some, are the bane of society. They seem, destired to blast the small share of comfort which nature has here allotted to man. But they cannot disturb the peace of others, more than they break their own. The hurricane rages first in their own bosom, before it is let forth upon the world. In the tempests which they raise, they are always tost; and frequently it is their lot to perish. 4. A peaceful temper must be supported by a candid one, or a disposition to view the conduct of others with fairness and impartiality. This stands opposed, to a jealous and suspicious temper, which ascribes every action to the worst motive, and throws a black shade over every character. If we would be happy in ourselves, or in our connexions with others, let us guard against this malignant spirit. 5. Let us study that charity "which thinketh no evil;" that temper which, without degenerating into credulity, will dispose us to be just; and which can allow us to observe an error, without imputing it as a crime. Thus we shall be kept free from that continual irritation, which imaginary injuries raise in a suspicious breast; and shall walk among men as our brethren, not as our enemies. 6. But to be peaceable, and to be candid, is not all that is required of a good man. He must cultivate a kind, generous, and sympathizing temper, which feels for distress, wherever it is beheld; which enters into the concerns of his friends with ardour; and to all with whom he has intercourse, is gentle, obliging, and humane. 7. How amiable appears such a disposition, when contrasted with a malicious or envious temper, which wraps itself up in its own narrow interest, looks with an evil eye on the success of others, and, with an unnatural satisfaction, feeds on their disappointments or miseries! How little does he know of the true happiness of life, who is a stranger to the intercourse of good offices and kind affections, which, by a pleasing charm, attaches men to one another, and circulates joy from heart to heart! 8. We are not to imagine, that a benevolent temper finds no exercise, unless when opportunities offer of performing actions of high generosity, or of extensive utility. These may seldom occur. The condition of the greater part of mankind, in a good measure, precludes them. But, in the ordinary round of human affairs, many occasions daily present themselves, of mitigating the vexations which others suffer; of soothing their minds; of i aiding their interest; of promoting their cheerfulness, or ease. Such occasions may relate to the smaller incidents of life. 9. But let us remember, that of small incidents the system of human life is chiefly composed. The attentions which respect these, when suggested by real benignity of temper, are often more material to the happiness of those around us, than actions which carry the appearance of greater dignity and splendour. No wise or good man ought to account any rules of behaviour as below his regard, which tend to cementd the great brotherhood of mankind in comfortable union. 10. Particularly amidst that familiar intercourse which belongs to domestic life, all the virtues of temper find an ample range. It is very unfortunate, that within that circle, men too often think themselves at liberty, to give unrestrained vent to the caprice of passion and humour. Whereas there, on the contrary, more than any where else, it concerns them to attend to the governmnent of their heart; to check what is violents in their tempers, and to soften what is harsh in their manners. 11. For there the temper is formed. There the real character displays itself. The forms of the world disguises men when abroad. But within his own family, every man is known to be what he truly is. In all our intercourse then with others, particularly in that which is closest and most intimate, let us cultivate a peaceable, a candid, a gentle, and friendly temper. This is the temper to which, by repeated injunctions, our holy religion/ seeks to form us. This was the temper of Christ. This is the temper of Heaven. BLAIR. animate by supernatural infusion De-vout, de vout', pious, religious Mag-nif-i-cent, mag nåf-fe-sent, grand un appearance Brevi ty, brev-è-tè, conciseness, shortness Excellence of the Holy Scriptures. 1 Is it bigotry to believe the sublime truths of the Gospel, with full assurance of faith? I glory in such bigotry. I would not part with it for a thousand worlds.I congratulate the man who is possessed of it: for, a midst all the vicissitudes and calamities of the present state, that man enjoys an inexhaustible fund of consolation, of which it is not in the power of fortune to deprive him. 2. There is not a book on earth, so favourable to all the kind, and all the sublime affections; or so unfriendly to hatred and persecution, to tyranny, to injustice, and every sort of malevolence, as the Gospel. It breathes nothing throughout, but mercy, benevolence, and peace. 3. Poetry is sublime, when it awakens in the mind any great and good affection, as piety, or patriotism. This is one of the noblest effects of the art. The Psalms are remarkable, beyond all other writings, for their power of inspiring devout emotions. But it is not in this respect only, the most magnificent descriptions, that the soul of man can comprehend. The hundred and fourth Psalm, in particular, displays the power and goodness of Providence, in creating and preserving the world, and the various tribes of animals in it, with such majestic brevity, and beauty, as it is vain to look for in any human coraposition. 4. Such of the doctrines of the Gospel as are level to human capacity, appear to be agreeable to the purest truth, and the soundest morality. Ail the genius and learning of the heathen world; all the penetration of Pythagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle, had never been able to produce such a system of moral duty, and so rational an account of Providence and of man, as are to be found in the New Testament. Compared, indeed, with this, all other moral and theological wisdom Loses, discountenanc'd, and like folly shows. SECTION IX. BEATTIE. a Vic-to-ri-ous, vik-to-ré-ås, conquer-id Sus-tain, sås-tane', to bear, support, ing help b Gau-dy, gåw'-dè, showy, splendid, An-cient, ane'-tshent, old, not mod fine ern For-ti-tude, for'-te-tude, courage, bra- f Lus-tre, lås'-tår, brightness, renown very Reflections occasioned by a review of the blessings, pronounced by Christ on his disciples, in his sermon on the mount. 1. WHAT abundant reason have we to thank God, that this large and instructive discourse of our blessed Redeemer, is so particularly recorded by the sacred historian. Let every one that "hath ears to hear," attend to it: for surely no man ever spoke as our Lord did on this occasion. Let us fix our minds in a posture of humble attention, that we may "receive the law from his mouth." 2. He opened it with blessings, repeated and most important blessings. But on whom are they pronounced! And whom are we taught to think the happiest of man. kind? The meek and the humble; the penitent and the merciful; the peaceful and the pure; those that hunger and thirst after righteousness; those that labour, but faint not, under persecution! Lord! how different are thy maxims from those of the children of this world! 3. They call the proud happy; and admire the gay, the rich, the powerful, and the victorious. But let a vain world take its gaudys trifles, and dress up the foolish creatures that pursue them. May our souls share in that happiness, which the Son of God came to recommend and to procure! May we obtain mercy of the Lord; may we be owned as his children; enjoy his presence; and inherit his kingdom! With these enjoyments, and these hopes, we will cheerfully welcome the lowest, or the most painful circumstances. 4. Let us be animated to cultivate those amiable virtues, which are here recommended to us; this humility and meekness; this penitent sense of sin; this ardent desire after righteousness; this compassion and purity; this peacefulness and fortitude of soul; and, in a word, this universal goodness which becomes us as we sustaind the character of "the salt of the earth," and "the light ot the world." 5. Is there not reason to lament, that we answer the character no better? Is there not reason to exclaim with a good man in former times, "Blessed Lord! either these are not thy words, or we are not Christians!" Oh, season our hearts more effectually with thy grace! Pour forth that divine oil on our lamps! Then shall the flame brighten; then shall the ancient honours of thy religion be re vived; and multitudes be awakened and animated, by the lustres of it, " to glorify our Father in heaven." Ca-lif, ka'-lif, a mahometan, title of Lonour DODDRIDGE. e Ben-e-dic-tion, bên-é-dik'-shin, bles sing, acknowledgement 4 A-gil-i-ty, & jll-é-tè, nimbleness, ac-city tivity m Ru-ral, roo-rål, existing in, or rela • Vice-roy, vise'-rdè, he who governs ting to the country implace of the king with legal aun Ob-scu-ri-ty, ob-sků'-rê-tè, darkness, thority privacy f Do-cil i-ty, do-sil'-é-tè, aptness to beja Scheme, skeme, a plan, design & Ex trem-i-ty, eks-trêm'-è-tè, the ut taught p In-del-i-bly, fa-dei-é-blé, in a manner not to be effaced most point ▲ Im-part, Im-pårt', to give, communi q Post-pone, post pone', to put off, de lay cate r Im-mure, Im-mbre', to confine, shut Sur-vey, sår-va', to overlook, to have under the view, a view, a prospec i Va-ri-ous, vá-rẻ-ås, different, several k Ac-cu-mu-la-tion, ak-ku-mu-là-shân increase, addition 1 Sub-urb, såb-årb, the out part of a t Con-nu-bi-al, kôn-nu-bê-ál, matrimonial u Con-tem-pla-tive, kon-têm'-pla-tiv, studious, thoughtful Schemes of life often illusory. 1. OMAR, the son of Hassan, had passed seventy-five years in honour and prosperity. The favour of three successive califs had filled his house with gold and silver; and whenever he appeared, the benedictions of the people proclaimed his passage. 2. Terrestrial happiness is of short continuance. The brightness of the fame is wasting its fuel; the fragrant flower is passing away in its own odours. The vigour of Omar began to fail; the curls of berty fell from his head: strength departed from his hands; and agilityd from his feet. He gave back to the calif the keys of trust, and the seals of seerecy; and sought no other pleasure for the remains of life, than the converse of the wise, and the gratitude of the good. 3. The powers of his mind were yet unimpaired. His chamber was filled by visitants, eager to catch the dictates of experience, and officious to pay the tribute of admiration. Caled, the son of the viceroy of Egypt, entered every day early, and retired late. He was beautiful and eloquent; Omar admired his wit, and loved his docifity. 4. "Tell me," said Caled, "thou to whose voice nations have listened, and whose wisdom is known to the extremitiess of Asia, tell me how I may resemble Omar the prudent. The arts by which thou hast gained power and preserved it, are to thee no longer necessary or useful; Impart to me the secret of thy conduct, and teach me the plan upon which thy wisdom has built thy fortune." A |