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[blocks in formation]

Aristotelis opera omnia quæ extant, cur. C. Н.
Weise. Fasc. II 4to Leipzig 4s 6d.
Bibliotheca graeca XI. 1.: Euripidis Medea.
Edit. II. quam cur. R. Klotz Gothae 4s.
Droysen, I. G., Phrynichos Æschylos und die
Trilogie 8vo Kiel 1s 6d.

Dinarchi Orationes III. recognor. annot. crit. et
comment. adjecit Maetzner. 8vo Berlin 4s.
De la Litterature considérée dans ses rapports
aves les institutions sociales; suivi de l'influ-
ence des passions sur la bonheur des individus
et les nations, par Me. de Stael 12mo 4s 6d.
Forbiger, A., Handbuch d. alten Geographie, a.
d. Quellen bearb 1 Bd Leipzig 21s.
Forchhammer, P. W., Topograph. v. Athen. M.
einem Plan d. alt. Stadt Kiel 4s 6d.

die Geburt der Athene. Eine
archaolog. Abhandlung Mit 1 lith. Tafel.
2s 6d.

Graff, Gesch. Griechenlands, seiner einzeln.
Staaten u. Colon 2 Ausg Mainz 7s.

Gervinus, G. G., Gesch. der poet. Nat.-Lit. d.
Deutschen. 2 Thl. 2 Aufl. Leipzig 12s 6d.
Handbuch d. Geschichte d. poet. Na-

tional-Literatur d. Deutschen. 7s.

Homeri Ilias. Mit erklär. Anmerkungen v. G.
Chr. Crusius. 5 Hft Hanover 1s 6d.

Idées sur la politique de Platon et d'Aristote, par
J. Ferrari. 8vo 2s.

Ideler, J. L., Geschichte d. alt. franz. National-
Literat. bis auf Franz I. Berlin 13s 6d.
Jahrbücher f. Philol. etc. Hsg. v. Seebode, etc. 8
Suppl. 1 Hft.: Arch. etc. VIII. 1 Leipzig
4s 6d.

Katalog d. Commerz-Bibliothek in Hamburg.
1841 Hamb 12s.

La France Littéraire, par M. Quérard. 8vo
Demi vol 7s 6d Papier vėlin, 15s.
Logique d'Aristote, par J. Barthélemy St. Hilaire.
Tome III 8vo 7s 6d.

Nitzsch, G. W., Die Heldensage d. Griechen
nach ihrer national. Geltung. Kiel 3s
Olshausen, J., Ueb. d. Ursprung d. Alphabets u.

üb. d. Vocal bezeichnung im alten Testamente.
Kiel 1s 6d.

Osenbrüggen, E., D. altrömische Paricidium.
Eine philolog.-pract. Abhandlg Kiel 2s.
Platon's Werke, übers. u. m. Anm. v. J. K.Götz.
1 Bd.: Phâdon. Augsb 4s.

Werke. Griech. u. deutsch, mit krit. u.
erklär. Anmerk. 2 Th. Phädon. Leipzig
3s 6d.

Ruperti, G. F. F., Handbuch der römischen Al-
terthumskunde. II. Th. 1 Abth. Verfassung
des römischen Staats. Hann 7s.
Schultz, J. M., Beitrag zu genaueren Zeitbe-
stimmung. d. Hellenischen Geschichte. Kiel

Virgilii Opera. Nach den besten neuesten Hülfs-
mitteln, hrsg. v. Supfle. Carls 4s.

dasselbe mit einer Einleitung u. mit An-
merk. zur Aeneide 4s 6d


Böckh, A., Rede zur Feier des Jahrestages Frie-
drichs II. Berlin 2s.

Campe, W. G., Gemeinnutziger Briefsteller.
Quedlinburg 2s 6d.

Cours d'études pratiques sur le navigation inté-
rieure, etc., par L. Aulagnier 4to 10s.
Des Machines à vapeur, aux états-unis d'Amé-
rique, par M. E. Duval. 4to 21 14s.
Denkschriften der Königl. Bayer. Gesellschaft zu
Regensburg. Vol. III. 8vo Regensb 18s.
Fabricius, J. F., Notizen über die Buchdrucker-
kunst in Amerika. Hamb 1s.

Fortifications de Paris, par Louis-Martin Stofflet.
8vo 1s.

Gewerbe-Blatt, Schweizer, red. v. Bolley u.
Möllinger. 3 Jhrg. Soloth 12s.
Gewerbe-Zeitung für Schlosser. Mit Muster-
blättern. 2 Heft Leipzig 1s.
Gubitz, F. W., Samml. v. Verzierungen f. d.
Buchdruckerpresse. 6 Hft Berl 6s.
Gomez de Mier, Epistolario comerc., con Appen-
dice. Hamburg 13s 6d.
Hartmann, C., Handbuch der Thon und Glas-
Waaren-Fabrikation. Berlin 16s.

Jürgensen, U., Die höhere Uhrmacherkunst, mit
1 Atlas. Copenhagen 117s.
Lincke, C. A., D. sächs. altenb. u. belg.-flandr.
Landwirthsch. 1 Bd Leipzig 12s 6d.
Maschinen-Encyclopädie, allgemeine, hrsg. v.
Hülsse. Atlas 6 Lfg Leipzig 9s.
Memoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de
l'Institut de France, Tome 18e. 4to 11 5s.
Militair-Literatur-Zeitung Jahrg. 1842 6 Hefte

Berlin 18s.

Noback, C. & F, Handbuch der Münz-Maas und
Gewichts Verhältnisse. Part 3 8vo 2s 6d.
Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Biblio-
thèque du Roi, &c. Publiées par l'Institut
Royal de France. 4to 11.
Verbreiter, Der Gemeinnütz. Kenntnisse Red. v.
O. Mollinger. 10 Jahrg. 1842. Soloth 6s.



Afghanistan. [See Ariana.]
American Envoy. [See Cass.]

Ariana Antiqua. A descriptive account of the An-
tiquities and Coins of Afghanistan, with a Me-
moir on the Buildings called Topes, by C. Masson,
Esq. 4to. 1841. 275.


Asseburg. Denkwürdigkeiten des Frieherrn Achaz
Ferdinand v. d. Memoirs of Baron von Asseburg,
with a preface by Varnhagen von Ense.
Austin, Sarah, Fragments from German Prose Writ-
ers, translated by. 1841.



[blocks in formation]

Campbell, Thomas. [See Frederick the Great.]
Capefigue, M., Histoire de la Restauration et des
causes qui ont amené la chute de la branche ainée
des Bourbons, par un Homme d'Etat. Paris. 1832.

Cass, General, France, its King, Court, and Gov-
ernment, and three Hours at St. Cloud, 266.
Catullus. C. Valerii Veronensis Carmina. Anno-
tatione perpetuâ illustravit Frid. Guil. Doering.
The Carmina of C. Valerius Catullus, with the
annotations of Frederick William Doering, 1834.
184; imitators of Catullus, 185; Robert Smith,
poetry of, 186; Milton and Catullus compared,
186-190; Criticisms on Carmina, i-cxv., 190-201;
translations, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 200; requi-
sites of true poetry, 201; illustrations from mo-
dern English poets, 202; characteristics of Ca-
tullus, 202, 203.

Continental publications, Sketches of recent, 132-

Correspondance inédite de Henri IV., Roi de France
et de Navarre, avec Maurice-le-Savant, Land-
grave de Hesse; accompagnée de notes et éclair-
cissemens historiques, par M. de Rommel, Direc-
teur des Archives de l'Etat et de la Bibliothèque
publique à Cassel, &c. Paris. 1840. 38; Henri
IV., contrasts in his character, 39; ancestry, ib. ;
Marguerite, queen of Navarre, court of, 41; her
Miroir de l'ame pécheresse, 42; Heptameron, 43;
Antoine de Bourbon, 45; Jeanne d'Albret, 47;
her death, 48; Henri IV., letter to Elizabeth,
queen of England, 48, 49; connexion with Mau-

[blocks in formation]

Davies, C. M., History of Holland, from the begin-
ning of the tenth to the end of the eighteenth cen-
tury. Vols. I. and II. 8vo. 1842. 280.

De' Virgili, P., Tragedie di Lord Byron tradotte,
1841; Il Secolo XIX. Epoché drammatiche, 1841;
Massaniello, Dramma, Storico di. 1840. 136.

Demidoff, M. Anatole de, Voyage dans la Russie
Méridionale. Journey through Southern Russia
and the Crimea. Paris. 1841. 270.
Deutsch-Russischen Ostsee Provinzen, die. The

German Baltic Provinces of Russia. Von J. G.
Kohl, 2 vols 1841 17; early history of these pro-
vinces, 18; Teutonic order under Hermann de
Salza, 19; progress and decline of, 20; first set-
tlements of the Germans in these provinces, 21;
account of Riga, 22; condition of the Russians
in, 23, 24; trade of, 25; popular festivals, 25, 26;
Rouno, account of, 26-28; Dorpat, university of,
28, 29; general state of the Baltic provinces-
agriculture, estates, produce, &c., 29-33; state of
the peasantry in Esthonia and Livonia, to 1831,
33-36; education, German influence, &c, 36, 37;
Ritterschaft, mixed marriages, &c., 37, 38..
Druzes, Exposé de la Religion des, tiré des Livres
religieux de cette secte, et précédé d'une introduc-
tion et de la Vie du Khalife Hakem-Biamr-Allah,
par M le Baron Silvestre de Sacy, 2 tomes 8vo
Paris 1838 92; political and domestic state of
the Druzes, 94, 95; etymology and origin of, 95-
97; principle of unity and its corruptions, 97-99;
creed of the Druzes, 99; history of their various
sects, 99, 100; their peculiar tenets, 100, 101;
worship of the calf, 101; opinions of Mariti, Palm,
and Abbé de Paradis upon, 101, 102; catechism
of the Druzes, 104-106; comparisons and con-
clusions, 106-112

Duval, M. Georges, Souvenirs de la Terreur de
1788, par Paris 1841-2 153


Erdélyi Museum Kolosváratt és Pesten 1814-1818

Erman, Adolf, Reise um die Erde, durch Nord-Asien
und die beiden Oceane in den Jahren 1828-30
Zweite Abtheilung-Journey round the World
through Northern Asia and the Two Oceans
1841 236

Espana Artística y Monumental 1842 125; early
Christian and Moorish Architecture of Spain,
126, 127; cathedrals and synagogues, 127; pre-
sent state of Spain, 130, 131


Faber, Frederick William, Sights and Thoughts in
Foreign Churches and among Foreign People
1842 282

Fragments from German Prose Writers, translated|
by Sarah Austin Illustrated with notes 1841 172;
importance of German literature, 172, 173; gene-
ral view of European literature, 173-176; rise of
German, 176-178; causes of its modern progress,
178, 179; its characteristics, 179-182; Worth of
Man; its chief idea, 182, 183

France, its King, Court, and Government; and
Three Hours at St Cloud By General Cass, Ame-
rican Envoy in Paris, 266

Frederick the Great, his Court and Times Edited by
Thomas Campbell 1842 284
Fouqué, Friedrich Baron de la Motte, Der Pappen-
heimer Kurassier The Pappenheim Cuirassier
Scenes from the Thirty Years' War 1842 287

Ausgewählte Werke von Ausgabe letz-
ter Hand 12 Bande 232; characteristics of Fouqué,
ib; his Hero of the North, 233–240; Magic Ring,
240-242; Sintram, 243-246; Undine, 246; minor
poems, 247


Gallois, M Léonard, Continuation de l'Histoire de
France d'Anquetil 1837 211

Georges, Petrowitch Kara, anecdotes of, 10, 11
German Genius, characteristics of, 172-183

The, in England, 203–215

Tales and Novels, reviews of, 287, 288
Gisquet, M, ancien Préfet de Police, Mémoires de,
écrits par lui-même The French Police 59
Guida dell' Educator 1838-40 139
Gustavus of Sweden, the MSS of, 300, 301


Histoire de la Restauration, et des causes qui ont
amené la Chute de la branche ainée des Bourbons
History of the Restoration and of the causes of
the Fall of the elder branch of the Bourbons Par
un Homme d'Etat Paris 1832-1836 Restoration
of 1814, 211; return of Napoleon, 214; character
of Louis XVIII, 217, 218; second restoration, 219;
policy of the Bourbons, 220-223; last years and
death of Louis XVIII, 223, 224; Coronation of
Charles X, 224; his policy, 225, 226; disbands
the National Guards, 227; his ordonnances, 227,
228; his character, 229; Louis Philippe, 230, 231
Henri Quatre, Letters of, edited by M de Rommel, 33
Holland, history of [See Davies, C M]
Hugo, Victor, The Rhine, 77,


Italian Literature, eighteenth and nineteenth centu-
ries, chronological tables of, 292–297

[See Tavole Chronologiche, &c 132, 133]


Karr Alphonse, Am Rauchen, 289
Kohl, J G, Die Deutsch-Russischen Ostsee Provin-
zen The German Baltic Provinces of Russia 2
vols, 17


Literature, tables of Italian, 18th and 19th centuries,
292-297; recent, in Russia, 299, 300; list of the
principal new works published on the continent,
January to March, No 57, 147–152; April to June,

No 58, 309-312; notices, miscellaneous, 140-143;

Lütkemüller, LP W, Beiträge zur Kirchengeschich-
te der Gegenwart Ein Lebensbild der Deutsch-
en, Belgischen, und Holländischen Kirche Con-
tributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the Pre-
sent Day 1842 285


Magyar Literature, Magyarische Gedichte, ueber-
setzt von Johann Grafen Mailath, 1825 Variety
and beauty of the Magyar language, 112, 113;
critical remarks on Bowring, Gleig, Paget and
Miss Pardoe's Hungary, 113, 114; rise and pro-
gress of Hungarian literature, 114; its decay, 117;
education through the Jesuits, 118; authors of
the 17th century, 119; prevalence of the Latin
dialect, ib; Austrian influence, 120, 121; reign of
Maria Theresa and her successors, 122-124; pre-
sent state of Hungarian literature, 125
Mailath, Johann Graften, Magyarische Gedichte,
uebersetzt von, 112

Martin, Aimé, the education of mothers of families,
or the civilisation of the human race by women,

Masson, C. Esq. Ariana Antiqua A descriptive ac

count of the antiquities and coins of Afghanistan.
with a memoir on the buildings termed Topes 4to
1841 275

Mathilde, Mémoires d'une jeune Femme, par Eu-
gene Sue Paris 1842 248

Mémoires de Mons Gisquet, ancien Préfet de Po-
lice, écrits par luimême Mémoires tirés des Ar-
chives de la Police, par J Peuchet 59 General
state of the French police under Gisquet, 62; its
functions, 63-66; state of Paris, 1831-2, 67, 68;
spy system, 68; anecdotes of, 69-72; inevitable
results of, 72, 73; brigade of security, 74; Peu-
chet, archives; its worthlessness, 76
Milosh, hereditary Prince of Servia, anecdotes of,

Mirbach, Otto von, Römische Briefe aus den letzten

Zeiten der Republik Roman Letters of the latter
period of the Republic, vols 3 and 4 1841 282
Mittheilungen aus dem Reisetagebuche eines
Deutschen Naturforschers England (Extracts
from the Travelling Journal of a German Natu-
ralist England) Basle 1842 203; Aristocratic
feeling of the English, 205; the Rhine, 206, 207;
Ship tavern, 208, 209.
Monumental History of Spain, 125
Music in Italy, 143-146

[blocks in formation]

Renard, Emile, Histoire de la Restauration, suivi
d'un précis de la Revolution de Juillet Paris
1842 211

Reumont, Alfred, Tavole chronologiche e Sincrone
della Storia Fiorentina, compilate da 1841 Re-
view of, 132, 133

Rhine, The, by Victor Hugo, 77; Night scene at
Soissons, 84; tomb of Oche, 86; possession of the
Rhine by France, 87-92

Robespierre, compared with Danton, and his cha-
racter, 166, 167

Rommel, M de [See Henri Quatre] 38

Russia, the German Baltic Provinces of, by J G
Kohl 17

recent literature in, 299, 300

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Sand, G. Madame Dudevant, Horace, 289
Schmidl, A A, Das Lombardisch-venezianische
Königreich The Kingdom of Venetian Lombar-
dy 1841 281

Servia, Serbische Revolution, die, aus Serbischen
Papieren und Mittheilungen, von Leopold Ranke
Mit einer Charte von Serbien; Servian Revolu-
tion, from Servian Documents and personal Com-
munications by L Ranke Servian Popular Poe-
try, translated by John Bowring, 1; Slavonians,
early history of, 1-3; Servia, proper, condition of
in the sixteenth century, 3; laws and customs of,
4, 5; villages, 5; manners and religious rites, 5,
6; celebration of Christmas-day, 6,7; national
songs, 7-9; insurrection in, 9, 10; Georges Pe-
trowitch Kara, account of, 10, 11; victories of,
11, 12; Milosh, account of, 13, 14; created he-
reditary prince, 15; present condition of Servia,
trade and commerce, 17

Soulié, Frédéric, Les Pretendus 1842 288
Souvenirs de la Terreur de 1788 à 1793, par M
Georges Duval Paris 1840-2; primary causes of
the Revolution in the eighteenth Century, 153,
154; administration of Richelieu, 154; characte-
ristics of the French and English aristocracy, 155,
156; comparative social condition of, 156; of the
middle class, and rural population, 156, 157; re-
sults of Richelieu's policy, 157, 158; Louis XVI,

159; anecdotes of Danton and Marat, 161; state
of public opinion, the Girondins, &c, 262-465;
Robespierre and Danton compared, 166, 167;
character of Robespierre, 168; results of the re-
volution; social view, 169, 170; legislative, 170

Sue, Eugene, Mathilde, Mémoires d'une jeune Fem-
me Paris 1842 248


Tasso and Chatterton, 255 [See Wilde]
Tavole Chronologiche e Sincrone della Storia Fio-
rentina, compilate da Alfredo Reumont Florence
1841 132 Rise of the Signoria, ib; general
plan of the work, 132, 133


Valery, M, Curiosités et Anecdotes Italiennes, 133;
the confessional, 133, 134; Cornaro, Dante, Or-
lando, and Bembo, 134, 135

Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale Journey
through Southern Russia and the Crimea By M
Anatole de Demidoff Paris 1841 270

Wallachia; chamber of representatives, 271; gov-
ernment and census, 271, 272; code, education,
and climate, 272, 273; population, 273, 274


Wheaton, Henry, Inquiry into the Validity of the
English Claims of Visitation and Search of Ame-
rican Vessels suspected to be engaged in the Afri-
can Slave Trade 1842 136

Wilde, Richard Henry, Conjectures and Researches
concerning the Love, Madness, and Imprisonment
of Torquato Tasso 2 vols 1842 255; parallel
between Tasso and Chatterton, 257; Chatterton's
first efforts, 258; on literary forgery and that of
Chatterton, 258-261; Chatterton's correspond-
ence with Walpole, 261, 262; his struggles and
pride, 262-264; literary schemes, 265
Wilson, HH [See Masson, or Ariana Antiqua]
Wolf, Ferdinand, Ueber die Lais, Sequenzen, und
Leiche Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Rhyth-
mischen Formen und Singweisen der Volkslieder
und der volksmässigen Kirchen und Kunstlieder
im Mittelalter On the Lays of the Middle Ages,
a Contribution to the History of the Rhythmic
Form, and the airs to which they were sung, &c,
1841 291


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