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The Diet having granted 10,000 rix-dollars banco to assist in publishing national works, sevThe German Customs Union or commercial eral publications of historical and antiquarian inleague has been a subject of much controversy. terest may now be expected to issue from the Dr. List has published a very interesting work press.

on the subject Das Naturliche System der Politischen Ekonomie.' Free trade is clearly shown to be incompatible with the interests of nations where manufactures are in their infancy, and exorbitant duties are equally injurious to nations where manufactures are more fully developed.



In addition to the well-proved agricultural and pastoral capabilities of South Australia, it has long been known to scientific observers that the mountain ranges contained mineral productions of great value. Mr. Menge's geological collection at present exhibits numerous specimens of gold, silver, copper, lead, and iron ores, found in the more northerly districts, and no doubt exists that the hills immediately behind Adelaide are rich in mineral wealth. A few

The progress of literature in Sweden is highly satisfactory. Herr Nordström, a Finnish lawyer, has lately weeks ago, indeed, this fact was placed beyond published a very valuable work on "The Laws doubt, by the accidental discovery of a splendid and Progressive Social Development of Sweden, mineral in the immediate neighbourhood of

from the earliest Times."

"Sermons" by Bishop Franzén, and Geijer's "Collected and Minor Poems and Essays, &c." are novelties soon to be expected.

the town, combining, in proportions not yet exactly ascertained, lead, silver, and antimony. The ore is in the greatest profusion, and of unequalled richness. In the true South Two new volumes have lately appeared of Australian spirit of enterprise, a "De la Gardie Archive." They contain highly been formed to work the mine, and arrangecompany has interesting private ate documents relative to the se- ments have been already made to ship a considcret history of the courts and times of Gustavus erable quantity of the ore in the Cygnet, Capt. the IIId. and IVth., and of Charles XIII. and Dalton, now loading for London. Our friends the Revolution of 1809.

in England have already seen our oil and wool,

The charming Poet Runeberg has lately pub- and wheat and maize; we now send them sillished a new poem, called "Nadeschda." The ver and lead, and while we acknowledge that subject is Russian, and is treated with admirable tact and feeling.

Crusenstolpe has just given us the third volume of his Morianen. His three years' political imprisonment is now over, and he has

returned to Stockholm.

Bishop Tegnér is not yet recovered from the lamentable mental malady under which he has been labouring so many months. The second volume of his Collected Minor Poems has not yet appeared.

Mellin has just published a highly interesting historical novel sketch, under the title "The Guardian Angel of Sweden watches yet, or Scenes from the Campaigns of the Prince of Ponte Corvo (now Charles XIV. John) against Sweden."

we do not expect to find either gold or diamonds, still, if their patience and faith last another year, we promise nise them grapes and wine, and the fruits of the fig, pomegranate, olive, and orange. Poor miserable, barren South Australia! We have a sample of coal, discovered a few days since. It appears to be of the best description. All we could further learn at the moment was, that it was found within twenty miles of Adelaide, near navigable waters, and that thousands of tons can be raised at coinparatively small expense.



In 1696 there were but 9 newspapers published in London, all of them at weekly interA reprint, in a cheap form, of the most popu-vals. In 1709 the number had increased to 18, lar Danish classics is coming out at Gefle, and of which one was published daily. In 1724 promises well. there were 3 daily, 6 weekly, 7 three times a

week, 3 halfpenny posts, and the London Ga-led in 1612. The journals published in Austria zette, twice a week. In 1792, 13 daily, and 20 in 1838, literary and political, amounted to 76, semi-weekly and weekly papers. In 1836, of which 22 appeared at Vienna, 25 at Milan, when the stamp duty was 4d., the total num- 10 in Lombardy, 7 at Venice, 5 at Verona, and ber of stamps issued for the United Kingdom 7 in Galicia and Hungary. In the kingdom of was 35,576,056; in 1839, 58,516,862. The Hanover there were, in 1840, only 4 political consumption of stamps has therefore increas- journals. In the Netherlands, in 1826, there

ed 64 per cent. since the reduction of the duty. The oldest existing London papers are, the English Chronicle, or Whitehall Evening Post, which was started in 1747; the St. James's Chronicle, 1761; and the Morning Chronicle, 1769. The oldest existing provincial papers are, the Lincoln Mercury, published at Stamford, 1695; the Ipswich Journal, 1737; Bath Journal, 1742; Birmingham Gazette, 1741; Chester Courant, 1733; Derby Mercury, 1742. The oldest paper in Ireland is the Belfast News Letter, which was commenced in 1737. In Scotland, the Edinburgh Evening Courant is the oldest paper, having been first published in 1705. Newspapers are printed in every county in England, with one exceptionRusland. In Wales, there are six counties in

were in the Dutch language 80 daily and weekly papers, and several in French. In Belgium, in 1840, 75 journals were published; of these 55 were in French, and 18 in Flemish. In Prussia, 168 were published in 1834. In Switzerland 24 weekly in 1825; of which 9 were conducted by Catholic editors, and 15 by Protestants. In 1817 there were in all Switzerland no more than 54 printing offices, and 16 periodical journals; and in 1834 there were 93 of the former, and 54 of the latter.

The total number of journals published in Russia in 1839 was 154. The Gazette of St. Petersburg circulates 6,000 daily. The first journal printed in Denmark was in 1644. At present there are about 54 daily and weekly publications, more than half of which are pub

which papers are not published, viz. Anglesea, lished in Copenhagen, and there are about 30

Cardigan, Denbigh, Montgomery, Pembroke, and Radnor; in Scotland, there are 16 out of the 32 counties; and in Ireland, only 7 out of the 33 counties. In England there are no daily papers published out of London. There are 4 papers published in Guernsey, 9 in Jersey, and 5 in the Isle of Man-all unstamped.


monthly and other periodical works, the greater part of which are published in the capital. The supply of newspapers in Norway is abundant, as the press in that country is perfectly free, and no tax of any kind is levied on it. Christiana alone has 8 journals. In 1832 there were about 50 newspapers published in the whole of Sweden, one literary journal, and several magazines. In Sweden the press is under a very striet censorship. In 1839 there were 13 publications in Finland: 9 in Swedish, and 4 in the Finnish language.

So far back as 1605, under Henry IV., a Journal called the Mercure de France appeared regularly in Paris, and was published by Richen, Brothers, booksellers, till 1635, when Dr. Ren- The earliest Spanish newspaper was publishaudot took it up, and carried it on till 1644. ed about the commencement of the 18th centuIt was continued by Messrs. Freselier and La ry. In 1800 only 2 political newspapers were Briere till 1672, when it was called the Mer- published; and but a few years ago, only 12

cure Galant, which name it retained until 1710, when it assumed the name of the Garde Meuble du Parnasse. In 1714 it resumed its old name of Mercure de France; and in 1716 took

newspapers for a population of 12,000,000. There are about 20 newspapers and daily journals in Portugal, and 1 at the Azores. The whole number of journals in Italy exceeds 200. that of Nouveau Mercure; but in 1721 resumed Few of the existing papers date back farther once more its original appellation, and retained than the commencement of the present century. it till the Revolution. It forms a collection of The Greeks publish 9: 4 at Athens, 1 at Naponearly 1000 volumes. The total number of li, 2 at Hydra, and 2 at Missolonghi. The govjournals and periodicals in Paris in 1779 was ernment Gazette of Corfu is the only journal 35. The number published immediately before published in the Ionian Islands. There are the Revolution was 169, of which 17 were po- about a dozen periodicals at Malta, most of them litical, and 152 of a literary, scientific, or reli- weekly. At Gibraltar, a government paper, of

gious character. The number of provincial journals at that date was between 70 and 80. Paris has now upwards of 27 daily papers, the average sale of which exceeds 90,000 copies per diem, while London has only 9 daily papers, with a sale of about 45,000 per diem. The total number of periodical journals published in France in 1837, was 776, of which 326 belonged to Paris.


In Germany, newspapers originated in the "Relations," as they were termed, which sprung up at Augsburg and Vienna in 1524, and which appeared in the form of printed letters, but without date, place, or number. The first German newspaper in numbered sheets was print

a very diminutive size, is published daily. The journals published at Constantinople, in January, 1841, were the Tagrim Vakai, a government paper, and the Djerédéi Havadis, in vulgar Turkish, containing general information.


The first journal published in the United States was the Boston News Letter, which appeared in 1704. No sufficient data exist for computing, with any degree of accuracy, the number of copies of newspapers at present annually circulated in the United States; but it probably does not fall far short of 100,000,000. [The total number of papers issued in Great

Britain and Ireland, in the year 1837, was only which are printed in English, and half in Dutch. 47,248,000.] The weekly issues of the British An official Gazette was established in Persia in press of Lower Canada, are 29,000; those of the 1838. It is lithographed. In Calcutta there French press, 8,000. In Upper Canada there are 6 English daily papers, 3 tri-weekly, 8 weekare 28 newspapers published weekly; in New-ly, and 9 Hindustanee weekly. At Bombay foundland 9, Bermuda 2, and the same number in the Bahamas. Printing was introduced into Nova Scotia twenty-four years before it was commenced in Canada: the first paper was printed in 1751, on half a sheet of foolscap paper, under the title of the Halifax Gazette. The number now issued at Halifax is 12, and there are 3 in the country parts of the province. There are 4 newspapers published in British Guiana; 2 in French Guiana, 1 or 2 at Bahia, 8 at Rio Janeiro, 8 at Buenos Ayres, one of which, a weekly paper, is in English. There are 9 in Jamaica. At Barbadoes, 4 semi-weekly, 1 triweekly, and 1 weekly newspaper. Two of these have been established by the coloured popula-peared at Port Nicholson in 1840; and a rival tion, as their special organs, and are supported and conducted entirely by this class.

In the whole extent of Africa there are 14 journals. One has appeared at Algiers regularly since its possession by the French in 1830: 2 are published on the western coast, at the American colony of Liberia. There are 11 political newspapers at the Cape of Good Hope, half of'

there are 10 English periodicals issued semiweekly, and 4 Hindustanee publications. Two weekly English papers were published at Canton, but are now removed to Macao. At Sydney there are 8 newspapers. At Melbourne, 3 papers published twice a week, and 1 weekly at Geelong; in South Australia, 4; 1 semiweekly at Adelaide, and the others weekly. Swan River has 2 weekly. Van Diemen's Land, 13 weekly papers. Materials for printing a newspaper were sent out to New Zealand with the first settlers; the first number of the New Zealand Gazette having been printed in London before their departure. The second number ap

paper was forthwith established under the title of the New Zealand Advertiser, at Kororakilla, Bay of Islands. The Sandwich Islands have now their regular newspaper, the Polynesian, formerly called the Sandwich Island Gazette, having been published at Honolulu for upwards of three years.





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