reluctance, that I gave up the first impression, originating from no unspecious reasons, which however yielded to more solid proofs. The difficulties I have experienced in bringing forward this work, were numerous. Some originated from the nature of the work itself, and of the sources from which I drew my information, whilst others were of a most perplexing and distressing nature in themselves. My original design was to have published my essay on the Sacred Isles by itself, and this several years ago, when it was ready for the press. But in that detached state, if I may be allowed the expression, unaccompanied with the geography of the country from which I drew my information respecting them, and unconnected with the general system of geography of the Hindus, it would have appeared to great disadvantage. Beside, it was far from being so complete as it now is; for I have since found many valuable and interesting materials, which have enabled me to form a more adequate idea of the subject. A fortunate, but at the same time a most distressful discovery contributed to delay its publication. Though I never entertained the least doubt concerning the genuineness of my vouchers (having cursorily collated them with the originals a little before I had completed my essay), yet when I reflected how cautious an author ought to be, and how easily mistakes will take place, I resolved once more to make a general collation of my vouchers with the originals, before my essay went out of my hands. This I conceived was a duty which I owed, not only to the public, but to my own character. In going on with the collation, I soon perceived, that whenever the word S'wetam, or S'weta-dwipa, the name of the principal of the Sacred Isles, and also of the whole cluster, was introduced, the writing was somewhat different, and that the paper was of a different colour, as if stained. Surprised at this strange appearance, I held the page to the light, and perceived immediately that there was an erasure, and that some size had been applied. Even the former word was not so much. defaced, but that I could sometimes make it out plainly. I was thunderstruck, but felt some consolation, in knowing that still my manuscript was in my own possession. I recollected my essay on Egypt, and instantly referred to the originals which I had quoted in it, my fears were but too soon realized, the same deception, the same erasures appeared to have pervaded them. I shall not trouble the Society with a description of what I felt, and of my distress at this discovery. My first step was to inform my friends of it, either verbally or by letters, that I might secure, at least, the credit of the first disclosure. When I reflected, that the discovery might have been made by others, either before or after my death, that in one case my situation would have been truly distressful; and that in the other my name would have passed with infamy to posterity, and increased the calendar of imposture, it brought on such paroxysms as threatened the most serious consequences in my then infirm state of health. I formed at first the resolution to give up entirely my researches and pursuits, and to inform Government and the public of my misfortune. But my friends dissuaded me from taking any hasty step; and advised me to ascertain whether the deception had pervaded the whole of the authorities cited by me, or some parts only. I followed their advice, and having resumed the collation of my vouchers with unexceptionable manuscripts, I found that the impositions were not so extensive as I had apprehended. The nature of my inquiries and pursuits was originally the source of this misfortune. Had they been confined to some particular object, to be found within the limits of a few books, as astronomy, it could never have taken place; but the case was very different. The geography, history, and mythology of the Hindus are blended together, and dispersed through a vast number of voluminous books, in which prevails a most disgusting confusion and verbosity. Besides, the titles of their books have seldom any affinity with the contents; and I have often found most valuable materials in treatises, the professed subject of which was of the most unpromising nature. Thus when I began to study the Sanscrit language, I was obliged to wade, with difficulty, through ponderous volumes, generally without finding any thing valuable enough to reward me for my trouble. But in the course of conversation, my pandit, and other learned natives, often mentioned most interesting legends, bearing an astonishing affinity with those of the western mythologists. I consequently directed my pandit to make extracts from all the Puranas and other books relative to my inquiries, and to arrange them under proper heads. I gave him a proper establishment of assistants and writers, and I requested him to procure another pandit to assist me in my studies; and I obtained, for his further encouragement, a place for him in the college at Benares. At the same time, I amused myself with unfolding to him our ancient mythology, history, and geography. This was absolutely necessary, as a clue to guide him through so immense an undertaking, and I had full confidence in him. His manners were blunt and rough, and his arguing with me on several religious points with coolness and steadiness, a thing very uncommon among natives, (who on occasions of this kind, are apt to recede, or seem to coincide in opinion,) raised him in my esteem. I affected to consider him as my Guru, or spiritual teacher; and at certain festivals, in return for his discoveries and communications, handsome presents were made to him and his family. The extracts which I thus received from him, I continued to translate, by way of exercise, till, in a few years, this collection became very voluminous. At our commencement, I enjoined him to be particularly cautious in his extracts and quotations; and informed him, that if I should, at a future period, determine to publish any thing, the strictest scrutiny would take place in the collation. He seemed to acquiesce fully in this; and we went on, without any suspicion on my part, until Sir WILLIAM JONES strongly recommended to me to publish some of my discoveries, particularly respecting Egypt. I collected immediately all my vouchers relating to that country, carefully revised my translations, selected the best passages, compared them with all the fragments I could find among our ancient authors, and framed the whole into an essay. I then informed my pandit that, previously to my sending it to Sir W. JONES, a most scrupulous collation of the vouchers, with the original manuscripts from which they were extracted, would take place. To this, without the least alteration in his countenance, nay, with the greatest cheerfulness, he assented; and as several months intervened, he had time to prepare himself; so that when the collation took place, I saw no ground to discredit his extracts, and was satisfied. I have since learned, that, as the money for his establishment passed through his hands, his avaricious disposition led him to embezzle the whole, and to attempt to perform the task alone, which was impracticable. In order to avoid the trouble of consulting books, he conceived the idea of framing legends from what he recollected from the Puránas, and from what he had picked up in conversation with me. As he was exceedingly well read in the Puranas, and other similar books, in consequence of his situation with a Marhatta chief of the first rank in his younger days, it was an easy task for him; and he studied to introduce as much truth as he could, to obviate the danger of immediate detection. Many of the legends were very correct, except. in the name of the country, which he generally altered into that of either Egypt or S'wétam. His forgeries were of three kinds; in the first there was only a word or two altered; in the second were such legends as had undergone a more material alteration; and in the third all those which he had written from memory. With regard to those of the first class, when he found that I was resolved to make a collation of the manuscripts, he began to adulterate and disfigure his own manuscript, mine, and the manuscripts of the college, by erasing the original name of the country, and putting that of Egypt or of S'wétam in its place. To prevent my detecting those of the second |