not two strong men th' enormous weight could raise,
Such men as live in these degenerate days;
Yet this, as easy as a swain could bear
The snowy fleece, he toss'd. and shook in air:
For Jove upheld, and lighten'd of its load
Th' unwieldy rock, the labour of a god.
Thus arm'd, before the folded gates he came,
Of massy substance, and stupendous frame;
With iron bars and brazen hinges strong,
On lofty beams of solid timber hung.
Then, thundering through the planks with forceful


Drives the sharp rock; the solid beams give way,
The folds are shatter'd; from the crackling door
Leap the resounding bars, the flying hinges roar.
Now rushing in, the furious chief appears,
Gloomy as night! and shakes two shining spears:
A dreadful gleam from his bright armour came,
And from his eye-balls fash'd the living flame.
He moves a god, resistless in his course,
And seems a match for more than mortal force.
Then pouring after, through the gaping space,
A tide of Trojans flows, and fills the place,
The Greeks behold, they tremble, and they fly;
The shore is heap'd with death, and tumult rends
the sky.




There, from the crystal chambers of the main
Emerg'd, he sate; and mourn'd his Argives slain.
At Jove incens'd, with grief and fury stung,
Prone down the rocky steep he rush'd along;
Fierce as he past, the lofty mountains nod,
The forest shakes! Earth trembled as he trod,
And felt the footsteps of th' immortal god.
From realm to realm three ample strides he took,
And, at the fourth, the distant gæ shook.
Far in the bay his shining palace stands,
Eternal frame! not rais'd by mortal hands:
This having reach'd, his brass-hoof'd steeds he

NEPTUNE, concerned for the loss of the Grecians,
upon seeing the fortification forced by Hector
(who had entered the gate near the station of the
Ajaxes) assumes the shape of Calchas, and in-
spires those heroes to oppose him: then, in the
form of one of the generals, encourages the other
Greeks, who had retired to their vessels. The
Ajaxes form their troops in a close phalanx, and
put a stop to Hector and the Trojans. Several
deeds of valour are performed; Meriones, losing
his spear in the encounter, repairs to seek an-
other at the tent of Idomeneus; this occasions
a conversation between those two warriors, who
return together to the battle. Idomeneus signa-
lizes his courage above the rest; he kills Othryo-
neus, Asius, and Alcathous: Deïphobus and
Eneas march against him, and at length Ido-There the great ruler of the azure round
meneus retires. Menelaus wounds Helenus, and
kills Pisander. The Trojans are repulsed in the
left wing; Hector still keeps his ground against
the Ajaxes, till, being galled by the Locrian
slingers and archers, Polydamas advises to call
a council of war: Hector approves his advice,
but goes first to rally the Trojans; upbraids
Paris, rejoins Polydamas, meets Ajax again,
and renews the attack.

Fleet as the winds, and deck'd with golden manes.
Refulgent arms his mighty limbs enfold,
Immortal arms of adamant and gold.
He mounts the car, the golden scourge applies,
He sits superior, and the chariot flies:
His whirling wheels the glassy surface sweep;
Th' enormous monsters, rolling o'er the deep,
Gambol around him on the watery way;
And heavy whales in awkward measures play:
The sea subsiding spreads a level plain,
Exults, and owns the monarch of the main ;
The parting waves before his coursers tly:
The wondering waters leave his axle dry.

The eighth and twentieth day still continues. The
scene is between the Grecian wall and the sea-

WHEN now the thunderer on the sca-beat coast
Had fix'd great Hector and his conquering host;
He left them to the fates, in bloody fray,
To toil and struggle through the well-fought day;
'Then turn'd to Thracia from the field of fight
Those eyes that shed insufferable light:
To where the Mysians prove their martial force,
And hardy Thracians tame the savage horse;
And where the far-fam'd Hippemolgian strays,
Renown'd for justice and for length of days;
Thrice happy race! that, innocent of blood,
From milk, innoxious, seek their simple food:
Jove sees delighted; and avoids the scene
Of guilty Troy, of arms, and dying men:
No aid, he deems, to either host is given,
While his high law suspends the powers of Heaven.
Mean-time the monarch' of the watery main
Observ'd the thunderer, nor observ'd in vain.
In Samothracia, on a mountain's brow,
Whose waving woods o'erhung the deeps below,
He sate; and round him cast his azure eyes,
Where Ida's misty tops confus'dly rise;

Below, fair Ilion's glittering spires were seen,
The crowded ships, and sable seas between.


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Deep in the liquid regions lies a cave;
Between where Tenedos the surges lave,
And rocky Imbrus breaks the rolling wave:

Stopp'd his swift chariot, and his steeds unbound,
Fed with, ambrosial herbage from his hand,
And link'd their fetlocks with a golden band,
Infrangible, immortal: there they stay,
The father of the floods pursues his way;
Where, like a tempest darkening Heaven around,
Or fiery deluge that devours the ground,
Th' impatient Trojans, in a gloomy throng,
Embattled roll'd as Hector rush'd along :
To the loud tumult and the barbarous cry,
The Heavens re-echo, and the shores reply;
They vow destruction to the Grecian name,
And in their hopes, the fleets already flame.

But Neptune, rising from the seas profound,
The god whose earthquakes rock the solid ground,
Now wears a mortal form; like Calchas seen,
Such his loud voice, and such his manly mien;
His shouts incessant every Greek inspire,
But most th' Ajaces, adding fire to fire.

"Tis yours, O warriors, all our hopes to raise;
Oh, recollect your ancient worth and praise :
'Tis yours to save us, if you cease to fear;
Flight, more than shameful, is destructive here.
On other works though Troy with fury fall,
And pour her armies o'er our batter'd wall;
There, Greece has strength: but this, this part

Her strength were vain; I dread for you alone.
Here Hector rages like the force of fire,
Vaunts of his gods, and calls high Jove his sire.
If yet some heavenly power your breast excite,
Breathe in your hearts, and string your arms to


Greece yet may live, her threaten'd fleet remain =
And Hector's force, and Jove's own aid, be vain:"

Then with his sceptre, that the deep controls.
He touch'd the chiefs, and steel'd their manly sonls:
Strength, not their own, the touch divine imparts_
Prompts their light limbs, and swells their daring


Then, as a falcon from the rocky height,
Her quarry seen, impetuous at the sight
Porth-springing instant, darts herself from high,
Shoots on the wing, and skims along the sky:
Such, and so swift, the power of ocean flew;
The wide horizon shut him from their view.
Th' inspiring god, Oïleus' active son
Perceiv'd the first, and thus to Telamon:

"Some god, my friend, some god in human form
Favouring descends, and wills to stand the storm.
Not Calchas this, the venerable seer;
Short as he turn'd, I saw the power appear:
I mark'd his parting, and the steps he trod;
His own bright evidence reveals a god;
Ev'n now some energy divine I share,

And seem to walk on wings, and tread in air!”
"With equal ardour" (Telamon returns)
"My soul is kindled, and my bosom burns:
New rising spirits all my force alarm,

Lift each impatient limb, and brace my arm.
This ready arm, unthinking, shakes the dart;
The blood pours back, and fortifies my heart.
Singly, methinks, yon towering chief I meet,
And stretch the dreadful Hector at my feet."
Full of the god that urg'd their burning breast,
The heroes thus their mutual warmth express'd.
Neptune mean-while the routed Greeks inspir'd,
Who, breathless, pale, with length of labours tir'd,
Pant in the ships; while Troy to conquest calls,
And swarms victorious o'er their yielding walls:
Trembling before th' impending storm they lie,
While tears of rage stand burning in their eye.
Greece sunk they thought, and this their fatal hour;
But breathe new courage as they feel the power.
Teucer and Leitus first his words excite;
Then stern Peneleus rises to the fight;
Thoas, Deipyrus, in arms renown'd,
And Merion next, th' impulsive fury found;
Last Nestor's son the same bold ardour takes,
While thus the god the martial fire awakes:

"Oh, lasting infamy! oh, dire disgrace,
To chiefs of vigorous youth and manly race!
I trusted in the gods, and you, to see
Brave Greece victorious, and her navy free:
Ah no!-the glorious comba: you disclaim,
And one black day clouds all her former fame.
Heavens! what a prodigy these eyes survey,
Unsern, unthought, till this amazing day!
Fly we at length from Troy's oft-conquer'd bands?
And falls our fleet by such inglorious hands?
A rout undisciplin'd, a straggling train,
Not born to glories of the dusty plain;
Like frighted fawns, from hill to hill pursued,
A prey to every savage of the wood:

Shall these, so late who trembled at your name, Invade your camps, involve your ships in flame? A change so shameful, say, what cause has wrought? The soldier's baseness, or the general's fault? Fools! will ye perish for your leader's vice; The purchase infamy, and life the price? Tis not your cause, Achilles' injur'd fame: Another's is the crime, but yours the shame. Grant that our chief offend through rage or lust, Must you be cowards if your king's unjust? Prevent this evil, and your country save: Small thought retrieves the spirits of the brave. Tank, and subdue! on dastards dead to faine I waste no anger, for they feel no shame : But you, the pride, the flower of all our host, My heart weeps blood to see your glory lost!

Nor deem this day, this battle, all you lose;
A day more black, a fate more vile, ensues.
Let each reflect, who prizes fame or breath,
On endless infamy, on instant death,
For lo! the fated time, th' appointed shore;
Hark! the gates burst, the brazen barriers roar!
Impetuous Hector thunders at the wall;

The hour, the spot, to conquer, or to fall."

These words the Grecians fainting hearts in


And listening armies catch the godlike fire.
Fix'd at his post was each bold Ajax found,
With well-rang'd squadrons strongly circled round:
So close their order, so dispos'd their fight,
As Pallas' self might view with fix'd delight;
Or had the god of war inclin'd his eyes,"
The god of war bad own'd a just surprise.
A chosen phalanx, firm, resolv'd as fate,
Descending Hector and his battle wait.
An iron scene gleams dreadful o'er the fields,
Armour in armour lock'd, and shields in shields,
Spears lean on spears, on targets targets throng,
Helms stuck to helms, and man drove man along.
The floating plumes unnumber'd wave above,
As when an earthquake stirs the nodding grove;
And, levell'd at the skies with pointing rays,
Their brandish'd lances at each motion blaze.

Thus breathing death, in terrible array,
The close-compacted legions urg'd their way:
Fierce they drove on, impatient to destroy;
Troy charg'd the first, and Hector first of Troy.
As from some mountain's craggy forehead torn,
A rock's round fragment flies, with fury borne
(Which from the stubborn stone a torrent rends)
Precipitate the ponderous mass descends:
From steep to steep the rolling ruin bounds;
At every shock the crackling wood resounds;
Still gathering force, it smokes; and, urg'd amain,
Whirls, leaps, and thunders down, impetuous to the
plain :

There stops-So Hector. Their whole force he Resistless when he rag'd, and when he stopt, un


On him the war is bent, the darts are shed, And all their falchions wave around his head : Repuls'd, he stands, nor from his stand retires; But with repeated shouts his army fires. "Trojans! be firm; this arm shall make your way Through yon square body, and that black array. Stand, and my spear shall rout their scattering


Strong as they seem, embattled like a tower.
For he that Juno's heavenly bosom warms,
The first of gods, this day inspires our arms."

He said, and rous'd the soul in every breast;
Urg'd with desire of fame, beyond the rest,
Forth march'd Deïphobus; but, marching, held
Before his wary steps his ample shield.
Bold Merion aim'd a stroke (nor aim'd it wide)
The glittering javelin pierc'd the tough bull-hide;
But pierc'd not through: unfaithful to his hand,
The point broke short, and sparkled in the sand.
The Trojan warrior, touch'd with timely fear,
On the rais'd orb to distance bore the spear:
The Greek, retreating, mourn'd his frustrate blow,
And curs'd the treacherous lance that spar'd a foe:
Then to the ships with surly speed he went,
To seek a surer javelin in his tent.

Meanwhile with rising rage the battle glows, The tumult thickens, and the clamour grows.

By Tencer's arm the warlike Imbrius bleeds,
The son of Mentor, rich in generous steeds.
Ere yet to Troy the sons of Greece were led,
In fair Pedæus' verdant pastures bred,
The youth had dwelt; remote from war's alarms,
And bless'd in bright Medesicaste's arms:
(This nymph, the fruit of Priam's ravish'd joy,
Ally'd the warrior to the house of Troy.)
To Troy, when glory call'd his arms, he came,
And match'd the bravest of her chiefs in fame:
With Priam's sons, a guardian of the throne,
He liv'd, belov'd and honour'd as his own.
Him Teucer pierc'd between the throat and ear:
He groans beneath the Telamonian spear.
As from some far-seen mountain's airy crown,
Subdued by steel, a tall ash tumbles down,
And soils its verdant tresses on the ground:
So falls the youth; his arms the fall resound.
Then Teucer rushing to despoil the dead,
From Hector's hand a shining javelin fled:
He saw, and shunn'd the death; the forceful dart
Sung on, and pierc'd Amphimachus's heart,
Creatus' son, of Neptune's forceful line;
Vain was his courage, and his race divine!
Prostrate he falls; his clanging arms resound,
And his broad buckler thunders on the ground.
To seize his beamy helm the victor flies,
And just had fasten'd on the dazzling prize,
When Ajax' manly arm a javelin flung;

Full on the shield's round boss the weapon rung;
He felt the shock, nor more was doom'd to feel,
Secure in mail, and sheath'd in shining steel.
Repuls'd, he yields; the victor Greeks obtain
The spoils contested, and bear off the slain.
Between the leaders of th' Athenian line
(Stichius the brave, Menestheus the divine)
Deplor'd Amphimachus, sad object! lies;
Imbrius remains the fierce Ajaces' prize.
As two grim lions bear across the lawn,
Snatch'd from devouring hounds, a slaughter'd fawn,
In their fell jaws high-lifting through the wood,
And sprinkling all the shrubs with drops of blood;
So these the chief: great Ajax from the dead
Strips his bright arms, Oïleus lops his head;
Toss'd like a ball, and whirl'd in air away,
At Hector's feet the gory visage lay.

The god of ocean, fir'd with stern disdain,
And pierc'd with sorrow for his grandson slain3,
Inspires the Grecian hearts, confirms their hands,
And breathes destruction on the Trojan bands.
Swift as a whirlwind rushing to the fleet,
He finds the lance-fam'd Idomen of Crete ;
His pensive brow the generous care exprest
With which a wounded soldier touch'd his breast,
Whom in the chance of war a javelin tore,
And his sad comrades from the battle bore;
Him to the surgeons of the camp he sent ;
That office paid, he issued from his tent,
Fierce for the fight; to whom the god begun,
In Thoas' voice, Andræmon's valiant son,
Who rul'd where Calydon's white rocks arise,
And Pleuron's chalky cliffs emblaze the skies:
"Where's now th' imperious vaunt, the daring


Of Greece victorious, and proud Ilion lost?"
To whom the king: On Greece no blame be

Arms are her trade, and war is all her own.

? Amphimachus.

Her hardy heroes from the well-fought plains
Nor fear withholds, nor shameful sloth detains.
'Tis Heaven, alas! and Jove's all-powerful doom,
That far, far distant from our native home,
Wills us to fall, inglorious! Oh, my friend!
Once foremost in the fight, still prone to lend
Or arms or counsels, now perform thy best,
And what thou canst not singly, urge the rest."
Thus be; and thus the god, whose force can

The solid globe's eternal basis shake:
"Ah! never may he see his native land,
But feed the vultures on this hateful strand,
Who seeks ignobly in his ships to stay,
Nor dares to combat on this signal day!
For this, behold! in horrid arms I shine,
And urge thy soul to rival acts with mine:
Together let us battle on the plain;
Two, not the worst; nor ev'n this succour vain :
Not vain the weakest, if their force unite;
But ours, the bravest have confess'd in fight."

This said, he rushes where the combat burns;
Swift to his tent the Cretan king returns.
From thence, two javelins glittering in his hand,
And clad in arms that lighten'd all the strand,
Fierce on the foe th' impetuous hero drove ;
Like lightning bursting from the arm of Jove,
Which to pale man the wrath of Heaven declares,
Or terrifies th' offending world with wars;
In streamy sparkles, kindling all the skies,
From pole to pole the trail of glory flies.
Thus his bright armour o'er the dazzled throng
Gleam'd dreadful, as the inonarch flash'd along.
Him, near his tent, Meriones attends;
Whom thus he questions: "Ever best of friends!
O say, in every art of battle skill'd,
What holds thy courage from so brave a field?
On some important message art thou bound,
Or bleeds my friend by some unhappy wound?
Inglorious here, my soul abhors to stay,
And glows with prospects of th' approaching day."

"O prince!" (Meriones replies) "whose care
Leads forth th' embattled sons of Crete to war;
This speaks my grief; this headless lance I wield;
The rest lies rooted in a Trojan shield."

To whom the Cretan: "Enter, and receive
The wanted weapons; those my tent can give ;
Spears I have store (and Trojan lances all)
That shed a lustre round th' illumin'd wall.
Though I, disdainful of the distant war,
Nor trust the dart, nor aim th' uncertain spear,
Yet hand to hand I fight, and spoil the slain;
And thence these trophies and these arms I gain.
Enter, and see on heaps the helmets roll'd,
And high-hung spears, and shields that flame with

"Nor vain," said Merion, "are our martial toilsį
We too can boast of no ignoble spoils.
But those my ship contains; whence, distant far,
I fight conspicuous in the van of war.
What need I more? If any Greek there be
Who knows not Merion, I appeal to thee.”

To this, Idomeneus: "The fields of fight
Have prov'd thy valour, and unconquer'd might;
And were some ambush for the foes design'd
Ev'n there, thy courage would not lag behind.
In that sharp service, singled from the rest,
The fear of each, or valour, stands confest,
No force, no firmness, the pale coward shows;
He shifts his place; his colour comes and goes

A dropping sweat creeps cold on every part,
Against his bosom beats his quivering heart;
Terrour and death in his wild eye-balls stare;
With chattering teeth he stands, and stiffening hair,
And looks a bloodless image of despair!
Not so the brave-still dauntless, still the same,
Unchang'd his colour, and unmov'd his frame;
Compos'd his thought, determin'd is his eye,
And fix'd his soul, to conquer or to die :
If aught disturb the tenour of his breast,
'Tis but the wish to strike before the rest.

“In such assays thy blameless worth is known, And every art of dangerous war thy own.

By chance of fight whatever wounds you bore,
Those wounds were glorious all, and all before;
Such as may teach, 'twas still thy brave delight
Toppose thy bosom where the foremost fight.
But why, like infants, cold to honour's charms,
Stand we to talk, when glory calls to arms?
Go-from my conquer'd spears the choicest take,
And to their owners send them nobly back."
Swift as the word bold Merion snatch'd a spear,
And, breathing slaughter, follow'd to the war.
So Mars armipotent invades the plain
(The wide destroyer of the race of man.)
Terrour, his best-lov'd son, attends his course,
Arm'd with stern boldness, and enormous force;
The pride of haughty warriors to confound,
And lay the strength of tyrants on the ground:
From Thrace they fly, call'd to the dire alarms
Of warring Phlegyians, and Ephyrian arms;
Javok'd by both, relentless, they dispose
To these glad conquest, murderous rout to those.
So march'd the leaders of the Cretan train,
And their bright arms shot horrour o'er the plain.
Then first spake Merion: “Shall we join the

Or combat in the centre of the fight?

Or to the left our wanted succour lend?
Hazard and fame all parts alike attend."
"Not in the centre," Idomen reply'd:
"Our ablest chieftains the main battle guide;
Each godlike Ajax makes that post his care,
And gallant Teucer deals destruction there:
Skill'd, or with shafts to gall the distant field,
Or bear close battle on the sounding shield.
These can the rage of haughty Hector tame:
Safe in their arms, the navy fears no flame;
Till Jove himself descends, his bolts to shed,
And hurl the blazing ruin at our head.
Great must he be, of more than human birth,
Nor feed like mortals on the fruits of earth;
Him neither rocks can crush, nor steel can wound,
Whom Ajax fells not on th' ensanguin'd ground:
In standing fight he mates Achilles' force,
Excell'd alone in swiftness in the course.
Then to the left our ready arms apply,
And live with glory, or with glory die."

He said; and Merion to th' appointed place,
Fierce as the god of battles, urg'd his pace.
Soon as the foe the shining chiefs beheld
Rush like a fiery torrent o'er the field,
Their force embodied in a tide they pour;
The rising combat sounds along the shore.
As warring winds, in Sirius' sultry reign,
From different quarters sweep the sandy plain;
On every side the dusty whirlwinds rise,
And the dry fields are lifted to the skies:
Thus, by despair, hope, rage, together driven,
Biet the black hosts, and, meeting, darken'd Heaven.

All dreadful glar'd the iron face of war,
Bristled with upright spears, that flash'd afar;
Dire was the gleam of breast-plates, helms, and

And polish'd arms emblaz'd the flaming fields;
Tremendous scene! that general horrour gave,
But touch'd with joy the bosoms of the brave.

Saturn's great sons in fierce contention vy'd,
And crowds of heroes in their anger dy'd.
The sire of Earth and Heaven, by Thetis won
To crown with glory Peleus' god-like son,
Will'd not destruction to the Grecian powers,
But spar'd a while the destin'd Trojan towers:
While Neptune, rising from his azure main,
Warr'd on the king of Heaven with stern disdain,
And breath'd revenge, and fir'd the Grecian train.
Gods of one source, of one ethereal race,
Alike divine, and Heaven their native place;
But Jove the greater; first-born of the skies,
And more than men, or gods, supremely wise.
For this, of Jove's superior might afraid,
Neptune in human form conceal'd his aid.
These powers infold the Greek and Trojan train
In war and discord's adamantine chain,
Indissolubly strong; the fatal tye

Is stretch'd on both, and, close-compell'd, they die,
Dreadful in arms, and grown in combats gray,
The bold Idomeneus controls the day.
First by his hand Othryoneus was slain,
Swell'd with false hopes, with mad ambition vain!
Call'd by the voice of war to martial fame,
From high Cabesus' distant walls he came;
Cassandra's love he sought, with boasts of power,
And promis'd conquest was the proffer'd dower.
The king consented, by his vaunts abus'd;
The king consented, but the fates refus'd."
Proud of himself, and of th' imagin'd bride,
The field he measur'd with a larger stride.
Him, as he stalk'd, the Cretan javelin found;
Vain was his breast-plate to repel the wound:
His dream of glory lost, he plung'd to Hell:
His arms resounded as the boaster fell.

The great Idomeņeus bestrides the dead;
"And thus," he cries, " behold thy promise sped!
Such is the help thy arms to Ilion bring,
And such the contract of the Phrygian king!
Our offers now, illustrious prince! receive;
For such an aid what will not Argos give?
To conquer Troy, with ours thy forces join,
And count Atrides' fairest daughter thine.
Meantime, op farther methods to advise,
Come, follow to the fleet thy new allies:
There hear what Greece has on her part to say.”
He spoke, and dragg'd the gory corse away.
This Asius view'd, unable to contain,
Before his chariot warring on the plain;
(His crowded coursers, to his squire consign'd,
Impatient panted on his neck behind)
To vengeance rising with a sudden spring,
He hop'd the conquest of the Cretan king.
The wary Cretan, as his foe drew near,
Full on his throat discharg'd the forceful spear:
Beneath the chin the point was seen to glide,
`And glitter'd, extant at the farther side.
As when the mountain-oak, or poplar tall,
Or pine, fit mast for some great admiral,
Groans to the oft-heav'd ax, with many a wound
Then spreads a length of ruin o'er the ground:
So sunk proud Asius in that dreadful day,
And stretch'd before his much-lov coursers lay

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