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To do something to instruct, but more to undeceive, the timid and admiring student ;-
to excite him to place more confidence in his own strength, and less in the infallibility of
great names;-to help him to emancipate his judgment from the shackles of authority;-to
Peach him to distinguish between shewy language and sound sense; to warn him not to pay
himself with words; to shew him, that what may tickle the ear or dazzle the imagination, will
not always inform the judgment;-to dispose him rather to fast on ignorance than to feed
Aiself with error."

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Printed for the Editor, by George Smallfield.




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ALTHOUGH the Monthly Repository bears a general title, and is devoted to the great interests of Truth and Liberty which belong equally to all Christians and all mankind, it is well known that it is in reality The Unitarian Magazine. No other periodical publication would register the proceedings of the Unitarians, nor, whatever be the disposition of individuals in all sects, would any denomination of Christians, besides the Unitarians, encourage or endure that free discussion of theological questions which characterizes this work. And the experience of Twelve Years, during which the Monthly Repository has been carried on, has, it is presumed, shewn the importance of such a publication to the Unitarian body, and, indeed, its necessity to enable them to co-operate in their various Institutions and Associations for common good.

The Editor will therefore be pardoned, he trusts, for appealing to his brethren, and especially his brethren in the ministry, throughout the kingdom for their support. The sale of the Monthly Repository, though not inconsiderable in itself, is not adequate to the expense, much less to the labour, required to conduct it reputably; still less is it answerable to the number of the British Unitarians, especially when it is considered how large a proportion of them are brought up in literary habits, and are able without inconvenience to indulge their taste for books. The Editor humbly conceives, that the sale of the work might even be doubled, without any extraordinary exertion on the part of the Unitarians; it would be sufficiently increased to silence all apprehensions with regard to its permanent success if only one additional copy were

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